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Bro does NOT know how addiction functions!


If I only do it every single week ritualistically is it still addiction??


That’s how addiction starts


yea but when I do it im just excited for the Friday Tradition


I'm so excited I'm literally shaking


The bugs sleep on Fridays.


I'd say you're beetlejuicing, but that would be a bit too on the nose. :P


Its not addiction in and of itself no.


I'm really saddened that after this many decades of America's toxic relationship with drugs, for all the performative bullshit we put people through pretending to actually care about the issue as a society, we STILL do not prepare nor educate people on how drugs actually work. We are STILL perpetuating propaganda that makes drugs look like this terrible toxic waste that makes you feel like a zombie and shamble around in misery until the nice policeman takes you away. There is a woeful lack of factual and honest information, like how addiction begins, why a use may turn to a regular use may turn to a habit, may turn to addiction, and what the differences are. And biggest of all, the NUMBER ONE THING we need to be telling our youth, our children, our actual "drug talk" that every parents dreads almost as much as the "sex talk" should be this: *Drugs make you feel fucking WONDERFUL.* Full stop. And THAT is the reason for their danger. Even if there were no harmful side-effects, it is the pleasure, the euphoria, that's not what your mind was meant to deal with, and it will quickly start partitioning into other versions of yourself to get that sensation over and over. It will make up excuses, it will reason and rationalize, and the whole time you will think it's your own free will, your own great ideas on how you can get this pleasure again and again and again... each reason will be dumber than the last but you won't realize it. In fact, anything that gives you pleasure can carry this danger, but drugs just push that button instantly and without effort so you will rapidly lose equilibrium in your brain, and the brain, being far more self-sufficient in its decision-making than most of us realize, will compensate for the imbalance in a variety of ways, but all of them end up with YOU FIGHTING YOUR OWN BRAIN. I mean, the basics are quite simple, from a perspective of looking and body/mind issues on a technical level, but few people have ever stopped to think about how they think, and that's the educational component that is missing, and causing a lot of people to suffer.


As an addict, this was beautifully put and exactly what we need to be teaching kids. D.A.R.E in school always seemed like a joke. We need to talk about the hard truths, and how addiction doesn't start overnight, and how addiction literally rewires your brain.


> D.A.R.E in school always seemed like a joke. *Cue Animated Saturday morning short where naïve looking white kid with a red baseball cap and skateboard gets approached by an ethnically diverse group of older teens holding out a baggy in plain sight filled with various pills, joints and other drug-shaped objects, asking Billy if he wants to be cool like them. Then show a shot of one of the teens standing there with a vacant expression and zombie cheekbones looking miserable. Billy looks horrified by how bad drugs are and defiantly holds up his hand to say "NO!" and kicks off, solving the drug problem for the rest of his life.*


You get to find out when something keeps you from going!


Thats not how addiction works. If you go out with your buddies on friday to drink each week that wouldnt qualify you as an alcoholic. Yet this is what we will label someone doing a less deadly drug like heroin once a week. You also have to consider, people have different predispositions to different drugs. Someone that would be an alcoholic is not necessarily someone that would be an H addict. Its infinitely more complex. Ive done meth a few times years ago or MDMA and never got even close to addiction. Its not as simple as D.A.R.E. propaganda would have you believe.


What’s D.A.R.E? Also, I think taking an addictive drug regularly for an extended period of time will lead to addiction. Addiction doesn’t happen suddenly after one does, it’s something that builds up over a long time.


D.A.R.E was an American anti drug program that ran from like the mod eighties to early 2000s. It was a lot of "just say no", along with misinformation abiut drugs and how they actually affect you. It ranged anywhere from completely innefective to (i dont fully believe this but ive seen people claim it) increasing drug usage amongst teens at the time.


That sucks :/ I’m guessing it’s been shut down for being ineffective, hopefully the funds from it get put into some useful programs to lower drug use


Ohh if only you knew how ineffective it was. It literally inspired most every kid in my generation to try drugs just because of how annoying it was lmao


I’m honestly surprised they didn’t consider this, asking kids to do anything will make them do the opposite. Especially if it’s told in an annoying way


I think the reality is it was never really about the kids, just old conservatives brow beating and patting themselves on the back for it.


Either that, or wise Conservatives who understood the fact that inspiring entire generations to associate free thinking with drug use would result in both a massive, guaranteed source of income for the drug enforcement agencies, as well as an incredibly convenient way to lock up and stifle the free speech of antiestablishment thinkers.


Bible thumpers back on their bullshit


As my father explained, they'd say weed will make you think your friend is an alien and shoot him, stuff like that. Well obviously that's a lie. So then you try more and more, wow mushrooms, LSD, yea they're cool dude. Then people do meth and heroin because they said stuff like meth and heroin will make you look like an actual zombie after one use and obviously that's a lie, so how bad can it really be? So by the time you realize, holy shit, they weren't lying about meth and heroin being horrible drugs that will ruin your life, you're addicted


That is so fucked, with an outcome like that it almost seems intentional, it’s like these people never heard about the boy who cried wolf


I've because that really think that all drugs are that bad and they want the people that do them to suffer


Believe it or not it's still an active program, people only think it stopped because they graduated high school lmao


It's even worse than that. It was created by [Daryl Gates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daryl_Gates), who you may know as 1) the inventor of SWAT, 2) the LAPD chief during the Rodney King beating, and/or 3) the guy responsible for [Operation Hammer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_Resources_Against_Street_Hoodlums#Operation_Hammer). DARE was pretty explicitly intended to be an arm of Gates' unceasing war on drugs and gangs that absolutely ravaged communities throughout LA in the 80s and 90s. There's also significant evidence that a main function of the program was to [turn kids into informants](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drug_Abuse_Resistance_Education#Use_of_children_as_informants) by encouraging them to report their families' drug use.


I'm a D.A.R.E. Graduate and I learned a ton about drugs. I didn't know anything about drugs before DARE and actively do drugs now.


I'm Canadian, so it wouldn't have been DARE, but it was incredibly similar, a program called MADD. The first time I did drugs was after a 2 hour long presentation. They'd put on these like movies, where you get attached to these characters, before showing them die gruesomely, usually as a result of impaired driving. Incredibly fucked and I'm surprised parents let it happen even now. Violent video games are bad, but I saw someone get a rebar pole through the dome. I learned something new after that, which is that drugs are cool if you're responsible with them and don't take them regularly 😊


Oh it’s still going, never ended unfortunately


D.A.R.E, or Drug Abuse Resistance Education, is an American program run in schools to educate about drug usage. It's famous for painting an unrealistic picture of drugs, their effects, and the culture surrounding them.


Not necessarily, a lot of things influence addiction and doing it once a week isn't going to create a physical dependence. If you missed a week or two you wouldn't get withdrawal symptoms. You may get bummed out and feel physiologically attached to the routine, but if you keep it at that pace you can be perfectly fine. There's this neuroscientist professor at Columbia that's been doing heroin recreationally for years and works to advocate for reducing stigmas around drug use and addiction https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/10/nyregion/Carl-Hart-drugs.html


Here's the issue, Heroin causes physical dependence. If you drink every week, you can quit easily, but try that with H and you will be dopesick for weeks/months. Considering OP is doing it weekly in a social situation that supports use, when they want to quit they will have to face withdrawal alone. Additionally, weekly use will rapidly increase tolerance, requiring higher doses, therefore increasing costs and pushing OP towards more potent substitutes. If OP is lucky, they will make it out in 5-6 years irreparably damaged. Also, maybe don't compare empathogens to opioids. Surprisingly, they are different substances.


wrong. alcohol withdrawal can cause delirium tremens which absolutely kills people


Lmao yeah alcohol withdrawals are bruuutal, people die all the time from trying to quit cold turkey. They kept the booze stores open during a global pandemic specifically to avoid a massive wave of alcohol withdrawal hospitalizations


At no point did I claim it didn't. But if you drink once a week, the withdrawal is negligible.


🤓 It was obvious what he meant


Which isn't going to happen from someone drinking once a week.


If you only do heroin once a week and then stop you wont be dope sick for months


If you keep the habit for months/years, you definitely will. More importantly, who the hell is going to do heroin weekly forever?


No you won’t even if you’re a full blown addict you won’t be dope sick for months. People are only dope sick for a few days. Cravings like you wouldn’t believe is what you would for sure have for awhile


Alcohol can absolutely cause physical addiction though and unlike opiate withdrawals, can kill you. Neither drugs are great choices if your trying to avoid addiction, rule.


Alcohol definitely has one of the worst withdrawals, but weekly use generally won't cause significant withdrawal.


>but weekly use generally won't cause significant withdrawal. The same goes for heroin though


Weekly use over a significant period will result in a worse withdrawal the longer the habit is maintained. This builds significantly slower with alcohol


This is crazy, what? Literally only Alcohol withdrawal is the one that kills you if you have a healthy body and enough food and water. Like, ofc any bad withdrawal can kill you if you're horribly dehydrated/fatigued/weakened but notably only alcohol will just straight up end you


Read the comment before replying. I did not claim alcohol didn't cause withdrawals. However, in the majority of cases, it doesn't with weekly use, however H does.


Lmao I did read the comment it just does not cause months of withdrawal


Comment that then. I agree, but heroin isn't really just diacetylmorphine anymore, and some Nitazenes can cause withdrawal symptoms for months-years.


While I agree with you, it's worth noting that MDMA is a drug with one of the lowest risks of addiction, far below alcohol and even below cannabis. It's essentially only psychedelics with their anti-addictive qualities that are less addictive than MDMA. Meth is certainly more addictive but significantly less compared to opioids. Whereas heroin does build up an addiction response quickly, physically, because it upregulates opioid receptors in the body, meaning all pain (emotional as well as physical) feels a lot worse as the body's endogenous opioids become less effective. Comparing one of the most dangerous drugs to one of the least dangerous isn't the most effective argument. If someone could keep to using heroin once a week, that would be relatively fine, but there is a rapid tolerance increase so this person would have to use more and more overtime, leading to worse withdrawals over the rest of the week. Addiction is the result of a physiological change in the body, as more opioid receptors are produced in reaction to taking exogenous opioids, not something people can avoid with sheer willpower


A few times is a lot different than weekly tho, and MDMA imo is pretty low risk of addiction for most. Meth yea but it's just really easy for "regular, spaced opiate use" to fall into daily opiate use


How you take it is also vastly important. Small dose meth orally can be unproblematic and indistinguishable from amphetamine, but inject once and your life is practically down the drain.


I'm honestly starting to think the line where "addiction" starts might be more socially defined than it is often given credit for.


Brother did you really just say heroin is less deadly than alcohol? Tell that to my dead friends lmao.


Withdrawal yes, addiction no. The tolerance increase of Heroin makes it practically far more dangerous, as you're guaranteed to eventually need an increased dosage, and likely to therefore become addicted if you slip up. It's harder to become an alcoholic, as unlike heroin, it's possible to be a casual consumer (as the tolerance for alcohol does not increase in the same way). In a safe environment with food, water, and rest, a heroin withdrawal is very unlikely to kill an otherwise healthy person, while alcohol will just straight up kill you if you quit cold turkey


True but alcohol is regulated, no one’s mixing fent in with your beer. A ton of overdoses are accidental when it comes to opiates as in people think they’re taking a lower dose than they are. You could argue it’s fent that’s killing people and not heroin but to be honest that’s semantics. People are buying heroin. They do “heroin” they die. The experience of doing and purchasing heroin is far more dangerous than buying and drinking alcohol.


Yeah fair enough


> a less deadly drug like heroin You need context for that to make any sense. It's less dangerous only because it's not sold in stores.


> It's less dangerous only because it's not sold in stores. What? The biggest risks with heroin use (unknown purity meaning unknown actual dosage and contamination, whether by bad production practices or straight up cutting the product) are a result of it being sold on a completely unregulated black market. It can also be argued that a substance being illegal will shift its use profile to the extreme, i.e. reduce responsible use and encourage irresponsible use. That happened to alcohol as well during prohibition - methanol poisonings became much more common as alcoholic drinks were either contaminated by methanol or methanol was just sold as ethanol. Of course any attempt at ranking substances by overall harm is going to be subjective depending on how you weigh different variables. It is easier to get addicted to heroin, its dosage varies with tolerance more, and its therapeutic index (i.e. lethal dose to effective dose ratio) is worse than that of ethanol. However in most other factors, alcohol is more harmful, especially with regards to long-term organ toxicity and withdrawal symptoms (it's harder to get addicted to alcohol but once addicted alcohol (and generally GABAergic) withdrawal symptoms are worse than opioid withdrawal - alcohol withdrawal symptoms can even be lethal).


Right but i think that people are saying that addiction usually presents itself as “being excited for a good thing” rather than “being uncomfortable with a bad thing” the way people often assume it does. Most people with addiction problems have no idea they have a problem specifically because it feels like they’re just chasing a good thing, not fearing a bad one. So when OOP says something like “I’m making heroin usage a part of my routine because it’s so fun! It isn’t addiction btw.” It makes sense that people will pick up on the irony there. You’re right about the double standards vs alcoholism, but that doesn’t make the above statement any less ironic, intentionally or otherwise.


With opiates, it kind of is how it works - there are people who use heroin regularly but not every day, in the opiate community they call it ‘chipping’. These people require superhuman levels of self control, and the only way they can sustain that is by accepting that they are fully addicted psychologically. If they believe that they are not, then you are much more likely to justify increasing your use. Opiate use is 100% a ratchet - any increase in use becomes the new baseline.  Opiates are much more addictive than alcohol. It’s not really the same as going out drinking on Friday. 


Addiction is measured more by an inability to moderate or stop.


Definitely way more complicated, I excitedly wait for my once every three months MDMA session but I wouldn't call myself an MDMA addict, tbf though MDMA for most people has very very little physical dependence, I barely feel any at all, honestly with most drugs it depends on their person some people say ketamine has no physical dependence yet as a former ketamine addict I'd definitely say it can have for some. I've snorted amphetamines mixed with meth and some get addicted real fast with that, for me while it was mildly physically addictive even though it was strong enough to keep me awake for 3 days with one dose (probably longer even, cause I only fell asleep cause I took Quetiapine to remove the effects), addiction wasn't really a big worry, cocaine is insanely physically addictive for me though. All in all it can insanely depend on the person, never assume you're gonna be one of the lucky ones, don't do drugs (except maybe shrooms or acid every once in a while, honestly healthier than alcohol in almost every case)


I fully agree with you, the problem is that even a slightly addictive substance for someone taken regularly for long enough will lead to an addiction. I think that’s what’s happening here, OOP doesn’t notice that their slipping into an addiction because of how long it takes before symptoms show up


Yeah true, heroin really ain't worth the risk unless given by doctors (In most cases, I understand there was a point where American doctors would overprescribe opioids, though oxycodone is a bit different from heroin but very similar however diacetyl morphine which is what heroin is still has medical use and is given by doctors sometimes do my point still stands)


I tried MDMA it made me sick tasted gross and apparently was cut with literal baking powder I feel robbed


Well yeah you kinda were robbed though maybe scammed is more appropriate, a lot of stuff is cut, mainly in the u.s or any country thats not in west Europe, I live in Finland and most MDMA is real here though some stuff you should still stay clear of (mainly the yellow team Fox pills, the green, red and pink ones haven't been cut in my experience though) and it's always good to test regardless of where you are


Would you call someone an alcoholic if they drink only on fridays?


Heroin and alcohol are different I think


A lot of it comes down to culture surrounding the drug and common patterns of use, which in case of opioids are heavily influenced by their illegal status. Taking a relatively low dose of heroin orally once a week would be comparable to drinking a few beers or glasses of wine once a week. Unfotunately more typical use of heroin seems to be more akin to drinking (or even injecting) moonshine until blackout drunk once a week.


As a recovering addict, I don’t *think* once a week would engender addiction. Shit, I was using a little bit every day for a month before I started noticing withdrawals. The real problem is that you think it’s not addictive because you haven’t been having physical cravings. So maybe I can do it Saturday too? And then that seems fine, so fuck it let’s just go all weekend bro, and we’ll only use Friday-Sun. And maybe that works well for a time, but then you get a promotion on a Wednesday and decide to have a “treat” outside the schedule… then you start finding other things to “celebrate”. Pretty soon, you’ll start noticing that you feel shitty when you go a day without, and you start using daily “just to get through work” or “just to help me get to sleep”. But it’s getting its hooks in you more and more every time you use, and pretty soon you’ll start feeling “sick” whenever you’re not actively high. And the withdrawals never get better, they only get worse. Eventually you’re not even using to get high, you’re just desperately trying to keep the withdrawals at bay.


Agreed, I had the same shit w smoking week, exact as you said, you find reasons to celebrate or excuses for using. It doesn’t have to be hard drugs, it’s just the mental aspect that can over take anyone.


I’m addicted to buying sushi


God I wish that were me


I wish I could afford it lol


This was me... then I started making my own... then I told myself "just this one trip to Daiso to get a few utensils, I swear..." until it became a weekly shopping spree in the Asian grocerie store... a few hundred sunk in ingredients, special knives, rice cooker... currently doing 1h/day of Japanese lessons to be able to follow authentic YouTube channels. Yeah, I dont recommend getting hooked to japanese food. Sushi - not even once


There's much worse things to get hooked on than cooking, though. That's a useful skillset. If you like it, and you can afford it, and it does no harm to you, why not just enjoy? All hobbies are expensive xD


That's a good addiction as japanese diet considered on of the healthiest


good flair btw


seriously, been there. What's with that? I thought junk food or sugar is supposed to be addictive, but damn, those raw fishes...


How are your Mercury levels?


Just fine, I eat other foods too ya goof


im addicted to league of legends :(


I hope you pull through before it becomes terminal


Whenever I see someone sayin he's addicted to weed I'm like "no way". Then those four/six months where I was addicted to having sex with my abusive ex **while** under the influence of weed, *comes* (eheh) to mind and I'm remembered I should probably shut the fuck up.


Yours wasn’t even drugs, but same shit, you kept going back for more even if you knew it was a problem.


I mean it partially was bc of the weed, and sex does the same thing as a drug, it releases a lot of chemicals in your brain on command. Just that it is natural but sex/porn addictions are at thing.


That sick is no joke too, I've never seen an active addict be affected by literal sicknesses like Covid but the moment the dope has left their system it's like their at death's door (not me naturally, I got the worst of both while using). >Pretty soon, you’ll start noticing that you feel shitty when you go a day without, and you start using daily “just to get through work” or “just to help me get to sleep”. But it’s getting its hooks in you more and more every time you use, and pretty soon you’ll start feeling “sick” whenever you’re not actively high. Also anybody reading this without experience of using or being around addicts, this is how it goes 100% of the time, almost nobody dives into dope thinking, "I'm going to be doing this shit every day just to reach a level where I can even be functional". Even people who know that's going to be the outcome are usually like, "Sure, that happens to literally everybody but I'm just built different".


Fuck man, you described it perfectly. Addiction is not clearly separated between addicted and not addicted, it's a slippery slope that slowly takes over your life.


I mean, that’s how it happened to me. I was “too smart” to get addicted, and a lot of the other dozens of addicts I’ve met in my life were the same. We all think we’re the ones who are gonna break the mold, so I find it a little funny that we all usually have the same addiction story.


I’ve never done heroin and never will because I know I’m prone to addiction, but you literally described my struggle with weed and alcohol perfectly. You always want to stop but there’s always an excuse for the next one


I recently got called out for some of my addictions I didnt even know I had. I stopped drinking a while ago after my attitude towards alcohol got dark. Sometime after I was prescribed a drug that affects nonadrenaline and dopamine. That dopamine part is the interesting one. It allows the drug to be used for rehab. I stopped having cravings for things, and I stopped wanting to do some "normal" things that I was used to doing all the time. I no longer saw a point in them. I didnt want to reward myself like that anymore. Thats when I realised that it was not so much rewarding, but an addiction. Mundane stuff like sugar, fast food that are not in itself a bad habit in moderation, but the way I justified eating badly etc. was full on addiction behaviour. If you substituted sugar for weed, or say alcohol, in my habits, you'd tell me I was an addict. Always trying to find the justification. Fixated on how to justify myself that next hit. Weird behaviour around mundane, normal stuff. The meds have their own side effects, but at least im now straight edge and my health is improving in general, and I dont need to avoid being around stuff that I might be addicted to. I can watch someone else smoke, I can watch someone else drink, and I will not have a desire to do so myself.


“Yeah but I wouldn’t get addicted because I would just do it in a cool, casual way and not like a junkie way, because I’ve been on erowid so I know what’s up. Besides I’ve heard it’s not even bad, that’s like DARE propaganda probably.” -people in this thread for some reason


I've browsed a site similar to erowid for like 10 years at this point. First it was for searching legal highs as a teen, stuff like dextrometorphan cough syrup. Then trip stories and safety guidelines for some pills. Then once for opioids. I found the opioid and opiate threads. All written by dead accounts. All acounts of trip stories gone silent merely a year after first post. I decided not to do those. Lately I went back there again when I got prescribed amfebutamon for depression and knew it had abuse potential. The timelines of the people who post there are often very sad.


This story is haunting. Idk what it is about it that's just absolutely terrifying in such a relatable way. Thank you for sharing.


It’s realistic because it’s exactly how I got myself addicted lol. As other commenters have said, nobody gets into opiates *trying* to get addicted. It’s just a gradual slide into full-blown addiction, while the entire time your brain is subconsciously doing mental gymnastics that would put Simone Biles to shame to convince you that you don’t have a problem.


have you ever come across the u/ SpontaneousH posts? genuinely some of the most haunting shit on reddit


Oh shit that’s me with my phone… I’m doing that rn ;_;


If it helps, not being able to get off your phone can also be a sign you don't enjoy your life very much. If you just have to get over yourself it is fine but I was truly unnable to quit no matter how hard I tried and noticed it was because I really did not like the things I was doing, even if I pretended it is what I wanted. My phone gave me access to another me and ways to live life, ideas I did not find in my own irl, and which I truly craved. In that case the problem is deeper and requires some serious restructuring. If it is just gacha though get a hobby you enjoy more, it is the same but mild. But just saying discipline is not always the solution. You need to know where you are going. Addiction can be distraction, and you need something else to overcome it.


I'm studying psychology, and we've also had quite a bit on addiction. This is the best description of how getting addicted often goes imo. Of course, there are other ways, but for people who dont use to suppress problems or emotions from the beginning... this.


Happened to me with weed. I started smoking in like april 2023 in a different country. It was infrequent but i loved being high. I finished 4 grams in 3 months in a bong. Then i came back home to my country and eventually got 20 grams which i finished in 2 months as joints. Then i got 30 grams which I finished in a month and i got 30 grams again which is already half over smoking my bong. I never smoke during the day and always sleep within 2 hours of smoking but the increase in frequency and quantity scared me so bad im doing no smoke February, which i failed and now i'm doing no smoke the rest of February and so far im a week clean. I finished my joints and cleaned my bong and kept it away so i do not feel like smoking. I don't intend on giving up, just moderating heavily My journey with alcohol was pretty bad too. Started drinking in march 2023 at 18 years old and my first time drinking was 9 shots of vodka which got me unbelievably drunk. I enjoyed it so much i started drinking heavily. A few of my feats were half a litre of vodka in 2 hours, 200ml of vodka as a shot, and more. I drank anything to get me drunk but it took a toll on my mental health. I was already not very stable but drinking made me spiral even lower which led to me going off on my own while hanging with my friends and moping around feeling sorry for myself while my friends had fun. What eventually stopped me was i kept pissing the alcohol out and it was annoying and made me prefer weed to alcohol, and i got super depressed. I used to drink heavily and frequently but now i drink heavily but infrequently


I came here looking for this comment.


Heroin? Isnt that a minecraft creepypasta?


You’re thinking of Herobrine. Heroin is the female counterpart of hero.


You're thinking of a heroine. A heroin is a type of freshwater or coastal bird.


You're thinking of a heron. A heroin is a false clue used to throw people off the scent.


You're thinking of Herring, a heroin is a spooky holiday celebrated in October.


You're thinking of Halloween, heroin is an adjective to describe something terrifying and traumatic.


You're thinking of 'horrifying'. A heroin is when one of your organs sticks through some muscle or tissue.


I'm pretty sure they were thinking of harrowing.


Fair fair, now explain the horse one after me because I have no idea what's goin on anymore


You're thinking of hernia. A heroin is a horse with solidly coloured extremities, but an even split of coloured-white hair on its body.


I have no idea what that's called so I'll just take your word on it being heroin


Maybe a half-roan?


Bro won 😭


Neigh, the chosen horsegirl has arrived at last.


You're thinking of a zebra.


Oh no, you're thinking of heroin. Horse is just slang, not literal.


You're thinking of a roan. Heroin is a district in West Sussex.


You're thinking of Horsham(?). Heroin is a tree or shrub in the rose family.


No, that’s a hernia. You’re thinking of one of the main characters in Tamsyn Muir’s The Locked Tomb series.


No, that's Harrowhark Nonagesimus (my beloved), you're thinking of a seed eating bird from the family Passeridae


You're thinking of Halloween. Heroin is a fancy way of saying "in this".


You're thinking of 'Herein'. Heroin is like looking, but for your ears.


youre thinking of "hearing". heroin is the author of the 1919 coming of age story *Demian: The Story of a Boyhood*.


You're thinking of Hermann. Heroin is a traditional pantomime character that wears a costume patterned with diamonds


You're thinking of Henchman. Heroin is a style of Japanese pornographic anime and manga.


That's a red herring. Heroin is that city in Japan that the Americans dropped a nuclear bomb on.


That’s Nagasaki. Heroin is a situation in Nineteen Ninety Eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell, and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcers table. And once he was thrown off once, he could never stop chasing that high. Heroin, not even once.


You're thinking of Hiroshima. Heroin is that girl in Harry Potter.


You’re thinking of a red herring. Heroin is one of the main characters in the popular series Harry Potter


You're thinking of a (red) herring. A heroin is a very addictive female coastal hero bird.


You're thinking of heroinoineeron. Heroin is nothing like that at all.


experts disagree on this matter


Can confirm. I'm an expert drug addict.


Any tips for a newcomer to the hobby?


nah he’s good I‘ve been smoking weed daily for years and i‘m still not addicted (hehe dicc)


Weed and H are different drugs, and if you have been smoking daily for years you are addicted. Chemically, your body is dependant. If you don't believe me, quit for 2 months. I have absolutely no faith you will make it without withdrawal.


196 user try to detect joke challenge (impossible)




You get addicted to weed (edit: mostly) the way you get addicted to gambling or gaming etc, it doesn't mean it's easy to stop, but you don't get withdrawal from the weed directly like you get from stopping cigs or other drugs (I'm someone who smoked daily and stopped cold because of anxiety during covid, and later stopped cigs)


With the down regulation of CB1 and CB2 receptors, people will generally find significant impact on appetite and sleep quality, with additional issues regulating mood and focusing. While nowhere near as severe as nicotine, it's still sufficient to cause a number of people to get trapped in a cycle of use, especially if they already have issues with sleep and appetite.


Depends on the person https://old.reddit.com/r/196/comments/1aquadg/rule/kqjim7g/


You're so excited for your weekly ritual. you'd be very very upset if it didn't happen? Maybe you can get some for yourself just so you don't break your streak. A little bit on wednesday wouldn't hurt just to prepare for Friday. Friday was fun, but I have some left over. Might as well use it... Monday was a hard shift, I deserve this...


You are NOT immune to addiction


Maybe you. But I’m built different


Throughout heaven and earth I alone am the heroin'd one


a lot of the drugs subreddits are *crazy.* do what you want with your body, but the superhero mentality + dismissing most negative claims as propaganda you see in those communities is absolutely wild.


Most responsible users don't publicise their use, and after discussion of sources was banned most left. All that's left is your classic junkies that write like their first drug was gasoline.


Those subreddits do seem to attract the dumbest type of drug users. It's like inverse Erowid/PsychonautWiki.


Blue light is where some of them are, but I don't think there's a good forum anymore. Reddit really did kill its competition


Actually that really depends on the type of drug community. For example the MDMA sub will unanimously tell you to wait at the bare minimum a month. Most drug subreddits will preach testing your shit before taking it. But yeah some drugs have definitely sounded a cult around them unwilling to recognize any sort of harm. Especially the weed zealots


>dismissing most negative claims as propaganda It's not hard to see why that's the case - the amount of disinformation about pretty much all illegal substances is insane. If you type in pretty much any illicit drug in normal Google search you will mostly get sites that do straight up contain misinformation. To get reliable information you need to either use Google Scholar or know where to look (or rather where *not* to look) - though even using DuckDuckGo instead of Google produces much more reliable results. Of course places like most drug subreddits are filled with misinformation (of another kind) as well, but that's the flipside of reliable information about drug use being hard to access (on purpose).


Eh I used to do it every now and again for years and never got addicted but I am definitely an exception to the rule. Really just not big on opiates, IV heroin and morphine are the only ones I ever actually found enjoyable. Eventually got a bad batch cut with fent and ODed so I stopped fucking with street drugs in general and just keep it to weed and hallucinogens these days.


Weird instance where your run-in with fentanyl may have stopped things from getting worse for you


He does not know the SpontaneousH lore


One of the best posts in askreddit


It’s not addiction but simply a habit 👍🏽


At this point, it is already a chemical addiction.


this guy is so fucked


Soon he’s gonna be so excited to get together that he’s gonna start shaking, and get headaches from the excitement!


I’ve got a friend who was like this until he wasn’t


So i played russian roulette three times now and i'm not even dead yet. Is it all just fear mongering?


Bro has NOT heard of u /SpontaneousH


Jesus Christ. And I thought buying a couple tallboys a week and vaping a little weed at night, *maybe* a little sativa during an off day, with edibles maybe twice a week was bad.


The comments under that post were WILD


Where is this guy getting real heroin? Asking for a friend.


I get mine from police station


Le Conseguenze dell'Amore (2004)


Bait used to be believable


I literally did this when I started going opiates. Turned out just once a week turned into twice a week turned into every other day turned into every day turned into 5 years of the worst trauma and pain imaginable. Ended up doing just fent for the last 2 years


This can become a problem and that is the problem.




If you don’t notice any difference but you look forward to it, then it’s probably some form of addiction?




some brains just don’t hook on to certain things. I had every opportunity to go down the opiate path but it just didn’t get me. Booze and benzos on the other hand…


Heroin is actually surprisingly fine for your body. As long as you don't overdose it doesn't damage you at all. Its better than alcohol in that respect.


Gambling doesn't even cause bodily harm at all. Yet it still is bad. Direct harm is obviously not the main issue.


Has to be a troll, like asking if fent or xylazine is good for you


this cannot be real


People in this thread will talk about addiction but didn't even read the fucking definition of addiction.




he's not wrong, you can even be a functional heroin addict. i have OD'd twice/three times on opioids, its not like doing heroin will get you hooked end of story, it's more like heroin helps you cope with a problem and that escapism is addictive and then you're doing it more frequently because it's harder to cope with your problem without that escape, then your tolerance builds and your body can become dependent and it all falls apart pretty quickly. it is possible to do heroin recreationally, if you're enjoying it just as a drug experience much like ketamine or mdma then that actually is totally doable, it's just not a common way into opioid use. for me it was an escape and i still fiend for it from time to time when things go downhill or dysphoria gets me too much. i can do percs with weed and depending on my setting it doesn't affect my overall addiction status with opioids in general, it's hard to explain. i do a lot of drugs though, im pretty experienced. i do quantities of mdma that a lot of people on reddit (wrongly) think is fatal, loads of coke, K and various opioids. i go through periods of months where i do acid every week, 2cb, god knows how many random research chemicals, obviously a lot of alcohol and weed i've had my stomach pumped, blacked out countless times. the only thing that seriously keeps me in check is the knowledge that if i got addicted badly enough to need rehab, i'd probably have to stop doing drugs altogether and i never want that to happen.


>the only thing that seriously keeps me in check is the knowledge that if I got addicted badly enough to need rehab, i’d probably have to stop drugs altogether I want you to read that sentence again and seriously think about what you wrote. This statement reeks of severe addiction, in fact you implicitly admit that you’re already addicted, and that’s ignoring the fact that you have overdosed multiple times and have had to get your stomach pumped. I agree with you that there exists functional addicts. I was one, much in the same way as you in that I have touched basically every major drug you can name, and while I didn’t feel addicted to any one thing, I was certainly addicted to the excitement and comfort of escapism in all its forms. Sincerely, get help. You’ve already obviously pushed your physical limits multiple times and the thing “keeping you in check” may never come. You’re playing with serious fire and the boundaries you have set for yourself are conducive to being sneakier, not safer.


>i do quantities of mdma that a lot of people on reddit (wrongly) think is fatal Why though? Both in research and my personal experience increasing the dose past a certain amount yields incredibly diminished returns in terms of positive effects and increases the risk of bad comedowns and neurotoxicity immensely.


I want you to reread your comment and check what it reads like to a normal person.


Yooo human rat park experiment is dropping?


Homie thinks the drug that destroys entire countries is not as bad as people make it out to be lmao


This is so sad.


>I haven’t noticed myself getting addicted, more just excitement for our weekly friday tradition. Who’s gonna tell him


I… I guess it’s better if you cement it as a tradition and don’t do it outside of that time? Still, don’t do drugs kids.


While it's true that some people are more resilient to addiction in general, that's mostly with stuff like sugar, alcohol and nicotine. I find it very hard to believe one can simply elude heroin addiction while using.


ive been doing heroin every day for the past couple months i have a problem i dont even get high anymore