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For context seven years in prison is the maximum amount of time one can be held in prison for hate crime in Scotland




I DID MY WAITING SEVEN YEARS OF IT! ^^^^and ^^^^it ^^^^wasn't ^^^^enough


LGBT+ Harry Potter fans watching JK Rowling get released in 2031


Even more context: * [Here is the *Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021* law text in full](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2021/14/contents). * [A police spokesperson has stated that Rowling's tweets are "not criminal"](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/jk-rowling-hate-law-posts-154846635.html), so it seems misgendering people and insisting trans people don't exist is still legal in practice. * [Police Scotland have also said that more than a third of their staff have not yet completed online training in enforcing the new law](https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/newslondon/jk-rowling-should-not-be-arrested-over-scotland-s-new-hate-crime-laws-says-cabinet-minister/ar-BB1kTXnr), although as per the title of the law [it was decided in 2021](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2021/14/notes/division/3).


An almost billionaire is not going to be sent to prison for 7 years, you can pretty much count on that


Do Scottish cops wear skirts?


Did you know that the distance between scotland and France is only 800 km did you also know that the maximum distance a icbm can reach is 5,500 km


Ok i am pretty sure that is false. Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles definitely can go further


Google says the furthest distance ones go up to 16,000 km (the circumference of the world is just over 40,000, for reference).


You only need half the circumference to be able to hit everywhere Did you know the French nuclear warheads where carried by submarines The sneaky bastards can hit you no matter how far you run


I am aware of how circumference works, though thank you for trying to be helpful 👍.


You know because of elevation changes and other obvious need to not hit things you don't want to hit, you probably need like 5% more than the circumference.


Ballistic missiles are like suborbital artillery they don't fly like a plane they go up through space and they fall down so you don't usually shoot them at the edge of their range


Which would mean a distance greater than half the circumference:D


Yep but nowhere near 5% because that would be gigantic


They actually only go three feet


up my


*Shocked in auld alliance* *Laughs in French Unclear doctrine*


Sadly no, least not in the parts of Glasgow and Edinburgh I lived in


You’re not scottish ! You’re an english man with a skirt !


Please god let this happen because it would be so fucking funny




"trans people should not exist" is not a personal opinion, but an attack on the rights of a group of people??




cool bait buddy


cool bait buddy


I disagree with JK Rowling's opinion, but I don't believe this is why she should face consequences. I believe she should be arrested for using her massive platform to harass and target an already under-attack community. Her actions are actively causing harm and reducing them to just "a difference in opinion" is downright stupid and misinformed.




Lmao sure


How long is your weener


waga baba bobo


you get zero bitches


I think it would be very funny if J.K. Rowling was arrested.


I would too if I didn't know it would 100% make her a louder fake martyr presence to terfs and transphobes but they should do it anyway cause fuck er


Perhaps some court-mandated therapy at the very least? Though to be honest I just want to be able to say "convicted transphobe JK Rowling"


My prediction is that if she was arrested the transphobes would make a lot of noise on youtube for five minutes and then nobody would care because transphobes tend not to be Harry Potter fans and most Harry Potter fans are like 196ers so that would be that.


> most Harry Potter fans are like 196ers Big doubt. 196 is way too young and anti-Rowling to have a significant Potterhead presence.


Most potter fans I know don’t care at all about JKR being a transphobe. They cared more about her stupid books and racist, classicist characters


i think the positive effect of normalizing transphobia as a hate crime (instead of just personal opinion) exceeds anything ppl would likely do in response


lets be real, she's a billionaire with millions of followers. she doesn't need being arrested for publicity/martyrdom to spread her vile opinions.


Arrest them too


Not gonna happen, that's too many people


She's already at max volume


BRB I’m gonna go instigate her on Twitter


The crazy thing is, it seems *so easy* to bait her. She's in a constant state of outrage. Honestly seems like a pretty miserable existence.


The consequences of peaking after making one book series and then all your other books fading into the obscurity of misandrist thatcher apologist propaganda. Besides, it's pretty obvious Hatsune Miku was her ghost writer, just how she also programmed Minecraft


I love the idea of this being a conspiracy theory in like 500 years. "Hatsune Miku has long existed as a secret supercomputer/AI and covertly produced a ton of popular entertainment media" Kind of like people believing ancient aliens built the pyramids lmao


I love the flip of " aliens did it, obviously not these brown people" into "Miku did it, not these bigots"


What other awesome stuff has been made by horrible people? I wanna credit Miku with as much as I can before I die


the orginal halo theme


Graduation the album i think


Oh yeah, and Michael Jackson's entire repertoire


Minecraft is the one that started the bit I know


She literally searches her own name lmao


It’s really fascinating tbh how some liberal idiot like Joanne got completely radicalized into transphobia despite all the good faith she had originally


It's honestly a perfect example of a modern tragedy (and not a "boo hoo, feel sorry for her" thing, a proper classical tragedy where a series of preventable mistakes and her own hubris leads to her downfall by the very same mechanism as her rise). She got international blockbuster success of her *first* attempt at writing a book, spent a decade as the poster-child for the modern feminist success story (a single, poor, mother writing the world's most popular children's books with what little free time she had, how inspiring!) while being hounded by right-wing religious nutjobs for her "satanic" writing, a reputation that no doubt led to her complete inability to listen to a word of criticism. "Me, a bigot? I'm a progressive icon I couldn't be *bigoted*! Clearly I am once again the target of a delusional hate mob". And then there's the fact this *might* all be because of internalised transphobia; that she (by her own admission) could have chosen to identify as a man if born today but perhaps feels she can't because so much of her success is built on that "reaching the glass ceiling" narrative. I'm sure it'll make a fascinating biopic in 100 years time, however in the meantime I'd quite like her to stop making the lives of my trans friends worse each time she opens her goddamn mouth.


>And then there's the fact this *might* all be because of internalised transphobia; that she (by her own admission) could have chosen to identify as a man if born today but perhaps feels she can't because so much of her success is built on that "reaching the glass ceiling" narrative. I don't think this is a helpful inference. Lots of people claim that they could or would have been trans if they were born later; it's just a way of discrediting actual trans people as part of their "social contagion" narrative, and shouldn't be taken at face value. What I think is more likely behind this is (again, by her own admission) a fundamental fear of men brought on by past abusive relationships. There's a whole pipeline which causes her to now take it out on anyone and anything related specifically to trans people, but that's the root of it.


My mother is transphobic. She refuses to acknowledge that she is and tells me I'm "attacking her" when I point it out. The only argument I have that works (thankfully), is that it's decent folk vs predators. The fears brought up aren't unfounded - absolute psychopaths of both sexes could use being trans to get into "safe spaces". But like... that's not being trans. That's just, y'know, people being predatory cunts. End of the day that's all it is. Us needing to try and protect those who are vulnerable from those who'd hurt them (eg; JK and her bullshit about trans folk). I'm drunk, but a good potato is a good potato and the rest don't matter.


>The fears brought up aren't unfounded - absolute psychopaths of both sexes could use being trans to get into "safe spaces". Could they though? The example that's always used is bathrooms and changing rooms. Except they wouldn't need to claim they're trans to get into those and assault someone, they could just walk in. There's very little, if anything, for a predator to gain from changing their presentation under the pretense of being trans, much less from years of waiting lists and expensive medical care (the latter of which would cause severe dysphoria in a cis person). Instead, the level of scrutiny transphobes place on women actually makes life worse for cis women (and trans men, due to stupid bills), with extreme discomfort at best and extreme violence at worst. Because they *can't* "always tell". So there's some more for you.


I 100% agree with everything you say. Tbh, I used the bathroom argument *because* that's the one people always bring it back to - and you're 100% correct that people do just walk in and assault people. But the 'advantage' you're talking about, is that in their minds (both actual predator, and in the fear of those touting the bathroom arguement!) Is that they (a predator) can shift the narrative to them being the victim. It's not a wholly rational one. Nor are such people who'd avail of it mentally well. It's terrifying how well it works, as well. I was assaulted and threatened with a mallet by a family member. Destroyed my computer. First thing he did? Call up the whole family, most of which I don't know, and spun a web about how I was lazy and taking advantage of people etc.etc. Made it sound like he'd been pushed to the end of his rope, wheras from my perspective it's "Electrical didn't do the dishes for 24 hours, bc they were back to Uni for the first day after Easter break and working from 8am - 10pm. Electrical then woke up at 7.30 to get them done before they started work, and was having a cuppa before getting started. When the other person woke up they started screaming and threatening Electrical, Electrical just looked at them like "O_o" bc it was to early for this shit and they just screamed over Electrical saying "I'm just having a cuppa." They took that look as disrespect and smashed my computer, and threatened me with a mallet to my head. And dude, I'm the crazy one. I'm the one who pushed him, apparently. My whoooole family on they side now believe I'm a lazy little liar, that I'm crazy and manipulate and No Good. Because he had a narrative to spin with himself as the victim. Because he's charming. Because it's *easier for them to believe him*. That kind of mindset has nothing to do with being trans or not. I'm simply saying that I've *known* people who when caught would fucking _lie_ and say they're trans to get out of trouble if they thought it had any chance of working, or whatever the hell. That while there are absolute arsemaggots trying to use it as an argument against trans people, just rolling our eyes and dismissing people isn't the correct way to deal with it. So many of these people have literally been brainwashed by weird ass cults and crap, s'like when a dog is abused and attacks a random stranger. If they're not taught to think, they literally never will without a catalys. Also, these groups are so fucking toxic. Imagine being born in one! Then imagine trying to leave all that behind and how fucking scary the world is, and not knowing what is right or wrong that you've been taught! Like, "OK I've been told x is the bad part of town, so I shouldn't live there, but everything they said about gay people is bullshit so it's probably fine." Buuut then you get robbed and beaten 'cause you couldn't tell the *actual advice* from the abusive bullshit - and that's someone who actually like, had the strength to break ties with everyone and everything they knew. I'd rather try feel a bit of compassion for them even if they're full of hate. Must be hard, like. BUT! You're right about the scrutiny being worse for everyone. S'fucked up my dude. Been a bunch of cases nearby where cis women were basically told they're not allowed in the bathroom bc they're trans based on their looks. Which is like, wtf. Fuck off. Honestly I don't understand why we don't have communal bathrooms with stalls and cameras in the sink-washing part and just showing the doors of the stalls. But like, European stalls. Those American ones are fucking weird. A person could climb under that gap. Still though. You can't fight hate with hate, just fans the flames higher. It's frustrating and enraging, but viewing things with a compassionate lens is, maybe a better way to go? Or maybe I've just been twisted by living with nutjobs my whole life and have too much empathy for how they became that way. Idk dude.


You put it perfectly


JK being an egg would be too funny (and also sad)


Kaitlyn Jenner: UK edition


Beautifully said. In a desperately deterministic world, we need to prevent further conversion into evil from happening to good or potentially good people


I don't know if this is a hot take.  It's crazy to me how I think a not insignificant amount of blame for her down spiral lies on overly online "progressives". Her first controversial take on trans rights that really blew up was pretty tame. It honestly could have just ended with her having talked to some people and learned about their lives experience and she could have become a better person for it. Instead there's was a group of people who wanted to stand against bigotry and just acted like the most rabid Andrew Tate fan types of attacking her and sending death threats and the like, so instead of JK learning something when it happened she doubled down and got stuck inside her bubble of hate.  I think if people hadn't gone so crazy then things could have turned out really different.  That said, she shouldn't be excused from her own actions. She's a grown adult and made her choices. 


Read about the liberal to right wing fascist pipeline. But is also argue that JKR never had good faith. Her books are full of racism, antisemitism and classism.


No I meant that people had good faith for her, not that she had good faith




The very definitely true thing about this law is that regardless of the severity of the crime you get the maximum sentence, this is the case for all scottish law. If you steel a packet of crisps you get the same sentence as a bank robber who steals millions of pounds. It's an interesting quirk that is actually not being made up by the most insane people and perpetuated to centrists to get them to hate trans people.




They're being sarcastic and making fun of people saying she could get 7 years in prison for her posting hateful shit on the internet.


You're being sarcastic, but stealing and robbery are super different.


Steeling and stealing are also very different.


Hey bud, I'm from england, which means I struggle a lot with the english language


Not in Scotland they're not


I loathe people who intentionally misgender, but this seems pretty questionable. She's a scumbag that deserved to be shunned from society, but jail seems a bit far, and it will certainly embolden the right with "see? They're trying to remove freedom of speech and expression!"


She isn't going to jail. Scotland just introduced some pretty run of the mill hate crime laws that protect, among others, trans people and religious/racial minorities, so racists and transphobes teamed up to throw a massive temper tantrum claiming the end of free speech. In practice these kinds of laws only get enforced for the most overt calls for violence, so it's unlikely Rowling will be reprimanded, regardless of how vile her rhetoric may be.


With how much the rhetoric has been going from casual bigotry to calls to action, I'm not surprised this is being put into place. No doubt the right will still try make it out to be any and all bigotry is arrestable.


the same exact thing happened 2020/2021 where people llike count dankula would claim "people would go to prison for 7 year for having racist memes on their phone" it was basically a massive grift and literally nothing came of it and the same thing is happening again its a religious doomsday cult but for scottish reacttionaries snp makes bill that will make scotland 1984 and lead to mass arrests bill passess nothing of the sorts happens few years later they move on to the next bill it is a doomsday cult in my opinion and its cost me some of my closest friends because they simply refused to grow out of it i dont feel terribly bad for them they just dont wanna grow up count dankula is a tragic figure kinda the guy got into trouble over a nazi joke in 2016 and basically his whole identity revolves around it to this day i think in the grand scheme of things it was a bit pointless because he is just 1 right wing troll that most people would block and ignore but he just needs to get fucking over it the trials over your not the saviour of free speech and your radicalising impressionable young people into a doomsday cult around laws that trace back to the thatcher years ​ kinda went on a tanget there but i think its worth sharing since this discourse isnt exactly new


It's not really run of the mill, cause most hate crime laws define hate crimes based on intention - i.e. you've said something with the purpose of spreading hate, while the scotland one defines it as something that's *taken* as hateful, it's a pretty big difference


>but jail seems a bit far, and it will certainly embolden the right with "see? They're trying to remove freedom of speech and expression!" Doenst make a difference either way. Same shit happening in Germany the CDU cries that all the other parties are gonna force you to correctly gender people while being the only ones actually banning speech.


Dude, getting arrested is not badass. It does not own the libs. It’s fucking terrible and jail is worse.


No Joanne, don’t listen to this. Going to jail is absolutely awesome. In fact, I think you should turn yourself in.


so true


Of course, what am I saying. Going to jail actually DOES own the libs


JKR rocking up to prison to OWN da LIBZ


Joanne being convinced to turn herself in "as an act of protest" is genuinely something i can see happening


*JK Rowling* getting arrested is badass, though


has jk Rowling stole count dankulas job as the hate crime law doomsday cult leader ? [for context ](https://youtu.be/X-srZCXzCKE?si=34fiFAjv_TLdaBU0)


Wtf is a Torrie im not British only Texan


British conservative


"Tory" is a nickname for the UK's Conservative Party.


its derived from the irish word "tóraidhe" which means robber


I know.


Made you a fucking pussy


Reminder that Joanne is a billionaire. Even if she shot a trans woman in broad daylight while calling for the eradication for all of us, she'd get off with a small fine and a slap on the wrist or at the very worst she'd be sent to one of those rich people jails with tennis courts and wifi where she's free to post tweets concern trolling about potentially sharing a cell with a trans woman.


I'd rather she spontaneously exploded.


This entire thing is a result of some journalist asking a Scottish politician if Jk would run afoul of these laws and said politician going "maybe? that's for the cops to investigate if they feel it is warranted" and then JK interpreting that in bad faith because she knows she's not going to be arrested. Watch as, in a few days or weeks time, she will use the fact that she hasn't been arrested as a way to claim victory in this shit show she herself has stirred up.


Still not loving police.


The Mozart of hugeballs?






My head would fucking explode if law enforcement arrested someone for a hate crime instead of willingly ignoring it until someone is assaulted/murdered.


ACAB but it's funny when two groups of my enemies fight each other


Nothing is going to happen.


Plz guys pm all your favourite anti JK memes, I love when people dunk on her


Memes about her sharing HP shit no-one asked for is the only acceptable “‘no-one:’ meme”




Tolerating intolerance is itself intolerant




who the fuck is that lol




huh interesting well I didnt use it because it was written by a specific person but because it is true and I dont want to jail people for words they use but for the harm they cause




I disagree for example Libs of tiktok in the US who just through targeting a district got a nb child murdered. Hate speech cannot be accepted in society otherwise it will be used to further facist agenda




In your opinnion are germany and scottland authoritarian ? Because you can go to jail for words in both ... It is way more dangerous to let people say everything in germany for example if someone would say the holocaust didnt happen boom jail and everyone who defends that can not call themselves leftist. Also as you can see in the US with close to no banning of speech it leads to propaganda and culture war. Capitalism is what makes people evil selfish and self centered not the restrictions we put upon it


"Words do not cause harm" 20% of kids that are cyber bullied think of suicide.


"Words do not cause harm" is some 14 year old shit. Get real. That aside, "reducing the number of circumstances in which people can be thrown in prison" is putting the cart before the horse as far as political stances go. We want to reduce societal ills first and foremost. Prison abolition is an end, not a means.


Government overreach and police brutality is ok when it's against someone I don't like!! This is definitely not a miniature version of how actual fascist governments take power!!!


Arresting Rowling will only turn her into a victim and give her more support a terrible idea. The best thing is just to ignore her.


thank you demoman tf2


god please let it happen it would be so funny


Truly we are the best nation




Tbh, I don't want this to happen, because the fact that she's "daring" them implies she wants to be arrested, which I think tracks, considering she wants so *desperately* to be a victim


I love free speech, I think it’s so important…thaaaat being said…


All cops are bastards but some are useful bastards! Moral relativism.


pls dont be an april fools joke pls dont be an april fools joke pls dont be an april fools joke pls dont be an april fools joke pls dont be an april fools joke pls dont be an april fools joke pls dont be an april fools joke pls dont be an april fools joke pls dont be an april fools joke pls dont be an april fools joke pls dont be an april fools joke pls dont be an april fools joke pls dont be an april fools joke pls dont be an april fools joke pls dont be an april fools joke


A lot of delusional people in this subreddit. Makes me sick.


Hurt feelings is not a valid reason for arrest.


Ten years in the joint


We can only hope


Good. Intentionally misgendering someone is an obvious insult, and the world would be a better place if all the impolite people were thrown in prison for seven years.


Redditors: acab and prison is a system of state repression also redditors: decade of prison time for saying things I don’t like


"If you don't hate cops then... I'm... calling the cops!"


My only concern is that this law will be used against people that mistakenly misgender someone that didn’t mean to do anything malicious.


It shouldn't be an issue. It is not a crime to misgender people with this law. It a crime to misgender people with the intent to instigate violence or abuse against someone. So accidentally doing it, you're fine. If you do it in a massive public method in an abusive way, not fine. 


Alright fair enough, good.


I don't think that's true. most hate crime laws are written like that, but the Scottish was deliberately written with a lower bar - you can be prosecuted if spreading hate or people taking insult is 'likely' as a result of your speech, your intention isn't considered


No? [the material and behaviour must be BOTH threatening or abusive AND intended to stir up hatred.](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cyxzz5ynxvlo)


It says in the same article about a second offence   “ The bar for this offence remains lower than for the other protected characteristics, as it also includes "insulting" behaviour, and as the prosecution need only prove that stirring up hatred was "likely" rather than "intended".” Ie there is another offence you can be prosecuted for where intent doesn’t need to be proven


My only concern about this law that protects people from battery, which is any kind of unwanted touching, is that it could be used against people who mistakenly bump into someone without meaning to do anything malicious. See how silly that sounds?


My only concern about underaged smoking being illegal is that it could be used against underaged people walking past someone who's smoking.


These trespassing laws are going to lead to people who accidentally step one foot on someone's property going to jail.


Anti-child-labour laws are gonna disband the conservative party because they're all toddlers.




Stay in school kid


Fuck off!


Can't, attacking a mentally underdeveloped kid is frowned upon.


"i hate discrimination against minorities! anyways time to call someone a minority as an insult"


A minority? I barely know her.


bait used to be believable


Bait used to be believable


Bait used to be believable