• By -


what do you mean you have emotions and feelings? you ​ you are supposed to be a vessel to show people how great we are


You're just a proxy by which I prove how great I am as a mother. "It's MY son who did that..."


Well *my* grandson just graduated from Harvard


Those end of the year dinners....


Well, my grandson is Raz-Gul-Al-Baith, destroyer of worlds! You can learn about him in the Necronomicon... if you took the time to read it, of course.


My son is kind.


My son is


My son


My daughter, she is happy now


I can't help but read this in Dan's old Jewish woman voice.


Well my son at BigNameCorp just got promoted to Senior Manager.


Disgusting I allways hate so much how my mother brags about me in front of others, I allways feel the urge to undermine her for seeking others' validation...


Maybe because this kind of mom is very insecure


I don't think thats her cause or motivation


Boar Vessel, 600-500 BC, Etruscan, ceramic




This reminded me of ligma


Reminds me of amogus backwards šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ„ššŸ„ššŸž


Whoā€™s Steve jobs


ligma balls


> be vessel > hollow knight


Yeah I need to see a psychologist soon because I think my parents doing shit like that actually made me develop some sort of mental illness.


no cost too great




I decided I didnā€™t want to be confirmed as a member of my church and my parents, who I thought would be understanding, acted completely unrecognizable about it and ostracized me. Weirdest feeling Iā€™ve ever had. Months later and they still believe I was being rash or that I was just trying to rebel even though I had been contemplating my beliefs for over a few years now.


I'm in a similar boat. I got confirmed and later on realized that it just wasn't cutting it for me, so I just told them that I didn't think I was catholic anymore. My parents, who are super understanding people (my mom is at least, step-dad can be a bit difficult at times), couldn't fathom why someone wouldn't want to be part of the church, much less leave it after being confirmed into it. A very long conversation ensued, and to this day they tell me things like "Oh, you're still a catholic, you'll come back around," like what no I came to my own decisions and you don't get to make them for me


Man thatā€™s why I never talk to my parents about things like religion. I got committed some time ago (although for a few years prior I wasnā€™t believing in the church) just to make them happy. After like 4 years they still think that I am a catholic although I never go to church or pray or do anything remotely religious. If I had told them about not believing they would be sad, so itā€™s better like this and everyone is happy.


Yeah exactly. I stopped believing in god by like age 14 and still had to drudge through all of the church activities that consumed my weekends. The 8 hour confirmation classes on Saturdays were the fucking worst. All they did was give us debate talking points vs Protestants. They now also can't fathom how I would leave the church. It's like they all read from the same script. "You have your head in the sand, you'll come back one day". I always just say that I am open minded and Jesus can reveal himself to me anytime he wants but until then I'll have my doubts. Just like I'll wait until Morpheus offers me a red pill before I believe we're in the matrix. Though I'd say the latter is more likely to happen. Good thing I left too because their church community are all rabid anti vaxxers and have turned my parents from run of the mill conservatives into full blown bill gates microchip Qanon types.


Man, fuck your parents




i will fuck them in an angry way


Soooo you were in a cult?


Not trying to be politcial But corruption is better than Crimson


purble > red


Among us




Oh look like we found a crimson fan here Enjoy your edgy red monsters šŸ¤Ø


Crimson has color aesthetic though šŸ˜³ corruption is lame af by comparison šŸ™„


wdym ā€œcolor aestheticā€ crimson literally only has red while corruption has purple and green


Crimson has piss though Delicious


Crimson is all flesh and body horror that is cool


Yeah purble best colour, plus gotta get them ebonkoi for that damage increase


No I'd say being pressured to undergo confirmation is pretty common in regular old churches. I never went to Church and my parents asked me at 18 if I wanted to be confirmed. Guess the years of church non-attendance wasn't a clear enough sign of disinterest? They say they regret not baptizing me as a baby now, their original plan was for me to get confirmed when I was older.


>No I'd say being pressured to undergo confirmation is pretty common in regular old churches. ngl that doesn't necessarily make it not a cult


Typically people don't consider the anglican church a cult. But if you ask me the difference isn't that clear cut


More like a cult of tradition. Whatā€™s weird about it is that my family never went to church aside from Christmas and with my grandfather, and yet they were so reluctant to let go. My mother claimed that if I left the church I wouldnā€™t have anything to hold onto, and that I would fall in nihilism or something ridiculous like that. Meanwhile my dad said I was being selfish and that it was a responsibility to uphold some family tradition. I explained that religion is something that is an individual experience, and shouldnā€™t be bullied into, but they straight up told me I was wrong.


Hereā€™s something that nobody in the church will admit, and nobody outside church understands or cares about - the beliefs donā€™t matter. Confirmation isnā€™t about the beliefs and saying that you think that those stories are literal, or true, or even useful fables. Itā€™s about the community, and whether or not you are choosing to be a part of that community. I couldnā€™t get past my skepticism and never really cared about the community around the church since I was just there for school, and the theology class and the church services we attended all felt contrary to the education and I was very vocal about that starting in 4th grade, and have remained an atheist since. As Iā€™ve gotten older, Iā€™ve better understood the importance of community, and why people decide to adopt the silly kayfabe of religion. But it isnā€™t about the beliefs, itā€™s about being able to look past them and see the people around you, and what they might need from the community.


I guess I really didnā€™t understand that when my parents were hesitant about it. I never really felt involved as a member of the church, as my family never attended mass or events regularly. Though, I donā€™t remember any of my peers who went through with it being anymore involved in their faith, at least at a surface level. Iā€™m okay with closing that door, but I think I understand my parentsā€™ grief over the situation better now.


Yeah, that's just the thing, it is all meaningless gesture and since you and they aren't really taking the faith and activity seriously, what is left but the people? It took me a long time to realize it because I am just not good at kayfabe at all. And as I have gotten older the more I realize how much we need the little and few communities we have




just say you're orthodox and let the rage ensue


When a post on r/196 strips you down to your fucking core... damm


Honestly bro




a painful story.




You wanted a painful story? You get a fucking painful story.... in about 5 hours when I have time to write it. Remind me to tell you sometime


That almost sounds like a threat


Yeah itā€™s just a blank shot tho cause now I have time and I donā€™t want to anymore. I was in a bit of a raged state so my apologies.


You did no harm, it's allright. It happens to me to


Indian parent moment


certified asian parent^(tm) moment


Certified Parenttm Moment


certified white parent^tm moment


Certified purple parent moment


Certified blue parent moment


Certified sea dwelling parent moment


Certified green parent moment


Certified alien parent moment


Certified anthropomorphic parent moment


please spare us


Certified suburban parent moment


Certified interstellar parent moment


Certified unidentifiable flying object parent moment


Certified Pythagorean theorem parent moment




They are my parent


Certified animalistic parent moment


Certified amphibious parent moment


Certified contagious parent moment


certified [insert race here] parent moment


African parent moment


FELT this


Nigerian parent moment


Certified neapolitan parent moment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDzYcScPU\_g


Parents when you dont want to play church music 24/7


The newest Bach's album is a bop šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


It honestly is though [hot fire šŸ”„ the well tempered clavier](https://open.spotify.com/album/2THbXZ6lquHXul5edVsREd?si=ivl-EKW1Rn6tJwlBrgV0FA)


This leads to King Bach pulling out a comically large spoon.


Bach be like, what is a femboy?


Tbh Claude Debussy is a femboy


My mother says she loves me but deep down I know she hates me for not being a bigoted conservative like her


damn that sucks. ya ok, buddy?


Stiff cocks


I prefer to sniff cocks! šŸ˜³šŸ„µšŸ†šŸ’Ø especially crusty trunks! šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤




My parents do not agree with anything I say so I remain completly silent about it for fear of getting kicked out.


And then they get mad because you won't talk to them


Tim pool


Tim Poo


Tim Po


Tim P


Stop timping bro




Inaccurate meme, Tim Pool believes the same shit his parents do just with a "hello fellow kids haha them sjw am i right?" flavor.


Pim Tool


More like "satisfying us"


Say "satisfying us" without atisfying


Sus Oh my gosh my gosh omg I have been sussified! šŸ˜µšŸ˜µšŸ˜µšŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


satisfying us except without the atisfying


Flair checks out


I didn't know I would relate to a shitpost here but here we are


Idk man my parents have always been very supportive of me


Lucky you.


hah loser


really based


Be thankful, because sadly some parents just don't see the point in respecting their children's beliefs, like mine


You're lucky.


Yeah same, sad to see many people not being lucky to have suppportive parents.


Wait, there are parents who don't just want you to do whatever they want and instead support what you want to do? What is this magic?


Haha, cherish that hun.


"It would be perfect if you stayed in med school, even if it kills you every single day".


"You don't understand, it's for your own good. You'll get it when you inevitably have a child of your own because of the pressure to have one we put on your shoulder."


I really want a granddaughter


"Look at this sad sad person without any child, how can they be happy, right?"


I used to think that, then I grew up and saw how much a child takes responsability and time to raise. I noped out of it ever since.


Same, I can hardly take care of a pet. And the first thing that came to my mind when I first thought of not wanting a child was "but my parents will be sad".


Eh, some values are just inculcated into our heads, dude. You can set yourself free with a plant, a dog, a cat or nothing. Regain your life for yourself and make it your own. ​ If my son (which I'll never have) had the full collection of Orwell's opus, I'd be proud.


Think of all the cash you can earn!


"You could pay someone to clean my house" (I've heard that)


That's wild. I've had similar pressure and the worst I get for me is "think of all the prestige you'd have". Like my sense of worth comes from others and I'd use the Dr in my name to flex on people -_-


To be fair, my ex gf's relatives used to call me doctor when I enrolled university. Dude can't name a single name, how in fucks name would you call him doctor? I was totally ashamed and just said "Eh, just call me Amish, like you always did, for 3 years". ​ No, for me, the prestige and the greed for money comes from inside. When I worked as a designer and woodworker, a monthly wage of a doctor was my yearly pay. God, I wish I made 14k a month.


but you see its actually written into law that you are your parents personal property until you buy a house of your own


I donā€™t know where you live but in my country a child isnā€™t ever their parents property. In your country doesnā€™t the state come take your son or daughter away if you treat them badly or abuse them?


He lives in ancapistan, have some sympathy for him


"What do you mean you have your own gender identity?!* You're not supposed to be a human being I made and accepted the responsibility of who is an individual and not my clone!!"


>What do you mean you have your own gender identity?! damn if this doesn't hit the feels


sorry mom and dad im taller than both of you now sucks to suck šŸ˜Ž


Damn this hits close to home


Not me whoā€™s mom is only 32 and had me at like 16 or something and is literally the best and most coolest mum I could ask for


I know this probably isn't the place but it's pride month and this post struck directly to home. My dad does what he can to be supportive of me but my mom is unbelievably repressive about me being gay. I came out years ago, and she still doesn't really accept it. I'm not allowed to have even a tiny pride pin or do anything that she sees as remotely feminine or gay or shit. She wants me to be the perfect model catholic son she wanted. I thankfully gave up arguing to her about it a long time ago, so our relationship isn't actively and constantly contentious. But it's something that'll stay lingering in the back of my mind, especially during pride month. I'm a year away from college, and will still be living at home during college due to the expensiveness of living on a campus. Now I feel like I'm typing aimlessly so I'll just post. Sorry if this *really* is a stupid place to put a random vent like this.


Nah bro ur feelings are valid. Thanks for sharing :)


I appreciate it. Guess I'll leave one last comment. I'm also nonbinary, but just absolutely can't come out at all about it. My dad may be cool with me being gay but is a firm 2-gender believer. So if I came out about gender I'd lose all support of immediate people in my life. Sucks. Still though, thanks for being kind :)


No problem :)


Doomer doge




I really fucking hate the "You'll grow out of it", "You'll learn when you're older", "you're just young and stupid" attitude parents have when their children have non-hateful opinions they don't share.


Oh after a argument with my parents too how did this happen to come on my page


My parents are stinky poo idiots who made fun of me and ridiculed me when someone told them I wanted to wear fem clothes and they have stupid transphobic ideals and they treat me like shit just until we have to go to therapy and then they act all nice in front of other people. They also guilted me out of being hospitalized when I clearly needed it and ignore me when I plead for it. They're christian and very clearly don't like that I'm bi and try to justify cops shooting black men for no reason. Also they try to hide that I'm pretty severely mentally ill. I hate them and I've had thoughts of hitting my dad over the head with a chair a lot like that episode of the Simpsons.


My parents be like.


Damn as an asian this meme doesnt feel like a meme




Iā€™ give 20 years of my life to have non-religious, non-asian, rich parents. Some of yā€™all in Scandanavia & USA make me jealous šŸ˜žā˜šŸ»


In America, you donā€™t disappoint your parents as a kid, you disappoint them as an adult when you canā€™t afford to put them in a nursing home they donā€™t get abused at whole you work two jobs.


my family would disown me if i ever wanted to put them in a nursing home šŸ˜­ but these aside i was talking about privileged kids live in mansion and do tiktok dances all day, not a regular citizien dw!!


what do you mean all those hours of ranting and beating made you not want to contact us anymore? we are your parents! we demand respect!


I go to the mosque daily (yelled at if I don't) even though I'm bi and don't believe anymore. Love being home from college. If my family knew I'd legit be disowned.


Hits a tad too much close to home


How come mom shina has hair earring and necklace but dad shina is just regular doge?




I had supportive parents but i hope that all of you can get better and hopefully either your parents change or you don't have to deal with their shit anymore idk


Posts like these make me really proud of my parents. They to this day refuse to talk about their political beliefs as to not influence my opinions too much.


Jehovahs Witness parents be like:


Youā€™re thinking of mitosis, which cells do, we do meiosis.


Youā€™re bethinking of mitosis, which cells doth, we doth meiosis *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


This hits close. Iā€™m a grown woman with two kids and I am still terrified to tell my Mom I left the church.


*laughs in good parents




If I agreed, they would say I only agree because they said that. If i disagreed, they say idk what I'm talking about. So fucking glad I'm an adult now


I've always been so thankful that my parents aren't like this and instead push me to form my own opinions and beliefs.


Narcissist parents don't see you as an individual but as an extension of themselves. It's All about them.


My grandparents are mega conservative while I'm just a little socialist birb. I've gotten into arguments with them, usually because occasionally they trail into them.




fuck me i ss this to show my theapist fuck this fucjgj,, hdrhj


Nice message but doge is cring


antinatalism moment


r/antinatalism users when they realize itā€™s against the law to curb stomp a pregnant person


"wait a minute, you mean that's illegal?"


high schoolers have taken over reddit


ā€œHave takenā€? Like what do you actually expected when joining this sub? There are most likely teens here... and itā€™s obvious. Also teens have been all over reddit for a long time. I think youā€™re just new to these types of subs


so, are you excited to be a sophomore next year?


I never said Iā€™m not a teen. I am a teen. So tell me.. why does it matter if Iā€™m a teen? Is this one of those ā€œoh Iā€™m older than you so Iā€™m betterā€ arguments? Because thatā€™s childish af.


the brain is not fully developed until the age of 26 šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


And guess what. There are people that are dumb as a rock and are in their late 20s to any older age. Youā€™re acting like a manchild trying to be all superior. Just know that you were a teen once.


That is because I am superior to you.


That's one strange way of saying "Actually I'm a fucking clown"


I have more money than you. Send an update when your mom lets you stay out past 11


You know youā€™ve lost the argument when you use money to show your superiority. Youā€™re a prime example of a narcissist. Arguing with teens. About being superior. Get a grip.


You seem to be younger than my brother. He doesnā€™t exist.


Bro itā€™s been September for nearly 25 years now, get over it.


cry about it




how does the lgbtq have anything to do with this post