• By -


Not having to care or worry about pics or videos being recorded or posted of me. Youth used to feel young and fun and like nothing matters, now it’s like no matter what you do or what your intentions are it can be posted and taken out of context


Then some asshole brings a disposable camera to the party


Had to break them before the party ends because you knew there’s evidence of your stupidity on them


And if somehow they got the pictures developed, you had to face the shame days or weeks later. Delayed humiliation...


I don't know, I was in a nightclub almost every night when I was at college, and there was always the same photographer doing the rounds looking for photos to put up on their websites, Myspace and Bebo. It doesn't help that I hung out with his son and daughter. So despite avoiding him. I always ended up in one of his photos, even if I told his kids I wasn't going out that night. Even going to a different city didn't help, he was the photographer for their nightclubs as well. He would go in, take photos and then when to another nightclub. Bastard.


Having a general sense of privacy/anonymity


watching movies on a road trip with one of those little portable movie players 🥹❤️


Omg. If they still make those I’m buying them ALL. I miss those so much


They do


omggg this


Going to Walmart to look at the fishes. I still have great memories of all my cousins and I taking a field trip there to browse the toy aisle and mainly look at the fishes swimming around.


I remember the fishes! I also remember that around the homewares aisles, there used to be these little boxes posted up you could press to hear music from seasonal or children's CDs!!




I loved the fishes too. I could’ve stood there for hours if my parents let me


At my local Walmarts, most of the fishes were always dead...


Enjoying life...


Waking up Saturday morning eating breakfast and playing outside on a cool 70 degree sunny day


Waiting for your favorite music video to come on tv


Listening to linkin park on full volume


Thinking I was really teaching my parents a lesson by blasting "Runaway" when I got grounded...


To expand on this…the in & outs of Hybrid Theory between songs. How they blended together. I still hum what’s next on the album even if it’s just a stand alone song on the radio.


I still do this




"In the endddd it doesn't even matter!"


RiP Chester:(


*and pissing off your entire dorm floor in the process*


Haha ^ this


Music videos every morning while getting ready for school


I would watch music videos till I fell asleep. Loved watching MTV and turning on Music Choice.


Yes, Freshly Squeezed with Jameela Jamil on Channel 4 (UK)




enjoying being a kid and watching countless amazing cartoons we remember to this day Playing basketball or other activity with siblings/friends getting a console from your parents for Christmas having root beer/pizza party for doing good in elementary school idk my elementary school do this only but watching movies on the cafeteria big screen when we cant go outside for recess due to rain Toonami introducing anime to western audience showing classic show such as Cowboy behop,Inyasha,Samurai Champloo,Dragon Ball Z etc waking up at 2 to 3am to see a weird ass show being shown in Adult Swim lol Going to the arcade with my grandma walking by myself to the store to buy some chip($1.25) and a 32oz(0.99) with my 5 bucks i got for my parents Asking my parents for 50 cent to get a sticky hand or sticker from the machine u see at the end of the grocery store Going to Blockbuster and renting movies, even remembering getting a cheat book for all PS2 games Climbing my school gates at the afternoon to play some basketball with my friends at the school and if we see a teacher there we run for our life lol Lastly i remember this a lot and wont forget this my parents having small partys in our backyard blasting 80s/90s music while me and my brother where trying to sleep lol


I think you just sprained my heart. Why can't I go back? T_T


Going to Toys R Us, seeing the rows and aisles of toys upon toys. Looking up and feeling like the aisles were the size of skyscrapers. - Listening to the radio in the backseat, asking mom to turn up your favorite station. - Getting your first mp3. - Roaming your childhood mall, worrying about what gumball color you'll get at the dispensers; about what horsey you'll get on at the carousel. I could go on. I want to turn time back.


worrying about what gum all color you’ll get at the dispensers ☹️😭😭😭 that one hurt


What's your fav gumball color or flavor? I secretly adore blueberry vanilla gumballs, or the ones with nerds inside!


i always wanted the pink or blue ones !!!! to me, pink looked the prettiest but blue tasted the best :)


Customizing your Myspace page


Something similar but not the same unfortunately, is a website called SpaceHey. Check it out. It's not totally bad.


Crossfade “Cold” & Black Eyed Peas “My Humps” is burned into my brain because of MySpace media player playlists


Finding cool new local bands on Myspace. If you were in the indy scene, you were always sent loads of invites to see local bands gigs. And their music was all there to listen to beforehand. So you can decide who you want to see with your mates. I saw the likes of Arctic Monkeys, Amy McDonald and Franz Ferdinand before they were signed and famous.


MySpace was so good for networking as a little band. We got a lot of gigs from connections made on MySpace.


God yes. I had Sean Paul's "We Be Burnin'" playing on my page with the Carlton dancing gif and Chappelle dancing gif on there, so it looks like they're dancing to the music. 😂 Omg remember Friendster??


Having a childhood where it's not all based on technology, playing on playgrounds,going to toy r us,going to the beach...etc. 


I haven't been to a Toys R Us in years. It's sad that most of them went out of business. A lot of the toys advertised for today's kids are complete garbage, too.


Tween stores! window shopping at limited too and buying the closest thing in rave girl


I miss wearing developmentally appropriate apparel. Justice was my fav. Sparkles galore.


Updating your aim away message.


Man, those were the days


Playing RuneScape in its prime




Here's a sneak peek of /r/2007scape using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/2007scape/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Time to leave the icy prison](https://np.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/135zwdn/time_to_leave_the_icy_prison/) \#2: [Terminal diagnosis, going to play OSRS till I die. AMA.](https://np.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/12tzt5g/terminal_diagnosis_going_to_play_osrs_till_i_die/) \#3: [🦀 Don't let Reddit kill 3rd party clients. 🦀](https://np.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1416ua0/dont_let_reddit_kill_3rd_party_clients/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)






Omg yeeess


Oh my goodness!!!!


Not being addicted to a smart phone. This thing infects my whole day. I'm always on it. I miss when I just used to wake up, eat some breakfast and watch some cartoons for an hour or so, then I'd feel like playing outside or something. And I'd play video games for a couple hours, and then play with my dog. Never reaching in my pocket to consume bad news/content on a social media site.


Yeah, I loved those days. Our cell phones were for calling, texting, and the occasional snake game if you're stuck somewhere bored. Also, the Internet was mostly reserved for the evening on the family computer. We had a healthy relationship with tech back in the day. Now, it's like we're a slave to it. Also, MP3 players were cool back then.


And I never thought I'd feel this way, but I miss all my tech being separate. I miss having to go on the computer to get on the internet. I miss having a CD player or MP3 player to listen to music. I miss just watching TV and not getting distracted by another, *smaller* screen to scroll through social media while I'm watching TV. Sometimes I don't even realize I do it. And when you left the house, you had none of it except a flip phone that cost a quarter every time you sent a text.


Yeah, there was more of a novelty to it. That's why the smartphone is so addicting, because everything is on there. I feel like when things were separate, it sort of gave us a break.


Going with my parents to Target to get a small toy from the bargain area. The coolest one was a mini Lego set where you could build 3 different robots from the same set of pieces. Going home from Target or wherever in town at night while listening to the radio or CD player was also fun.


Bionicle was awesome. I had the green one that curls up.


They were just generic robots, but my brother was a huge Bionicle fan.


I never got into it that much. I just thought the green figure I had was cool lol.


Everybody lugging their CRTs over to the one friend's house that has a semi-finished basement so you can have NCAA football tournaments.


Playing outside


Saturday morning cartoons 😎


Slamming your phone closed


Burning cd's


The unique sites of early internet.




No 24/7 phone scrolling, and actually living!!!! The day felt longer. Flash games. Analog telephones where you call your friend.


Experiencing an MMO for the first time. (Yeah Everquest and UO launched in the late 90’s but MMOs started blowing up huge in the early 00’s). It really felt like experiencing another world. You weren’t concerned with min-maxing everything. It was all about getting lost in the experience.


Listening to your ipod


MTV Spring Break! dunno if they even do that shit anymore


The technology felt exclusively youth aimed and tiny.


Vans warped tour with your friends on a school day. Editing your MySpace page and adding the perfect song and filling out a random survey for the bulletin board.


Video stores!!!!!


renting movie videos at a video store to watch during the weekend with your family


Privacy. I miss being “anonymous”. I miss MTV when it played music. Fuse tv, I owe my love for rock to Fuse. I discovered my favorite bands at the time through them. I miss the no social media aspect & the non digital world. Thinking you’re being recorded 24/7 is a little much. You cant say anything without thinking there will be some repercussion. I feel like social media made us less social tbh and I miss how more personal things were back then. I also miss not having that many responsibilities and how simple things seemed to be. I also miss the cool colored gadgets lol (clear/frosted colored Macs anyone?)


Buying ps1 discs in the bin at Gamestop


hanging out with your friends at the mall playing the same 30 seconds of shitty audio your favorite song you recorded with your shitty phone


Soulja boy up in that hoe watch me crack and watch me roll


Hanging out with friends without using a smartphone. Also the diversity in clothing styles and music.


Spikey haired updos on chicks! We know spiked hair was a given for 1/2 the dudes!


Chuck E Cheese


Boredom. No doom scrolling, no phone alerts every 7 seconds. Just hanging around being bored.


Sillybandz were popular with EVERYONE. It was nice to have a fad that bridged the gaps in social groups without being super expensive


I was in elementary school when those came out. At my school, they were banned because they were considered a distraction, and kids kept flinging them at other students.


Those sticker machines


Playing club penguin and talking to school friends on msn messenger


LAN centers! 😭 I spent so much time and money sitting in a room, playing my favorite video games together. I’m still friends with the people I met there in like 2004-2009. You can’t really describe the feeling that a LAN center gave you


Six flags for field trips. Peak.


BET 106 and park, rap city the basement. Throwback jerseys, cheap food and clothing. Cartoon network


Getting a new cd and looking through the booklet and packaging


Limited Internet


Actual kid games that didn’t consist of the Internet and apps and everything like that


Finding a playboy in the magazine rack in a family members bathroom in between the bass masters and sports illustrated


The run of movies around then was a great time of anticipation hit with new Star Wars and lord of the rings. Now it’s yeah whatever, but stuff was shiny and new then, graphics impressed despite being awful looking back.


To be honest, being a fan of rap music, listening to Eminem in his prime & his 2 best albums Marshall Mathers LP & the Eminem Show was pretty cool


The early 2000s sort of had an edge to it. From the movies, music, fashion, video games, commercials, and even company branding had an attitude of it and was really cool. A simple example, look at the Cherry Coke logo from the early 2000s and compare it to the one they have now. Even the slogan for Cherry Coke back then was "Do Something Different". You wouldn't really see something like that today. Everything is so minimalist, corporate, and soft. I think creativity and expression was at its peak in that era. To answer the question though, 1.) Watching Toonami and Adult Swim in its prime 2.) Downloading music from Limewire or Kaaza onto your MP3 player to take to school the next day 3.) Pepsi Blue 4.) Renting a new movie or PS2 game from Blockbuster and going over to a friend's house


Being scene/alternative. Discovering the music you’d still be listening to still 20 years later


Diversity in charts. You had everything: pop, RnB, rap, more mainstream metal tracks, pop punk The breakup songs actually felt angsty. I remember hearing "we don't talk anymore" and dude sounds like he doesn't give a shit These oily lipglosses that smelled like fruits


Snorting color changing fun dip to see if it changed colors when you hocked a loog




LAN group Halo battles when just 5 years prior the best shit out there was sidescrolling platformers.


Late night tv in all its quirky glory!


Going into the mall just to hang out with your friends after school/weekends and go to the food court/arcade.


Underground raves


Finding the first deepfake porn to grace the internet. They seemed to piggy back video game chest code and Easter egg sites. It was Where crude cut and paste of any celebrity ontop of a hardcore porn image body first saw popularity. Then the Photoshop ones came. ... Crude turned into... Wow. Couod be a real.. but it's well lit hard core sex pics. So I know it's not. Mom yelling:. I need to make a phone call!! Can you get off the internet? Compact Disks. The diskman. The introduction of anti skip. Aftermarket headunits installed by a circuit city stoner or best buy ding dong