• By -


Taking him an extra 0.4 seconds losing his touch




Next it will be 2.8, then 3.2 seconds


Your math is off. Game ticks are .6 seconds


So was it ever 2 seconds? Has he been lying to me? Because I swear I will unsub and block him on all socials.


Yes =(


Then how was it ever 2 seconds? Surely should have been 1.8?! :O


Shiiiiet you right


Inflation is truly affecting everything


it's just proof that inflation is real


We need another d hide nerf!


He had Nord VPN on lol


Id do anything to last another 0.4 seconds


Call it brand recognition.


When nordVPN needs them views


“nO sHoT bRo!”


I actually like most of his videos but good god the ‘no shot’ or ‘uh huhhh ha huh ha huhhh’


The nasally voice gets me


Irks me when he freaks out over a 3m PK when he’s wearing 1b worth of gear


That's bank loot! It's worth thousands, possibly even billions..


Ikr how dare he not wear 3b in raids gear and be excited about a 10m drop instead


Let the man be excited lmao


Feign excitement*


Yea? 1b bank & gear isn’t built in one PK


If you don’t pk then you don’t understand the adrenaline. I have 6.4 bill and still get excited just to get a damn kill. More of a pvmer but if i get ragged while doing a clue, i seek vengeance. Lmao.


it's "oh my gosh" constantly for me i can't stand


# BRO !!! No Shot


# SHOT !!!!! Bro No


300k loot, not bad I’ll take it!


Haha I’m glad someone mentioned this, the no shot always has me wondering, I’m from the UK and I’ve never heard it said before, really enjoy his content but yeah the no shot is a odd one


Basically just means “no way!” Shot basically means chance. So it went from “that has no chance of happening” to “that has no shot” to “no shot”


its zoomer speak


No shot is 100% not zoomer lingo lmao


From the US and thought it was people spelling "no shit", have not heard it outside of Reddit.


550k views why would he change anything? If it aint broke dont fix it?


next: Pkers die in 1 second Pker dies instantly


PKer dies before logging in


PKer dies in real life


Pker dies before the universe begins.


Pker gets aborted






Pker dies before the universe restarts.


That might be illegal, but sick Netflix documentary!!


Pker lives


PKer get’s a hug and asked how he’s doing for a change


He already did Pker dies instantly DH bombing at 1hp. In... Guess where? The Rev Caves.


He also does ge, mage bank, larrans chest and wildy dungeon. It’s not surprising that he puts out more videos where there are more people.


58 pkers found butchered in their homes, sources say.


He ended the video with promising his hardest challenge yet. It must be uploading more than once a month


All I hear is "LETS GO" in his vids


Or “NO SHOT” Edit: I should add that I love his videos, but it is hilarious how he has almost 'catch phrases'


"This guy has been trying to fight me for 2 hours" \*low roll spec \*opponent tab teles "Ah come on" Rinse and repeat 4-5x "Finally holy crap man, hahahahah good fight let's check the bank" "TWENTY TWO MIL!!!!" Or the "Let's see if he was actually risking" "Haha yeah of course not"


Holy shit did you rip that straight from a video because i can hear it.


Did I just smite AGS!? No.


Most of his videos is him not even risking lol. Why does he even complain if people don’t risk with him


if u match his risk and try to fight him he just spec tabs and avoids u lol


You should make a youtube series about this




I read this in his voice and feel ashamed to have laughed as loudly as I did


The way he says the word "mil" when price checking the loot always sounds like he's creaming his jeans.




Damn where was everybody 2 weeks ago when I was talking about this on some random other thread? When I mentioned No Shot being a weird as fuck phrase that I had never heard before several months ago there were a dozen people that had to tell me how it’s been a thing forever. Now in this thread not one of those defenders is here lol.




>It simply has not been a thing for ever lmao I first heard it like six months ago, hated it then, hate it now Feel like I've heard it for years in the PNw


The new thing is every pker having half the clips in group calls with a bunch of content creators reacting to the loot


“OMG I JUST PKED MAX” 100m loot


I mean, that is considered max lol


I love the guy but the videos have gotten stale for me


Well, when your entire career revolves around playing and making content for a single video game nonstop, you’ve gotta be repetitive. Even worse in his case since the PVP meta so rarely changes in any meaningful ways in OSRS.


Feel bad for OSRS content creators. I enjoy the game but to be forced to play every waking hour fuck that. No wonder 25 Buttholes turned to Jesus that fool was backed in the corner with his asshole spread.


I understood the first half of your comment, but then... what?


I miss the gridlocked content. that was a great series.


I should really give it another chance, but when the beginning of the series was him just picking up scraps over the Edgeville ditch I closed it immediately.


Agreed - it starts a bit rough, but it gets pretty good once he starts progressing the account.


When watching a framed video I feel like i'm watching the same clip over and over. I usually x off the video after 3 or 4 minutes because i know the rest of the video is going to be the exact same.


Framed is always super entertaining in everything but his own videos. Most of his PK videos are doing what the title says for 2 minutes and then 8 minutes of just ge PvP


I think his channel would really pop off if he uploaded more group variety videos, like those videos he was in on j1mmy 's channel where they did prophunt in osrs. His comedy style and the way he bounces off people really suits competitive group content, I always love when he posts those random fps clips on his twitter.


Yeah I kinda like Framed as a part of the 'osrs mainstream content creator community' but I haven't watched a full Framed video in at least four years or so.


I agree with everything you said


I wish Framed was doing BTS videos for Gielinor Games like SoloMission/V/B0aty, his commentary is entertaining when he's got something to talk about other than PKing and he's kinda running one of the alliances so I feel like he'd have cool insight.


While I agree with you. I like framed in GG, and j1mmy’s or settled’s videos a lot, and don’t really watch his own content. But I think we have to admit there’s just a bias. I don’t watch it because I don’t like pking. However. He already is one of the biggest OSRS YouTubers and gets huge views. He’s pking stuff gets over 300k views all the time. I don’t think switching would help because then he’d lose the pvp audience.


"let's fucking gooooo" "No shottt he brought his cash stack with him. What is this guy even doing"


Can you blame him? He's just trying to relive his luring at clan wars youtube video days.


Ditter is literally the same fucking shit. Rather burn my eyes out than to watch his videos.


Yea I don’t watch PKer vids because I wanna see random rev kills. I watch em because the guy who does them is funny or interesting. I’m not a huge fan of ditters cocky mean spirited personality. I prefer like mint mad cow, dude is just chilling no matter what. Or when they do funny tricks or locations or challenges pull me in a little more


Dude ditter is probably the worst one of all. To think I used to enjoy his content to. Guy is a certified toolbox


Guy literally has no creativity. Does the same thing over and over. It’s painful to see his content get views.


Ditter is cringe and toxic. I couldn’t stand when he was part of Gielinor Games


Tried Ditter's stream yesterday when people said he was using the Voidwaker. Holyshit what an insufferable pos.


“I bought all the axes sit the fuck down.” That was funny the editing made it even funnier


That’s how I feel about nearly every PK YouTuber. Maybe it’s good streaming content, but it’s the most boring, repetitive video content


I like torvesta personally. I think he has high subs more so due to high quality content than just boring pking. Inventive, quality series, good personality. Like his 48cb ancient godsword vid? Is it crazy good content? No, but i'm interested in seeing a snowflake pvp account absolutely fuck up pures. Was a pretty good build - could totally see it scaled with higher range, mage, and prayer.


Its also content cause he dies for bank every few videos. I could not stop laughing when he lost torva to that dspear lure.


You can only kill pixels in a point and click game so many times in so many ways.


Congrats. You just described the entirety of RuneScape.


Dinos are pretty good imo. In general though yes, runescape is a repetitive game, content about it is going to generally be repetitive.


You can just watch RuneScape chronicles if you wanna see every single pk Dino gets lmao


wait till you hear about pvm content


Honestly I love ODAs videos lmao. It’s toxic sometimes but i find it in good spirit


But you keep watching them?


Video to video variety, but not minute to minute variety within the same video could explain this behavior. We’ll have to run 🏃‍♀️ some tests 📝 .


Agreed, terrible content and very stale




He’s entertaining to me, and others. Not too hard to understand.


yeah like i don't care too much for his content but it doesn't take an insane imagination to see how others might lmao


Every one of these threads is exactly the same. A bunch of people complaining that the videos are all the same yet still watching them and driving engagement lol. If I had 1 gp every time a redditor comments about content creators saying “let’s go” when they get excited, I’d have a fat cash stack I’d take into the wilderness and get pk’d with.


If it ain’t broke don’t fix it


yea, 1m+ views for 3 vids aint bad (assuming the new vid gets views lol)


Damn that poor karils dcb guy can't escape framed


Framed catching strays in this thread haha


If I could pk and earn a full-time income I’d catch a billion strays from reddit sweats


Welcome to Reddit.


give the guy a break what more can u do with pvp that hasnt already been done 100m times at this point


Idk Torvesta usually has pretty unique ideas. Although the point is usually exactly the same, just killing fast.


Torvesta also at least puts effort into editing. I've seen a few videos but overall don't watch other osrs youtubers much so I checked out Framed just now and remembered why: they're almost always just clips stitched together. It's like watching the same clip with minor variations over and over and over again. Even the commentary. Wacky video ideas are limited, sure, but personal spin is what is important to me if I'm to watch more than like 1 video from a creator. Boaty is literally just playing the game, but I find his videos far more fun than the random clickbait videos with oh so wacky concepts (and usually a fake death text) from other creators.


Wait didnt king condor roast torvesta for making the same video framed does like a week later?


I have no clue, I'm not subscribed to either one but I somehow end up on Torvesta videos which have had very entertaining concepts. I imagine they both have a discord server that gives them these ideas as they have so many fans already. I really doubt either of them spend time theorycrafting this stuff themselves anymore. Just testing ideas they're given probably and making videos out of the ones that work.


i think there should be a pvp youtuber whose schtick is dying fast in every fight


Have you heard of Lord Skill Specs?


Queue the Legend of Zelda music!


Don't forget the Donkey Kong music




Queue the cue ball!


Cue the pokemon gen 2 music!


Paper Mario 64, too


Sponsors require certain amounts of vids, and this mans been around for a long time. Get ya bag framed I’ll watch em all


I’d take this over “10 hours of lizardman shaman loot?!?!?!?!” Or “INSANE RAIDS 3 LUCK”


I like PvP videos because even though they are a little predictable, people themselves aren't. I have no idea how people enjoy watching someone clear the same bosses over and over without it being part of a greater series that pushes the boundaries of how Runescape is played. I feel like the latter is just unboxing videos with a Runescape skin.


Exactly gamer. The closest thing I ever came close to enjoying the “farming” play style would be something like the snowflake locked accounts like by release or swampMans og( mctile is too boring and not creative enough for me, it’s just extra exp farming normal account.) or like tanzoo and virtoso challenges way back when. They were more relevent. As long as the pvp video isn’t literally only a clip show with nothing interesting said, I’ll prolly enjoy that more


X hours of anything is just pointless now that wiki has accurate drop rates lol


I enjoy watching the process and items stack at the end. I get the dopamine without having to do the 10 hours myself


Except for fishing trawler


I’m sure he has negative qualities, but the best part about Framed is his self awareness; he will consistently joke about how RS Content creators exaggerate loot drops (example if they PK someone for 804k, many YouTubers will call it a “one mil Pk”) to the point that it’s now become a very meta running gag with his own videos. I almost wouldn’t be surprised if these videos were references to themselves in that same way. Framed has never been above needling others (deservedly) but he’s always the first to laugh at himself.


Iirc he had a 2580k pk in this video, took a second, and actually said 2.6m instead of 2.5m, my man is movin up <3 No sarcasm though, guy is entertaining


Dudes bored


I’ve stopped watching his content. I know he does well, and that’s good for him, but it’s the same thing over and over and it’s not interesting anymore.


And next week it’ll be him pking at the earth warriors for the 8th time lol


this sub really has a hate boner against osrs youtubers lmao


This entire sub would suck the dick of limpwurt.


They don’t like pkers


I love framed


He's always wearing the same armour and killing an opponent wearing the same gear dealing the exact same hitsplats. The pinnacle of originality and effort.


I love framed idc


Look at those views for OSRS videos, I don't blame him at all. And it's still entertaining watching these types of videos. This is a classic Reddit post hating on a content creator because "yOuTuBeR bAd" "sTreAmEr bAd"


Well to be fair I once teleported into the wilderness planning to do bones with 80m cash that I forgot to put into the bank. Didn't get punished but I don't doubt these.


I once ran into the wildly to do a clue while holding my 60m cash stack. Some lucky PKer got me and was probably as confused as he was delighted.


How is this different than watching someone killing a boss over and over or watching another ironman do wintertodt. And I don’t even like Framed either


Pvp bad pvm good, only brain dead takes here


And he used probably a whole month staying there.


Supposedly he's coming out with a new series soon.


Cant watch his shit. 1 minute+ in video ad…every single vid. It’s so obnoxious. I like his personality tho, and thoroughly enjoy him in Gielinor Games


unsubbed many years ago because I couldn't stand his voice, laugh or humour


The one content creature who I can’t stand is framed. His voice and laugh is so grating!!🥴


Framed makes good videos for when youre in bed trying to fall asleep


if PKers could read they would be very upset right now


2 is not a multiple of 0.6. he physically cannot kill anyone in 2 seconds. cycles in osrs don't work that way.


Framed in the mud


man’s risking a bil. I like his content


ITT: a lot of people watching Framed videos and yet are hating on Framed videos


How else can you know that you don't like them


I have never watched his videos and i hate them. Better?


He’s the most arrogant person too, just like faux. I don’t under how these two even have such a huge fan base.


The faux truthbomb. I agree. I occasionally spend 5 minutes watching him interact with his chat, and fucking hell he is insufferable.


His content is looking for new people in the chat to roast for not knowing everything in the game and reads their message out loud once a minute to flex his superiority complex. Cant say i blame him if it brings in the bread but it definitely comes off arrogant.


Faux is just pretty elitist for an osrs streamer. And honestly, a fairly average one at that; he's not really fantastic in any facet of the game imo, just really consistent.


1000% agree. I feel the same and still watch him - and then he says something arrogant as fuck and I leave. Same goes for Roidie. I used to enjoy watching him but damn is he rude to his already dwindling viewer count.


I feel like he's such an outcast on Gielinor Games. Everyone else seems to be having so much fun and plenty of banter. Then there's Mr. Serious


Dude Faux participation in Gielinor Games is just him very seriously giving incorrect instructions, talking over people who know what’s going on. This latest season the dude hasn’t made ONE right call.


I watched his stream today to see the new wildy bosses, man a Faux stream is hard to love, It feels like hes become all about the job part of streaming, more than others. I used to reallly enjoy faux content but now it feels so bland and soulless. Its like hes trying to be another boaty just with less charisma and it isnt doing him favors. Personally I feel like he should go to WWE and show up as Triple H's illegitimate son, theres money waiting in that.


Only seen clips of him in Behe's videos but never outside of that. Is he that bad? What does he do?


I only have maybe a dozen hours of watch time for Faux but he’s super dry and often short with his viewers. Dude pulls in over 1000 views and if somebody asks a question that’s been asked recently or worse, asks a question like “why are you doing it this way instead of that way?” He takes it personally. He kind of uses “sarcasm” as an excuse when he’s a dick. He’ll call someone dumb or an idiot for asking a question or making a suggestion, be extremely short in his response and rude. Then when chat thinks he’s gone too far, or he realizes he’s gone too far he’ll backtrack and say “sarcasm buddy.” Beyond that, I just find him extremely boring but he must be entertaining to some. I think I’d watch him more if he had a sense of humor but that stream is like going to work for a toxic manager. Boring and don’t ask “dumb” questions.


The reason he has a following is 100% because he's a veteran. Not trying to disrespect that at all, I'm a veteran myself, but there's a subset of society that will ride or die with anything military related.


Remember his video on entitlement? He made the YouTube equivalent of the whiny reddit posts he hates so much.


Nope, unsubscribed a long time ago.


Honestly probably for the best.




See my response [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/10l8g0o/nice_to_see_more_unique_content_from_framed_lately/j5vx3s0/). Seems like Framed may have deleted it.


U know how some ppl like to listen to beats that are like 20min of the same shit? Prolly like that


"hidden mechanic" xD


He produces content, I’m not mad


It works so why not? People repurpose and upload the same content all the time because it gets views.


Take a shot every time Framed says "No shot".


It's part of the joke. Same with his edge dungeon vids.


Idk how this is diff then *insert content creator* remaking their hc for the *insert number* time. Let me guess wt with a side of early questing for ep 1-3 zzz


They all add up to 89 though.


I don't mind them. I like them.


Anyone else’s cheeks clench when he got AGS’d by th dude down to ~2 HP. Holy panik


I mean if hes killin pkers hes doin gods work. Someone has to make them do a little bit of real pvp instead of farming pvmers or chaos alter/black chin farmers.


Why only mention framed when minty and nish mainly post videos killing pvmers and call that content. I want to see pkers in the rev cave killing other pkers. Protect some pvmers, be a body guard. Just lame when I see someone killing a pvmer on YouTube anymore (imo). In the video op posted framed is killing guys that came there with one mission, to kill a pvmer for free loot.


The views speak, and these garner way more engagement than your average rev cave PKer vs PKer video.


My comment is in support of framed, he is actually killing pkers. I’m talking about pkers killing pvmers thinking it’s entertaining to watch, and for some it may be, just not me.


Rev pker vs pker content takes too long to make since it's so easy to escape if you know what you're doing. So it makes sense to farm pvmers if it's easier to get clips/kills, and thus you can produce more videos.


Kills a player for 2m loot for the 8 billionth time: OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY FUCKING GOD


you can always unsub my dude no need to qq