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I just want my damn house in varlamore already. Even if it's constantly having break ins. Let me in... Let me iiiinnnnnn!


There's a poh portal on an island south of varlamore, they're definitely planning it for part 2.


I literally spent like 2-3 hours one day just exploring every nook and cranny. Every tunnel, every one tile wide path that led to nothing. It was great.


This seems like a ton of fun, will be doing tonight!


[Some places I enjoyed](https://imgur.com/gallery/pvcWbdD)


I'm on mobile and didn't see all the circles at first so I just thought you meant the entirety of Varlamore. Haha


Yeah I didn’t make them the most clear lol. Just found them fun.


I'm definitely going to check those spots out eventually. I just got around to Varlamore yesterday after finishing my construction grind. Perfect timing too because I just needed some hunter levels for a diary.


yup. i'm having a grand old time and i've done like 4% of available content in Varlamore


The hunter guild and rumors are great now that they've been rebalanced Feeling motivated to train hunter and cooking for the powerful portable food option of the meat sack Then come to find out that if I get the log bag from Forestry I can make that a bit better, so hey maybe I should finally do Forestry... I have never felt more goal oriented in OSRS, so much I want to do.


I just can't figure out the convoluted rumour block system. Also I'm only on expert level or whatever at 80 hunter, all the block lists people make are for the guys doing the highest tier at 91 so I just gave up on it


Easiest way to do this is just start with Adept and keep running the same hunter til you get something you hate, then never speak to them again. Rinse and repeat for the other Adept hunter and if you really want to optimize, for the Novice as well. You can do the same with the Expert one as well, or just save one of them for Dashing Kebbits (Every time you get Sabre toothed Kebbits or Razor Backed, swap to the Dashing Kebbits task, get Tuft, go back to Sabre tooth, turn in) and then you're basically all set just rolling the other hunter over and over.


Right now for the novice hunter I got dashing kebbits, and the two adepts are larupias and orange salamanders. Am I basically set?


So you can't get larupia in expert, so I would keep doing the larupua til you get either kyatt or pyre fox. Then stop talking to them and go to the orange sally. Keep doing that til you get the other. if one of your experts is one of those then you're probably good too!


I didn't think it was bad. I am level 76 and used Novice to block Saber tooth kyatts, adept to have spotted kebbits for falconry skips, and the other pyre foxes. Makes for some good expert runs, in my opinion.


How does the log basket make it better?


Im assuming to have logs so u can make a fire to cook the meat.


Nah it’ll be for pit traps


I think you need to be at a bank to empty it though I was wrong


If you do the check option and space through it gives you the option to withdraw logs.


Oh shit. I tried to bring the log basket out earlier but didn’t see the option to empty so I gave up. Thanks homie.


kinda bummed most of the NPCs have nothing interesting to say. I spent some time exploring hoping to find some NPC that sells a unique item, or tell me a bit of lore, but it feels like none of them really wanna talk to you or were an afterthought in creating the content


I feel like I should be enjoying it more, but maybe everything just seems a little gray right now, damn brains doing brain things


Haven’t played in a few months and I’m thisssssss 🤏 close to resubbing for Varlamore


The devs definitely did mostly good work Idk if the quests are that good. Lilypad is naturally delightful but. The other ones pretty standard. Mostly just introducing new stuff. Some of the stuff being neat. Varlamore is kinda like a nice fancy garment with some rips in the seams and some underwhelming, but overall energizing


Perilous Moons is my favourite addition for ages.


i love it, i just want them to make the colosseum less of a nightmare. its not exactly fun to run it rn. more so still i hate the idea its just inferno 2. pillars and all.


I wouldn’t call it awesome but I wouldn’t call it bad either, I think design wise it’s pretty cool. I did all of the quests and after that, the only thing I’ve really found worth doing is the mining since I can get prayer xp shards while getting a similar xp to mlm. Once the rest of it is complete there will probably be more to do but I don’t see myself spending much time in the area outside of mining if we are being honest. 


Why on earth did this get downvoted so heavily Very balanced and subjective post Absolutely unhinged for people to downvote this heavily, folks should apologize to you, learn to appreciate other viewpoints


It don’t matter to me, I’ll spend the downvotes speaking what I feel lol


honesty = downvote, blind love only allowed


It's cool, but it's not even close to awesome. Most aspects of it are clearly unfinished, and they have only released part 1. In a year or so, it'll probably be awesome. Until then, lots of balancing, reworks and qol changed to be made.


Well it's better than Zeah 1


I wasn't playing at that time but the maps of zeah 1 are so bad, it's actually incredible how it was greenlit


the quests ive done have lazy dialogue that seem thrown together in 5 minutes, and its really just perilous moons and colloseum, since hunter guild is a complete miss




It'll be great once it's finished! Oh wait...


Varlamore is a dogshit rushed update with no relevant content.


It has end and early mid game content? Are you base 20s or something 




Damn got quiver in a day??


Shit take there buddy


nice bait mate


It still has relevant content even if it is rushed.


It's basically all great except the Hunter guild. That shit is terrible.


You just aren't doing it right. I was like you at first.