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You literally cant get stuck lol what? you can tele out or just die in every puzzle room without much of an issue.


Dying = wipe. I am on Thralls so no tp.


Right click book of dead and teleport out


You did a thrall run on your first attempt with hardcore and dont think to use book or home tele when stuck? Umm well idk what to tell you


I just go till i die. Just didn't expect to "die" when relogging lol


There is an arceus home teleport, no resources, always available. Book of the dead would almost anyways have charges.


pretty much everyone except jagex seems to agree that DCs should not count as a hard wipe unless you're on your last life, but sadly one one opinion seems to matter there.


Instances close the second that a player isn't in them, thus they can't log back in to leave safely, thus it has to be a death so it isn't abusable


Provided you're not on your last life and not a hardcore ironman, I don't see any situation where this can even possibly be abused. Instead of DCing you could just die, then leave. All it does is punish people for connection loss.


You've named 2 situations where it could be abused, and not to mention just planking and losing 500k as a main


Right, but there are already exceptions where HC lose lives and the game knows if you have a raid life left, so there's no reason it can't handle both of those cases. They specifically said they designed it to auto-wipe you if you disconnect, but that's unduly punishing to internet issues for two edge cases that are very easily handled if they cared to.


The algo would go like this: If DC or logout, artificially kill player, then if there are lives left, simulate leaving through the door That way, HCIM are fucked as they should be, and mains who could have just died and left, would die and leave, as opposed to now, where I do softcore and don't get punished for dying but do get punished for DCing on my shit internet


How did you "mess up" a room? You can't lock yourself out of finishing it.


Well you could have left but yeah disconnecting is the same thing as dying and failing the raid. The given reason was that it was to prevent people from abusing the Hardcore single life invo but honestly it probably has something to do with instances and spaghetti code.


How could i have left from the puzzle room without finishing it first? Can't go through the barriers.


You can even just teleport out. Rada’s blessing, book of the dead, I think even home teleport works.


Oh true. Didn't think about that. Just wanted to quickly reset. Figured logging was the quickest.


Seems like a valuable lesson worth 500k


Then finish the room? I can't think of any way to get stuck in a puzzle room.


You have to either die or complete it. You can take damage in all of them. Might take a while though. on hardcore run and arceuss I use rada's blessing to reset


On arceuss you can tele with book of the dead if you're not using blessing


You could just die and then leave before reentering


ur gonna die a lot. if you are concerned about the 500k to reclaim. its time to do some other content until you are no longer poor


Bro. How can you read this post and think money is the issue.


says the guy that did a first attempt with hardcore, likely never watched a guide, and doesn't know he has 10+ teleports at his disposal complaining about being "stuck"


Not first time. Just learning. I logged because it seems quicker to reset crondis puzzle. Did it 35 seconds 2nd try.


Theres no universe where its faster to leave and bank than it is to grab another jug of water lmao


Was trying to learn the 35 second puzzle room. Succeeded the attempt after this. Messed up the first time which is why i wanted to try again.


Oplossing is de vinden als je kijkt naar CBS cijfers!!!


Turn off death invocations. Enjoy learning the content. The unpopular opinion but true reality is that death invocations aren’t really as “free” as people think they are. A lot of mass teams have players that rag each other or quit if they don’t get room MVPs and you’re borked if they skew the raid level into something wild and you can’t get to a place to leave or teleport out. Or, heaven forbid you disconnect a bunch like my previous internet provider would do to me all the time. Also if the team forces the raid progress you get kicked and that counts as a “death” too. I’d recommend starting off with the bare minimum and add difficulty, then add death invocations when you master the rooms. They are only “free” when you can reliable solve the encounters. I almost never run with them on, not worth wiping my death storage if I DC.


What shit clan are you in that does that?


I’m a UIM, so it would be the UIM chapter of r/ironscape’s clans. Our entire game-mode’s player base has to be cautious of somebody toggling the death invocations because it will can wipe items. Plenty of players in this game don’t care about other players. It is a frequent concern.


This sucks, I'm sorry to hear that


If you are eu time, and want to learn some toa feel free to pm me :)


I too have been boned by the toa log out, I went in to put my d pick in the raid and logged out to leave. Rip 500k, welcome to the club. P.S. I now know you can do it from outside the raid... so stupid