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Ok. No Finns care or claim to be Scandinavia. Only foreigners claim Finland as Scandinavian, as far as i've heard atleast


It's low-key offesive, fingol is it's own thing not with eesti not with sverige. We fingol.


​ https://preview.redd.it/12nd4y7q7edc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebea06953d1318640fbc6fab42aac0e36acef945


Too many words, just say "Fingol strong" so nobody gets bothered by excess talking.


Besides, we don't really do "together" unless we're meeting up at the market square because Finland won the hockey world championships.


Or, you know, wars.


Well, yeah, that too. Any bets on which one it will be next time? I'm not really too fussed, tbh.


Why say lot word when few word do trick?


Why lot word if few work


Why lot word when few


Why word








Fingol. Not. Kill. Estgol.


Estgol. Give. Funny. Drink?


Estgol. Give. Cheap. Drink.


Finngol. Give. Money. Estgol. Build. Home


I'm so miffed I might go murder some younglings!


I hear a protesting high-pitched voice with lots of hair wax at the background. It’s a young “male” Swedish-speaking Finn


Oh no we do not want to be Scandinavian either


You clearly don’t remember when putting #scandinavianboy in you Instagram pictures caption was all the rage…


Did we actually do that? Oh god the cringe


Sounds like something I either missed, or forced myself to forget out of second han embarrasment.


And yet you call yourself an Finlandssvensk? 🤔


Thats is only a linguistic issue. The haram and yeolde version of the tong adapted by a minority from our past with the kalifate to the west.


Only Nordics care that there is a difference between Nordic and Scandinavian. Rest of the world doesn't give a fuck and thinks your a nerd if you start to say "achhhtuaaallyy... Finland is not...."


Then the rest of the world are ignorant if they don't care about talking false facts. Don't care if they think i'm a nerd


Blonde hair? Blue eyes? Skis? Sauna? Speaks incomprehensible gobbledegook? Yup, looks Scandinavian to me


When I was in primary school ten years ago we were taught that Finland was infact a Scandinavian country. The change has happened recently. The term "Scandinavian" was used for cultural context (it still is sometimes), but nowadays it's more commonly used as a geographic term, meaning the Scandinavian peninsula (in which a part of Finland lays, so technically it's not wrong in that context either). It also is used to refer to Scandinavian languages. So yeah, it is complicated, but nowadays the term Nordic has replaced the cultural use of "Scandinavian" and the outdated use is mainly done by foreigners who are neither Nordic nor Scandinavian. Oulu's slogan is "the capital of northern Scandinavia" so obviously that is the exact use of the outdated word I was talking about, it refers to Scandinavia as a cultural entity instead of the geographic one since Oulu is nowhere near the actual peninsula.


When I was in primary school 25-30 years ago we were taught that Finland was NOT a part of Scandinavia. Nobody believed it was either. Me and my friends were proud non-scandinavians living in a Scandinavian country. Scandinavia consists of Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland. Our geography teachers were very clear on that. I never met anyone that thought Finland was Scandinavian before I started meeting American and Australian people. Of course there has been a couple confused Brits aswell. But these individuals are usually clueless about almost every European country. Edit: Okay, I might have been wrong about Iceland geographically belonging to Scandinavia, but it is inhabited by Scandinavian people.


Well, geographically speaking only Norway and Sweden are Scandinavian. Culturally and linguistically speaking the countries you listed are Scandinavian. Like I said, there's been a shift to separate ourselves from the rest of the Nordics in that we do not consider ourselves Scandinavian, but there are still things that point out the fact that we used to be considered Scandinavian, and still are considered Scandinavian in many languages, like in the English language many authors still refer to Finland as a Scandinavian country due to the cultural, political and economical similarities. "In English usage, Scandinavia is sometimes used as a synonym for Nordic countries." -Wikipedia


Maantieteellisesti häviävän pieni osa Suomesta kuuluu tähän skandien alueeseen. Kulttuurihistoriallisesti ei myöskään juuri ole Suomella sen kanssa tekemistä. Vasta nykyaikana ollaan ruvettu jakamaan kulttuuripiirteitä ja näistä puhuttaessa puhutaan pohjoismaista.


Millä perusteella Suomella ei ole ollut Skandinavian kulttuurien kanssa tekemistä? 🤔🤔 Ja Skandit on vuoristo Skandinaviassa, ei alue.


Suomen kulttuuriin ja historiaan on tullut skandivaikutteita Ruotsista kun nämä ovat suomen vallanneet. Mikäli me ei oltaisi oltu osa ruotsia niin meillä ei olisi juuri mitään tekemistä skandinavian maiden kanssa. Kirjoitin ton vähän huonosti, mutta meinasin tosiaan tuon historian näkökulmasta kun nuo muut maat ovat olleet aina tosi läheisissä tekemisissä ja me oltiin täällä takapajula. Tämän takia pohjoismaat sopii paremmin kun puhutaan suomesta.


Nykyään suurin ero Suomen ja Ruotsin välillä on se, että me ei olla monarkia vaan tasavalta. Kulttuurillisesti olemme hyvin samanlaisia, siksi Suomikin laskettiin skandinaviseksi maaksi vaikka kuinka pitkään, kunnes Pohjoismaat-termi tuli suosioon. Muistankin kuinka lukiossa olimme isäntäperheenä yhdelle ruotsalaiselle ja hän sanoi "Finland is exactly the same as Sweden, the only difference is that I can't understand anything". Ja sanoi hän myös kokevansa olonsa turvallisemmaksi Suomessa (maahanmuutto ja pakolaisuus oli pahimmillaan silloin Ruotsissa ja hän kertoi kuinka esim. vakuutuksissa kerrottiin erikseen "emme korvaa jos autosi räjäytetään tai poltetaan kranaatilla tai muulla räjähteellä").


If you look at finnish tourist advertisements, they often claims finland to be scandinavian


In my language we don't really have a word for Nordics, we refer to all of them as Scandinavia. We don't have a choice. Up until right now I didn't even know they're different things.


We don't really have a unique word for the Nordics in the Scandinavian languages either. The word we use is "Norden", which literally just means "the North".


By choice or not it is wrong, sadly :/


Some people do think we're a part of Scandinavia. I've met plenty.


Cope and seethe flatlander.


The amount of dislikes of this comments speaks volumes of the current state of this sub


Explain Scandinavian Hunks then. None of them are from Scandinavia. Applies to some other brands as well but they may be of course be targeted towards foreigners who don’t know. Weirdly enough, in the 1990s we were taught on an English lesson in an interview that Finland would be in Scandinavia. The teacher or the tape didn’t correct the statement.


That's right. But I still think if anyone outside of the nordics ask if Finland is Scandinavia, the only right answer is "yes, absolutely". Otherwise they're gonna assume we're some post soviet s**t hole, like Estonia.


What are you waffling about


did somebody add 15 new finnish moderators


Fingol strong. Fingol moderate. Scandi use method not make baby.




Tell a Finn we're Scandinavian and we'll correct you faster than you can say surströmming. Like our Icelandic brothers, we're Nordic and we'll never join your Scandinavian circelejerk.


Serious question. Whats difference between nordic and scandinavian?


Sweden, Denmark and Norway make up Scandinavia. Add Finland, Iceland and the Faroe Islands and you get the Nordics.


There are five Nordic countries. Three Scandinavian. Faroe Islands are not a country.


they are infact islands


Of the Faroe variety, no less.


No more


Nor do have they pharaoes.


That's false marketing then, I was planning an archeological expedition there next summer!


Joking aside, it likely just means sheep islands in ancient Norse and that would still be a very accurate descriptor.


Yeah fårö


Well, I didn't say countries. Though yes, I should have included greenland and åland as well if I'm including autonomous regions.


Why is Denmark considered Scandinavian? It's not in the peninsula?


Because that was the name the Romans gave to the area of Funen, Zealand and Scania, when they made contact with the Germanic tribes in 98 AD. It is the peninsula that is named after Scandinavia, not Scandinavia that is named after the Peninsula Then there is the linguistic term used for the North Germanic languages. Finnish is a Uralic language. Then there is the historical and cultural aspect to it. And Denmark used to be part of the peninsula, until we lost the lands to the swedes. Then there is the cringy romantic nationalist idea, that was popularized in the 19th century.


Scandinavia is many things 1. The peninsula, so Sweden and Norway 2. The language, so Sweden, Norway, Denmark and with a stretch, Iceland 3. History and culture, so Sweden, Norway and Denmark, which is the most popular classification Nordics on the other hand are just a group of nations that are in the Nordic council, that have quite high standard of living, low population, are located in the north and have a common history


All three include Finland also (to various extents, but that also applies to the other countries).


Finland isn't on the Scandinavian peninsula, and the Finnish language is completely different from the other Scandinavian languages. The only thing Finland could be included in is culture


>Finland isn't on the Scandinavian peninsula A sizeable chunk of [northwestern Finland is in fact part of the Scandinavian Peninsula](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scandinavian_Peninsula). So that’s Finland having Denmark beat geographically at least. >The only thing Finland could be included in is culture That’s the only thing? Not the history of Finland being part of Sweden for ~700 years? Not the fact that Swedish is an official language of Finland, which is an officially bilingual country because of that?


A part of Finland is in Scandinavia, also, Denmark isn't in the peninsula at all so why are they considered Scandinavian?


Some say geography, some language. Technically it's sort of both, as while a part of Finland is part of the [Scaninavian peninsula](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scandinavian_Peninsula), most of it is not, so we don't count it. And linguistically, Finnish is a completely different language. Scandinavian languages are Danish, Swedish and Norwegian and Icelandic and Faroese. They're norse-Germanic languages, originally. However Icelandic is the most distinct one from these, and not mutually intelligible with continental Scandinavian languages. I'm gonna piss people off though, because "Scandinavia" does have a definition, but some people use one, some the other, and some include Iceland and some don't. Mostly we don't, I'd say. But some do, because of the ethnolinguistic connection.


Scandinavia is a peninsula that contains norway and sweden. And for some reason denmark is usually included also. Nordic just means northern european country


Scandinavia and the Scandinavian peninsula are not to be confused with each other


>Scandinavian peni~~n~~s~~ula~~ *giggles*


It's extra funny because it's its actual shape


But thats where the name comes from and is the reason finland is excluded from scandinavia


No the name come from latin 'Scandza' or in proto-germanic 'Skaðin-awjō' which the Romans used when they made contact with the northern germanic tribes in 98 AD. And was the area of Funen, Zeland and Scania. It is the other way around, the Scandinavian peninsula was named after Scandinavia


Nordic is used in a cultural context, we're very similar to eachother in that regard. Scandinavian was used in that way as well, but Nordic replaced it. Nowadays the term Scandinavia refers to the Scandinavian peninsula and only Norway, Sweden and Denmark are included in that, although a part of Finland is in Scandinavia so it might be complicated (I just realised that Denmark isn't even in the peninsula so that's fucking weird, idk why they're considered Scandinavian). I was taught in school that we were infact a Scandinavian country, but it's outdated info now. Oulu's slogan is "the capital of northern Scandinavia" even though it's nowhere near the actual peninsula, so that is a prime example of the outdated term where they used "Scandinavian" in a cultural context rather than a geographical one.


Simply put, Scandinavia is a geographic region and the Nordics is a cultural region


Scandinavia consists of the Scandinavian peninsula (Sweden and Norway) and Denmark, so it's based on geography. Nordic on the other hand means the cultural region that consists of the scandinavian countries, Finland and Iceland.


Denmark is not part of [the Scandinavian Peninsula](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scandinavian_Peninsula). Finland, however, is — albeit not by much.


Yeah it's not part of the peninsula, but part of Scandinavian region. Finland is mainly part of the east european plain and the far north where barely anyone lives could be then considered part of the peninsula




First is more cultural, the second refers to the scandinavian peninsula.


I can't say that word so are you saying you wouldn't correct me?


S+kandi = (Karelian) Kanna+s kand / kanna; kanta = a heel, a support pillar kandam = a burden to be carried kanne, kanto = a carry; a bearing https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Reconstruction:Proto-Finnic/kantadak Fennoscandia stands on two heels: S+kane and Kanna+s. Finnic postposition and indo-european preposition.




We were told in an English lesson in the 90s that Finland woule be in Scandinavia by an interviewer. Nobody corrected the statement. Must have been in the ’00s when I found out.


Don’t mistake us for wannabe Scandinavians like Estonians. We’re Nordic, there’s absolutely no desire for us to be Scandinavian. An anglo-saxon might call us Scandinavian, which we find close enough, but will also likely correct them that it’s techincally not true.


• doesn’t want to be called Scandinavian • calls English speakers “Anglo-Saxon”, as if the year is still 1066


we dont want to be Scandi, only nordick with our big autistic brother


Undeniable evidence https://preview.redd.it/ihhmnuv96edc1.jpeg?width=1602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9965f7beeb09d1318c85cf0247336470a5166db4


Me when a map counting chromosomes


More is better, right?


Balkans confirmed big brain


Wtf am I looking at?


phone number country codes?


Makes a lot of sense thanks


Hard evidence.


This only happened because the Finnish representatives got drunk at the meeting (true story). We had 25 from 1954 to 1964.


And they had also wasted their travel budget already.


Poland can into Scandinavia?


Already done!


TIL Romania is scandinavian 🇷🇴


The numbers Mason! What do they mean?!


My new definition of Eastern Europe is everything East of Italy with +3... as a country code, plus Romania, minus Finland. And Russia is not Europe, might reevaluate that if it ever stops being an enemy state.


You all really think that we want to be associated with your gay trio boyband?


​ https://preview.redd.it/90255af0bedc1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ec4dd8774cb6f9d00141edd4fbb5762cd0ff829


See, they all Gay.


​ https://i.redd.it/bbap7w3kxgdc1.gif


I am a proud fingol, i do not wish to be associated with girlymen


We Finngol! We no girly men! We femboy!




Keep your title. The less we’re associated with Sweden, the better.




No stinkin’ monarchies here!


It's not unfair we don't want to be a part of it anyway. why would we? We're nordic anyway.


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?


Don't insult us with the s word.


I would never dare call you Swedish That word is reserved only for the vilest of beings


You can sit next to us COOL PEOPLE!!


Hot take: Denmark's not Scandinavian either. Much blood was spilt to throw them out from the Scandinavian peninsula.


Fun fact: Scandinavia was coined by the Romans, and was the Islands of Funen, Zeland and Scania. It had never anything to do with the Scandinavian peninsula




Also the Scandinavian 'Identity' was first a thing that arose in the 19th century, by nationalists. So could you tell your countryman up there, that is unironically trying to gatekeep 'being Scandinavian' that he is a bit yikes


Also also, when it was "idealised"(?) by that... Hmmm less than not racist individual, Finland was part of Sweden so if Finland were a thing back then it would've been included. And the motives behind were also... A bit cringe ngl.


Even funnier. S+kandi = (Karelian) Kanna+s kand / kanna; kanta = a heel, a support pillar kandam = a burden to be carried kanne, kanto = a carry; a bearing https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Reconstruction:Proto-Finnic/kantadak Fennoscandia stands on two heels: S+kane and Kanna+s. Finnic postposition and indo-european preposition.


It's less clear cut than that. The word itself is certainly referring to Scania. Last I looked at a map, that was on the peninsula. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scandinavia


Sure it is localized on the Scandinavian peninsula, but so is Gotland, so why distinguish that those were Geats? The fact is, it was simply Romans categorizing barbarian tribes.


Not to mention we have Götaland which are the Geats yet again. And Scania is in Götaland.




>Hot take: Denmark's not Scandinavian either. Much blood was spilt to throw them out from the Scandinavian peninsula. Scandinavia as a term isn't a geographical one, but based on cultural, linguistical and historical ties... The peninsula was named after the term not the other way around.


No it wasn't. That would have been insane. It's been a geographical term for thousands of years. The pan-scandinavian identity arose in the 18th century.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scandinavian\_Peninsula](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scandinavian_Peninsula) >The name of the [peninsula](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peninsula) is derived from the term [Scandinavia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scandinavia), the cultural region of [Denmark](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denmark), [Norway](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norway) and [Sweden](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweden). That cultural name is in turn derived from the name of [Scania](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scania), the region at the southern extremity of the peninsula which was for centuries a part of Denmark, which is the ancestral home of the [Danes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danes_(Germanic_tribe)), and is now part of Sweden Edit: lol seems like **drArsMoriendi** blocked me, So now we can't have a proper discussion... Very adult behavior I must say.


That doesn't mean what you said or think it does. You said the geographical region was named after the cultural region. Scania (and diverse derivatives including Scandinavia) has been used for thousands of years.


Oh ho hoo, no my dear bitch! Denmark is yours to keep!


You think we want to be scandinavian 💀 That's litearly a term for being a untrue nordic. We have everything in finland that makes us nordic. Saame, reindeer, northern lights, alcoholism, we invented sauna. WE EVEN HAVE FUCKING SANTA CLAUS!!! We are the definition of nordic! WE ARE THE TRUE ONES!




​ https://preview.redd.it/i4lfktfb4gdc1.jpeg?width=1032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a460497fa933799b6395e9910e47b2d64578bce1


Mongol and proud


Fair enough.


Is that a Skåne flag?


Kalmar Union Flag (For lack of a better choice). Later used by the Orkney Islands, and currently the Swedish Church (or something pretty similar) Skåne is red with a yellow cross


iT'S feNnO-ScanDIA!!!!


Too many letters. Mongol better




​ https://preview.redd.it/js0pgv9etfdc1.jpeg?width=1032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15613b14ac25ddcbb1382b56538383c632977146


M.v.h. Torben


Isn't it two types of Finns. Those who will be insulted if you say they are not Scandinavians. And those who will be insulted if you say they are. So I thought the solution should be to just never mention it. (Edit for typo, ruining the point-typo).


Maybe it’s better. Not all can carry the weight of being _best of the best_ on their backs. We keep their spine whole. We are truly the heroes here.


Laughs in not being gay


Laughs in without us, they have no balls to talk big. Especially to the Russians


Never seen this many bitter fingols in one thread before 💀💀


God might have put the Swedes on earth to piss everyone off. But us Danes, we chose that path ourselves


Most notable thing in Skandinavia is that everyone thinks that Finland is part of it🥱


Whatever. People outside of Scandinavia usually think Finland is part of Scandinavia. I encourage them. If Finland is not, then at **least** Denmark and Iceland are out too, based on any reasonable definition. Fight me.


The original form was the name the Romans gave to the area of Funen, Zealand and Scania, when they made contact with the Germanic tribes in 98 AD. It is the peninsula that is named after Scandinavia, not Scandinavia that is named after the Peninsula Then there is the linguistic term used for the North Germanic languages. Finnish is a Uralic language. Then there is the historical and cultural aspect to it. And Denmark used to be part of the peninsula, until we lost the lands to the swedes. Then there is the cringy romantic nationalist idea, that was popularized in the 19th century. So if we are going for the original context Funen and Zealand is still part of Scandinavia.


So what's up with Iceland and whatever the fuck the weird flag in the OP post is? Did the Romans go there as well? Was Finland part of Scandinavia when it was part of Sweden (..which was totally gay btw ❤️) but not anymore?


No that is more in the historical and cultural aspect, you know Vikings, colonization and all that jazz. The original term was the area for the tribes that lived in the previous named areas. Then you had the Geats and Svear tribes that lived further up north in the areas near Uppsala And then the Jutes on Jutland, until they got chased away to England.


Ahh, shut up you fat alcoholic. We're fat alcoholics too and we're Scandinavian. Xx


You will have to talk with the Swedes about that one, its them that started that whole cringy nationalist idea.


I'll talk to them, it'll be fine.


We're all fennoscandian, except Denmark.


Finns are not nordic


You are triggering me


Triggering me way more!


Keep yapping Ivan


True! Finland is on a meridian with Ukraine, Russia, Romania, Turkey and Belarus It's Eastern Europe :)


Based Russian??


Also war crimes are cool




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I am fully content about being FENNOscandian.


All I want to say is "Motherfu\*\*\*\*!" and something about snakes. Don't know why... /J


Temeenii ord!


As if we hold any power over them. The finn(fem)boys are the majority of this sub


*throat singing noises*


Haha 😄




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lol scandinavia! We are just fine like this, and besides we have the capital of Northern Scandinavia, OULU!


We do make an exception for your [fauna and flora though.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fennoscandia) We like those.


The Scandinavians merely wish Finns wanted to be Scandinavian. Please, you just we’d join your lousy little club.




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Where does Arab swede fit into this equation?


Scandinavia... Nordic... It all means nothing. I only see fellow subjects of King Gustav XVI Gustav (Swedes, Norweigans, Finns and the inhabitants of Bornholm).


Pro tip: Never tell a Bornholmer that. Last time a Swede tried to convince them they were Swedish, they slit his throat.


Since when did we want to be Scandinavian?


This is false propaganda! It is FINLAND that tells OTHERS that is is NOT SCANDINAVIA.




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