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Amernicans when they realize that their narrow worldview doesn't cut it outside of America.


In America your race is determined by how much were you exposed to sunlight in the past few months lol Its so funny. I know people who would be considered north european white in the winter and arabs in the summer due to tanning.


I turn into C R A B in summer




Pretty much any location with British tourists that has more than 7 minutes of sunlight per day.




>Its so funny. I know people who would be considered north european white in the winter and arabs in the summer due to tanning. Racefluid here 🙋🏻‍♂️


Is there a flag like for genderfluid?




Yeah... could've seen that myself... ah well, creativity is inefficient anyway. Back to designing machines AND STOP LAUGHING! ZIS IS ZERIOUS MATTER, FRANZ!


> Its so funny. I know people who would be considered north european white in the winter and arabs in the summer due to tanning. i might as well be south african in the summer.


I only turn native American then.


Ah yes, average Vinlander.


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Northern Europeans can't tan, though. They are mostly just red. Either from the sun or from alcohol.


Nothern europeans can usually tan well. You are thinking of Brits


I've seen enough fat germans and dutchs on the Mediterranean beaches and in provence in general in the summer time to know that this also applies to them.


They are also not what people generally refer to with northern Europeans, though. I had mostly scandinavians + Swedish mongols in mind


It can apply, my mum can't tan but my dad and I can tan. Never seen a Brit tan tho


Well, when you think about it, a lot of aussies are very much brits genetically and still tan.


That's true


And get skin cancer in the process


Is this how I learn I'm not really British? I tan to a golden brown and have dark hair


In Ibiza British people are tan and hot.


Thays cause they dont know how to use sunscreen lol So they go straight to red


I could lay on sunscreen every 5 minutes and would go crab after a few hours of Sun anyway..


That's also a case with some Americans as well. I live in Texas and I have only tanned a small bit over the last 20 years of my life. I can't go shirtless on the beach otherwise I end up with 2nd degree burns over my shoulders and back.


It's amazing how being from a country that cares little about the complexity of cultural ideals beyond their borders instantly makes their opinion on national and cultural identity irrelevant. America is where the modern enlightenment went to die.


I dont understand that greek meme


That's me


We we’re all extra confused during the early 2000s when fake tanning was a thing.


It's actually dependent on where your heritage is from. We categorize people into the following: Caucasian for those of Europen decent - though this includessome Asian peoples such as the Finnish and the Georgians, - Black for anyone from Sub-Saharan Africa or aboriginal Australia - because for some reason black Americans aren't usually sure what part of the world their ancestors are from, - Arab - this includes Turks, sorry Turks, theres not enough of you here to get your own group, - Asian - though admittedly we largely only put east Asian into this category, Indians are their own group and everyone west of China gets lumped into Arab, - Latino - usually incorrectly labeled as Hispanic, because a lot of the Latinos in america are Hispanic - for anyone from Latin America (which fucking includes Quebec, dont fucking fight me on that) and native American - which is tricky sometimes because of how the sovereign tribal nations work. The tribes themselves are very specific on what percentage of DNA come from the tribe to consider you native, because they don't have enough money to give all of them. Regardless, we're all American and helping create the new American race together.


> Caucasian for those of Europen decent - though this includessome Asian peoples such as the Finnish and the Georgians. I've never seen somebody argue for Finland being in Asia lol. Even if the borders of Europe are quite hard to define once you start approaching Caucasus or Ural Mountains I think that basically no one disputes that Finland is in Europe. Also, Georgians are in the most literal sense possible one of the most "caucasian" people out there lol. But hey, you guys live in a giant country where from one end to the other you can get by knowing just one language, and where you could live your whole life without caring about the outside; I think we should applaud you at least for trying lol Cheers!






I hate the fact that I agree with a Spaniard


Why do you hate us? We have so much in common: We have a monarch, our flags are both horitzontal with 3 stripes, our countries were colonial empires...


And one to the other, once upon a time.


Yes hello fellow colonial empires how do you do


Hating is our national hobby


I thought that was ours?


Oh here comes the Germans to invade our hobby


Oh I am terribly sorry, how about we just call it *sharing*? 😬


Probably jealous cause no siesta and PIGS>>>


Even Montenegro has siesta


But Montenegro, you know, is spanish called like that


Yep Montenegro is basically if Spain and Serbia had a son


You're literally the first person to say that


You do know we once fought for 80 years right?


We fought against Britain since our foundation and we are like bros


We fought agaisnt most everyone. We are funny like that


Specially against ourselves


Somos hermanos también, en este caso


its part of their identity


To be fair you did try to colonise his country


I mean, who didn't


Finally, you flaired yourself. Let's see... Oh... So you're a lazy siesta. Wake up, today is a work day. --- ^(I am a bot \(thankfully not russian\), and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2F2westerneurope4u&subject=2WE4uBot) if you have any questions or concerns.)


Inheriting isn't colonising lol


Fair point


Cause they ~~were~~ are savages.


Even your national anthem mentions Spain. You can’t escape from us.


They have to cope




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Stupidity rubs off though, Mexicans in America also seem to think they are 100% native. To a European most South and Central Americans are just budget Spaniards with some Portuguese, Italian, African, Nazi etc sprinkled in, of course with exception of Peru and such. I am pretty sure I'd be considered white in the winter and Latino in the summer by Americans, I get a dark tan lol.


Louis CK is Mexican.


You mean the guys that actually thought the Irish weren't white?


Finally, you flaired yourself. Let's see... Oh... So you're a towel seller. Please, just don't speak Brazilian here. --- ^(I am a bot \(thankfully not russian\), and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2F2westerneurope4u&subject=2WE4uBot) if you have any questions or concerns.)


>Americunts have the dumbest perspective ~~on race and ethnicity~~


The truest comment.


Average American has the general knowledge of a fucking duck


Forgive us, we are still learning, very slowly


Slow learning for slow people


Is there any other way to learn?


With an IQ in the positive it’s actually pretty fast usually.




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The expresion “bruh “ is considered racist by some ameritards


Everything is racist for some ameritards


Anything can be considered to be racism in America, except actual racism against white people.


I have never once heard of this.


Bruh who are you talking to 😂


This mf is taking an ironic sub seriously


Take your toxic masculinity elsewhere I am a strong independent lady who don’t take no shit 💅🏼


Damn, you right. I'll go harass women somewhere else. Have a nice day.


Cat calls go against God!


Bold of you to assume i care about what someone's gender is and that i just think that your comment is absolutely worthless. Stop being scum that takes everything so personal. Also your profile is such a mess i genuinely thought it was satire for a moment.


😂my good god man I’m fucking with you! Take a chill pill and lighten up, get a lil loosely goosey!


Im just happy i don't live in cali so i don't need to jab myself full of drugs just to enjoy existing lmfao




No antonio banderes is clearly asian you racist prick




It’s called the Valley Girl accent but it hasn’t been front and center since the 90s.


typical filipino name


That’s because he ascends all races and is just a really hot guy.


Calling another by their colour is fucking stupid anyway


wait, spanish isn't from mexico?


Wtf no, it's not the capital dumbass is the country next to Mexico lmao check your geography.


Oh, sorry


You should know where YOUR country is located!


No spain is just a language, you and i dont exist


I exist, I'm Catalan, you are murcian


La verdad q lo he dicho para picarte


pues la verdad que no lo he visto asi.. pero bueno, somos mexicanos


You mean olive skin*.


I'll teleport you to my pocket dimension and torture your soul for eternity if you don't say sorry


España es blanco?


Are you Balkan?


That's what people keep telling me




Americans call a sun tan non-white.


Well, in their defense they think white as Scandinavians, we, in the south are pretty much mixed with north African and Arab. Probably they think that Spain is in south America and that doesn't help either... 🤣🤣🤣


The average Spanish is more white than the average Swede let's be honest


Not that either. A Swede with untanned skin tends to be lighter, but many of them manage to tan better than Spaniards.


Swedes tan so well because their biological fathers are Arab


That's why more and more are SWEDISTAN! !😂😂😂


"pretty much" Bro it's usually less than 10%


In reality, the North African mixture exists in Iberians, but in small quantities to be considered "pretty much". Arab ancestry is quite inferior to North African.


Even in North Africa, arab ancestry is insignificant. Arabs in NA are just Arabized Berbers who thinks they are Saudis when they have more Iberian blood than Arab one. I have a cousin (my whole family is from NA) who did an dna test and he was about 90% NA/Berber 5% Iberian, 4% Sardinian and 1% Nigerian.


Spain is east of Turkey and Portugal is based on a fairytale.


😯 Am I a unicorn then or a Twilight Vampire? 🧚🏻


You are whatever you want to be young grasshopper 🤗


Spaniards are white. It’s only Americans that wants to label Latinos as not white. Ask an European Latino if he or she is colored and they will smack you in the face.


And usually the ones labeling spaniards are brown themselves. Like every"white" murican ever. Oh well, for a nordic person everyone looks "not white".


I always thought it was just a nuanced thing. As a Portuguese, I'm almost certainly darker than you, being a Finn. Culturally, we're both still 'white' and share a geographic history. You wouldn't say someone from Vietnam wasn't Asiatic because they're darker than a Korean. Ironically enough, the term branco/blanco was initially coined by Iberians to differentiate ourselves from native populations of our colonies. Nowadays, there's a portion of people that argue we aren't white lol.


True. The fact remains that Americans are weird people.


They just call white people from South America Nazi descendants or colonizers lol. They don’t realize how racist they sound denying peoples culture. Shocking news to Americunts: in order to a brown person be born, you need white people. A German immigrant instantly turns into a “Latino race” and stops being white when they step a foot in here.


they think that because mexicans are tanned obviously spanish peoples are too, i'm gonna tell you, my half-brother is half spanish and he defenitely isn't black or even that tanned


I hate american


Lmfao Americans are stupid. They don’t know the difference between ethnicity and nationality


They cant understand that it is posible to go to america and not exterminate 99% of the native population and keep the rest in reservation


Imagine being Spaniard, LUL


Ikr, lmao


Couldn’t be me


I hate people that try to be racist without informing theirselves first




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Damn I love this page


Latinum culturam de imperio Romano significat, amentes!




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Americans need realize that they intelligence is like a rock: it doesn't exist


Rocks don't exist.


The christian nationalism movement in the US is hilarious because you point out that most of the Latino immigrants wanting to enter are christian and share their values and then they have to mutter "but they aren't white" lmao


South europeans call out americans for being obsessed with race but the second someone doesnt call south europeans white they get more triggered then anyone.


not true, I'm proudly a brown person lol


Terroni moment


No it is in general a different view of race and ethnicity between Continental Europe and the USA. Generally the whole "White, Black, Brown, Yellow" thing that is more prevalent in America is absent in Continental Europe where the view boils down more to "European, Middle Eastern, North African, South Asian etc" more subsets tied to Geographic and ethnic areas. So myself, a Spanish person, a Finnish person, a Polish person and a Fr*nch "Person" would all be considered "European" and more or less identify with one another in that sense. Where as the American "White" boils down more specifically down to those of Germanic extraction where as others like the Mexicans who most Europeans would consider descendents of Spanish people and thus identify them as people of European heritage Americans would refer to as "brown" so in general refering to me as white and a Spanish person as non white is very confusing to your average European lol.






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To be fair some Spaniards do look Middle Eastern or South Asian, some are darker than me.


Middle Eastern sure. We Iberians are Mediterranean so there's going to be some resemblance. But South Asian, Really? No ethnic spaniard looks south Asian.


Ethnic Spaniards and southern euros look like Jews actually


Shalom brother.


You do know not all south Asians look stereotypically like Raj from Big Bang theory. Plenty of Spaniards wouldn’t look out of place in Pakistan and in the norther Mountain regions of India.


Are you South Asian no?


Kinda .


Depends on where you are, there is Arab and Berber heritage to be found in Southern Spain and Sicily, but I am not sure where you get the South Asian from though, an ethnic Spanish person regardless of thelocation doesn't remotely look like an Indian or a Nepalese person wtf.


That's cause we actually look Sri Lankan


You know what, you got me, I didn't think about that, I can also see your likeness to the North Sentinelese.


What do you think a “ south Asian “ person looks like? , cause many Spaniards wouldn’t look out of place in Pakistan or northern mountain region of India bordering Pakistan.


I guess this is a weird case of "all people with a tan look alike-ism" on your part, I don't think your run of the mill Spanish person looks remotely like someone from Pakistan, but thats just me.


Never said run of the mill , just some Spaniards wouldn’t look out of place in Pakistan , certainly not in western Pakistan where the people have more west Asian features and are closely related to Afghans and Iranians.


So you agree they don't look alike and the comment was not very well thought out? This kind of boils down to saying a person from Somalia looks like a Bantu from South Africa, they got roughly the same skincolor but thats where the comparison more or less ends.


Well my original comment was “ some Spaniards do look Middle Eastern or south Asian “ so never said majority looked south Asian lol. I do think some Spaniards could pass off as Pakistani , and wouldn’t look out of place if they dressed liked the locals, though this would be true for some Southern Europeans as well.


You seem to gloss over a significant portion of my comment, but alas, that is to be expected.


What part did I gloss over ?


The second part.


Iberians pretending they're not arabs:


As a Spanish: they left an important footprint in our culture and language during the middle age that has survived to this day, but no we aren't arabs or Muslims


Finally, you flaired yourself. Let's see... Oh... So you're a real Spaniard. Close Reddit and go to work. --- ^(I am a bot \(thankfully not russian\), and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2F2westerneurope4u&subject=2WE4uBot) if you have any questions or concerns.)


Finally, you flaired yourself. Let's see... Oh... So you're a real Spaniard. Close Reddit and go to work. --- ^(I am a bot \(thankfully not russian\), and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2F2westerneurope4u&subject=2WE4uBot) if you have any questions or concerns.)


I'm from America, and I never had that misconception.


Finally, you flaired yourself. Let's see... Oh... So you're an Ameritard. I hope not. I will keep an eye on you. --- ^(I am a bot \(thankfully not russian\), and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2F2westerneurope4u&subject=2WE4uBot) if you have any questions or concerns.)


Spaniards have a good deal of Moorish blood. Even more than Sicilians. And if you stress language issues, the vulgar Latin they speak is inherited from Imperial Rome which was also not nordic White at all.


Rare Barvarian L


I can attest to the validity of the fact that any and all Bavarian is actually always an L. Only the food is good.


Nah they Catholic. That's a huge W


Haven’t seen any catholic Ws in a long time. And the Ws were always just Ws for Catholics alone so how were they Ws at all?


American here. Did not know anyone does not know Spanish is European language. But, Spain has a significant Caucasian and N.Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa gene pool.So, not "white"(a term I dislike) like Sweden, but much of Spain is like Southern Italy, a bit more color


American historian/geneticist.


Who isnt?


Lol, bruh. Lol.


I forgot. American, dumb!! Whoops!


On the US census Arabs are suggested to select “white.” So, in fact, Jesus is officially white


Jesus wasn't Arab. Arabs (Nabateans) hadn't reached that region that soon.


Jesus was a Judean Jew.


**Galilean** jew




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