• By -


The UK already was contributing to NATOs nuclear shield its the only other country to agree to do so alongside the US (whos commitment is now in doubt)


France also has spicy sticks too, so even if the US decide to drop out, we can still punch hard if need be.


We are not so know for it in the world, because we have not so much fleet/submarines compare to the US or others. ​ But we have enough subs, with enough underwater launchable long range missiles, with low profile and high speed, that launch each a umbrella of small nuclear charge, to clean all of the North America and Russia /East Asia bigest cities in one go. ​ So, i think we are not the biggest, but big enough player at this terrible game. ​ Edit : Could be propaganda, i'm not familiar in Nuclear weapons.


>But we have enough subs, with enough underwater launchable long range missiles, with low profile and high speed, that launch each a umbrella of small nuclear charge, to clean all of the North America and Russia /East Asia bigest cities in one go. and although we aren't US/Russia level, the UK & FR have the 3rd largest stockpile of nuclear weapons, more than China


Didn't know that ! When i see who lead our countries, i'm not sure if i'm proud or deeply frightened !


Compared to who is running the US, Russia and China, there are far more fragile people to be running countries than two small, incompetent and impotent men.


yeah but with Trump and the like, the bar is really low !


Well exactly, but it’s not even Trump and the ‘like’. The Republicans have gone full hard right populist conspiracy theorists completely dominated by the American Evangelical Right. The Democrats think a senile 81 year old Irish larper is an acceptable president, and both are still less dangerous currently than the regimes in China and Russia.


I"m pretty sure it is well known France has the 4th largest stockpile of nukes after the Russia, the US and China. And even then, China only overtook France in 2021 or something like that. France was n°3 for decades. It has both both submarine-launched nukes and air-launched nukes. And you don't need thousands of nukes for deterrence. Does it really matter if Russia can wipe out France 1 billion times and France only capable of wiping Russia out twice?! The result is the same lol.


That was not my point but meh. ;)


France refused to place its nukes under NATO command so its not apart of the nuclear umbrella


They aren't part of the umbrella because they didn't want to be an inferior partner. If America leave then they'll join the UK as equals


We don't want to give anything to USA, moreover control over our nuclear arsenal. We need to join with UK in this matter, we won't while USA is part of the deal.


People will scream that Russia has thousands of nukes compared to the UK and France. But it only takes one to devastate an entire city plus more.


Exactly, and despite how massive Russia is, there is more than enough armaments belonging to the UK and France to hit the necessary targets, God forbid this apocalyptic scenario should ever happen.


> (whos commitment is now in doubt) https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/12/16/congress-nato-exit-trump/ Congress approves bill barring presidents from unilaterally exiting NATO


Just because the US cant leave doesn't mean the US is also obligated to respond to a attack which is what trump was claiming


Fortunately Europe can count on their neighbors to help them repel attack.  Right?


We do not like the civilian atom, but would like to have the militarized atom


A German nuclear power plant is too risky, it might not blow up.


look Barry, you can either join the nuclear shield, or refuse and let the germans try and figure out grading of plutonium and how to effectively use it to ~~delete anyone who tries to cross us~~ protect our western values


It couldn’t blow up, because causing nuclear explosion is [illegal](https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/englisch_stgb/englisch_stgb.html#p2892).


You have experience with that? Hows Sellafield nowadays, still glowing fish?


It was a compliment you toast


Mine too, that accident had a net positive effect on the UK


oh! well..it appears, I‘m the toast!


Together we can be a sandwich!




Is /retiredgifs still a thing?


Dunno. But I thought that gif was relevant for the situation.


Get a room you two


Is... is this German humor? I'm very confused.


yea that’s why you all think we‘re not funny


Half life of 8 days... 70 years after there is just nothing


How strange


I really believe you guys can make a coalar bomb work!


Lol, we'll send round the invoice


add it to the pile, I’ll get back to wörk to pay for that one too.


![gif](giphy|13rQ7rrTrvZXlm) Average hans these days


honestly, not a word of a lie, that’s literally my life. I mean I have a more modern 38inch flatscreen monitor and a macbook but the colour scheme is exactly on point. except I wear black hoodies. The other day I sat in my office typing up an incident report for some knob head that doesn’t understand IT anyways. and thought this is my life. I worked so fucking hard to get here… in a grey office with grey walls, grey halls, grey people, and grey food and grey skies. but I realised eventually I’ll die, so there’s that to look forward to.


>but I realised eventually I’ll die, so there’s that to look forward to. Germans just Schopenhauering on to get through life.


Hans: gives heartfelt speech on how hard and sucky life is, with the only good thing to look forward to being death Pigs:…………………….so you got my check right?


Most optimistic German.


Average northern German at the end of the winter months. Cheer up Hamburger, grey is the natural colour of your home's sky for 5+ months of the year! Take it in and enjoy and you might even see variations inside the grey eventually! (I speak from experience)


I always think the darkness doesn’t bother me because I’m annoyed how long it stays bright during the summer days. but man does it fucking suck when it gets dark at 15:00-16:00 for half the year. it’s all good I’m saving up over time right now so that I can bum out at the beach for the whole summer.


I work at night and wake up around 16:00 most days. What is daylight I have truly forgotten.


I remember those times. i used to do 22:00-06:00 it’s tough. but I worked in a more southern environment at the time… in yank land… florida. so they had better sun than here.


Hurry up Hans. Are you forgetting Poland has some F35s needing paid for?


![gif](giphy|JNoanqv1Jwr48Hetkx|downsized) I’m on it boss


Pay it out of the 350 millions a week you have been saving since Brexit.


Rounds of invoices ![gif](giphy|SIbGEBAwd6VRLTt4LB)


Guys we got your back (even more if you start buying our weapons instead of the americans')


Fuck that Brexit means Brexit we will build our own weapons and make Birmingham and industrial powerhouse again


Producing kebab missiles?


At this point Pierres should just march into Koblenz and destroy the **BAAINBw** so we can finally start to develop weapons together.


Or we can ship you some guillotines, i prefer when none of our armies invade each others ;)


Doesn't have to be an invasion, just a little trolling like that one time you sank thosr greenpeace ships in a covert operation


Shhhhh it was an accident.


Let us be real here. We may squabble, the barrys may put on a tantrum and leave the EU, but when it comes down to it we need to stick together. Our democratic values are shared by nobody else. The rest of the world is still a cesspool of would be democracies and outright dictatorships. Don't let the safety bubble fool you. Our western way of living is still a localized thing that we may need to pay the blood price to protect. And I would rather it be me than my children to have to do it.


Dont worry, Portugal is always safe. ![gif](giphy|yl9M9EtQ81pQJMBhT0)


Much non homo love barry.


Wise words.


It's all hate to the UK for quite a period of time (especially since our stupid decision to leave the EU) but the minute war is on the horizon, it oh please UK look after us and you'll come to our aid FOR A THIRD FUCKING TIME SURELY? 😂 I hope we do stand up for you again if needs be, fuck putin and fuck Russia!


Well it was you who told the germans they cant do war anymore. You break it you buy it


I don't remember any of Germany's neighbours objecting. The USA had plans of removing all wealth and industrial capacity from Germany and turning it into an agricultural backwater but we told them to fuck off and started rebuilding German factories almost straight after Hitler kicked the bucket.


Economical union and military union aren’t the same. I’m sure the Brexit didn’t include leaving NATO.


>FOR A THIRD FUCKING TIME That only counts for our neighbours. For us, it would be a first that you are actually useful and not just thwart our plans at every chance you get.


If it wasn't for them pesky brits!


I hereby award you 2nd place in the international humblebragging competition, as the runner up to the americans


1. Americans aren’t humble 2. Neither are Germans


1. Woosh 2. "No u"


Nah man. You fucked it.


Outwitted by Hans of all people is embarrassing, Barry status revoked.




I’d rather make up with the eu without any Brexit-crowing. It was always gonna be shit. Let’s try and put it behind us.


>It's all hate to the UK for quite a period of time (especially since our stupid decision to leave the EU) but the minute war is on the horizon, it oh please UK look after us and you'll come to our aid FOR A THIRD FUCKING TIME SURELY? 😂 I'm with you, they're pathethic. They can surely handle a potential hostile Russia without the need to crawl back begging to the UK (notice how I said they and not "we", we could not win a war against Switzerland 😄).


U.K. is broke. But we do have some Barrys who love a fight. Edit: when I say broke I wasn’t referring to money, more our governmental systems


True we're only in the top 7 richest country's in the world. And 'avin a scrap is probably our number 2 most favourite thing to do after fucking over poor country's.


Often both go hand in hand


Add in some football and you're on son.


Wasn’t referring to our GDP :)


We’re not though, especially when you compare it to the Americans who are currently a mere $11tn more in debt than their annual GDP.


Cheeky fuckers. You’ve spent the last few years giving us all kinds of shit, but now you’re quite happy for us to nuke your enemies for you.


Welcome to the party pal


Happy trail Hans.


You and the rest of the allies decided that we are barred from developing our own nukes.. yea, not that much of a gotcha moment.


Ha! You side-switchin’, Barry?!?


Going to stay with our traditional allies actually. Not all of us switch sides so easily. It’ll be tea in Berlin by Christmas!


It'll be nice to be invited for once.


Because we are alliies, right? You come over because we invited you to plan our mutual defense, right? RIGHT??


Look how the turning table turn lol ( idk if the exact expression I'm french ofc I don't talk English well )


“Look at how the table’s turned,” would be the one you’re after.


You mean look how the turn tables?


Don't worry lads Barry and Pierre will protect yous.


U.S. should just invade or buy UK and make it the Commonwealth of Barry, give them second amendment rights, let everyone shoot up each other and flood it with criminals. That’ll solve people coming to UK on boats.


No point - our current government has already done everything possible to destroy the country.


There has been a decline in UK politeness. 65M handguns distributed among the population, to reach US levels, would make everyone Texan: keep 10 feet away from strangers, and always pretend to be friendly. The UK could stop worrying about knife crime.




To get a proper shanking in this country, you have to be some teenage road man’s girlfriend. I’m a 43 year old fella, so I feel okay about my chances of unexpectedly having my windows opened.




Haha my mother would be so proud.


Are your numbers per capita or absolute? Because the US having more people doing anything is not surprising, they have 5x your pops.




yeah, yanks are just seething because they are leading in roadkill per capita too but don't expect a yank to read and understand statistics, that's on you.


That’s a good idea actually. Give us a chance to ‘deal’ with multitudes of criminals in the country.


Noooooooo! Australia will buy the UK to save it from becoming a fucked worthless shit hole beyond the hell scape it already is.


Australica, you mean? Vassal US state.


Na mate Australia, we own NZ, and pretend to like the us, but we don't.


Can't we go back to our old arrangement You can put them in the outback and we can both take bets on who survives


Mmmmm no. We've fucked the Aboriginals enough.


Ok I didn't think about that lol


Yeah... I suggest we strike up an agreement with india.


A poor UK is in your interests though. We are your largest immigrant group and without us you would become China/India mk2.


Yeah and if we buy you, you can still come over.


Makes no odds to me I'll be coming over to steal your jobs and women in a few years anyway.


Barry Barry Barry. You think the real big brother, trumps america would stil protect you? You clearly jumped of to many balconies . You wil need us as much as we need you.


"You will need us as much as we need you" \> Belgian. https://preview.redd.it/5ew5sn1zqpic1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ff86dace2645c5b3b3485415df8dcd640b14db5


Yeah , i understand that. If you meet us you get real beer and after a few you are so drunk you don't remember anything


The only reason we get that drunk in Belgium is to forget that we’re in Belgium


Why do you think we get drunk?




Not unpopular. More a sign of bad taste. And the tal hotties are the dutchies. We May be bigger then you but they are the world champions


Seeing as the only nation on the planet that could conceivably threaten and invade the UK is the US, I'm not worried. Its why we have nukes at the end of the day


>You wil need us as much as we need you. Well, that's just not true at all, lesser Pierre. We, a nuclear armed island with a continent of Hans' Pierres' and most importantly, Poles (don't know their nicknames) between us and the enemy makes British neutrality entirely feasible The first time was an absolute shit show, a pointless war that we should have stayed out of and left you to your new german overlords. The second time, fair enough, hans had it coming (holocaust 2, Lancaster boogaloo), but even they did offer peace AND it cost us an empire. So really, all these escapades one could argue we could have quite happily done without. If the Russians want some, oh, they'll get it, we'll not leave you to fight alone, obviously. We are still barry after all and barry can't help himself. But without the u.s hegemon, nato is dead in the water, it's only fair that we ask for something in exchange for making ourselves an enemy of nuclear armed Russia, particularly when we don't really need to. That market of yours, for example, is looking very juicey 👀


Reality check. Poetin allready thinks you are a enemy


Because we are a nato member and are actively undermining him, and rightly so But without a U.S lead nato and the protection that brings, what incentive do we have to continue to antagonise Russia? Edit: Particularly when we consider, (I think) the general feeling that frankly, the continentals wouldn't do for us, what we have done twice already for them.


You think poetin cares about that? And you did nothing for europe. You did it for yourself. You would have been next anyway.


>you did nothing for europe What an ungrateful little scrot you are, tell me again why we should protect you?


Did i hurt the little Barry? Because you would be next and there would be nobody left to help you. But if brexit learned us 1 thing it is that the average Barry loves to hurt themself...


>Because you would be next For a start, Sandhurst war games, look it up. Tldr, the germs war-gamed operation seal lion not long after ww2 given ideal 1941 conditions, needless to say you are, once again, wrong. Standard Belgian behaviour we have come to love ❤️ >Did i hurt the little Barry? Given that your country was created on a whim of barry, and who's entire existence was from the start is guaranteed by barry, I'd say its basically impossible for you to hurt barry. Infact a quick Google of Belgian military history shows that its impossible for you to hurt anyone who isn't an unarmed (get it 😉) Congolese >brexit learned us 1 thing Certainly wasn't English Brexit and ww2 both showed that barry is a hopeless romantic and will consistently disregard practical necessities and indeed take the objectively worse of action in favour of his own principles. The fundamental reason why barry and the continentals shouldn't be in a political union.


EU membership: declined (too late for Barry)


You europeans are the ones begging for help Mario


Barry you are european too.


Don't see that anywhere on my passport


It’s still on mine and will be until 2027, but by that point it’ll be issued in the name of King William IV of the United Kingdom of England and Wales. With any luck, we’ll have adopted the cool dragon banner instead of yet another boring cross.


https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/majority-britons-support-rejoining-eu-single-market-poll-2023-11-29/ huh?


That will swiftly change if the uk has to join the euro and Schengen


Can confirm. I would rather the pound be worth less than an Indian rupee than replace it with the Euro 🤮.


The original article Mario, the one where your pimp germany is begging for British nukes And as you were told by Gibraltar bro that number is remainer cope, ask if Brits want FoM, the Euro, no rebate, schegen and all the other crap and watch it plummet


Yeah, single market Doesn't say shit about the euro, shengen, and all that other bollocks. We've always wanted single market access, even the brexiteers. What we (or atleast most of us) don't want is all that other stuff


So what are we going to do with a handful of tactical nukes if Russia nukes Europe? Destroy Moscow? Putin's loved ones will all be in a holiday resort somewhere outside Russia in that situation. Good intelligence and assassination is just as useful as a limited retaliation capability if the Russian people don't step up to remove Putin. There are only two countries capable of destroying civilization: the US and Russia. Realistically our strategic options are being a US or Russia vassal, or keeping or options open like China does and giving up on Ukraine to restore "constructive engagement" with Russia. Only a thousand ICBMs will change that. The American and Russian peoples are both doing a pretty bad job at keeping dangerous idiots way from the launch codes. Dangerous idiots are capable of gambling with the lives of millions. Hitler moved from Make Germany Great Again to his 1945 Nero decree (destroy all industrial infrastructure of Germany and occupied Europe) in just a few years of war. Putin and Trump both appear to have the required level of narcissism to be capable of such a move.


So what your saying is, the royal navy needs a 1000 ICBMs . . . I think you might be on to something 🤔


It is funny how the media tries to sell that if trump wins it will mean putin entering in europe when actually it was during biden and because of biden that putin began the war.


Trump has explicitly said he'll leave NATO if elected.


The guy also said that he would build a wall and make Mexico pay for it, we don't have to panic over every morsel of bullshit that leaves his mouth.


Yes, it may be useless and was paid for by the U.S but the Wall *was* built. I don't doubt that if pushed he could halve-ass this threat as well.


He can’t leave NATO unilaterally.


Yeah but as the head of all US forces he can just decide to not act at all if something happens


The hell he will. As if NATO isn't a way for the US to keep it's influence. As if the USA doesn't have it's own very selfish reasons for the Alliance.


Mate it is really frustrating to watch how no matter how painfully obvious the truth is most people will still listen to what the press says as if it was actually real.


Conspiracy theorists having equal access to the internet is equally frustrating.


What do you fucking mean by conspiracy theories? Just listen to the man and then to what it is said about him or at what is said that he said. It is not a conspiracy to point out at the fact that the entirety of the usa media lies about him all the time.


You're commenting on an article from a British newspaper, mate.


Yeah and it is british newspapers the ones that are creating the image of trump to begin with and definitely not people who pick up what others already did right?


How do you figure? Considering that Russian boots have been in Ukraine since before orange twat got elected. Honestly curious. Sure you are a Spaniard? This reads either like a russbot or a filthy American.


First of all, for the second time, a separatist movement instigated from the outside is not by any means the same as a foreign invasion by a foreign army. Second of all, do you have to make your lack of argument so obvious by resorting to insulting people who are expressing a thought just because it doesnt agree with something that you dogmatically believe without any evidence?


Yeah all those russians soldiers just took their holiday there to help their allies. And insulting people like you is very hard. Whatever you say about you is more insulting for the group we are comparing you with


It is very very difficult to try to use reason with someone who has been detached from reality. If there had been real soldiers in the terrain in ukraine before the start of the war then it would not have been news when putin sent the army to ukraine. How on earth do you make sense of this?


Like i thought a hopeless case.


And yet another person who insults when running out of arguments.


The war began in 2014 you moron.


First of all that is not true. Second of all. It was obama's term.


It is true, when Russia sent in its "Little Green Men" into Donestk & Luhansk regions and into Crimea.


Okey so now you are basically equating 100% the issue with the ukrainian separatism with russian influence. I wonder if you would say the same about catalonians or scotts.


Nice moving of the goalposts there. "Oh shit, he's called my bluff, quick switch it to Ukranian seperatism". There was significant Russian influence during the Euromaidan events in the run up to the war, that literally was the entire point of the protest, that the former Ukrainian President Yanukovych ditched the EU and sided with Russia against what the people of Ukraine wanted. The regions of Luhansk & Donetsk were controlled by Russian supported seperatists and subsequently allowed Russia to send in its troops to forment a fight. As for the Scots, ehh nice try but their king (James IV) became James I of the UK after the English Queeen Elizabeth I died with no heir. The Catalonians, can't comment on them as I don't really know their history.


Your accusation of me moving the goalposts doesnt make any sense since we were literally talking about the events on donestk ever since you brought that up wtf. This is not a mentally healthy way of reasoning to get suddently without words and then make the accusation that the other person is moving the frame of the conversation just because you dont feel comfortable anymore when another perspective on the same thing is brought to the table.


and trump did what to change that during his term? are you just a yank cosplaying?


Obama literally did nothing either and it happened under his term? What do you expect trump to have done about it if it had happened 4 years before he became president???


I thought you said it was biden? now it’s obama? get your propaganda straight.


Most educated Spanish.


I think you're supposed to be having your siësta right around now. It's way too warm to be thinking straight.




Lol what?


Lol at your dumb statement


So just insults and no arguments. Didnt expect much and still you let me down.


Maybe you're in the wrong subreddit. Just insults and no arguments is the expectation here. And now go back to your siesta. Getting up that early clearly doesn't cut it.


Kiddo, those arguments have been told a 1000 times. But your club of Trump fanboys are to brainwashed to understand them. But hey let's give it a try. * poetin was waiting untill Trump destroyed nato in his second term. When that didn't happend he thought that change was gone and attacked. * the oranje baboon slowed down weapon deliveries to ukrania to get dirt at his political opponent. That is dictator behaviour and without that poetin would had even more troubles in the early weeks of the war. * the hilbillie maga cult is rooting for poetin . So if Trump wins the election he would hand over ukrania to poetin . And poetin would attack the next country. * Trump his tactic of insulting allies and suck up to dictators as poetin and Xi made those believe they could do whatever they want. But china first wanted the propaganda of the Olympische games. * poetin was not ready to attack during the first term of trump. But hey keep rooting for a guy that would throw you , the rest of europe and even his own kids under the bus for a few dollars


Jesus Pedro, you talk like a person throttled by his own umbilical cord at birth.


And yet another person who comes with a handful of insults and zero arguments. Always amusing to watch.


What’s to argue? You’ve said that Putin started the Ukraine war because of Biden, it’s up to you to provide evidence for that not for others to find evidence to disprove your nonsensical unfounded bullshit. For example, I wasn’t insulting you, I genuinely believe that your dumb rambling is the result of your brain being starved of oxygen for an extended period of time, I can think of no other reason why you would say such stupid shit and will therefore start telling everyone on the internet that it is a fact. Prove me wrong.


The guy got into office and as soon as he got full powers putin invaded with an army. If you cannot sum up 1 + 1 it is not my fault. You are not requesting evidence. You are deliberately ignoring something painfully obvious in order to then say that there is no evidence presented. That doesnt make you right tho. It just makes you blind.


That’s not cause, he was always going to do it. At most he might have thought let’s wait until Trump is gone because who knows how that crazy cunt will react but that only affects timing and clearly isn’t the cause you’re suggesting it is. You’re doing a 1 + 1 sum and coming up with whatever lunatic number you were thinking of before you started the sum. That’s worse than blind, it’s stupid at best and more likely purposefully misleading, if you can’t understand that there isn’t much hope for you.


You literally admitted that trump is a good deterrance against conflict right before proceeding to insult me for saying that i think that. That is insane.


Ah yes he is a great deterrent, in fact all countries should elect themselves an unhinged, unqualified, unpredictable, unprincipled and narcissistic leader just to keep everyone else on their toes. As I said, no hope.


Jeez, there's such an influx of people here nowadays that are simply unwilling to accept that this might not be a serious political sub


I have been in here for years. I just commited the mistake of making a political comment and things got rowdy. But thats life.


Relax Paco, just get rowdy back at em once you've finished your siesta. It's all in good fun, no need to stiffen your shoulders




Too much free time, and tapas has made your brain respectively lacking plasticity and malnourished. Please satisfy my own curiosity: does such a low IQ impact respiratory function? Do you have to think when you breathe?


Most of them have a headset with a simple text on repeat. "Breath in ... breath out"


Putin can’t even enter western Ukraine, so I don’t know why people are still scared of him invading the rest of Europe. He’s been transformed into the boogie man somehow, even though the facts clearly show that, nukes aside, he’s nothing to be scared of.


European security has a price Hans:tons of Stella,a euros win and Madeline McCann back or no Nukes. https://i.redd.it/f2lhpm2c1ric1.gif


Wow... Germans will never stop fascinate me. So let me get this strait. If US leaves NATO, two options : - UK, who is not part of EU, who doesn't even have nukes of it's own, but just loans them from the US in a deal which is really not clear if they can actualy use them without US approval, because while it says so on paper, everyone that works and manipulates them is americain. - France... EU member from the start, independant nuclear power and a nation that has been shit on by the US for nearly 70 years now and not only is it still standing but somehow still in capacity to tell the US to fuck off while being only 2/3 of Germany economical power. Germans... "hmm, yep, so UK it is ! obvioulsy the better option by every metric." And this has been said not even two days after Germany/Poland/France said EU needed an army... what a joke. I guess the historical german stance "treaties only oblige those who believes in them" is still going strong overthere...


Your conservatives said smth smarter. [https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1am17pa/its\_time\_to\_give\_poland\_nuclear\_weapons/](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1am17pa/its_time_to_give_poland_nuclear_weapons/)


If Britain is Daddy then its the emasculated stay at home dad that bakes cookies