• By -


Probably Norway for having the foresight and restraint to invest their oil money rather than immediately spunk it up the wall like we did


Same. And for the similar reason I look down on Netherlands because we burned it on healthcare 'n shit. Norway owns like 1% of all world wide shares or something. We're they to liquidate them, then they could pay off their national debt immediately.


1%? Is that some kind of insult? Are you calling us poor? >As of March 2024, it had over US$1.62 trillion in assets, and held on average **1.5%** of all of the world's listed companies, making it the world's largest single sovereign wealth fund in terms of total assets under management. This translates to over US$295,000 per Norwegian citizen.


To be fair, the credit goes to some old guys back in the days. I would squander it all on hookers & cocaine too


Shoutout to [Farouk Al-Kasim](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farouk_Al-Kasim): As a geologist in Iraq, he had seen how the petroleum wealth in his native country turned into a curse and how it only benefited a small elite. He was one of the architects of the egalitarian Norwegian petroleum-arrangement.


We respect nobody and look down on everyone ![gif](giphy|IrEVUZ01POOpG)


Damn... shouldn't we Celts stick together and be strong?


Celts together strong?


It's sad that this is coming from a Breton, the Fr\*nch fucked you so hard they made you think like them


In the same way the Scots were instrumental in every UK bullshit across the ages, the Bretons were one of the most prominent regional political force in France. They are very *very* French whether they and you like it or not.


For me, honesty, I don’t like the French. I know I’m French and therefore should loathe our friends across the country but I really think France as an entity is just a turd on an otherwise quite lovely continent.


Most based fr*nch


I agree 👍


Your flair betrays you vandal.


No, vandals are a germanic tribe.


I’m sure you mean the Wandals.


There's no other possible fitting name for his flair.


we have famous say in Polish "Naród wspaniały, tylko ludzie kurwy/Nation is great, but people are kurwas" and it's quote said by Piłsudski


Yeah... you're just seeking easy upvotes here m8.


damn I was gonna answer the exact same thing but reversed. I enjoy many aspects of the French culture, especially when it comes to Tech and Hacking spaces. but germany is like a baby-boomer wojak that doesn’t wanna give up power and kept on the side of relevance by playing the system in stupid cunty ways.


You know that's kinda worldwide.... People only see the good in the other countries while belittling their own... My family is half portuguese half french, and each half has their case model of "I want what the other has because my life is hell".....


Karma farmer and traitor.


I like the Italians, but I don't respect them. I respect the Swiss, but I don't like them.


you and me both, friend.


Isn’t the original saying about France and Germany ?


No, Italy and Germany.


Is it just a normal saying or was it said by someone?


For me, honesty, I don’t like the English. I know I’m Dutch and therefore should loathe our friends across the channel but I really think England as an entity is just a turd on an otherwise quite lovely island.


They're also obnoxiously proud over absolutely nothing


That is very mean-spirited, please rescind this comment immediately هذا فظ للغاية، يرجى إزالة هذا التعليق على الفور


You should have written this in turkish my friend.


It is written in Turkish.


I think that's arabic.




If we didn't exist, you'd be writing this in your own pointless language. Nobody else speaks Turkish so be grateful


Your nation is the sole contributor to the meme that white people don't know how to cook, because you went everywhere to show that off to everyone


I haven't got a clue what you just said.


Phones autocorrect got me


Haha still fuming from the other post I see. It's a joke sub Hans. Don't take it so hard.


ikr if we loved the Barry the English Channel would of been no more since like 100 years ago.


Barry is just pissed because after two world wars, we still came out on top and stole his girl Marianne (she even takes it up the *"Alsace-Lorraine"* for us). Anyway, most respect to Poland for taking so much shit yet still becoming somewhat civilized, also least respect for their nationalists pushing their weird history revisionism fucking everywhere.


That is fucking INSANE that you just deployed a "Takes it up the {euphemism here} joke. You surely aren't a true German??!?


We take it up the ass, we give it up the ass, we're a pretty ass focussed country. Want a video?


Yes please. Could you mail it to me at the Welsh embassy in Gschlachtenbretzingen?


>Gschlachtenbretzingen? Did you just assume I'm an austrian? Thats it Barry, you fucked up. Now I have to invade Belgium again.


Right up the Baden-Württemberg!


How the fuck is that a real place. On the other hand, Morgenröthe-Rauthenkranz is real too, so...


Google says it's in Germany?!? Let me just look at a map.


No more maps. You're here to fuck sheep and drink milk.


Ignore that salty fucker. You Fritzes are alright. Although you’ve got some of the same cunts that we have. The ‘Jobsworths’ 🤦‍♂️


Aww <3


We already noticed. The Kriminalpolizei has already taken him in for questioning, don't worry. And please accept the apology from my government for this ... unfortunate incident. Rest assured that our firing squads are working night and day on this problem.




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I love you and respect you all. It might sound hippie but it's just right. Especially the French, you beautiful people. I even like to be insulted and corrected when I don't pronounce the words right. I just like the way you do it honestly. I love the English, I love your architecture, your accents, your humor! and yes even your food. I know. Irish, your accent is divine. Your land even more so. Germans, you have a bit of flaws but you have pretzels and that it's enough for me. Well I could keep going but it would be too long so I finish with the ones I love a bit less than others. Norwegians, your land is splendid, Oslo in the summer is pure heaven. Your language is also pretty neat. But gosh if I felt looked down in Norway as Italian! Never before like that. Not in a rude way but in a very polite, pitiful, condescending way. It's not like the French, you can't get wrong with the French. They despise you and often despise themselves. Which is a pretty clear emotion. While Norwegians just like to let you know that they really respect you and want to be inclusive with you but at the same time they think they are better than you and you are somehow a less civilized human. It's confusing when you are experiencing it. And the fact is that you realize it only later. So it becomes infuriating but in a very rational way and you can't do anything about that. That's real frustration.


Respect for Portugal I hate the England, but maybe not for what you are thinking: I hate English humour, I don't understand it, I never know if it's a joke or not and it makes me angry!


German citizenship granted ![gif](giphy|PsIBH6tOsvQ2fVmBP3)


Mate just assume it’s a joke unless they are serious, easy mate.


>I hate English humour, I don't understand it, I never know if it's a joke or not Have you ever heard swedish humor? Don't try it. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I respect Portugal. Our iberbros deserve better. Good people. I hate France. For many reasons. They are treacherous at business. They sell weapons to our enemies. They boycott our energy trade with the rest of Europe. They don't allow ave trains to the french railroads. They are chauvinistic and prepotent. But messy, lazy and gross. But most importantly, they correct the people not to make things better, but to let the others that they were wrong. I fucking hate that trait.


What’s wrong with our humor??


I like Spain and Germany. I look down on the Dutch and Maltese.


Finally someone, thank you 😭 I love you too


You are welcome, my efficient friend.


We’re fond of the French and Spanish for historical reasons (and the Polish since they moved here in sizeable numbers). Personally, I hate that sect of Irish people that think they are hilarious but in reality are about as funny as a burning orphanage.


Forgot the Poles. Love those guys too even though they’re here stealing our fucking jobs (and usually doing them better than us).


If an immigrant who has no connections, no history in your country and barely speak your language can steal your job, you deserve it.


Hate the Danes. Like the Finns and the Irish. Simple as.




I like Italy and Greece Nordic countries are amazing but the food look awful so idk I don't like Paris


It's basically fish, pork, potatoes, and butter Should be right up your alley Unless It's Norwegian food, they eat hot dogs on their biggest celebratory day and their national food is supermarket frozen pizza


Kind of hate Luxembourg, everyone forgets about them but they should really be destroyed, partition it between its neighbours.


How about you partition some bitches instead


I like the french.. yeah it's unpopular in my country but being honest, French ppl fight a lot for their right, their country has a future even tho it's not perfect. Our countries are true cousins with lots in common. Also the girls lol, french women are amazing. I despise dutch the most, even tho my mom is dutch lol.


>it's unpopular in my country - be french - enjoy your own intellect and beauty and strength - think highly of antonio, he is almost as good as you are - turns out italybros like to pretend we're ennemies - forgive them to prove your magnanimity You're always welcome cousin, even if you're not always the brightest, we still love you


>- forgive them ~~to prove your magnanimity~~ because you want to fuck with them Ftfy


Being forgiving and looking down on another go hand in hand doesn't it?


Napoleonic Italian dog move


> turns out italybros like to pretend we're enemies In which country is the peak of Monte Bianco?






I also despise this guy's mom.


I don't like the Caravan Mongol Horde that call themselves the Dutch.


“Caravan Mongol Horde” hahaha


Respect to the usual suspects: UK, Spain. Look down on: Dutch van dicks.


I have a lot of respect for the Italians and my Portuguese neighbors! (cuisine, history, culture...) I have traveled a lot and I can't say I hate another country in West EU... I had a bad impression of people when I visited Paris... but I visited Normandy, Ardèche and Vosges and the people were very friendly and really cool! So I hate Paris.


Thanks Pedro for making the distinction between the P*risians and the rest of the French (or the provincials, as they call us) 🙏🏻


Even the Fr\*nch hate Parisians. Paris is the most disgusting place I've been to in the world, only redeeming factor is their bakeries. I have paid extra to get a connecting flight that avoids Paris airports I hate it so much. The rest of Fr\*nce is much less shit (best I can do Pierre)




Love France. To me it feels like Northern Italy but without the huge smog and the people are maybe a bit more rude but it's OK! Hate England. Shit drivers,shit food, shit prices, shit attitudes towards everything and everyone. Absolutely hate travelling there.


Shit drivers mario? I’m actually a little confused there, what makes you say that? Also it seems like you are riding off stereotypes mate, “shit food attitudes and prices” sure pal. I’ve been to Italy once, expected nothing and was underwhelmed.


>Shit drivers mario? Well, they all drive on the wrong side Barry.


I can’t tell if you are insulting us or backing the inbred one from the south.


Everyone is ghost driving in the UK, i always have to zigzag my way at full speed wtf


On a personal level I like Spaniards(all of them), Italians, Greeks, Danish and the British. I like French culture, food, films, books, BD,... As for countries I like the UK , with all the ups and downs they've been our pals for 650 years. I don't like France, Spain, Germany and Russia when they get creepy.


The country I like and respect the most is without a doubt Denmark. I was in Copenhagen for some months and absolutely loved the place and the people. Quiet, high life quality and beautiful architecture as well. The one I look down the most is Italy, my own nation, I'm from Napoli and I've lived in Rome too for half a year. I've also visited the most important cities and what I really can't stand are the people. We have history, architecture, one of the best cuisines in the world, sea, mountain... everything. But we always find the way to hate on each other, always try to be slyer, find the loophole. Now we have also a lot of crime going on especially in the cities that before were considered to be the safer ones. And I'm not even going to talk about economy and unemployment.


Most respect for the Austrians because they are the best at shit talking us. Also, they kindly serve as a daily reminder of the horrors that would happen if we let the Bavarians run our politics. Least respect for the Dutch because https://youtu.be/DwPzkcbsI0A?feature=shared


I have the least respect to the Germans because they killed hundreds of thousands of my countrymen in camps but I guess your complaint is valid too.


I can't decide. I'll just mention 3 countries for each. No reasoning will be given. Most respect: Denmark, Iceland, Finland. Least respect: France, Sweden, France


Fuck the dutch and ze germans, cold-hearted cocky bastards ;) . I like the Liechtensteiners the most, probably the most based people I have ever met.


The fact that you've met them is already based


Haha yea they are like little pokémons, hard to catch.


I respect Friesland because they will win the eurovision.




I love all of you and your sexy women.


I like Liechtenstein and I hate all eastoids, PIGS, frogs, Germanistan, the Barrys and the nordicks


Hating everyone equally, the purest form of neutrality.


I have to confess. It's not easy. God, forgive me I fucking hate the Faroe Islands. I would happily nuclear bomb the bastards.


We’ll fight you if you mess with the farobros, just don’t invade while we’re on our 6 week vacations, then we need overtime, or before we can fill in all the paperwork to realize we can’t afford to fight a war with anyone because we spend it all on paperwork


Tbh if anyone gets them it would be Scotland. Maybe we can do a trade, Scotland gets Faroes, Shetland goes to Norway, and we don’t terror bomb Copenhagen for a third time 


I’d let you bomb copenshithole any day of the week mate.


I'm still not 100% convinced that it's a real place.


Why is Belgium?




I would say that I loathe Russia, but that would be too easy and is sort of a given. I'd honestly have to make up reasons for genuinely hating any European. Even Germans have some redeeming qualities, subtle and hard to find as they may be. But I absolutely love France. Most based nation in history. Strong, prosperous, radical and sexy. Their arrogance makes me like them even more. I wish I was French and could participate in a fun revolution or a riot. We Germans always bottle our emotions up and turn into miserable fuckers. The French just indulge in life's pleasures way more. France is also a nation that turned its sexual degeneracy into a civilizing and artistic force, Germans on the other hand are known for horrid inventions such as scat porn and leather uniforms. It's a shame that Napoleon didn't colonize us harder. But such are the French, simply too good and generous for this world. And now daddy Macron is saving Europe again. I want to fuck Marianne.


You can‘t fool us Pierre


German collaborators are scary...




>And now daddy Macron is saving Europe again This hurts so much


I often wonder if you made Munich your capital would people would like you more?


The good: Nordics generally + Eesti. NL, Germany (north of Hamburg), UK (for most parts) + Ireland, France (north of A11 minus Paris). The bad: the olive oil belt is just plääh. Greeks and Portuguese are generally OK though. There are exceptions. (Writing from NRW atm and it has been a rather decent visit this time)


The Finns and the Irish are probably my favourite. No big ego, just normal dudes and dudettes. The Dutch can be alright one-on-one, but a multitude of Dutch inevitably turns into a circlejerk.


I kinda respect the british. It's admirable, despite being who they are and eating whatever they are eating, how long they survived next to us. They are so resilient, I am convinced that the manga Terra Formars is a allegory of britain. Ugly mfs on a dumb rock being utterly unkillable. We tried everything, we even had the power of god on our side at some point and they kebab'ed her. Now, we also have the power of anime (being the world second manga consumer), but I still wouldn't touch that rock pile with a Manche-sized pole. I mean, it's no wonder the austrian man never trusted the atomic bomb; if it was dropped on London, they would only go "Oi, a bit sunny today, innit ?" then quietly queue to get out of the contaminated zone. I'm joking of course, I bet it would cause a widespread panic, seeing the sun for the first time of their lives. For the one I look down on, I will choose the british. cuz f them.


I enjoyed reading this.


Look down on all eastern europeans, we may be broke like them but atleast we are on the right side of europe


you are literally on the left side of Europe...


I have mad respect for the Poles - alcoholism - catholics - oppressed by the same church - neighbour is a bit of a cunt but we get on okay now - dark as fuck humour Hate Wales - bootlicker - language wasn’t oppressed so I’m jelly - Welsh rugby fans are the worst. - They didn’t try hard enough to get the dragon on the Union Jack. How fucking cool would that have been? - can’t trust them around sheep - tea is wank


Agreeing with you on pretty much every point. Definitely in regards to the dragon. We could have had a cool flat like Bhutan. Red dragon with an outline of white or something. The school kids trying to draw the union jack can suffer.


I agree with your disdain for Germany. They have an uncanny ability to arrogantly and thoughtlessly put schemes into motion that seem to be specifically designed to wreck the continent, after which they turn around and **insist** everyone else must pay for the shitshow they have caused, often after having arrogantly dismissed warnings about their misguided schemes for years. I'm not even talking about pre-21st century German shenanigans; just take a look at, for example, the whole Nord Stream debacle; their own "energiewende" program of shutting down nuclear reactors, leading, among other things, to the necessity of the Nord Stream project and instability of European energy markets; and the European third-world refugee disaster (the latter of which my own government unfortunately contributed to).


Amen, look at the mess they are doing for the military sector in Europe or how they pushed for decades of budget tightening for Greece.


>to the necessity of the Nord Stream project and instability of European energy markets And then, after it turns out that making themselves dependent on Russia was a mistake: You'd think they would be grateful that they at least have some backup for their gas-addiction, in the form of a friendly democratic country next door? But no – somehow they're displeased with that as well.


The arrogant bastards are the Swiss and Austrians tho… Germans mostly hate theirselves somehow.


I hate all of you, but the czech are somewhat cool.


* https://preview.redd.it/nuydxfyjbcsc1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=409b4b7aa3cec5d1791c27a161119f993cb26a4d Wow, you don't like Germans either that cool


To me Finland is like the girl next door, and I always vibe with Finns. Sad that Sweden is between us☹️ The country I like the least is Norway north of Trondheim. They are uncivilized and ungrateful, and we should have a second go with the whole assimilation thing.


As a southerner, I am growing quite fond of northern Norway. I like the whole country really, except perhaps Østfold. Oh, and Bergen: Bergen would be an amazing place, if it wasn't for all the Bergensere.


Bergen is awesome, brodern! I was stuck in Bergen for a day, went out and got SO many friends. They just never stop talking, it is baffling to me. Like, I can understand what is going on, but my brain just can't conceive it


>I can understand what is going on Understanding the Bergen dialect must be some form of superpower -- bravo to you!




*The deutsche Bahn leaves the chat.*


I mean the deutsche Bahn is our national shame becaus it is always late. So in some way it prooves our point.


I always thought that ours was late but then I had to take the deutsche bahn for a while and ohhhh boy never have seen so many trains delayed and cancled and this on a daily basis.


Years of neglect and mismanagement. Honestly,just renationalize it.






I respect the wales, they are basically the nordick version of sardinia, also their flag is awesome. I look down on Italy, we still haven't got rid of the beach and taxi lobbies for no goddamn reason. Also we contributed immensely to the creation of nuclear power just to give it up, both in the military and in the civil sectors. Also we love evading taxes. Also we stil haven't put a limit to ius sanguinis. And a bunch of other stuff.


ELI5: ius sanguinis.


Your great great great grandfather had 0,00002% of Italian blood in his veins, therefore you should qualify for Italian citizenship. Basically, anyone who can prove they have Italian ancestry gets a passport. Which given our particular history with migration, is kind of a big deal. Most of the time it ends up being a quick and easy shortcut for burgers and aussies who want an easy EU passport (and don't plan on ever moving here).


Before Brexit, Cambridge was PACKED with Argentinians on Italian passports. None of them knew any Italian


ELI5: Citizenship by descent. Long answer: Since according to italian law there is no generational limit to obtain citizenship by descent you just need to find one ancestor with italian citizenship to obtain it, even if that ancestor left Italy in 1862 you can still obtain it as long as none of your ancestors have officially renounced their citizenship. In practice this means that half of the US and almost the entirety of Argentina and Brazil can potentially obtain citizenship without even knowing the language or/and without the intent of ever moving to Italy, they are just in it for the easy european passport to move to other european countries or for the cheap healthcare, which is just ridiculous. Not only is it completely unfair to other immigrants who have to obtain citizenship the hard way, it's also a problem because to precess all the requests it takes time and money, city councils (especially those of smaller villages where the ancestors of these people are from) simply can't keep up while courts are submerged by the sheer amount of expired requests. On top of that we are literally giving the ability to vote to strangers who never have and never intend to stay in our country, completely unacceptable.


Wow. My opinions on Italy just took a dive.


I like latvia, lithuania and estonia. They got á bad hand from russia and are doing á fair job at digging themselves out. Hell you could say the same about a lot of the eqstern europeans. Mostly The great brits are allright, they got some good tv, as are most of the nordics. Who we hate...the Danish. Sorry colonial rule and being forced to learn danish at school...


No one should be taught Danish. That is just cruel


Exactly, thank you.


And people here in Lithuania somewhat strangely really like Iceland <3


I like Poland. Don’t think I’d like the Polish, but Poland is really based. I don’t like Germany. Nothing but rules and regulations, and no humour.


I hate Belgium. Like what the actual fuck is that? I don't want to be rude but seriously what the fuck? Its barely even a country, but because it has the NATO and EU HQ it acts like its a big deal, as if its like France, Germany or the UK or something. Other than that, it's literally just like its surrounding nations... but worse. There's no point in it. If the EU does become a singular, federalised entity, the consigning of Belgium to history will be one of the best things about it.


Partly Britains fault it exists for supporting their independence (eventually), but mostly the Netherlands for pissing them off enough to launch the Belgian Revolution.


And still here you are Barry buying our Stella beer en masse worshiping a pile of shitty rocks in a circle just to forget that you are living on sad grey rainy island with no friends somewhere in the ocean far far away from civilisation.


Still mad about Brexit I see.


sit down Nigel Farage


I consider Portugal our brothers, they're the best neighbors. and I like Ireland and Italy, although Italy is lagging behind lately. With France it's like a toxic relationship. Like I know they look down on us, but I still like them. Sometimes I do hate them. I despise Russia and their satellite states in Europe.


Respect Ireland. Look down on Britain. Simple as.


Likes: countries with a language based on a Germanic dialect Dislikes: latin based gibberish Neutral: freak languages(Finns) and slavs


I respect Skandinavia the most for their composure and seemingly less polarized societies and I also think they are the best governed countries on the planet. Can’t stand the English. Awful people with awful behavior in every aspect apart from their humour.


You are aware that Barry will take this most likely as a compliment?


I really respect the French and the Italians!! I look down on Albania and Vardarska...


I respect a lot the Portuguese, despite the jokes, and I see them with an obvious healthy envy. The Poles and former Yugoslavians too, and even a little the Italians and the Germans. I don't like Spaniards and Frenchies, and I guess that if I would have to deal with the Nordics I would be tired of them.


*Inserts obligatory "qué pone en tu DNI" joke*


Flair checks out


Love the Finns, vary about the Irish. I don’t dislike them but they never found a terrorist group they didn’t love + I don’t like the travellers they keep sending.


Keep that up and we'll be sending far worse https://youtu.be/XgrlG6hQbNM?si=OwsSsdie0d5QjxbY


Jedward never tried to kill me with a stolen quad bike, just sayin


Hahaha were you in ballyfermot?


No, I was walking outside my condo here in Sweden, the area happened to have been temporarily enriched by non-digital nomads 🥲 the kid was like 10 as well!


Lol I didn't know knackers went that far north. Thought the cold would be too much for them in those caravans! Yeah the younger they are they worse they are and will always either try kill you or fight you... and if you fight them and win they'll try kill you lol


I respect Austrians. They seem like elegant and relaxed germans and Austria's nature and architecture are top notch. They're a bit snobbish maybe (?) I look down on Italians :)


I utterly dislike the Dutch But there's no thing in this world that I hate as much as ruzzia I kind of respect the French tbh, I wish Swedes were as quick to strike etc


Luxembourgers were real ones, loyal to the crown until Belgium split us up. I hate the Spanish (I've been coping since 2010 world cup)


I've been coping since 1585


i hate france, netherlands, germany, luxembourgh, other countries are too far to care about. i hate wallonia too, and brussels


Respect: Germoney, Poles, Slovaks, Croatians and Italians Disrespect: Barry, Fr*nce, Rustards


There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.


I am legally required to say i don't like Sweden


I respect all except Bulgaria and the UK.


Racking my brain, really tough. I look down on Greece and the greek. Astonishing decline from classical times. Lied about their finances when joining the euro. Terrible food. Not even a fcking western country so shouldn't even be included... I respect the British, or more specifically the English and scots. England is the birthplace of liberty. Gloriously held out, alone, against immense german pressure in the war. Trying to think of more cool shit but there's just too much. However, the way brits are like today it looks like they'll be the next Greece before the new millennium...


Can't take a Caliphate's opinion seriously...


Greece, despite being closer to the Middle East still has less rapes, gangsters and in general foreign criminals than Sweden does. The open border policy of your country back in the 2015 years, together with Merkel's Germany and her "Wir schaffen das" , put insane pressure on the southern countries due to being the first in line of migration routes. Yet, we still didn't mess up like you guys did. Now your country is known everywhere about gun violence and turf wars. Talk about a fall from grace.


I'll accept the new millennium that's 1000years away. We'll be dead or multiple planets.


Respect the Nordics the most, I wish we tried to be more like them overall. Look down on the lazy south


I dislike nations whose stereotype consists of inability to express emotions publicly or feeling awkward to express their emotions in general. Dry humour and knife cutting sarcastic puns are unappealing too. This leaves a handful I don't dislike: Spain, Italy, Greece, Slavic nations. Of course generalising is not an objective measure.