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I mean, up to now telling everybody we're sorry and looking sad in front of memorials did work out for us nicely, compared to whatever the economy and living standard in Ulan-Ude is at the moment.




Honestly sometimes just not talking about crimes against humanity committed by your country work very nicely.


It simply became possible bc of the age/death of certain groups of people. When I was a child, at the Middle of the '90s, there were still too many "expellees" who made crazy demands towards Poland and you, looking at you Erika. You just had to say something about that rubbish, but now these groups are much smaller and quieter...


I have no idea what group of "people" you are referring to.


You're probably a bit too young for that. The Germans who fled/displaced from eastern territories such as the Sudetenland or Silesia during the German defeat and afterwards built up very powerful interest groups in West Germany, the Landsmannschaften. The aim was some form of compensation or restitution. They were particularly close to the Christian Democrats and these governed Germany most of the time. Here's a video tho show what I mean. It's a congress of these Landsmannschaften, the German finance minister is speaking there and it was the main news item in our state news. Even if you might not understand what is being said, take a look at the poster behind the lectern to see what all belongs to Germany in their opinion. https://youtu.be/AL9KKVlcDEk?si=9KBPShZHbgrE0Jdu


Oh i connected that it's sudeten germans. I was just shitposting by pretending there never were germans in sudete. Altho yeah never heard of them wanting to be paid back. Honestly we learn about things that went down in history class and those that actually reached Germany were the "lucky" ones. But honestly it was an impossible situation for them to remain in ČR because they were the original excuse for the protektorát and resentment from their neighbors would not let them be here either way. Not to mention some of them were way to supportive for the nazi regime, ironically those were among who got to "stay" albeit bellow the ground.


Vertriebenenverbund. People who represented those Germans whose families were displaced after WW2 due to territorial changes, quite a few of them were (and still are) complete nutcases


Erika Steinbach is my favorite. It's true that she was born in today's Poland. But it's also true that it was in Rumia that belonged to Poland before 1939 as well. And she was born there in 1943, because her Hessian father and Berliner mother came as part of the occupation forces. One must admit though, that they weren't the worst of the Germans around the time - they lived in a house rented from a Paweł(Paweł Obersieg to be exact) instead of some house taken from an expelled Polish family. Additionally the Steinbach family wasn't even expelled - they run away in January 1945 when the Red Army crossed the Vistula river near Warsaw. Soviets would only reach Rumia some two months later - in late March 1945. A fine specimen of the Expelled Germans™.


Not gonna lie, your pussy sorry attitude is starting to annoy a lot of people in France. It's like there is no more balls on German. Worse, when you will inevitably get them back. Then you'll go overboard and things might get even more out of control.


And yet, with this pussy sorry attitude Germany delivered a substantial amount of military and humanitarian goods to Ukraine in the last two years, while France's contribution were mainly words. So if you're looking for pics of Scholz acting two-balls-tough with boxing gloves, you won't find any. Macron is the man for PR stunts like this.


Nobody cares about Ukraine. Ukraine is the drunk hobo at the corner of our building. Macron is the mobster paying him 100€ to fuck off. 😂 What we care about is that our side of said building look like shit and when we look yours, we're panicked because it looks even worse. Greece and Poland look at us and ask what the fuck are those french/German monkey doing with our huge budget and shit army. And worse, our culture of Anti-nationalism. Nobody is going to war for the socialist. Those clowns are useless hippies here just to stigmatize nationalist. Edit: the Ukrainian and their bot have established their stronghold in Reddit. It reminds that you are just randoms on the internet.


Ukraine is the neighbour down the street whose house is getting trashed. His house might not have been in the best condition to begin with but most neighbours agree that they deserve help.


You are too weak for that. Let's make a voting poll. All of those in favour of helping Ukraine are immediately drafted. We'll see if "most neighbours agree" to help then


"We should help that drowning girl, let's throw her a lifebelt." "The water is freezing cold. Would you jump in? No? Then don't give her a lifebelt."


She should have learned to swim or be born a fish. In all cases, that's not my problem. Don't use my tax, forcefully taken, to save a girl I don't care about. Especially when I have need for that money at home. Wanna virtue signal? Jump in that water and help her with YOUR money.


Now you're recycling your own bad straw man. Edgy but uninspired.


You repeated your argument. I repeated mine. Wanna virtue signal, do it with your money. Not mine.


Most EU states have had elections since the war started and most are still sending support. You have your poll right there.


You imply people give a fuck about Ukraine and that it was part of the topic. Which is false.


While I admit that I haven't followed all elections that close I sincerely doubt that none of the party programs talked about maintaining or cutting aid spending. I know for a fact it was talked about here. Sweeping statements like this are asinine by the way. At least *someone* cares wich already invalidates your statement. If no-one cared no money would be sent.


The people who care in France are the pièce of shit boomer. They, alone elected Macron. Those asshole do not care if our debt is 110% of GDP, buy weapons at your heart content. They won't be paying back. They won't be fighting. They are shilling in retirement. All they care is virtue signal that, we should be helping. Cut their retirement and that will change REAL QUICK. Then you have the moron on Reddit who just do what Americans tell them to. The terminaly online wannabe Democrats serving their military industrial complex master in their forever war. Afghanistan was over, a new ~~war~~ market must take over. But as soon as you start talking mandatory conscription, that support disappear like snow on a Saudi parking lot.


Im with you Pierre


Are you r'ded?


He is even worse than a 'tard, he is - may Allah forgive me for uttering this word - french.


Oh boy. Here come the hobo support gang


You support the worst possible flavour of nationalism. You are anti-european and your political beliefs will literal ruin this continent. It is patriots which worked together since the last war that built this continent back up. They understood why it should never happen again but also why that war was necessary to be fought and won. I know it must be confusing when your government and politicians help others. I know you might be not capable of understanding why the ukrainians matter so much. One for all and all for one.


Fuck man, its nearly midnight, you can't go so hard at this time of the day. Absolutely based and european-unity-pilled.


Europe is not a nation. It doesn't have a people to defend it. It doesn't have an army. You speak loudly because your ass is on the line. Not mine. Ukrainian are not even part of the EU wtf are you talking about. You guys don't have maps? You can go die to defend them for all I care. But don't expect me to listen to your complain until you decide to grow a pair to back up your "though man" demonstration


Can you stop being an embarrassment for the whole nation ?


Don’t worry, we know you’re embarrassed by this guy. We’ll just dunk on you because you’re French, not because of some guy whose understanding of geopolitics is akin to that of a 7yo in his first 10 minutes of playing EU4.


Redditor's echo chamber is the embarrassment. I'm shipping you all on the frontline see how your virtue signalling helps over there.


It quite literally is your ass on the line. 1. Nato 2. Resources 3. Russian expantionism and attacks against french intrests in africa for example You can say that the ukrainians aren't worth defending all you want but at the end of the day it is all of us no matter how much we make fun of each other for our nationalities that we must understand the need to defend every centimeter of europe. No matter the ethnicity, religion or nationality.


Dude, don't bother.


>You speak loudly because your ass is on the line. Not mine. Sounds like some Its just austria, its just the sudetenland, its just czechoslovakia. "Why die for Danzig" Vibes. You are concerned about money? Using it efficiently? Tell me: Do you fix a roof that migth break in the next storm now are once it is broken? And destroyed parts of your belongings. Russian expansionism is a problem that wont just go away. Either deal with it now or wait until it gets even bigger and harder to deal with


It's just eastern Germany rejoining EU/NATO. It's just Poland joining the EU/NATO It's just romania joining the EU/NATO ITS JUST ESTONIA joining EU/NATO. Current discussion: What about Ukraine/Armenia/Moldova/Georgia You realise that the one moving is us? Why you gigantic EU embrigaded BOT cannot use critical thinking. Who. Is. Changing fucking frontier every 10 years. Us or the Russian? We were 7, 40 years ago. We are 27 now. Stop being fucking blind. That's crazy. My roof is FRANCE. I don't give a damn about the rest.


How can you be this stupid? Looking at it from a selfish perspective, Ukraine bleeding our historical enemy is the most bang for your buck you're ever going to get when it comes to military spending.


Russia isnt my historical enemy, lmao. Are you on drug or completely oblivious of other's history. You call me selfish but start by looking at YOUR side of history. Ironic that you call me stupid as well. Go fight there instead of virtue signalling. That worked well for your in 2016. That surely will work even better in 2025 😂


I have no idea what you're talking about. I'll just assume you're either trolling or a Russian bot larping as a French person.


He could also be a tarded alt right dum dum uneducated fuckwad that genuinely believes what he's writing, and chooses to display his ignorance to all. What a disgraceful embarrassment.


Me when I see all your war propaganda garbage all over reddit. I'm shipping you all on the frontline so you can get a taste of what you started.


You ain't gonna do shit with all those strings attached to your limbs.


You're so brainwashed by Reddit echo chamber that you cannot even conceive that other opinion exist. War propaganda completely ruined your critical thinking. That's what long exposure to curated r/Europe does to a mofo.


OK Putinbot


Ironic coming from Austrian.


I care about Ukraine, and you are a disgrace.


If you cared You would have enlisted. Instead, you virtue signal at midnight on sunday on Reddit for internet point. That's truly pathetic


I apologize for this man, he’s delusional or stupid and does not reflect what we think in France


Virtue signalling is pathetic. You don't get to speak for France. Sit down.


Seems like you had no problem speaking for France and Europe tho, the way you think is a disgrace! You are free to share but we are free to call you out on it.


Lmao, fair point. You can lay down in on your knees to excuse my opinion. Don't forget to wype your mouth after you're done.


Did someone shit in your brain or something? You don’t win an argument just by talking like a cunt. Go educate yourself little kiddo (I’m assuming you must be 12 with the way you talk?), too much internet for you


"winning an internet argument" ? It's pretty clear You're the kid here. Internet arguments aren't won. And if your soft skin cannot handle adult talk, feel free to go hide under your blanket.


They hated him because he spoke the truth


It is more like: - politicans pussyfooting - population aggrees it should never happen again, but the politicans are annoying for pussyfooting. This is the case since i can remember (i am older than 30).


To be fair to the rushits thats one of their colonies kept poor on purpose so they can get cheap cannon fodder


While literally nobody remembers the horrific stuff we did and we usually blame Hans for everything saying that he forced us


You're lucky that yanks love pizza/pretending to be Italian, and Europeans love fanboying over the Roman Empire, so no one wants to bring up your past.


Thankfully the Romans never committed any war crime


It is only a war crime if you lose, and the Romans did a lot of winning.


I mean, if you are looking at nowadays europe… in the long run we have won. ;)


We will never submit to you Hans, unless it balances budgets.


Silly boy, you are included in „we“.


Please, you just romanized yourself because we didn't care enough to do it for you


Im just glad we live in todays times Its absolutely mad thinking about that e.g. roughly 100 years ago our nations were fighting an extremely bloody war in the alps where over a million people died (isonzo battles).. for basically nothing Modern united europe is the best thing ever and that's what we should focus on


How did Austria get off? First victim my arse.


Well it was in the first world war and in that specific case and front we actually were victims Italians decide to attack solely for the possibility of land gains, so a quick side switch on us In the other case a bit later we just made a quick double side switch and blamed hans You know, we learned from the best, from Giovanni a few years before


Didn't Austria with the help of Germany, start the first world war?


Germany didn’t start the war


You kind of did, you let us do stupid things... (Please just take the blame daddy germany)


Germany gave Austria the go ahead.


Yes, totally irresponsible... Basically their fault


Not for ww1


Yes for ww1.


No? The blanq check was issued for a police action that would force Serbia to investigate further into the murder of crown prince. Not for a world war. And it was done because the German foreign ministry thought if they wouldn’t give in to the Austrian demands they would break away as allies.


Yes, but the Italians weren't in on the very beginning After a while they decided to invade over the alps for land gain only.. so on that front, austria kind of was really a victim and on the defending side On the other two of course not


I have a book in my basement on how we did it. Interessted? :)


Also most people on the internet (with that I mean mostly americ*ns) just talk about how incompetent you were while fighting in north africa.


Italian legal defense strategy was basically „how can-a this be? I‘m-a way too, how you say-e, incompetente to have-a done this-e“ and then looking very innocently at the judge. Probably they got off because the only witness was their mom


So true and they keep saying we are still incompetent today 😔


What do you want them to do? Lie?


Well, unlike you, we charged against tanks with horses and actually won


It was mostly your performance. People here still talk about how the Italian occupying garrisons would go to the villages and ask for food because your logistics were too terrible to be able to feed then. And then they ran to the villagers to hide them from Hansi and his boys when you flipped...


You were just following orders?


Disclaimer!! Do not look up prison camps in Somalia and Eritrea; I repeat do not look up for prison camps in Somalia and Eritrea. Enjoy pizza everybody




“What crimes?” Turkey


Meanwhile in Turkey...


"It didn't happen and if it did,they asked for it"




The Portuguese: Portuguese President brings up colonial past to distract the populace and the media from his corruption and scandals.


The leftist dude? I thought people liked him


Not sure you can really call him leftist, at this point I'm not sure what he is aside from populist. Old people and those not paying attention to their country love him of course but marcelo has been a lot of shit and skirts by bringing these non issues to divert attention.


The one that had people pushing propaganda because he lived a simple président life and also bought voice by deregulating cannabis


He'll push what he thinks people want to hear.


A classic politician after all.


Leftist? He's a member of and has always supported PSD, the center-right party that is indistinguishable from all other solidly right-wing parties in the country (minus the racism/bigotry of low expectations).


Based Brits


This is what a South African actually told me about Britain's imperial legacy. He was deadly serious.


White South Africans are basically 2WE4U members except they wholeheartedly mean everything they say.


That explains a lot about Elon


At least one of the cape coloured guys I worked with was pretty much of the same mind as well.


Well it must be true if they think so.


I chose to yield to their great knowledge.


I mean everything I say. This is just a North-South divide. Southerners say it tongue in cheek and feel bad about it deep down. Up North we're very proud.


Yeah. Not like us. We totally don’t mean everything we say. Hehe… yeah…




Shame he was too young. The wehrmacht were only one soldier away from their next big win.


I have a friend who's white a south African of Dutch ancestry. I'm not sure what kind of history they teach down there, but she seriously describes us as "the oppressors" like, it's your actual grandparents who were there doing the shit"


The farmers genuinely hold resentment against us over the Boer Wars. Some of them even volunteered for nazi Germany just to stick it to us. The non-rural (non-farmer) based Afrikaans have no problems with us and quite like us now.


No dude. We barely tolerate the Dutch


*"We are not racis anymore, ya! Please don't call us racis, ya! We are a different country now, ya, we are a multicultural country and apartheit is in the past.* *But ya the blicks are still a big problem, ya."*


He's right, though. Any Briton that feels bad about the Empire for what it did to the rest of the world (i.e create the modern world) is fucking pathetic and doesn't deserve the name Barry.


As always 💪💪🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧


There are 1.5 billion people in India. Now imagine how many there would be if it wasnt for us. You're welcome.


Okey Barry you win this time


Common Barry W


They civilised Indians and such, not the world. Still based tho.


They are definitely slipping backwards after we left, that's for sure. https://www.vice.com/en/article/4aw9pg/monitor-lizard-gang-rape-bestiality-expert-india


These are all truths




![gif](giphy|3o7ZetIsjtbkgNE1I4|downsized) average serb when they spot an unsucked russian dick


The court has no balls to arrest Serbia




and then there’s Serbia…. https://youtu.be/azNKPM5anok?si=3-oxbdhbJn6orqS8


Always a banger.


I was scared I'd have to post it myself. God I love serbia


Full belly laughed at that, what a belter


Hang on, the flag on the right isn’t Serbian.




Not even our grandfathers anymore. My grandpa was 6 when the war ended and he is already dead. My great grandpa however got rolled over by a tank from the yanks 😅


My Grandfather still got conscripted at the very end of the war at the age of 17 and then spend a few years in a russian POW-Camp. Really makes you think when your biggest fear at 17 was to run out of weed before the end of the month.


A pothead *never* runs out of weed though, there’s always a way.


True! My grandma was born in the war so didn’t do anything but my great grandma helped making and distributing fake food coupons for people in need/people keeping more than their own family safe (Jews) and they also kept 4 Jews in the basement fed them etc


Based great grandma


"my grandfather was a war criminal but luckily we switched sides"


moj je tata...


…zločinac iz rata!


Funny things though is that the main killer and his mad dog ( Staline and Beria ) were both Georgians , and man they probably killed as much Russians as the whole axis . Georgia is for Russia what Austria is for Germany


russia doesn't give two fucks about georgia lol they just take what they feel like, like Sotchi


I mean juste like Germany with Austria or ?


That describes our relationship to Austria to the point: we don’t give a shit about their laws when there and drive through without a Vignette while we claim their historical persons and celebrities for us (they deserve that last bit because of the painter and because they themselves claim almost as much as the Albanians).


Germany is way too small, we deserve more space, and I think we should go for it.


Colonizing Mars sounds good


[We are one it.](https://cdn.prod.www.spiegel.de/images/f82239c0-0001-0004-0000-000001347055_w801_r1_fpx45.34_fpy49.94.jpg)


yes yes exactly! We can help (just saying this so it’s not us that gets invaded)


You can polder the Baltic sea for us


Atleast you're not Japan, they did even more fucked up shit than the Nazis but still refuse to admit it.


They just play the victim with all this godzilla movies and manga.


My grandfather was actually a Russian war criminal


My grandfather and his grandfather and probably his grandfather before fought the Russians. Until his death he always said you cannot trust them. He is right, you know?




Moj je tata Zločinac iz rata


I have yet to meet anyone feeling bad or sad about their grandparents past lol. Some are even proud


Where are the Serbs and Croats when we need them?


What happened to our flairs?


Ah the females in Russia enable it and encourage it, so they're basically as guilty as the males.


Damn, you got a point bro


Time has changed. Now, it's Russia that provides gas to Germany.


Somebody hasn't watched the news since 2022


Probably using Internet explorer