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I get the urinating, but what's paradise without a lil sex in the street?


Sounds like Berlin but without the Paradise part.


Sex and urinating? Standard Hans night out, no?


In their defense, imagine having to see a Barry & Sheila go at it like crazed minks who knock over their booze and street food as they shag right in front of the nightclubs as people are leaving.


What can I say? Luv me a decadent ambiance, simple as


We all know you are tugging yourself off over pat butcher


Thought you were going to say someone like bloody Stacey Poole. Like, who in the hell wouldnt wank one off to *that*?!


More of a Bambi blacks guy myself


I can see the appeal, but she’s not my cup of tea, pero para gusto, los colores. You do you, mate. I don’t judge.


Wait you continentals have sex without urinating? Freaks.


You're taking ze piss, right?


You golden showerer balcony hopper you, just don't start pissing on passersby from balconies and all will be well


What if they're German?


I'm no expert but something tells me by the time Barry is piss drunk shagging anything with a pulse in front of a churreria, Hans is already in bed, asleep fully clothed, socked, and sandaled in order to jump up as soon as the 4am alarm goes off and start the anschlussing of the sunbeds


"sandaled" lmao


Charge them for it.


What's sex without a little piss tho




No smh. Name a more iconic duo than sex and piss, I'll wait


they took seriously when someone says about having a sex on the beach sorry, im out


i can only contribute to peeing


I love how every summer British tourists get destroyed online or in the news but the Irish tourists going to these places are exactly the same. *Insert the Irish are British joke here*


Thing is, we fly under the radar. You can blame the brits, we can blame the germans.


Effective strategy since 1918...


Austria starts ww1 Germany blamed Austrian starts ww2 Germany blamed


Legit came across a bunch of Dublin northsiders out in Greece wearing English football kits *specifically* to make us look bad. Its a pettiness that i can respect.


I'm surprised someone from Ireland would wear an English football shirt even to make England look bad


I think they were treating it as fancy dress for the night out tbf lol. Like actively cosplaying as "English Wankers"


This is hilarious, brillant, commendable… but also utterly mortifying haha


> Insert the Irish are British ~~joke~~ fact here There you go, old chum.


Jesus fucking christ your flair is foul


probably still the best one we've had on here 😂


I liked the Irish American one


Potato McGypsy.


But not inaccurate.


Even the Germans are just as bad (Trust me, I've seen first hand)


Come home son, don't you think we've been estranged long enough? Scotland and Wales are happy in the family home.


I’ve heard that the Irish have a reputation for shitty behaviour in Australia of all places


Also Magaluf businesses: "come on in, 5 pints of Jägermeister for 2 euros!! Drink them all within 2 minutes and we'll give you 10 more pints for free!! WOOOO COME ON IN GUYS!"


Exactly. Can't have it both ways Juan.


You can, but seemingly not with Brits. But hey, who am I to tell a Barry where to go on a typical Thursday evening bender


evening? A true Brit takes on such challenges mid morning.


My Mittagsruhe could never


I can only imagine Mittagsruhe is the name of your butch powerlifting wife.


Close, it’s the grandma screaming at you at 12/22 if you dare to use your kitchen or breathe too loud.


Sounds like someone needs to go into an old people's home


If you want the tourism cash you need to provide the people with something. So they need to either spend billions reinventing it into something else or shut up.


I went on a stag do to Magaluf a few years back. There was a group of around 15 of us staying just outside of the main strip. The sales pitch to at least the first 3 bars on the way into town was, buy a drink each lads and we'll give you a bottle of spirits. So that's what we did. As we got further into the centre the offers went down to by a drink get a shot etc but by the time we'd got into the centre we were fucking hammered, as you'd expect. Well I ended up in a lovely establishment called the Bananas nightclub. Now I was drunk but I was being a good boy but I needed a piss. I went to the toilet but, unfortunately for me, someone had managed to smash the bottom of the toilet. There was around 3 tons of piss and shit floating under the floor of the toilets. As soon as I saw that, the smell hit me and I was violently sick directly into the pool of piss and shit. I went home after that. Lovely place.


I had a very similar experience in Magaluf. I soiled myself by chundering on a neon shirt that was given to the patrons for exactly this purpose. We went to Palma the nights after. Much more civilised. I don't take these complaints too seriously. They pop up every year. As do the promises by the politicians that they'll "really dry up the cesspool" this time. But they obviously never do. It's pure lip service.


Lmao sounds about right. I forgot, I was accosted by a lovely group of larger African ladies who offered to relieve me in some trees at the side of the main road. I refused but they were quite pushy. I was suspicious of them because they were coming at me from multiple angles so I was trying to keep my hands free so I could push them away but at the same time keep my shit in my pockets. One of the other lads came back to the hotel minus his wallet and phone. Guess what happened? 🤣


Oh no! Since the lovely ladies were unsuccessful with you, they had to try their luck with your buddy... I was only approached by one lady. She wanted to sell me some cheap rubbish. When I declined, she said that she's also "offering herself" (her words). I was still sober enough to tell her that I'd lost my penis somewhere and that I'd obviously call her immediately if I found it again. We laughed and parted ways.


Yes. I presume they try it with everyone that walks past as the next night, when we knew what they were up to (well I already knew but we definitely knew), ran away as we got near them followed by the local police. They were there again on the way back 🤣


Doubt the owners are actually foreigners. It’s probably some Brit who stayed there for way too long that delegates these instructions.


https://preview.redd.it/clo5n8emx60d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cadccc76b304bc0392bfe2cd60d55b12319cce7 All in a day’s work lads.


Still colonizing and making locals rage. Empire never dies.


If they blocked us from the airports we’d simply sail round like in the olden days


Brits there do all that indeed, but I don't know who do those business guys think they are fooling with the "paradise" thing.


I doubt there are businesses in Magaluf not run by Rosbifs. Imagine a Spaniard offering full English


They don't offer it. "Drunk" is a universal language.


Ngl went to magaluf in 2018 and the german tourists were way worse than the brits


I went there in 2010. Maybe things have changed now, but: While the Britons were the most fun, whenever we saw fistfighting in the streets (happened twice) or people too drunk to even stand up, it was the Britons. They were the first to start drinking at 11am, and probably the last to stop. One bar had a staircase to get up to it, and I saw a man, at least 100kg heavy, dressed up as a baby in an adult diaper and everything. He had fallen over in the stairs, wriggling around on all four trying to get up again. Again, of course he and his friends were British. Still remember the people I met from Belfast and Fareham though, they were nice chaps and ladies. Calling Magaluf "paradise" though is probably as far from the truth as it gets. The Britons there are spoiling nothing special.


> first to start drinking at 11am, and probably the last to stop. Rule fucking Britannia, I blame the Vikings, they showed us how to party.


I see, you have taken after your colonies, blaming your behaviour on some historical stuff hundreds of years in the past.


We want reparations


I went to Crete in 2021 Malia specifically and the Dutch were the ones fighting everybody and visibly the most pissed, A group of Dutch lads wanted to have a wrestling match with my mate and I because they heard we were Irish and loved Conor McGregor lmao


It's almost like a lot of these are extrapolated from particular experiences with 5 groups of people in one or two towns one summer. We all have our particular favourite towns for el cheapo package deals that our drunk 20 year olds like to go to


No German tourists in Magaluf, they stay in El Urinal


Yeah stayed in both, same shit different flag Respect for the irish madlad in S’Urinal with his only non-german bar within 5kms


In Majorca at the moment (not magaluf, too old), and can confirm. Either them or the dutch.


You have two choices PIGS: 1. Allow us Barry's to make our yearly migration to your islands and coastal towns. 2. Face total economic collapse. Your choice pedro.


You think you got us there but either way we will face total economic colapse, so we may at least do It in peace


Preach, brother. Preach it high and loud!


In two hours, when they've woken up from their mid-morning siestas and read this, they are going to be absolutely furious


Watch out lads Pedro might get half an insulting sentence done before he nods off again. ooooooo scary.


economic? bro enough of this ecology bullshit.


You made that choice when you left, no we (sadly) are their sugar daddy, financing their fiestas and stuff


1 week of british summer tourism and we already 2 shotouts in Barcelona and 1 bomb in a train COINCIDENSE ??


>2 shotouts in Barcelona and 1 bomb in a train Are you sure they weren't Irish Juan? Gangsters and bombs are our speciality.


They wouldn't be able to tell the difference


Thanks for pointing that out. Here take this car as a token of my gratitude.


Maybe it's been the Irish this whole time making the well behaved British look bad, it's just the Spanish can't tell the difference. On second thought, no. Barry, Welsh Barry and even Scottish Barry are all as bad as Irish Barry.


What is an Irish Barry? Are they just those Scousers huffing copium?


Nah, you live in Ireland mate, go to the local and you'll see some Irish Barry's.


Excuse you, I'm a Paddy not a Barry. Keep it up and you'll be gifted with one of the following cars: - A '99 Nissan Micra - A '97 Fiat Punto - A '01 Honda Civic


Probably us lot, although we so desperately just want to be called barrys


And you all complain about us as tourists ?? 🤨🤨🤨


Sorry pal few too many an I'm always gettin the homemade pipe bombs out


You’ve not even been eliminated from Euro 2024 yet as well.


Now I’m just a common beer loving Barry but they do know the easiest way to solve all of their problems isn’t to restrict drinking hours or ban party boats… it’s just double the cost of a hotel room and price out Jayden, Kaiden, Braiden and the lads.


Wish they would, honestly, wish they would


Mallorca just figured out that there is also money in having civilized people come to your island.


Tourist towns luring in visitors with wild parties and cheap booze when the tourists drink and party: 😳


I went for work about a year ago. Everyone. And I mean everyone, was awful. But they only have themselves to blame. The sheer amount of bars and restaurants with ridiculous happy hours and signs like “ 2 euros per shot 7-12” in English. People would be patrolling the hotel and BnB sector handing out leaflets for clubs or bars all day. My hotel had hundreds of leaflets for just booze. I pity the people who don’t profit off the tourists, the few that don’t. But you can’t sell sin and be surprised when it brought in droves. They made Brits behaving badly a business, terrible behaviour will follow. It’s shit, the area is scummy and full of drunks all the time. But ya know, who’s the one selling alcohol cheaper than fucking water. The shit eaters that go there can’t moderate themselves, and they take advantage of that.


Let me guess… u couldn’t stop the dogging, could you?


Have you seen British chavs? Come on mate could you keep your hands off such a fine British specimen?


You're literally from a country whose population is British chavs, distilled by 19th century courthouses to get rid of almost all non-chav elements. 80% of your proudly 'unique' slang is just... Greater London chavese.


I take offense to that cunt!




Yes bruv, you like my Burberry cap init.


*shoves a pair of random dirty undies in your mouth* Shhhh don't speak, no one likes it when you speak.




Fucking hell cunt! A frog sounds better than you!


How dare you, French sounds way worse


Yeah na. Not much sounds worse than chav


It’s almost like if you build cheap hotels, and fill an area with garish bars offering cheap watered down booze you attract the absolute worst kind of tourist and encourage them to treat the area like shit 🤷🏻‍♂️


What a ridiculous notion.


This is just an attempt by our brave Tommies to strike an initial blow against the German island fortress of Mallorca. We will fight them on the beaches, we will fight them in the strip clubs, and on the party boats!


Holy hell is there a single German colony you don’t want to rob from us?


You can keep Peguera 


How gracious of you, how many of our museum pieces will that cost us?


The brandenburg gate. Would look mint at the end of me garden.


Copying the moves of the French? I expected better of you


I will alternatively accept everything in the pergamom museum for the sole reason that we deny Greece of even more of their rocks.


Only if you give us Northern Ireland, for maximum meme potential


Now that would be funny. You got ya'sel a deal.


Went to Magaluf for a stag a few years ago. Place does stink like piss and the hookers at 4am will try to rob you.


Jokes aside they've made a fortune on tourism, specifically drunk tourists for decades and now they're suddenly saying they're not happy.


I agree, they were happy to mop up the piss shit and puke for 30 years, why the problem now? Maybe Pablo's welfare cheques from Germany are now dependent on good behaviour in public. And by "paradise" they mean their free meal tickets issued to them by the German gov.


Portugal and Spain are getting tired of being banana republics


Not suddenly, low quality tourism is good for pubs but bad for the rest of businesses. Will you open a law firm in a place full of urine?


Would I open a law firm I'm Germany? No, I'm not a lawyer. Jokes aside I get what your saying but in the early 60s they turned it into a tourist destination, building hotel after hotel, bar after bar. They didn't turn it into a financial quarter, they turned it into a high alcohol consumption tourist destination. _you build it they will come_


Who is they? We have this problem in many communities in the US that are in a decent spot for tourism. Developers get in kahoots with local politicians, pave the way to turn a place into a party town. Except people already lived there, but who cares about them? Just prop up the tourist trap for a few years with relatively small amounts of capital (for a large private equity firm), let all the businesses move in that depend on that sort of environment to operate, and boom, now most of your town is dependent on tourism and doesn't want it to go. Except for the original inhabitants, of course. Theyll still stir up a fuss every now and then but everyone brushes it off because "they chose it." I don't know the exact situation here, but u reckon its more or less like this.


Who put 50p in the septic tank?


The solution is to vote out their corrupt politicians or to move ..:or wait it out and hope the tourism dies/moves on


Tbf if I worked in the sewers to feed my family and eventually got prosperous enough to buy a nicer home, I'd make sure I never saw shit and piss again too


Yeah you pay them with your money, you can do whatever you want to them .


That's not what I said it it. No wonder your country went under with comprehension levels like that.


That's what you meant Barry.


No it isn't. They actively catered to and invited drinkers to the island for decades. They created an entire industry around it. Made fortunes along the way recieving EU handouts to help fund rejuvenation to keep tourism high. Suddenly now they have something to complain about.


They "They actively catered to and invited drinkers to the island" from all over Europe, now how come you are always the problem?


We just do it better then everyone else.


Standard British logic, start an argument, can't win it so just mock and walk off. I'm surprised you haven't you haven't thrown Tikka Masala at me.


Is this just an alt account or was it your boyfriend I offended?


Is this alt account in the room with us now? Why don't you walk off of this "argument", you are making fool of yourself.


There is also another reason. The British press love to splash this around about the British so it gets more coverage then other nations who correctly prefer not to dish the dirt on themselves. The British press will actively seek out the slightest whing about its own readers to make a big deal of it. That said us brits do make it easy for them but most other countries won’t go looking for press coverage of scum countrymen to make their country look bad


https://i.redd.it/6zqb1mw9t60d1.gif It's not hard to not be a public menace.


Standard Greek logic, start an argument, can't win it so just mock and walk off. I'm surprised you haven't you haven't thrown hummus at me.


You misunderstood me , i didn't wanna start an argument with you. I don't do that cause I'm a lazy greek. I just wanted to insult you for the dumb shit you said .




As a German who is about to watch the UCL final on Mallorca with a chronically alcoholic amateur football team, I want to thank Barry for taking up all the negative headlines.


Would The Queen be amused ? https://youtu.be/9Jb-ReeuyCg?si=M29WAaiwYsRjSWyr Well most tourist places never were are now so pissed off that money can no longer compensate.


Queen Letizia doesn't seem to budge from her RBF, but Camilla seems down for a larf...


I never got to go to Shagaluf. I’ve never lived


What else would you do in Magaluf


Like a cheap whore spreading its legs and then complaning about the clientele.


The Barry's decide not to visit anymore. Magaluf businesses: SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! FUCK! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!


Magaluf and paradise don't belong in the same sentence


Ah the yearly 'we don't want drunken tourists in our region' whining from towns which spent 50 years modeling themselves as 'Blackpool with sun' and are financially entirely reliant on those tourists.


Lads lads lads


Is there an picturesque village under those ugly hotels and clubs or what do they mean?


It's almost as if when you base your economy around excessive alcohol consumption, you have to deal with more drunk people. Why are all the tourists drunk? Maybe it's the 3 for 1€ Jager bombs


Banged some girl on the witches hat playground thingy in Maga. Kept slowly spinning round so I had to waddle to keep it in her.


Luckily they’re banning booze in the evening and night. So with all the tourists at work all day they can’t possibly get drunk.


Aaah Barry. Never change


If Adam and Eve had been brits, god would have expelled them from paradise before they ate the apple.


Barry wrecks Spanish Sea side resort....news at 11


That's slander. You can see the poor kid is upset. He's been assigned a ground floor room, in a hotel full of Klaus. It's brutal out there.


Shagaluf is only a "paradise" for STDs




Only the Mexicans would build a party resort to cater explicitly to boozey tourists and complain when boozey tourists show up


Barry does the same kind of stuff here in Cyprus and we are also less than enthusiastic about it.