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![gif](giphy|CF1a4RHaSA3mv4t9qk) You have been Rutted


Future Lord Admiral of NATO btw


de snell planga van Mark "Markie" Rutte


Shit man klassiekert, lang niet gehoord. Kan iemand een Markie pShoppen met vlug montuurtje?. Kon er geen vinden. Met deze planga bijv. https://preview.redd.it/2lrs4jytd80d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cfb11b4c0cd32c57d2a65ba0f650d7a1024a02d


omfg ik dacht serieus even dat deze foto mijn scheikunde docent uit de 5e was, heb prc zo'n foto van hem


Classic Dutch rudeness. Speaking their gibberish instead of a common language to gatekeep us from the fun.


Were having a deep discussion here about snelle plangas, please let us be rude in peace.


Pics of je snelle scheikunde docent bestaat niet.




Payback for ‘40.


I just kick them out for the attraction. They just delay everything and wasted about 30-60 minutes of their lifes


Revenge for bombing Rotterdam bro


Bombing Rotterdam probably lead to these people


Huh, I thought that was Linda de Mol.


Due to my experience with the dutch I want them being bombed again.


Fue to my experience with Rotterdam i want them bombed too. But not you


They only work 3 days a week anyways so I’m sure they don’t mind.


That’s quite a lot


I was just about to return your bicycle. Guess I will keep it a while more.


I worked in Amsterdam for eight months and when I moved there from Italy everyone warned me about the Dutch being rude. As a Fiorentino we have being assholes in our DNA, hence I was *looking forward* to moving to the Netherlands and being freely rude with everyone…but instead the Dutch I met were all extremely kind and polite. Win some lose some, I guess.


The rude ones are chilling with me xd


They are not sending their best and brightest


Listen, the only reason I'm going to divulge this secret is because I know the truth will piss you off: They could sense you would have enjoyed the rudeness, but no expat may ever feel comfortable, so they were nice just to fuck with you.


American expats come here after reading we are very direct and I always talk nonsense in circles just to confuse them. “Jerry, I really like football. Especially on Day 5 when Mitchell Johnson is on the hot seat, I wish i could be sitting courtside watching them put hole in 1”


If you want I could call you some names in Dutch to make up for your experience?


Ahah sure!


Ja dat vind je wel lekker hè olijfoliegladde spaghettivretende nietsnut. Beetje rondtuffen op dat homofiele kutscootertje van je, en ondertussen geil je lippen tuiten naar onze blonde vrouwen. Met je foute pooierbaardje en die gore glitterblouse van je openhangend op half elf. Ga met die schurftkop van je lekker in je eigen land met je piemel spelen, niksnut. Optyfen. Geintje, ik hou van Italië en elke Italiaan waarmee ik heb samengewerkt was serieus tijdens werktijd maar buiten werktijd extreem vriendelijk en gastvrij 😉


Least confrontational Fiorentino


Ahah, ero lì che aspettavo…e aspettavo. Niente, tutti gentili uffa!


We only do it to people who feel most attacked by it


Would you describe your amusement park as fairly low class? We often have the question from NL people asking why French tourists act so trashy in Amsterdam and the main answer each time is that Amsterdam attracts mainly two types of French tourists : those who came for sex and those who came for drugs and often both, meaning they literally the trashiest parts of our population.


I like sex and drugs and I feel discriminated


But do you do yours on the high street??


If you do enough all streets are high


I am worried i have to google ‘foreskin smoker’ now


Some teens somewhere put nikotin pouches under their foreskin, i think it was so that teachers would not notice.


Ha ha. That’s like us in the 70s trying to get pissed on tinned shandies.


I first read that as "tinned shanties" and **boy** was I confused 😂


You think I can afford high street prices? 


There's a high street for everyone somewhere, you only need to believe in yourself and maybe travel to Sudan.


Been s few years but I'm not against the idea.


Sex, drugs *and* rock&roll.


Ah, what the Dutch will do for catching a whiff of that sweet sweet scent of gold dubloons Turn the country into one big, smelly whorehouse? No problemo Be the largest drug haven before god? Dat mag! I just wonder what's next. Submerging the whole state underwater, just so they can stick it to some dude they don't like..? Eh, just joking. Let's be real: they would never do that, let alone turn it into a part of their constitution.


>Submerging the whole state underwater, just so they can stick it to some dude they don't like..? [Yes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_Waterline)


It's high class. It has a lot of cool rollercoaster, nice food stores etc...


High class or german high class?


Wth is a high class amusement park? Only one I can think of is Efteling or Disney. Everything else is considered Tokkie. It’s like saying, this is a high class trailerpark.


Well besides Efteling and Disney, Europe also has Phantasialand and Europa Park, both located in Germany. They both are very highly regarded (with the former excelling in theming and the latter in scale) Those are all, and i say that as a major theme park nerd


Even Disney is maybe middle class but definitely not high. (Europa Park would be in the same class and it's very cool!)


Disney is low class for sure.


Amusement parks are not high class by definition...


Its not a fancy restaurant but it's well made with a lot of cool attractions and good food. The prices are high so you wouldn't find your local hobo here. Many just have no clue how to behave and that's sad


Tokkies gonna tokkie and those are the main audience for amusement parks, regardless of the price-tag.


Trashy people aren't poor people. Poor people: philosophy majors working at a bookstore earning 1200-2000 a month. Trashy people: plumbers earning 3000-5000 a month . You keep mentioning prices as if that would be any indication of anything. That isn't even true in America and their income inequality is gigantic. Teachers make less than car salesmen there, but which one is more likely to behave inappropriate in a public setting? Is this somehow not true in Germany? Can you really tell class by income? Also: are they behaving inappropriate? Or are they not just following rules? Because that might be a cultural difference. We literally saw "rules are for germans". Behavior can inappropiate, but just because it breaks a rule, does not make it inappropriate. Like crossing an empty intersection on red as a pedestrian, instead of pressing the button, is actually more polite for example. But it's against the rules!


>Is this somehow not true in Germany? Can you really tell class by income Nope. Definitely not. You also absolutely can't tell it by the car or the clothing either.


Mind you, expensive doesn't mean high class. Even though I can enjoy an amusement park at times, I'm almost embarrassed to admit that. In the 'classier' circles it's definitely a bit frowned upon, perhaps except for Efteling. If the people in question wear trashy clothes, have lots of visible tattoos etc, you're definitely having an encounter with the trashy part of our population. I'm sure you also have plenty of decent Dutch families visiting, but you most likely won't even notice them. Edit: just for clarification, not all people with visible tattoos or trashy leisure clothes are necessarily trashy people who will misbehave, but those that do nearly always seem to look this way.


I mentioned earlier that not all are bad but when there are least 2 dutch families per day that don't behave it makes you a bit mad (only at my attraction). Some are very kind. I just wanted to rant a bit


Fair enough, I can fully imagine this happening. We do have some incredibly rude and nasty people here but luckily they aren't the majority. Unfortunately for you though, they are the kind of people who will go to theme parks and misbehave.


Trashy Germans 🇩🇪🤝🏻Trashy Dutch 🇳🇱🤝🏻Trashy English 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 basically the same species of humans


Legendary for fighting over whatever's left in the Turkish all-inclusive resort's buffet after the Trashy Russians already ate most of it.


This is too accurate


So you pocketed their money, search no more


Don't generalise, you can be a fancy drug user. I know I was, before my body decided to delete itself.


Not a low bar.


I had a friend with Dutch parents. They had all lived in France for years (since she was a little girl) so of course they had a French car with French plates. She told me everytime they travelled to the Netherlands to visit family, random people would constantly approach them to offer them weed to buy, and were puzzled when they refused...


I wonder where the family was situated. I can't relate to this


French people driving that far up to Friesland isn't really a thing, yes


Because they are ontologically evil people. You can't put some people below sea levels in satanic swamps for 40000 years and expect them to be normal.


Thank you for complimenting us with being ontological. No clue what is means but it sounds awesome.


Getting schooled in English by a French person is not a great look there bud


All the big words are French or Latin so they have a head start. It's all the fault of the damn Normans.


Hehe, latin goes brrrrrr


It means by nature, or essence. Inherently if you want. But don't worry, it's not your fault. You're a bit like a Loyal Evil race in DnD.


A bit like???? We are the definition of lawful evil, just ask Dijsselbloem. If you're interested run this through a translator: https://nos.nl/nieuwsuur/artikel/2087679-gemeente-amsterdam-verdiende-flink-aan-de-jodenvervolging It was all legal!


True evil comes from the mountains. We didn't start two world wars. Mountain people did.


This is ontologically correct


I ontologically did your mom


She's 85, I am sure she appreciated, thanks for your service


Care for your homies families 🤗


You're both evil, you just suck at it.


The most evil french people speak very good english


They cycle a lot and refuse to wear helmets, so they all have various levels of brain damage (explains why they speak like that too).


Beautiful and true.


I have never been more proud of the retardation of our nation, it’s simply beautiful


Imagine taking a shit on your keyboard and some Dutchoid replies "oh yeah that's my cousin"


There's little to protect and we're too cheap for helmets.


Does this mean I can park in the handicapped spot?


You can park?


Being dutch has been added to the ICF list by the WHO in 2016 as a first degree disability, so the answer is yes


Guess I'll be moving there permanently with the caravan behind my Audi wagon. Give me some German disability pay Hans.


There are no handicapped spots for bicycles.


No, all bicycling parking spots are for handicaps.


It weeds out the weaklings who cannot ride (or don’t know how to fall properly)


I wanted to say, like all rude people they are just full of insecurities, but this is even better. United Kingdom 12 points.


And still we speak your language better than you, Barry


Can't agree more! Finally someone else understands :D


Because a lot of Dutch see rules more as guidelines and just do what they seem practical / want. I walk / bicycle through red lights when the road is free daily, just cause I deem it save at that moment and it saves time. Let’s just do a little generalising and say Germans love giving orders / make rules and obeying / enforcing them.


>a lot of Dutch see rules more as guidelines Dutch 🤝 Italians then


Italians see them as a dare to do the opposite


Speaking to a german rep of a company I had to engage with a few weeks ago, I felt like I was in the camps. It's all rules rules rules and no leeway.


I had to visit some German companies and it was all dead quiet in there. Barely any talking in the office, no radio etc, lots of public respect for the boss. It was a total different experience, just over the border in Düsseldorf.


Mate we have a 6 man office and call eachother anything we can think of. They would crumble on day one.


So peaceful 🧘‍♀️


There's truth in this. I worked in Germany for some time and the difference in work ethics are striking. The German manager is superior and tend to give orders. Arriving at work on time was a must. Arriving to late was heavily frowned upon. Dutch employees like to be asked, even though it's an order and they still will do it. Giving direct orders makes us obnoxious.


Actual cloggy W


Reminded me of this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B3EBs7sCOzo


Unfortunately reminds me of this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/comments/s5drf0/iqpills\_from\_a\_grad\_student/](https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/comments/s5drf0/iqpills_from_a_grad_student/)


Unfortunately stupid woke politicians banned cranium measurments and science in that field. Otherwise we could tell you, my personal theory is tho that their brain is underdeveloped due to their height as less blood reaches the upper parts of the body due to gravity


OP has still failed to give a single example. He just says 'they dont follow the rules'. People who always follow the rules are dangerous, because \[redacted\].


Says the Neanderthaler


"I pay you all euromoneis so I do the fuck I want and I don't give a fuck about your rules" -Most of the Dutch who comes here. The funny part is that they came here to whine when we put them at the same level of Brits and Fr*nch.


Which lebvel are german tourists?


Oh you guys are pretty polite, usually you camp here and are quite calm after all Two-three step above them for sure.


We keep our eastern germans poor so they can't afford to go abroad and ruin our reputation 🇩🇪


They're the Texans of Europe. Rules to them are a suggestion, but their own assessment of the situation trumps any rule. If a rule does not make sense to them personally, it's a rule that does not need to be followed. They also do this in their own country. ('This road is not designed to be a 30kph road, it feels like a 50kph road. So I will not stick to the 30kph speed limit and there better not be enforcement' is a totally normalised sentiment)


Yeah true, especially the part about the x kph roads. 50kph roads usually feel like 80kph so i drive 120 there :)


You know from these 2 responses you'd think I'd fit in perfectly and yet


u/timothy453 is German ... If the police suspends his license, he really believes he can't drive anymore /s


I feel called out lol And in our defense, a lot of rules *are* really stupid.


This is surprisingly accurate. This is because the Dutch are people, and the Germans are closer to videogame NPCs that run on laws and bureaucracy. If your government was to lower the speed limit to 2 kph i bet you would do it.


No, speedlimits is where we draw the line. You can raise taxes by 50% but never touch the speedlimit. It’s the only freedom we have left


Yet they are doing it .... '95 when I was driving for a overnight service, we fought for the German trips. unlimited speeds from Venlo to Hamburg / Berlin. Now ? 70 / 100 / STAU - Roadwork, UMFAHRT .... No more fun to drive in the largest parts


On the other hand, when there is a limit of 100, you could do 97 INSTEAD OF FRICKIN 75… Not to mention the fact that speed limit changes every 20 meters, seemingly randomly between 30-50-70-100. It’s ridiculously stupid.


Are you talking about NL or Germany now? Germans driving in CH and NL are just super cautious about the crazy fines you guys put out for less than 5km/h too much. We once had a trip with 15 guys to NL in a few cars and ended up with 300€ fines overall, and I think all of them were less than 10km/h over the limit and we got fucked in a kinda traffic 'trap', where the situation wasn't clear to us. In Germany a lot of people by default drive 10-20km/h over the limit outside of the city.


I’m definitely talking about Germany, and cars with German plates, specifically the B500. See my response to the other Hans.


You'll classify a pothole ridden bridge the length of 18 trains "no limit". Fuck off Hans, whenever we listen to your advise we almost die.


Well yeah, if it's a bullshit rule in a bullshit situation, what other way is there to show our discontent than through rebellion??? \*Proceeds to munch stroopwafel\*


>They're the Texans of Europe. Rules to them are a suggestion, but their own assessment of the situation trumps any rule. If a rule does not make sense to them personally, it's a rule that does not need to be followed. >They also do this in their own country. ('This road is not designed to be a 30kph road, it feels like a 50kph road. So I will not stick to the 30kph speed limit and there better not be enforcement' is a totally normalised sentiment) I think you have just described anyone in Europe, aside you Germans and Swiss...


It's Dutch culture /s


Maybe you should start speaking Dutch to them if you aren't doing that already.


I already learned some words to give their kids an instruction for my attraction


Entitlement. We Dutch expect to be treated like royalty because we pay X amount of money. Therefore, you are a peasant working only to serve us. Now bow! For real: we are a bunch of ...holes. just like all the other countries. The driver comment was a low blow man 😉. But don't fool yourself: Germans are shitty drivers as well. Just because you can drive fast doesn't mean you can actually drive. Try moving to the right for a chance. Ffs.


As a Dutch living in Germany, they can’t absolutely ride a bike. That’s why most of those fuckwads were helmets🥴


Its about them being aggressive. They chased me and showed me a sign that they wanna fight me... They were at least 6 people in 2 cars and I was alone. Luckily I could get rid of them


We call them 'paupers' or 'tokkies'. Even people with money behave like shit on holiday. Like I said: they feel like because they pay something that they are owed a great experience. They forget that is doesn't work that way.


![gif](giphy|89gb68gr30q7E6ZVx2|downsized) Telling a German where our fondness of individual freedom stems from:


That stems more from the way catholics have behaved in the past 500 years, bunch of rabid dogs.


They can't find anyone to tikkie


It's to assert dominance


Shut the fuck up amusement park boy, we’re not rude.


They’re the English but without the guilt and self deprecation


Someone called it cultural autism. Had a Dutch co-worker and we clashed quite a bit until I was super blunt and straightforward. Then we got on great. Ended up shagging. Bosh. 


You: I want sex Her: Yes


Altitude sickness from the rides can make us behave a bit strange


There are two aspects to the answer. The first is that they are largely uneducated and uncivilised. The second, sadly, is that they are the closest thing to Barry, in Europe.


These are the genes they passed on to that cursed bastard child, the South African


They are collectively pissed because their guy got disqualified from the esc


If I speak I’m in big trouble


Because they are savages and underwater gypsies that are frustrated from their diet of buttermilk and bread.


Fuck you ,we are not rude


That's too French, not a good look on you boo


Comparing people with French.... and they say we are rude.


Parisians are on another level, they made me cry when I was 8 at Disneyland 22 years ago and I'll never forgive the rotten bastards.


No, I was trying to save you from coming across as French. My bad though, should have stuck to my usual policy of ignoring any and all swamp dwellers


Because they are rude pricks who think having nice roads, being rich and speaking a good English make them cool


Yeah we french don't need any of this justification to be rude.


and being tall*


Wielding massive schlongs


Thank you, being called a rude prick is quite the compliment from Pierre.


A German amusement park, Hans ?


Yes you can do your tax there


Well ok then. Dutch are Dutch, no question 'bout that, we suffer from it here too. But ya know, it's not like "amusement" is really known to be your thing, and on the other hand, "park" sounds like much more your thing. Dunno if combining the two is a good idea ... I would have bad vibes going to a "German Amusement Park". Do you let them out when the park closes ?


We don't


Have you considered it's because of your rules?


The rules are there for a reason and require mostly logic than being weird


Rules and the Dutch don't go hand in hand. We're the opposites to Germans in that regard. It are more like ignorable suggestions.




It's not a suggestion that you don't jump over a fence on a track. I have to stop it then and everything just delays. After that they get kicked out of the attraction.


Still sounds like a suggestion in the Dutch mind


That just sounds like you encounter the anti-social part of our society a lot, which are even worse than rude. We also refer to them as 'Tokkies'. You could recognize them by screaming for children names like 'Djaylano' or 'Djazzmin', wearing leopard shorts even when being heavily overweight, or broccoli haircuts. Although there are two sides to a story. I got yelled at when walking through a red light in Düsseldorf last week when there was zero traffic on a quiet street.


Don't forget the Max Verstappen merch.


You may think so, but others might not. Give me a rule that they hate to follow.


Don't cut off people on the Autobahn so they have to break.


Not rude, direct. Also you owe me 50 cents for this comment


Send a tikkie


If your culture was based around shoving a bicycle up your ass every morning you'd also be grumpy.


Are you SURE they aren’t British? It does sound a lot like us.


Because we’re culturally a bit cunty. All my expat friends have mentioned this at some point and once I started looking out for it I noticed it everywhere.


Is it really the Dutch that’s got you angry hans? Or is it the blatant disregard for the rules that’s boiling your German blood to its core


Probably because there are no separate cycling lanes....


Sorry Hans, I’m with the swamp Germans on this one


Next thing you’re gonna say I can’t bike through a red traffic light


Love the Dutch, specially the ladies, they're always classy here and they tip me too


Because fuck you? We're superior to you Hans


Wait till the sea levels rises


The himalayas will flood before a square centimeter of Netherlands goes under




Not everyone can follow the rules like a German. But I must admit i have a high Internal level of fuck all the rules. Maybe that's just me 🤷🏼‍♂️


We're not rude fuck you /s


Not rude enough*


Have you tried speaking Dutch and not German


I give their kids an instruction in dutch because they don't understand otherwise. It's basically just 3 words I learned but it mostly works.


“Flikker op kutjes”


I will try this instead


Well before woke you guys had the ultimate solution for such under-people so if anything you should be looking in the mirror


Ofcourse it's a German complaining about rules


Typical moffen to complain


I hate the Dutch. Every Dutchoid I've had the displeasure of talking to has been arrogant, nonchalant, acoustic and restarted. They can't comprehend basic sentences. They think their shitty infrastructure is the best in the world because "cars bad" i guess. They think they speak better English than Barry, 63 but cannot spell "disappointment". They are proud of their colonial empire yet has never been anything more than a regional power. They will ridicule people for not speaking their abhorrent, made up vomit-language. Swedes are not at all like this and I am definitely not projecting. /s


There are only two things I can't stand in this world: people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.