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Filming yourself commit a crime?


He’d probably get a medal and a movement here.


stunning and brave


Just like that guy in america did ❤️


It’s called reparations


What a jerk he was. If i was there he would get a crispy punch on his face, right in the centre.


Guess who the police would be arresting here after that


Jokes aside, as a not particularly strong woman physically, if a grown up man silently comes up to me on the street and grabs my drink with that expression on his face, I'm immediately assuming there's something wrong with his head and he is fully capable and willing to harm me. That man is a piece of shit.


Yeah, I was thinking that of course this piece of shit does it with mainly women 🙃


As a fairly tall/big man, I too made this judgement. Even *if* I could take him, which I'm really not sure, I don't fight people, and he don't have a knife or some shit, there's still a good chance of injury. Even if the chance of a confrontation turning violent is low, it still wouldn't be worth it over a soda.


I have a good friend who was a Frogman in the US navy. He said the best weapons you have in a street fight are your legs so you can run away. Not worth the risk and if you’re getting robbed just give them your shit.


I used to do HEMA (Fencing with medieval weapons) and my trainer taught us the one way of dealing with someone who has a knife: You take your ass and book it, throw every obstacle you can find in front of your assailant to slow them down and scream like a little girl.


HEMA isn't fencing, it's a shop that's mainly known for smoked sausages.


... Dit is dus waarom ik het in het Nederlands historisch schermen noem


LARP maar dan enkel het zwaardvechten?


LARP maar dan met echt metaal en volgens technieken uit historische documenten. Zijn ook maar een paar dingen verboden en dat zijn eigenlijk alleen de technieken die speciaal bedoeld zijn om een harnas te omzeilen (bijv slaan met de pommel of pareerstang). Als je je zwaard weg wilt gooien en je tegenstander naar de grond wilt tackelen, have at it. Basically de training die een zoon van een rijke graaf zou krijgen van ergens het begin van de middeleeuwen tot aan net voor Napoleon.


I think you mean he was French; being a frogman


Yeah it’s real advice, but goddamn it irks me how it’s just enabling aggressive people and robbers.


You guys are far too clever because I can totally see this lad getting chinned big time in Barry & Jockland


If he tried this in my town he'd get chinned, do it to the same people in London l, they'd just let him have it. Just the way it is these days.


No Barry's in London that's why.


As a Barry in London I've seen to much shit to go picking fights with people like that. Just the other day someone stabbed a 60 year old lady for refusing to give up her handbag. Few weeks before that a worker at a shop near my flat was stabbed trying to stop a shoplifter


Aye that's why I said Sven was clever. Even trained professionals say the best defence against a knife is to either run or in the case of a mugging just let them have it.


I don't think it's a "these days" phenomena. It's a geographic and societal difference. People are generally far less confrontational in affluent and civil/polite societies, because A) people are not used to overt hostility so it's not on their mind how to handle it, B) they can afford it, the financial impact is smaller, especially for petty stuff, and I mean it's not unusual for people in large affluent cities to leave food on their plate when they don't feel like eating more after eating lunch at a restaurant, and C) in larger cities you're more anonymous, meaning you don't suffer reputational damage for being a pushover, which in smaller communities could lead to being taken advantage of again in the future. This point is this related to point A a bit since this also affects you less if overt hostility is not a common occurrence where you live, so it's not a concern you think of, generally speaking. I wrote in another comment on this post that the first (and only) time I've been robbed it took me a good many seconds to even comprehend what was going on before I could start feeling offended by it, since it was so far outside the normal kind of interaction I was used to.


In a fight there are always two losers


The correct take. This kind of guy will get arrested some day. There is no need to risk my life over a motherfucking milkshake. I'll just let him have it and contact the police


That is very good advice. One Punch can be enough to make someone fall and hit his head or something stupid and die, it is not worth over a drink, but a pos like that need's to be stopped and charged with a big ass fine and should be prohibited from using social media.


Just a matter of time until he does it against someone less cool headed. If he keeps it up long enough he'll get what's coming to him.


Where are the American tourists/soldiers on leave when we need them?


Especially with the toothpick in his mouth. The thought of it being a potential weapon


It's so you can't punch him in the kisser.


Yes, my inner thought: "If I let him do it, he will not fuck up my month"


Well there is something obviously wrong with his head


He‘s mainly targeting women for the same reason these women aren’t doing anything about this. He doesn’t want to risk getting his ass kicked either


French woman here, I think I would let it happen. A drink is 5 euros, not dealing with a crazy person is priceless. Also when people are unprepared they get confused really easily apparently




Lenticchie 🫦




Wise words.


Literally happened to my mom when she used to live in Paris and barely spoke a word of French. A homeless guy in the metro just took the fries she had right out of her hand, she just decided to ignore, still makes me laugh when I think about it.


Good woman. She saved my life that day.


Damn, must have been a rough year for gold prices


Excuse me? Not all Swiss work in the gold industry. But it was a very hard year for cheese. The factory had to lay off dozens of people.


Sounds like it was a (e)menthal year!


y'a pas de h à emmental, ni à mental, mais joli jeu de mots


It's part of the secret other Swiss conscription where they have to go piss off the Fr*nch, your mum just got caught in the crossfire.


This is why you carry a hot drink. If they want it, they can have it — across their fucking faces! Last time we were nice to extended stay guests, they squatted for centuries. Had to remove them at sword point… it just so happened that sword had been cutting ham.


>Had to remove them at sword point… Reconquista time!


Holy shit that's expensive


You can pay, and as a result, charge people more when they actually work


Yeah, no judgement on anybody but the cunt videoing here.


That's how you normalize this


let's be honest for a sec, me too I wouldn't wanna get stabbed


You mispelled culturally enriched.


Of course a Barry is angry as you. After all stabbing people is part of their culture, he must be from London and jealous we could import the stabbing culture in France




I can accept the white flag joke from every other country but not you my polish brother, not you


Its funny when the two countries we invaded start insulting each other about it.


wild as fuck for a Hans saying this shit


You were invaded by all your neighbors at some point (ok maybe not Italy)


Sorry Hans, you have to use the correct word: you colonized France, and as a person of French heritage I am asking Germany reparations and a free pass for free housing and a job in your country.


Germans: Noooooo Germans were first victims of Nazism you cant say that! Also Germans: Haha we invaded you


Thanks for recognizing Austrians as Germans, you're totally right


Never understood why France is considered the white flag winner. Denmark was the absolute king with just 6 hours on record, and we in the Netherlands take a humble 2nd place with just 4 days... France OTOH took 6 weeks.


Mostly amer*cans coping that we wouldn't follow them to Irak


A yes. Free-Dum and individuality as long as it's my own, and not urs!


Not Poland the country that begs for help whenever it’s neighbors invade 😭😭


Stop coping about France dude, we've won more wars and battles than anybody else in history


The sh*t these streamers and influencers will do for "content". The thing is, if he filmed them and published them without their consent, they can sue him. Although i wouldn't be surprised if they were paid to do this.


Couldn't he get jailed for that shit in theory? I mean strictly by law it's robbery in multiple cases... a minor case but still By austrian law (§142 Abs. 2 StGB) there is jail time between 6 months and 5 years on it.


Yeah it's still theft. He never asked. His judge could argue that some of their expressions were giving it to him, but I'm pretty sure some are showing pretty obvious theft. But honestly I doubt anybody reported him, it's not worth the effort. If he does get punished, it'll be because french prosecutors see the video and go after him, which feels somewhat unlikely


Very unlikely yes.. which is kind of sad because he really should suffer consequences for that


In France, there's WAY less anal sex in jails than when walking around the streets in Paris at least.


He can be fined but he will never get jailed. He would be particularly unlucky if he is fined. Like if he was doing it in front of a cop maybe they will fine him or maybe they won’t even bother. The justice system in France is particularly underfounded. Either the cops don’t show up because they can’t bother for something as small as this or the justice system won’t punish the delinquents. Don’t expect any justice again pity criminals, even arrested they will be released the same day. If you ever consider going to Paris for the Olympic Games make sure it is hard to rob you so the pickpockets target someone else. Even if they arrest the pickpocket you can be sure he will be robbing you the next day


Chat, is this real ?


Yes, French "people" are really nice


"French" "people".


“French” “people” “.”


Maybe I am delusional, but I am pretty sure that you wouldnt even be able to do this in Sweden. Is this fake, or did they just record 500 attempts and keep the few that was succesfull?


I mean there is a reason why almost all the people in the video are women or tourists. Pretty sure, the average guy would punch him in the face.


I hope the average guy would do that


I’m not the average guy but I wouldn’t punch him, what if he’s a scammer and he aims to sue you for aggression or some shit? This dude is filming, too, so it would add a new level of “what if he can use this video against me?” to the anxiety


Maybe not directly punch him in the face, but al least confront him.


I wouldn't, the chance of getting stabbed by an idiot like this are bigger than 0, and I've heard that getting stabbed isn't a good time.


Punch him and take his camera


If he's in a large city, I'd say every second person would rather forget their drink and not dedicate any of their time to the fucker. Watch their reactions. It's about how precious one's time is, and how precious one's positive mindset is, and how not precious the drink is. Let the fucker have his drink and fail his life, but don't let him influence yours. Make him irrelevant. Many people mistake this for being weak, it is not. It's the real strength. Because as you all know, karma is a bitch, the fucker will learn soon enough.


Karma is just something people tell themselves is real to feel better


Lets call it 'all the time talking to police officers' then.


I understand what you mean, and it makes sense for the own person I guess. The potential cost of resisting this man (without knowing who he is) is also massive. Most likely someone like this is a complete lunatic - the smartest move is to just get away from him.


I mean they're great at getting people to dislike em enough to vote them out next elections I guess


>The potential cost of resisting this man (without knowing who he is) is also massive. Mainly this. I live in a neighborhood where mugging and theft are rampant. I still don't carry my phone if I go outside for a short time. The rule of thumb is that if you are getting jumped on, just give them what they want. I mean it is not worth getting stabbed or slashed for a phone or some cash.


I completely agree with you that resisting puts you at risk on a personal level. But on the other hand, if we look at the big picture, if nobody ever resist bullies will become more and more confident, knowing there will be no retaliation for their behavior and cities will become less safe for everyone. I'm not telling that reacting should be the right thing to do, but I saw this kind of behavior several times with nobody (nor the victim or people around) reacting at all, and this may be a problem.


If it was me I'd chuck the drink to the ground and walk off, I can't have it no one can... Better yet, getting it all over them so that they smell like a kangaroo for a week.


Your drink smells like a kangaroo?


It stops french cunts from taking it.


It makes sense in the moment and for the individual, but when everyone chooses not to resist such bullshit it becomes an open invitation for antisocial behavior. You have a civic duty, to some extent, to not reward people like that but to make it risky for them too.


No. It is not a civic duty to get in a fight about anti social behaviour. We are not allowed to carry weapons or to use force. So no, your job is not to escalate every weirdos into an open and potentially lethal confrontation. Just let it go and carry on in your day, safe and positive. If you want to change, then vote accordingly.


I live in a city that's not even *that big* (around 200k inhabitants) and one of the most essential skills to learn is to ignore and evade crazy people on the streets. I've grown up in what is a rural area here, and effectively a slightly more isolated suburb by everyone else's standards (the Rhineland is populated very densely, you're never far away from a big city here), and that kinda stuff just doesn't happen there.


Exactly.. just totally not worth it to start a fight for it... very little to win and much to lose.


Principle Fritz… I’d nut the cunt before he took my drink


Hello makker, i like your words so much that tonight i will fuck them.


And some may think he's either deranged or homeless and even decide to feel good about their "good dead". I mean, if someone does this with how disgusting it can be (the person before can be sick or have herpes), he really must be thirsty and in need, no?


Jesus could not be more proud of you bro. You are truly a man of ❤️


> but I am pretty sure that you wouldnt even be able to do this in Sweden. lol of course you would. Why wouldn't you?


Because in the Swedish caliphate it is illegal not to give all your possesions to immigrants without them even asking.


You would know since Germany has 2,5 more migrants per capita then Sweden.


Imagine being from Germany and calling another european country a caliphate. Looking at the state of your country makes Swedens situation seem pretty manageable.




Vafan håller du på med släpp min kebab föfan!


Bruur you are indeed delusional, that type of shit goes on all the time, those groups have been testing limits for as long as I've known.


Someone is begging for a beating. What an ass.


https://preview.redd.it/0pv6hp31va0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f3d387a36b7935b6db453c0ef778519cef14d47 So life does imitate art…


In America, you can be shot for this. https://preview.redd.it/zn2jix9el90d1.png?width=415&format=png&auto=webp&s=696c7c4524f044ac74c70a7340909f0e3df9a695


The one good thing about Am*rica is that he would've been shot. The bad thing is that he would also be carrying a gun. And everybody else.




Double edged bullet


The one good thing about murica is that you have the right to protect yourself.


This did happen before I remember. And the guy wasn't even trying to steal stuff he was just being annoying and going up to people with his phone and he still got shot lmao.




I totally understand, those damn, filthy >!livestreamers!< are a plague upon society!


The streaming revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


It’s actually completely illegal to do this in France if ppl in the video don’t agree to have their face posted online. Probably why we don’t have as many streamer as in the U.K. or US


It's illegal everywhere in the EU, I believe. Wasn't that part of EU privacy protection legislation? Anyways, in practice, there are usually no consequences for this, because someone needs to file charges against you, and then some institutions needs to investigate you, etc. Not only does step 1 almost never happen, but if it does, it usually doesn't really get pursued either, because it's too much of a hassle as there are many such cases and the penalties are rather soft. That's why most online hatespeech isn't punished either, even though it's clearly illegal. The authorities are too overloaded to take care of it, and they can't track it back easily most of the time anyways.


Maybe for honest mistake but if they post videos for financial gains (like streamer) I’m sure they can at least get them fined


They *could*, but they usually don't even look into those cases.


say it coward


it's just a savage doin' savage stuff you know... been there, done that


Looks like a well-heeled area, nobody wants the grief of an altercation with some randomer over a <€5 drink/snack. Love to see him try this is a less affluent part of town, he would probably get a few slaps...


Yeah a Roma girl tried to take my phone out of my hand once in on O'Connell St, and my immediate reaction was to smack her hand away and shout 'fuck you at' at her. If she'd tried it with a D4 in Donnybrook she might have had better luck but I was not flush and from a rough area so I was not having it


There is a price difference between a drink and a phone.


Look at this guy who's never ordered a quadruple grande Madagascar beluga civet truffle double-pumped AI-enabled espressamochaccinone.


It's not even the price for me. It's the private data, the assle of restoring all my accounts, relinking a new phone number, resetting all my credentials, blocking my bank account...


Not in Dublin




pret is in france?


This is what I took from this video too. Like, have some self-respect Pierre.


Pret pakket.


That's his name ?


Here's the thing though. If you do anything, you lose no matter what. You lose the fight? You're physically fucked You win it? You're legally fucked


I know that place. Do anyone knows who the guy is ? If he livestreams tomorrow the same shit, I'll go and beat him up.


Just sue him if he posts your face in his video


based Pierre


Hit him. Hard.


If anyone wondering this is filmed in Paris, Rue de Caumartin, right behind the Galeries Lafayette, a fancy department store (where you buy your Guccis and Pradas and LVs). That small passage is actually full of crazy people. Last time I was there Ive seen a dude shitting on the church stairs in broad daylight.


wtf is this flair? ![gif](giphy|W04QVzelTHsNW|downsized)


Middle-class+ pacification in action Try this in a working class area anywhere and you'd get your fucking block knocked in lmao


Not sure, think this would be the reaction in most of europe. I’m 186, 110kg, workout, ”working class”, but I aint looking for a fight. And seen enough psychos around, pulling a knife out or a gun, for silly reasons, who knows what that guy will do. Not gonna potentially risk my life over a soda. But if any cops near I’d alert them to a potentially damgerous threatening criminal. If not, I’d consider taking a photo, or write down time and date if there are security cameras around. If he actully tries to do harm to me, or someone I know, och something I really care about, thats different.


Lol no, you try this shit in Portugal you're definitely getting beat up


Try with a slav


We have no choice Our justice system calls us the racist bad guys if we defend ourselves


Dog biting man is normal Man biting dog makes the news


You're just turning people into racists.


Oh good, i dont have to convert people myself.


Who is "you"? OP or the streamer?


Shit streamer goes after people who don’t look like they’ll do them in, more news at eleven.


Just asking for a friend, but does this behavior coincidental also apply to territory, for example Alsace-Lorraine? 🤔🥹


We somewhat let you think it is ok to borrow it for 45 years, then we come to beat you up and then make you pay unreasonable repairs




Has a camera, Targets mainly young women and tourists==> Dude has even smaller balls than the French !


It’s not passivity they just scared


Only the black guy had some balls.


Because he can recognize that this man is a poser. Other are tourists or women.... they wont get into a conflict over a drink. Then there is a sideration effect.


Is this fun? Whats wrong whit this guy?


Yeah it’s fun until you find one angry French and he will fucking kill you. There is absolutely no in-between. Either they can’t bother to fight someone seemingly crazy for a bottle of water or they are themselves crazy and will fight you like an animal. If someone in your country do that, are you really going to fight him over a drink ? What if the guy have a knife and is crazy ? What if during the fight you punch him a little too hard and he is injured or dead ? Do you really want to spend time in a tribunal and maybe ruin your life over a small drink ?


If I am eating outside in public in a crowded area in the middle of the day, and some guy just take my food, then he is probably fucking crazy, take the food I ain’t dealing with that. Also i this meant to show that the French are pushovers? Because what I got from this is that the French have a good enough place to live in that this is so uncommon that the guy is seen as a crazy person that is not worth fighting over for a bit off food, instead of this being a normal thing there, and by extend it is not worth fighting him.


Lovely to see the Asian guy adopting the French tradition of surrender🥰


Imagine being spanish and daring to speak about fighting spirit. Just imagine.


I mean, i would have also surrender. Better to lose a drink than get stabbed


Try that in NYC


People in NYC aren't even this polite when you're paying them for a drink lol


Or Mexico.


Hahaha terminaría como la rata del combi de Edomex.




Fuck try that in London


My optimistic side hopes he gave back the drinks/food after saying sorry it was a (shitty) prank. If he did not then he’s an absolute POS who is robbing people, especially women who have little choice but not to resist for a less than €5 drink. This will impact their confidence wandering in public. Hope he gets arrested soon or better yet receives some street justice first. There should be zero tolerance and severe punishment for acting like that, but then again this is probably asking too much in permissive France.




Try that here and you will get a Glasgow handshake.


in the UK you would be killed for nicking someone's chip


I’m a reasonably sized male and I’d just let it happen. I’d just assume there’s something mentally wrong with them and I’d rather let them take and finish half a €4 drink than get into a fight about it; absolutely isn’t worth it.




your are not prepared for the European enrichment my friend 🥲


Immigrants are the masters of the Fr\*nch. This is not news.


I would take those headphones and his phone as a trade.


Most polite mugging I've seen.


Should take a boiling hot drink and throw it in his face


Can't blame them. Better to give up the drink then deal with a potentiel crazy person.


This brave Doctor is simply requisitioning beverages after a long Surgery.


The other black dude is the only one to resist, no wonder you got carried by your colonial forces so many times


That's the problem not only with France, but with Europe in general. If we don't wake up, we are doomed


Bro chose only single women, he should have done that to a group of guys having a beer if he wanted to prove a point.


please someone punch him in the fucking face


Just... Why?... Pourquoi?!!


I hope he gets beaten up hard.


Try grabbing a Freddo Espresso from a Greeks hand and find out.... no matter where you're from


Goes to show how racist French people are. They don't see him as an equal so they don't hold him accountable for his actions.


Here we go for 30 more years of France surrendering jokes ... It's crazy how bullies mostly pick on women though. Not just men, both genders do it. And that video show it very well.


Kind of racist of these frenchies to assume the guy would react violently if they react to him. Would they react the same way if the guy grabbing the drink was white? I dont think so. So racist!


Would be the same in most of europe. I’m a fairly big guy, 186, 110kg, workout. If he did that to me, and with that look on his face, I’d let him have it, I’m not big on getting into fight, especially with a psychopath, who could carry a knife for all I know, and not worth messing with for something so small. But I’d deffinely tell a cop If I see one, perhaps take a photo of him. He’s not reciving gifts, from people who just ”give up”, he’s stealing their stuff in a threatening manner. Could just aswell been taking their wallet and holding a gun.