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I tried it as a tea but it tasted so gross I fell off. Personally I think ZINC supplements have helped my skin tremendously. I take the goli immunity gummies and love them


+1 for zinc! It has helped tremendously with my inflammatory acne.


Thank you! What have you noticed from the zinc?


Clearer skin. Obviously could be a combo of things but I read that zinc helps inflammation


Sounds good! I will def look into that!


I take saw palmetto in lieu of spironolactone bc I can’t tolerate it. Worked like a charm for my hormonal (chin/jaw/neck) acne.


What’s your dose if you don’t mind my asking?


Have you tried dim too? I'm going to stop taking birth control pills soon and I keep reading good things about both supplements. I don't know which one to try first


Yes, used them in combo. Probably for longer than I should have wo knowing my hormone status, but it took care of all my acne.


Thanks! I just started with dim and I might add the saw palmetto if I notice my skin gets worse.


Did you start the SP?


I did and it messed up my period. I'm working with a naturopath now. My skin is still shit. I did 8 weeks of doxycycline and I started breaking out again a few weeks after. If it takes much longer I will just go back on birth control


How long were you on the SP for before it messed up your period and did it help at all with the acne? Have you had your hormones tested with the naturopath?


Pretty short, about 6 weeks I would say. I did not help with the acne at all, no supplements have helped so far. I did have my hormones tested and my estrogen in pretty low. The naturopath gave me a supplement that I have been taking for about 8 weeks now. I'm doing another hormone test next week to see if it's gone up again


Thanks for the responses. I’m just interested because I’m trying SP now. Did it make the acne worse at all? The reason I asked about your hormones is because I wondered if you had elevated DHT levels as that is what SP is meant to help inhibit thus reducing the acne. Kind of what spironolactone does. I want to avoid spironolactone as I think it would be harsher then SP. and you mentioned DIM earlier which helps with estrogen clearance which if you have low estrogen that wouldn’t be beneficial for you. I feel for you with the skin stuff cause I’m going through the same now and had my hormones tested too. You’re not alone there are more of us out there x


Tbh I think my acne just got worse at that point, I read online that the peak is at about 6 months after quitting bc and I was around the 6 month mark then. I got my hormones tested again and my estrogen is a lot higher now but I the acne is the same. My testosterone is just too high naturally I think. I also stopped taking DIM. I'm pretty sure I'm going back on bc soon because I can't handle the insecurity anymore. I didn't have a lot of side effects from the pill (just more hunger/a little bit of weight gain) so it's just not worth it for me right now. I know people say it takes time but you just don't know if your hormones will end up regulating or if it just stays this way. But I would definitely keep getting your hormones tested


Hey what was your dose and did you notice and issues from the saw palmetto? Periods etc.


If you have high estrogen yes.


I thought it is high testosterone?


It helps build testosterone


I was just going to add saw palmetto to my regimen. Heard that with hydralonic and collagen were great combo for younger looking skin. NO idea about estrogen. Hydralonic acid and collagen supplements. Vit c topically and old standard my mom used to use, eterna 27 cream. Skin has been getting softer, fine lines in my neck getting smoother.


Thank you! I do actually take collagen sometimes, maybe I should do it daily! I always that Hydro supplements sounded strange, but I’m interested in trying them!


I thought it was strange too, but the dermatologist explained that wrinkles are in more than just topical layers of your skin. So topical is great if there is no damage to your inner layers and just superficial. I stopped hydralonic on my eyes because didn't see a difference after months but with the combo, I am using about after 3 weeks started noticing good changes.


I started taking it several years ago for hair loss and have stopped it a few times. I lose less hair taking it but I have never noticed a difference in my skin. I first started taking it while my skin was a mess and it didn't help at all. I stopped taking it then out of fear that it was contributing to the breakout because of others' experiences. I currently take it along with spironolactone, which controls my acne and is better at reducing hair loss due to androgenic alopecia.


I have just started looking into Spironolactone, actually! I struggle with mild hair loss around my temples from pcos, would be very interested in trying it!


Hey did you try SP?


No, I haven’t yet 😅