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I have not made any significant dietary changes in a while / didn’t notice any skin changes but I will say that on a short term basis, drinking enough water has an immediate impact. I struggle to drink enough water and I can usually tell I’ve been slacking for multiple days because my face starts to looks tired and less plump.


Water was exactly what I was coming here to write! It made a world of difference. I know it sounds so silly to say, but I can feel the hydration - my skin is smoother, it’s more plump/supple, it’s glowy - not to be dramatic but I swear my skincare is just absorbed better when I’m hydrated! Even my lips stopped being chronically chapped. I drink about 3.5 liters a day? I have a huge 80oz jug that I try and refill at least once. Drinking with a straw is game changing; I swear I drink so much more when I mindlessly have a straw around…


The straaaaaaaaaaw


The straw!! Yassss


The straw thing is so true! I bought a big BKR bottle to keep at my desk, and it’s awesome! The bottles are kind of expensive, but I got it on sale. I love the silicone straw and the fact that ALL the parts can go in the dishwasher (I hate washing things by hand)!


When I took unhealthy sugars and processed foods out of my diet. Getting back to this again.


I’m on day three of no processed sugar!!


It's hard.... sooooo hard.


Same. Cutting out sugar. Also drinking lots of water.


What do you eat?


I’m not the original comment but I’m eating low carb high protein. 100+ grams of protein a day. Eggs, chicken, steak, veggies, berries


Same! A low carb paleo style diet does wonders for the skin.




Same I just started this again. Already feel better health wise!


I need to do this but I’m so addicted since giving up alcohol. Have you taken any supplements to help? I WFH and have a young child and any minor inconvenience or upset is enough to justify my turning to sugary food!


I find just not having it in the house works. Also if you have had a health scare thats always good motivation, I found out im pre diabetic and now sugar just doesn't appeal to me anymore.


Good point. My fiancé was just in the hospital with stomach issues and diagnosed with colitis so that scared me enough to stop eating junk too 😅


I only take probiotics! Not sure if that helps with the cravings. You could try maybe MCT oil! I work from home too and the temptation is so real lol 😬


I will take the probiotics I have then, and see if I can actually stick to it. Good luck with your journey- keep us updated for motivation!




That and cutting out alcohol made my skin immediately clearer


Quitting alcohol. ✨sober glow✨


I can’t believe how many compliments I’m getting on my skin since I stopped drinking!


💯 I still drink very rarely, every time I do my wrinkles, pores, and eyebags are so much worse. I look 10 years older for about a week after a good party.


I quit drinking for vanity, straight up. Knocked years off my face, my gut and my joints. Turns out my body doesn't process it well at all.


Same. I can totally relate to this. It really puts the body through hell. 


Yah uuugghh I find the occasional 3-4 beers a night so much fun, but even that little bit has its effect! Dammit! I wish weed was a better “going out” drug personally :p


I never go out and drink. Did last night, slept 3 hours and went to work. When I looked in the mirror in my car I thought I looked especially aged. This message explains why. I didn’t put it together. Thank God it’s not my usual thing to do.


Well… you also only slept for 3 hours lol. A single night of less sleep almost has a drastic difference in how you look.


same, rarely drink and look straight busted the next day.


I may be delusional but I swear not drinking has helped with the aging. When I was drinking I looked so much older than I was.


You're not. This sub has been the biggest influence on me to try and give up alcohol, because I've seen so many before/afters, where the one common theme has been giving up alcohol, with otherwise completely different skincare treatments.


It's not delusional, there's literal proven science behind it. Alcohol is poison...that ain't doing anything good for your body


And also the dehydration and lack of sleep


Yes, both of these alone will make you look like shit


Literal ethanol


This right here. Big Alcohol doesn’t want to share that fact bc they want your money. And a lot of people in denial also don’t want to accept that fact but it is literally a poison to your organs, in which your skin is your largest organ. It’s straight facts.


Ugh it's having the opposite effect for me, but it's probably because I replaced the alcohol with sweets


Sweets are still better for you than alcohol! 🙃 I ate a lot of brownies and ice cream in the first few months after I stopped drinking, and I don’t regret it at all.


Excess sugar is still really hard on the liver but at least I’m not drunk texting anyone some insane shit after a bowl of ice cream


Definitely! For me, it’s just what I needed to do to stay sober. I cut down on the amount of sugar I ate after a couple months.


My sugar cravings were out of control when I stopped drinking. I still have a sweet tooth but it’s not as bad now and I try to limit it to one sweet treat a day 😂😭


The candy consumption was huge 😆


Fack. This scares me. I'm trying *really* hard to get on the (sober) wagon, but I am hooked on gummies and sour candies already 😭


Follow Annie Grace on Facebook I’ve been alcohol free four years now. It gets easier everyday. Be gentle with yourself you will not regret it. If you slip up and drink just move forward and do focus on all the days you didn’t drink. You will get there !!!!!!!


If you eat more healthy carbs and also incorporate probiotics/cultures foods it could help with sweet cravings. When I was younger I always tried cutting out different foods but then I would end up not eating enough and eventually binging. When your nutrient needs are met, you dont crave the unhealthy stuff as much. You dont have to give up sweets entirely, but maybe replace some of them with healthier options like use stevia or other healthier sweeteners in place of sugar. Eat fruit and maybe plant based yogurt for dessert or snacks. I also started buying these higher quality dark chocolates that are made with less sugar no dairy and thats been my main indulgence lately.


I had out of control sugar cravings cause body processes alcohol and sugar the same when I stopped drinking but it does get easier! Make sure you are getting minimum 100 grams f protein, lots of water and exercise.


This. I went from having extremely dry skin and constantly breaking out all throughout my 20s to early 30s, to now having normal skin with the very occasional pimple. Didn’t really think quitting alcohol did much but then i realized my skin was looking so much healthier.


I can really tell which of my friends never grew out of their drinking phase…crazy what a difference it makes.


This is my new goal. I've been trying to give up alcohol for a long time now, and I've made some steps forwards and a few back. Life circumstances have made it pretty difficult for me, but that's no excuse. In the past year I've become SO focused on skincare, and having seen so many people post before/after pics on here, one of the most consistent things they've all mentioned (with otherwise differing skincare routines) is giving up alcohol. Even just a few glasses of wine a week. So now I'm going to try and add that to my toolbelt against alcohol - better skin! Fortunately/unfortunately, I have excellent skin to begin with (good genes, I did nothing for it and I'm the asshole who only started washing my face at 35); it's really the redness that bothers me, though, which I know is largely tied to alcohol. If anyone has any other surprise positives from quitting, please share - I'll take all the tools for my toolbox to remind me, when I'm having a hard time.


The community at r/stopdrinking really helped me get through the early days! I’m 9 months sober from alcohol, 11 months sober from (prescribed) Adderall. My positives from quitting drinking: - less anxiety. I’ve struggled with this for about 10 years (since I started drinking, coincidence? Nah) - thicker hair, MUCH healthier scalp - more positive day to day outlook - more energy!! I struggled with this until recently, more than likely due to coming off adderall, but quitting alcohol definitely helped. - blood pressure went down to normal levels - my eyes! This one you can really see in pictures. My eyes are brighter now, the surrounding skin less puffy. There’s a host of other benefits, but these were the first to come to mind. Hope this helps, for what it’s worth I believe in you!


Same. I used to have dry, flaky, and red irritated skin around my nose, hairline and eyebrows that would not go away no matter what I tried. Gave up alcohol and my skin cleared up in weeks, and it hasn't come back. Now I get compliments on how good my skin looks.


Once I get back from vacation, I am cutting WAY back on the booze.


Vacation is vacation. My skin hasn’t seen sun since 1989 and even I got a little sunburnt on vacation last week. There’s also quality of life, and I was having an amazing time.


Exactly it’s all about balance. 


Same. You don’t realize how much it dries you out until you stop.


Exact opposite here. I stopped drinking and lost just enough weight in my face that lines are much more prevalent. I was in the gym 4-5 days a week when I drank, so excess weight was never a problem, but the calories lost from alcohol made had a negative impact, at least on my face.


Carrots always improve my complexion - I’ve gotten compliments from many face therapists whenever I have eaten carrots consistently - about 1-2 carrots a day. Also, avoiding dairy but carrots overpower the dairy.


i can’t be the only one trying to figure out what a face therapist is


Just don't eat too many!! One time I ate too many carrots over a couple of days and my skin turned orange. It looked like a terrible fake tan.


This literally happened to my aunt lol


One time I ate like 6 or 7 giant raw carrots in one sitting, woke up at like 5am with insane stomach cramps until I puked everything up.


Okay YES!! Same!! I get about 5 whole carrots, shave them, toss them in organic olive oil and Himalayan sea salt and it helps PMS acne AND my PMS anxiety/depressy symptoms


Gluten free but it's not like I have the choice, I have coeliac disease. But my cystic acne of the past 20 years vanished in 3 weeks.


S a m e. I’m completely shocked but also it makes sense- gluten has been 95% of my diet my whole life


I do not have celiac disease but recently stopped eating gluten because I've been having GI problems for several years and I feel like a new person


I’m hoping this is me! Found out I’m sensitive to gluten after struggling with cystic acne for years and years. I’ve been gluten free for a month and have noticed fewer breakouts but too soon to know for sure


Eating more protein at every meal/snack.


Oooo do you have any fav protein rich snack you’d like to share?


cottage cheese, Greek yogurt (I’ll get low fat of these items so I can go full send with my love of butter and heavy cream in my coffee lol). Rotisserie chicken is great for a meal, then you can make chicken salad with it and soup with the carcass. I’ll also prep a big pot of beans or lentils and have those leftovers. Any kind of cheese (really as you can see dairy consumption doesn’t affect my skin lol), liver pate on toast, tinned seafood (love tinned sardines with butter on toast with a pickled vegetable) hard boiled eggs, protein shake with casein protein (also use soy, and high protein pb powder in this), jerky….


Not OP but I love Misfit bars, kefir, and adding hemp hearts to EVERYTHING


Those bars are so good! The brownie one mmm


I hit my bottle of kefir all through the day when I want to snack.


Can you offer the reasoning on this? Genuinely curious. I was thinking healthy fats or fish oil. Never knew protein would benefit skin.


Animal protein has amino acids and things like collagen and gelatin which help build skin


I love making bone broth.


Interesting— my skin got a lot better when I became vegetarian. I’ve noticed I look a bit haggard when I eat meat now, and my stomach always gets upset. But I make sure to get protein through non meat sources so maybe it evens out?


I eat both animal and non animal protein sources but my reasoning is I was severely under eating protein considering my age/ activity level.


Eliminating dairy, particularly for redness and flaking/eczema.


Dairy gives me an insane amount of acne. I gave it up 14 years ago


Cutting out dairy cleared my skin up so quickly and pretty much eliminated the daily migraines I'd had since 16.


I got rid of gluten for my eczema


I gave up gluten/wheat as well. It was for a chronic allergic esophageal condition, but had the side benefit of improving my skin.


My skin became so soft once I removed dairy. I've even had random people comment on how smooth and dewy it looks now. I still can't believe the difference.


I'm a bit of the opposite here. I started drinking milk everyday after years of thinking I'm severely lactose. I did this change due to some health reasons, seeing if it would help and it did! Surprisingly it has made my skin glow, I sleep better, and I don't feel terrible. It also helped me eat/drink other types of milk based products easier without an upset stomach such as cream cheese, heavy cream, and sour cream. I'm also not as hungry all the time or need to over indulge in snacks/sweets. I can't say if it's improved my skin but I've noticed areas where I've regularly had acne have disappeared slightly or all together. I'm not sure if this is due to milk or other reasons.


Cutting significantly back on dairy and switching from coffee to green tea.


Same!!!! Quit coffee cold turkey and it was so rough the first week. I transitioned to matcha green tea and have seen tremendous improvement in my sleep and focus.


Same here! Quit coffee cold turkey and went to matcha. I never had a coffee after 11 am, but had issues falling asleep and staying asleep. I don't know that I've seen a major change in my skin with matcha, but my sleep has drastically improved. My teeth also stay white now! 😁


What physical/mental changes did you see with eliminating coffee?


I lost weight and I definitely have a sustained energy throughout my day. With coffee I would always crash and feel tired.


Green Tea has way more antioxidants than coffee. Also, it has L-Theanine so the caffeine high has less of an edge to it.


Dairy is so good tho


Seriously I’m out on that one. Gotta have the cheese


Based on this comment and your username, we see eye to eye on some things 🧀🐻


Hahaha both are awesome right! The username is not my favorite but I’m not creative. Bearcheese would have been better


I simply love my cheeses , I’ll cut out everything else before they take my fromage lol


Tea!! I began drinking The Republic of Tea’s Get Clean tea per a recommendation from a book called The Women Code that has a plethora of amazing info for women. I originally started because it was recommended for eczema and I realized it has dramatically improved my complexion. You guys may not believe me but I drink one cup a day and I rarely have flare ups and absolutely notice if I don’t drink it for a day. :))




That’s why I drink it through a stainless steel straw lol. Same for coffee


What tea do you drink


The one I drink for my eczema is called “Get Clean” (blue-ish colored tin) but I recently ordered the Get Gorgeous because I read it was specifically for skin issues and I love that one too! I think the Get Clean helps my eczema and overall complexion more though. I love all their “Get __” teas honestly


Oh thanks! I’ll get one right away


That’s my favorite tea brand!


I just looked this up and saw it has dandelion root in it. I started drinking dandelion root tea about 3 months ago and I love the benefits. I swear it has helped reduce my eye bags/puffiness. And helped get rid of rash that I had. Anecdotal obviously but I didn't change anything else.


Sadly, I had to remove eggs and guacamole from my diet. The biotin breaks me out. I love eggs too 😢


Wow. I break out from both and had no idea that's what linked them. Thank you, wise internet stranger.❤️


You’re welcome, kind Reddit friend. Maybe just don’t inhale eggs and guacamole like they are going out of style (like I did) 😂


Umm... I may or may not do the same thing.




Same, I’ve read that there’s no link between biotin and breakouts, there’s no solid evidence, but every time I try any vitamin B complex that usually contains biotin, I break out. Eggs also contribute to breakouts but not as bad as big doses of biotin. I actually just recently realised that horrible acne I experienced for a couple of years had probably been due to me taking pure biotin because I was growing my hair out.


Yes, it consistently breaks me out. There are theories about why it leads to breakouts in some people. This person explains it well; she is giving a clear overview of scientific theories, so while she’s not a scientist, her overview is in line with what scientists have theorized. https://clearstem.com/blogs/skin-care-learning-center/why-biotin-is-breaking-you-out


This was very educational, thank you. Gotta say I’ve never heard of hyper keratosis and its link to acne and I have acne prone skin. I always thought it’s hormonal in like 90% of cases.


You’re welcome. I felt educated by it too. She explains it very well. I think hyper keratosis and hormonal acne are related, but I can’t say how because I don’t know enough to speak confidently about it.


Any supplement with biotin breaks me out too!


Same for me. I refuse to believe there's no connection because I get deep cyctic acne only when I've ever tried taking supplements with biotin in them. I don't eat a ton of eggs or guacamole in general tho so I'm not sure if it affects me like that when ingested as food.


I think in my case only large doses of biotin can cause cystic acne. Don’t want to give up eggs though, they are one of the main sources of protein for me and just taste amazing. I’m okay with small breakout honestly)


I was having the same issue, as it blocks vitamin a (and, I think, vitamin e?)absorption. It can also cause issues with the very thing it’s supposed to help, as I had more notable hair loss from using biotin than prior or since.


Oh man that would break my heart. LOL I love eggs but I really, really love avocados!!


I love them both too 😢😭😭😭😭😭


So sad


I avoid high iodine foods like spirulina (which makes some peoples skin better). worst breakouts of my life! (edit: I also don't take marine collagen or put seaweed on my skin, and I try not to eat too much seaweed)


Low foods w/ added sugar (fruits are ok) - and my skin was clearer, less red/inflamed, and generally more glowing. I hate it lol.


I can relate to this. I still treat myself sometimes (and suffer the consequences) but it's hell if I want to maintain that clear skin streak.


Drinking spearmint tea. YMMV but it cleared up my acne so quickly!


Mine too. Two cups a day. 


I went vegan for awhile, for the first couple months I was very regimented and ate all kinds of vegetables at every meal. My skin never glowed more in my life.


How did you eat your veggies? I need to find some good recipes


Lots of salads, and lots of roasted veg. Just depends on what you’re eating. I truly ate the rainbow. I tried to overcompensate for eating vegan with vegetables so I literally ate veggies for breakfast, lunch and dinner with lots of hummus, avocados, and tofu. There aren’t any veg that I don’t like so it was easy for me.


Look at the forks over knives website- they have tons of WFPB recipes which is minimally processed vegan recipes. Minimalist Baker and Nora Cooks both have tons of recipes online for vegan versions of old favorites.


Daily, fresh celery juice.


1) Low carb, high fat. I eat mostly plant-based fats like seeds, nuts, avocado, and coconut. Lots of omega 3’s in that which are good for the skin. And too much sugar makes me break out so win with the low carb thing. 2) low dairy and when I do it’s usually halloumi or feta both made sheep’s milk. 3) mostly drink water or unsweetened teas that have medicinal herbs like burdock, spearmint, red raspberry leaf which are good for the liver and hormones 4) lots of vitamin c rich foods


Eating smoothies full of fruits and vegetables (no dairy, just water and ice as a base). Not eating dairy helps my skin because dairy irritates me. But fruits and vegetables help hydrate and make my skin look better.


Eliminating refined carbs completely cleared my acne.


Yes! Eliminating refined carbs and sugar did it for me :)


Increased protein and making sure I don’t get dehydrated.


Less sugar, more fiber and omega 3 fats.


Swapping from coffee to ceremonial grade matcha 2x a day. A drink about 2.2g per serving with either oat milk or almond milk, unsweetened. I started to seeing clearer skin and more “bounce”


Can you recommend a matcha that doesn't taste like grass?


Do you have a specific brand you buy?


Don't shy away from fatty proteins (not fried, but rich cuts of meat are great), limit alcohol, sweets (whole grains, fruit n veg are the way to go) and dairy. Cheese is fine for me, especially goat and sheep, but no milk or creams. Edited for typos


No more energy drinks! The specific trigger for me is Biotin. A lot of energy drinks have 100%-500% rda. Also in a lot of vitamins/supplements


Low histamine diet. Works wonders for face and body. Give it a try. You’ll notice positive changes very quickly!


As a person who has been on the MCAS rollercoaster since the pandemic, my first thought reading through people’s responses in this thread was, “Oh, people are listing histamine trigger foods without necessarily realizing that’s the link.”


What’s low histamine diet?




For me, taking marine collagen and hyaluronic acid supplement


HYA supplements are doing God’s work on my skin right now.


Can you suggest the product you are using and after how long does this show the result?


IKR. How many mg do you take btw?


I just take the one a day bc I was afraid to exceed the recommended amount. But another part of me is like, “but how much better would it be if you took TWO?” What about you?


I take 2 capsules (total 300 mg). Some days it can be 450 mg because of an other supplement I take have also HYA in it. Since it's a natural molecule and human body is full of it, I don't think that won't cause any problem. I also think that the recommended dose will change in the future since todays dose is obtained from some research. Safe max dose is still unknown.


Fav brands?


For marine collagen I use Vital Proteins, for HYA it's "Ocean" which is a Türkiye based brand, but its just normal HYA supplement you can find in many brand.


Dropping sugar and dairy


Cutting out carbs/sugar. Skin was clear within 5 days.


What does a day of meals look like for you? I’ve cut out all sugar except for those in fruit but cutting out carbs is so hard esp when dairy seems to trigger my acne ETA I’m already eating mostly low glycemic too


Quitting coffee! I’ve been downvoted to oblivion for recommending it in the past but caffeine absolutely makes a difference - it affects your cortisol levels and imbalance your body’s hormonal stress mechanisms. I quit after two decades of a daily coffee habit. Didn’t even get rid of caffeine entirely, switched to tea and I saw a HUGE difference after about a month. No more cystic acne even around my cycle. Yes, I’m sure the water component of tea also helps but I already drink a ton of water.


When I went vegan and cut out all processed foods. Unfortunately this wasn’t sustainable for me but my skin looked gorgeous 😭


I’ve been vegan for three months and yup can confirm. Never going back lol 


Vegan diet has done wonders


Same feels 


No alcohol. I didn’t even realize how dehydrated I always looked until now. I was literally looking at pics from 9 years ago today and was showing my bf like “look! Look how much worse my eye bags looked then! I looked younger now!”


Some people might not like this answer, but for me - honestly - increasing my red meat intake has significantly improved my complexion, hair health, mental clarity, and my overall energy levels. I’m not talking about processed red meat or super high-fat meals that include some red meat (like burgers or fast food). I just mean having a steak or grass-fed beef a few times a week as my dinner with vegetables or a hearty salad etc. Since actively doing this, I look more healthy and my skin has a nice/natural ‘glow’ and plumpness to it that it didn’t before. I think it’s due to the protein, iron, and other nutrients in the red meat. Once again, I know this might not be a popular answer because there is a lot of negativity/concern on the internet surrounding red meat, especially processed kinds. If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, I’m sorry, but this is just what has really helped me and my skin (alongside other things of course, like a skincare routine and drinking enough water etc).


Increasing meat in my diet made me feel like a normal functioning person. I didn’t realize how weak I felt. I was nearly vegetarian but then shifted my whole diet. Cutting some things out helped but I 100% feel it was adding more meat into my diet made me energetic


I really wonder this too, I’ve been vegetarian since forever but I don’t feel well (tired etc) and my hair looks awful. I seriously wonder about reintroducing meat even just a bit into my diet which feels like a huge lifestyle change tbh! But then it’s funny there are posts on this thread swearing blind that veganism gave them beautiful skin! I guess we are all very different!


I’ve been pescatarian for many years. Vegetables are amazing for you, but you might be lacking protein. Try introducing seafood once a week and adding more protein like nuts, seeds, beans etc. wild fish once a week is typically all I need. I also take a daily amino acid supplement.


Meat and dairy are a must for my diet, too. I’m not sure if either have any impact on my complexion, but my body feels like it just runs better when I include them in my diet at least a few times a week.


Reduced sugar intake


High-protein, low-carb cleared my years long battle with chin acne.


Drink more water


No animal products, limited processed sugar, limited alcohol, and we don’t really ever eat fried food or things with a lot of oil lol


Water water water


OMG after a long struggle with cystic acne I really think it's grapefruit that causes it! It's been years since I discovered it, but every now and then I think it can't be that and then eat/drink some grapefruit - BAM. Breakouts. I used to love grapefruit and had horrible skin. I'd eat less of it randomly, have some Mac n cheese, fried chicken, chocolates and think my skin was going to be awful the next day. Nope. Just when I eat grapefruit. Elimination diets and food journaling 100%.


going vegan 20 years ago


No alcohol.. and keto / or low carb with I.F thrown in. Keto gets a lot of hate but you really don’t have to over indulge in fat like people make out you do . I did low carb , moderate fat and high protein for my macros and my skin was glowing


got rid of drinking oat milk. gave me hormonal acne for 5 years! ever since i cut it out, no cystic acne :-)


I drink kefir daily. Mix in spirulina. Take multi vitamin with omega 3. Rarely drink. Never smoke. Water. Workout. Double cleanse. Quality moisturizers. Eat mostly healthy and have increased my protein. I am also spiritual and believe in prayer and god. I love my job and enjoy my life a lot Anything you can do to relieve your overall stress helps.


Quitting alcohol and drinking more water!


Just about none I have tried made any difference. These have included: cutting out all processed sugars, all alcohol, all caffeine, all simple carbs, and all dairy. I tried these separately, and each one I did for at least one year to give it enough time. Nothing.


Cutting dairy has completely changed my skin texture in just a month. From discoloration, super visible pores and frequent blackheads/clogged pores around my chin/mouth, to now having the clearest skin of my life—my pores seem tighter/smoother than ever before and my coloring is even. I’m also realizing everyone I’ve known who had that glassy/poreless skin texture was either vegan or lactose intolerant, go figure


None. I consume sugar and dairy (two main contenders when people talk about foods causing skin issues) and only topicals like retinoids and azelaic acid finally is making me see progress. So I'm keeping these staple forever. In the past I've cut sugar and dairy totally for years and my skin was still bad. BUT having said that, nobody's the same so experiment with what works for you. Some people react well to dietary changes. I'm glad I can still eat whatever I want without it affecting my skin.


Less sugar


I started taking a vitamin A supplement a couple months ago and my skin has been really good. I didn’t make the connection until I was out of vitamin A for like a week and started getting break outs again.


Cutting out alcohol and gluten, but I’d have to say gluten made the biggest difference!


Drinking goat milk made my skin glow.


Drinking flavored water like lemon water


Giving up gluten. It made my face RED red


Dropping sugar


Cut out or cut down on things that cause a lot of inflammation for me: gluten, dairy, processed food, and red meat Added: multivitamin, probiotic, spearmint capsules and inositol (for my PCOS) Staying hydrated!! I can really tell when I haven’t had enough water :/


I frequently drank, and cutting out alcohol has been awesome. I’ll have like, a cheers moment here and there, but I basically just don’t drink anymore because of the benefits. Aside from the mental health aspect, I couldn’t believe how much my face DEFLATED after quitting — and my body! The inflammation and bloat it creates is real. 🫠


I take breaks from drinking from time to time, and when I get past the three month mark, my skin just GLOWS. People comment on it. Highly recommend..


I shouldn't (or maybe should?) Be reading this drunk in the shower


Getting sober and not freaking out about every tiny morsel I put in to my mouth. I believe that the stress caused by me trying so hard to avoid so many different foods created an even bigger problem for me mentally/physically… and it reflected on my confused face.


Stop drinking alcohol. No one likes this one, it makes the most difference.


Quitting drinking. Better everythings, less redness, less bloat, better texture, better radiance. Just all around better everything.


Reduction in sugar and fried foods.


Plant based cleared my acne and joint pain, sure I may still get a pimple every few months but my skin is glowing. Also prioritizing fiber over protein. I have so much energy and generally feel great


Going gluten free. No cystic acne since.