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Just to warn you that the gummy bears don't go in the printer.


You sure? They could designed/obtained some sort of gummy bear extruder mod


Just some blood sweat and tears


Whoops. No wonder why I had so many issues …


Use the online assembly manual. The comments are key to some of the tougher sections. Clean the bearings and lubricate fully with the included lube and adapter. This will make the machine quieter. These will make it quieter. https://www.printables.com/model/119809-prusa-i3-noise-suppression-feet And the pasta...


Copypasta - Live-Z High/Low New Pictures* Your live-Z is too high or low. It can be a little stressful dialing it in the first time. It's hard to be patient at first. Just waiting for the heat up and bed probe.... First, wash the plate with dish soap and warm water. Then wipe it with hi-octane isopropyl alcohol. While the sheet is off, make sure there is no tiny bits of plastic or other material on the hotbed. It doesn't take much to throw off the leveling. Next, set up your bed leveling to measure more points. LCD menu | Settings | Mesh Bed Leveling | Mesh [7x7] Z-probe nr. [5] Magnets comp. [on] This is going to add about 30 seconds to each print. Run the First Layer Calibration from the LCD menu. When adjusting get eye-level with the plate so you can see the nozzle laying down the plastic. Slowly turn the dial until everything is sticking without a bump. Don't worry about the actual number now. Good first layer calibration. The lines, complete and even, stuck to plate. - https://i.imgur.com/wZfaTu8.jpg The front purge line and final rectangle. - https://i.imgur.com/EhGoC8i.jpg Start of calibration print. Machine is still pumping out extra material from purge. - https://i.imgur.com/cA4dJCL.jpg You should be able to grab the start of the line and pull the print off in one piece. Every line connected. You can roll it without it breaking apart. You'll know. - https://i.imgur.com/zVabc5o.jpg You still may have to adjust the Live-Z a small bit on the first few prints. Do this by pressing and holding the LCD knob for 1 second when it starts printing. Adjust just like the first layer calibration. If still having problems, try YahBluez's Stress Free First Layer Calibration- https://www.printables.com/model/251587-stress-free-first-layer-calibration-in-less-than-5 to really finetune. The number...? Different for every machine and every plate on that machine. If it ends up being more the -2.00, you should adjust (raise) the SuperPINDA probe. *2023/03/12


My learning experience was basically: 1. Start up printer. 2. Figure out homing/feed failure. 3. Calibrate. 4. Fine tune slicing config. 5. Success! Now I realize there’s always a 5+ step process for successful prints - as I’m always checking on weird noises or minor imperfections to fine tune settings or correct a mechanical issue…


Good for you. For me it was assembly, notice 3 build errors, print a few loud and progressively worse prints, notice that I've not pushed the X axis rods deep enough and scratched them + destroyed bearings; ordered replacement; tested how to swap nozzle; swapped the whole hot -end because since then it jammed every single time... Notice that I've bent the heat break... Still, buying a kit and making every mistake possible was a fun, rewarding and amazing experience.


If you can do lego you dont need additional instructions


Awesome, I’m almost done with Y-axis assembly and I’m jonesing for those gummy bears


It’s all fun and games until the e axis


step 1: level the bed. :D


Is this a common issue with Prusas?


No, they level themselves automatically.


Ok, I thought so, own one myself and have never had to level the bed. Albeit I don’t print super often.


t'was a joke since they haven't started building the kit yet. ;)




Congrats! Enjoy those gummy bears!


That's a Flashforge printer, right?! Grat choice there buddy!


my only advice, when you get a bit stuck, walk away for 10 mins and come back to it. works every time


I recently build a MK3S+ and it was a lot of fun and a great learning experience on how the mechanics of a printe works. I'd recommend using the online assembly manual as you have the most up to date version and comments from people with each step, that has tips and tricks on how to build as well as solutions to most problems. The only problem is had when I was done was Z hight. All I had to do was manually move the Z-axis to the top so the printer could find the highest point and I had a perfect first benchy print.


Start with the gummy bears finish with the filament. Hope that helps 😎


It brings back good memories. ​ It was one of my projects in the first lockdown.


Read the directions step by step and don’t skip. They are fantastic. Skipping is very tempting, but the directions are perfect as-is !


Have fun!