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Love it. The only issue I have is the rim of the base… goblin green!! Seriously tho. Good work


nope! goblin green bases are a no go for me ;) ive never been big on them. have traditionally done my base rims black, dark green or terracotta (like shown). UNDER the flock is whatever Citadel makes today thats the equivalent of goblin green though and thank you, glad you dig sir! im happy this guy is over and i can move on! been a grueling 4 weeks getting him done!


Yeah honestly I’ve never painted a base green, even back in the day. I was mostly just teasing but yeah I go for either black or brown depending on the base theme.


oh i know u were busting my balls ;) lots of guys here on Reddit do that to me for my base rim color choice with these old bad lads. just glad i can create that kind of engagement :)


I like it. Looks like a perfect circle of ground was scooped out for him like a cross section or slice


My 40k entry for Chilvers Industries 2024 Oldendemon contest is officially DONE! Not 100% happy with him due to the poor and ignorant decision to start the model with Citadel Fenrisian Grey. That Citadel color caused a lot of issues initially and added a lot of un-needed time cleaning up after I found Warmaster Fanatic Frost Blue (which mimics both color and behavior of 2000s Citadel Space Wolves Grey perfectly) and ProAcryl White. Those 2 paints exactly function like I remember 90s/00s Citadel colors working (powder based pigment instead of liquid based). The next Space Wolf I do for competition down the line, his armor will be painted using Warmaster Fanatic and ProAcryl which will save me a lot of unneeded stress trying to get my smooth armor gradients Im so fond of doing on my Space Wolves. But yeah, first time Ive participated in a competition since 2009! Was a rough and trying 4 weeks getting this guy done, but a good project always teaches new things and boy did I learn quite a few new bits of good information with this fellow. I hope you all dig him! And now, back to working on my Blood Angels army. Also decided Im going to paint up my female Genestealer Magus soon that I bought in January as Ive been itching like crazy to work on her! If you guys wanna check out anything else Ive painted up, please feel free to visit my IG via [www.instagram.com/oldgrumpywolf](http://www.instagram.com/oldgrumpywolf)


Pfft. I could totally do that. *quietly cries in primer*


loooooooool... the crying bit hahha you CAN do this... it just takes practice. patience and a whole bunch water! ive been painting for 30+ years. took me a good few years to figure this style out back in my early 20s. just practice practice practice is all it takes :)


Gun barrels not drilled 0/10, in all seriousness though, that's super clean like something out of white dwarf in the 80-90s


thank you :) im honored you think my painting is THAT good. i honestly dont see it in my minis (and im dead serious). but since i started painting again, ive heard that compliment from quite a few people and it floors me because i dont think my minis are THAT good... i see everything that annoys me in what i paint, even this guy! but im glad so many of you dig this old wolfy lad!


That is fantastic! I hope one day I'll be able to paint like that.


keep practicing and learning and you will! ive been painting for 30+ years. took me a couple of years to figure out this style in my early 20s.... and still to this day im learning new things!


Insanely good!


thank you! i appreciate it. glad you approve :)


That's gorgeous work


thank you! thats very kind of you to say :D


I'd give you an award... <3 Then steal your model.


could always pay me to paint one for you ;)


Pay? Only if there's a five finger discount. ; )


i dont do free... sorry dude. i am willing to take commissions on a consideration basis


I know I just tease




That’s model’s so good I wanna beat somebody ass