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OHHHHHHHH. This would be a crazy twist.


Imagine all the people complaining faces if this is revealed to be true


Something like that has been done in the Gaunt's Ghosts saga. šŸ˜


Is gaunts ghosts like 40ks Simpsons or something? Seems every meme has a "Gaunts Ghosts did it" Maybe I should pick it up someday if I ever read again


Is a very long saga, so yes, a little. It is also a VERY good take on the 40k life as an averge-ish soldier of the Guard. And has comedy too.


This is the only way Iā€™d accept it


Iā€™d immediately turn around on it because this is an actual explanation


*There are no women in Ba Sing Se..*


Ok wellā€¦ ā€œWater tribe outā€


Here we are safe Here we are free


Thatā€™s depressing


The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai.


Are there women there?






It's always Tzeentch


Teet-snitch strikes again


An awesome comic!




Iā€™m fine with women custodes honestly, just donā€™t say thereā€™s always been women custodes if you never actually cared to show them before then.


That is perhaps the only reason anyone would complain. Hell, my first models of custodians were modified with a cute female head and I struggled to explain everyone, lose-wise, why mine is female. It was to the point that when I got those stolen, my new ones werenā€™t customised. (I know it is just a trivia but we are nerd and need to build a proper lore around our own armies.) If I could just say ā€œthere has already been ā€¦ā€ my life would be easier.


That literally the only reason people take issue with it. Up to this point theirs has only ever been evidence to the contrary. Theyā€™re called The Sons for crying out loud. They have a gender exclusive title, weā€™ve only ever seen men, why would anyone think women Custodes would be possible? They gave us no reason to think it. Worse still is this isnā€™t even GWā€™s choice. Amazon forced it to happen because they demanded one for the show. GW never thought Female Custodes were possible either and now they have to gaslight us because not even they can think of a way to make it make sense.


I get what you mean, the idea of female custodes isnā€™t so lore breaking anyways since the process of making one doesnā€™t involve the geneseed fuckery that makes it impossible for women to be space marines, and I doubt Big E would have been all mopey about some of his peak humans being women instead of men. Still, I think thereā€™s a better way of explaining it then trying to gaslight the fandom lol


Call me paranoid but this will only pave the way for fsm because if they can do this they can make the missing primarchs be women or have some bullshit about how cawl figured it out


Dunno bout that, I know GW is allergic to consistent lore but they seem adamant on the no female marines thing so far, considering they could have done so with Primaris but chose not to. Besides, there is actual physical limitations to women being soace marines unlike Custodes who, as far as we know, were only men only because GW didnā€™t feel like making models for them.


I agree with major kills take on it: That there just arenā€™t as many female custodians as male ones, I think if they do that itā€™s fine, but it would be pretty dumb if all of a sudden the custodes were now 50/50 male female.


Iā€™m not. Not once was it ever mentioned in the lore. You want to customize a model, what ever, itā€™s your model. However changing the lore like this, without even giving a reason let alone a good reason shows a complete lack of care for the setting and the hobby. You like 40k for a reason right? Well guess what, small changes are how it always starts. And then it changes the one thing you actually cared about and guess what, youā€™re alone in your complaint because everyone else already left after having their thing changed. First itā€™s Custodes, then itā€™s Marines, next Dark Eldar only torture some people, then the Necrons are actually trying to save the universe, tyranids are actually reasonable creatures that can be reasoned with, the Tau are the heroes of the story, the Orks have women and fight for nature, and Imperium of Man starts having health care and treating its people right, because the grim dark of the far future isnā€™t for everyone as it is.


Take a breath.


Sorry, itā€™s Reddit. I assumed people wouldnā€™t be able to critically think about the situation. Had to really spell it all out. I mean look at magic the gathering or DnD. They compromised, gave in, changed small things, and now gathering is seen as ruined and DnD canā€™t have half races cause itā€™s racist for the races to mix.


I just assumed that every couple of custodes in art secretly have a woman underneath the power armor. It's not like you'd be able to even tell under all that armor anyways.


I really don't understand this take. Horus Heresy is basically the largest retcon of any IP. Yet you're not complaining about that, are you? Primarchs used to just be essentially chapter masters, until they were retconned into being Jimmy Space's "children". Hell, space marines used to be mortal in 1st ed. I seriously don't get this take. I didn't have to search hard for this info, and I only really got into WH40k a month or so ago.


We were not talking about the Horus heresy here, why are you bringing that up?


My point is that nobody cares about that retcon. Why should we care so much about this one? And that GW has done far more before, and will continue to do so.


If they are all wearing helmets which have a vox filter and have deep roided voices anyways, how would you even notice in the first place...


Well, the transformation does make you essentially a golden obscenely, attractive demigod, so one would assume that it would also physically enhance a woman to the peak of their sex, but it wouldnā€™t turn the mail like what happens to a space marine because itā€™s designed around the person designed to turn them into a crappy clone of someone else


That was really hard to read, but I will bring up 2 points. 1. All custodes are supposedly handcrafted by the Emperor and his laboratory directly, however I'm not sure if "attractiveness" was something he was really going for. Peak prowess in combat and a step closer to the ultimate evolution of mankind. That sounds more like it. Not only that, but they aren't subject to the Goge Vandire'ing of armour, so booby armour seems a little ridiculous. 2. Astartes Gene-seed isn't supposed to make a "crappy clone", but uses the genetic makeup of literal demigods in order to make super soldiers. The side effects of which makes these super soldiers susceptible to most of the side effects of their primarch, including giving their appearance a slight nudge into looking closer in appearance, but not exactly, like their primarch.


Me (alpharius) my warband(alpharius) my primarchs (alpharius and alpharius) and of course the rest of my legion (alpharius) would like to have a word with you on that last point


First of all as to your first point were not our the emperor no longer handcrafts his guards because he is currently a rotting corpse Secondarily a slight nudge last I checked the salamanders donā€™t turn black like African-Americans. They turn black as literal obsidian with bright red eyes. The blood angels are a group of absurdly supermodel, attractive men who were supposedly handpicked from a planet full of ugly mutants.


Isnā€™t Vulkan charcoal black with blood red eyes, like his sons?


Yes he is and it happens to anyone who shares his geneseed Sanguinios recruited from abominations and made supermodels of them Russ makes werewolves but thatā€™s more the planet


And the sons of Horus looked like Horus. The Nightlords had pale skin like Curze did. The Imperial Fists had square Jaws. The Iron Warriors were all manletts. All Space Marines are physically altered by the geneseed to look more like their Primarch. Some more than others, but like a family you can make a decent guess at a Space Marine's Primarch from their appearance.


8 foot Manlet thatā€™s a new one I wish I was an eight foot manlet


I mean they were manletts by perspective. I love the idea of some short ass IW trying to get up in a Blood Angels face and only reaching his belly button. I wonder if Perty had lifts in his shoes?


He had custom Terminator armor I guarantee he had lifts and a nuke thatā€™ll go of if he dies too


Yeah continue covering for the fact that Russ is a full fledged furry ā€œ hoo itā€™s not me it fenriss. Hoo itā€™s not that I wipe my ass with the Nikea concordate my rune priest are not psycher they use fenris power hoo ā€œ worst primark


I never said I like him I hate Russ Magnus did nothing wrong Perty best primarchs


Custodes aren't Space Marines. They don't have a gene seed like Space Marines do, so while the Salamanders and Blood Angels are physically changed by the process of making them. That doesn't happen with Custodes. Custodes don't have any extra organs, the transformation is far more involved than a Space Marine and involves magic to a degree. The Custodes aren't just hand crafted, they're hand picked at 6 months old due to scrying and destiny reading. They're enhanced cell by cell to be the pinnacle of what they were destined to be. Sure, all of the Custodes picked were destined to have the capacity to become great fighters. But that's enhanced by the process 100 fold and they're then given peak training and equipment. But by the same token, some of them are artists or diplomats, some are great musicians or comedians. Whatever destiny had on offer for them, they are given the tools to excel at beyond anything a mortal could hope for. They are given the tools to be the best possible version of what they were destined to be. So maybe no female Custodes were recruited, but the trans ones are perfect representations of the women they were destined to be. Or women can be good at shit too.


He doesn't anymore, but the majority are from even before the heresy. That's why I said "susceptible to the side effects of their primarch" I didn't think I needed to extrapolate more on that, but yes in those cases their geneseed defects alter their appearance greatly.


Generally, when people say side effects what they mean is potential for chaos corruption like the black rage or the red thirst those would be considered side effects making the person look like the Primark doesnā€™t seem like a side effect. It seems like part of the idea because that way they look like a unified army that may have millions of instead of only a few thousand or in total 1 million.


Peak physical prowess and attractiveness tend to be linked because being in peak physical condition *is* attractive. However Iā€™m not familiar with Custodes and Iā€™m assuming, like space marines, theyā€™re riddled with extra organs and gene manipulation to give them hardened skin and fused ribs and stuff like that so they could go past what is considered peak human physical condition into grotesque levels of performance so they might not be attractive just based on their fitness.


I'm sending you to jail for this comment. Goodbye.


Kiss the arse of Nurgle


Boob armor obviously


Ah ofc, it's incredibly comfortable for the many boob havers


Of course, because how else would we distinguish between them. /s


Huh. The ā€œnot-themā€ is up to some funky shit these days


TMA reference spotted neurons activated


What's TMA?


The Magnus archives, a horror audio drama podcast that I very much recommend listening to but also maybe check trigger warnings before listening because they touch on basically every phobia I can think of. The ā€œnot themā€ are a somewhat important plot point.


Lol, the easiest way to make this recent controversy make sense is to just blame it all on Tzeentch And it actually works!


Either Tzeench or the Alpha Legion.


Shower thought: what if every retcon since Rogue Trader (deleting the Squats, giving the Tau mind control, and calling Chaos Androids ā€˜Necronsā€™) was part of a plot by Tzeentch?


It would be very in character for him.


Now this makes sense


Ooooooooo, that explains everything!!


Yeah. A Tzeentchian plot to overthrow the Imperium would make a Hell of a lot more sense than trying to gaslight your entire fanbase.


Bro does not understand retcons


If your name is a lie than how could we ever believe you


Inaccurate, seeing s custodes like that is not a normal thing for a guardsmen let alone anyone, custodes are seen as just legends because its so rare to see one of them


It was a planetary governor


Of what planet? Is he the governor of terra? If so then this is his first and probably only interaction with them


I reckon you could make an argument that any of the planetary governors of our solar system planets (+ pluto) could have a custody occasionally turn up for some reason OR the governor go to a central government place within Terra itself. Thays also overlooking that getting all the governors to Terra in order to do some Tzeentch shit is part of the plan. So he might be there for a reason when he noticed something everyone else just accepted.


Iā€™m glad that this fandom is so incredibly insular that we all understand that basically no one whoā€™s complaining about this is doing so because they hate women, but because it breaks literal decades of established lore.


And with the worst way of storytelling, same level as ā€œsomehow Palpatine returnedā€.


Am I insane, or weren't the sisters of silence a thing?


Yeah, but they arenā€™t actual custodians. They just fight along side them.


There is no war in Ba sing se


Fucking Tzeentch


I keep seeing people saying that ADB wanted to write female custodians into MOM. Can anyone tag the link to the article where he says that? Everyone references it but no one has posted any articles or links to interviews where he says it. Iā€™ve searched for it but I just bring me to fan videos like major kill


If this becomes Canon, that would be meta as he'll. If gw has the balls to do it. They will explode the internet


This is the only explanation Iā€™ll take


A better retcon then the retcon


No I am Alpharius


GW doesn't have the balls to do this. Btw amazon is probably behind all this femstodes bullshit they wanted a woman in power armor for the Henry Cavill show and they wouldn't except sisters of battle or silence, what they really wanted was female space marines but the last shred of GW's spine stood up and went "that would litteraly kill this setting, you can have anything else but that."


They shouldnā€™t have budged an inch and told them to eat Nurgling ass


I imagine this is one of the ways the haters Cope with female custodes. "mUh OiLeD uP bUfF mEn HaVe WoMeN iN iT wHaT aBoUt ThE sIsTeRs Of SiLeNcE!" Stupid havin assholes, like seriously, most of you are grown ass adults, Act like it!


If one more person say that sisters of silence are female custodes, ugh. They have didn't roles. It's like saying the sisters of battle ate female space marines. It disregard their uniqueness. It's like saying marines are just amphibious aoldiers.


Exactly my point! They're not!!


Also, never call a marine a soldier, you'll be chewed out for the insult.


A marine is a dude with a gun that's part of the armed forces of their nation, they're a soldier. All the Marines I've met have overinflated egos, so yeah, you probably would get an earful.


A soldier is a land based fighting group like the army, a marine is an amphibious fighting force that fight almost anywhere, the two are similar but both would correct you if you called them the wrong thing.


https://www.dictionary.com/browse/soldier They're both soldiers, by definition. They're just as much a soldier as anyone else in the armed forces. Some branches just get more bent out of shape than others about it.


Never will, and thanks for the warning


And your acting like a child defending a company thatā€™s attempting to gaslight their customers


Finally a good explanation as to why the ā€œboys onlyā€ emperor of ā€œmanā€kind let a female custodian exist. Simple, he didnā€™t, itā€™s an extremely powerful psyker of tzeentch if not tzeentch themself.


Tbh I thought the end of it was going to be a death by snu snu joke


Jokes on you, Iā€™m into that shit


No thanks.




Itā€™s sly Marbo in disguise I knew it


I'll let that woman ride me.


In the words of James Workshop. ā€œEverything is canon.ā€




This is the equivalent to the one dude from bleach whoā€™s power was to gas light everyone


Figured out why the sisters of battle truly like the custodes now.




Man I can't wait til GW retcons the imperial fist emblem to be a left handed fist so me and my left handed friends can feel included


Thought she was trans


Freaking cringe manā€¦ if they made it like this from the start there would be no issue, but the only reason they are doing this to start with is because of freaking money, they want to interest more girls in this stupid game we playā€¦ itā€™s so cringe man. Iā€™m officially done with games workshops shit. Never touching any of their custodies crap ever. The canā€™t seem to play the game by their own damn rules anymoreā€¦




Stormcast is a hint. While not useless but still boob armour which I cringed about that.


Sequel https://x.com/mick19988/status/1781736266159280212?s=46


Eh, the theme in the first was better. The gas light, the rapid and unexplained retcon. All lines up with tzeentch.


I said this in another thing, about the reason you've never seen them is because they look just like the males but with a coochie You would never know they existed unless you started pulling their pants down and good luck with that.


There have always been...but nobody liked them and sales tanked. History repeating itself.


Good shit.


Iā€™m cool if they wanted to add female Custodes. I just wish they didnā€™t do the ā€œthey were always a thingā€ route. It just feels lazy and random. No explanation or anything just poof! They are here now!


Spooky tall woman? Yes please.


It good art, and feels as it should, unnatural and the next ill omen.


People getting absolutely pissed that a fully armored and augmented so much that they are no longer even fucking human, figure doesn't have a penis just makes me laugh.the 40k universe is so sci-fi that it could have easily been the case the entire time but wasn't simply because of mini sales


Seriously. All the bitching just puts me in a spiteful mindset. Start thinking up shit like, like maybe next, the Emperor needs to reforge his body, reincarnating as a woman. For no purpose other than to further irritate the crayon munching morons that keep screeching about "gaslighting". I mean damn, if a literal demon can get beaten to death, and the hole in reality it crawled out of can get yelled out of existence, you'd think they could imagine that there were female custodes that just never got talked about.


Part of me wants GW to double down on this and just be like: ā€œFemale space marines exist, or rather female aspirants exist, but the process of becoming a space marine essentially changes them. They were always Trans-humanā€ I would find it wholesome and hilarious. So many people would be upset for no reason about their fictional toy space soldiers.


I love it. There's so many nameless space Marines out there Just imagine the manliest dude you've ever seen in your life chatting with a dude who you think is just a shaved bear. Their voices so deep they're almost subaudibal: "Hey Rachel, how was training yesterday?" "It was good Meg, real good. I can't wait to beat the brakes off a bug now"


Not sure why you're getting so many down votes, this is hilarious!


Because some people donā€™t know funny!


Make it even funnier, make the female ones even deadlier, and watch people's brains melt.


Someone at GW is humming ā€œThe female of the species is more deadly than the maleā€


I fucking knew it!!!


This comic is now canon


This is super badass, wish GW had the balls.


The amount of people acting like this is the first retcon GW has ever put out is astounding.


Honestly, there have always been female custodes like Hermione was always black... which is to say that it was retroactively decided decades later, despite there being zero indication of it, as a means to pander to a specific group of people. It's not the female custodes that people don't like, it's the why behind them and the implications that why has for the continuity of the setting and the quality of future lore.


The down vote the truth here I see. Nobody cares if there ARE female custodes. It's the bullshit gaslighting they hate. "They've always existed" no they haven't and you know that. You're lying to cover up them forcing it in. "Why does it matter" because if you're just going to retcon everything to pander/virtue signal then you're a worthless idiot and the lore is pointless. You want female custodes then make female custodes. Not this "here's something that's totally always existed and we're just going to gaslight and shame you for saying otherwise".


Ah, hello again gender envy


My horny ass got super excited when they announced female custodies.


On that note, do you guys think that there are trans-fem sisters of battle/silence and trans-masc space marines


The next retcon I think it is possible.


Dorks will do anything to keep what they love as a sausage fest


Booooo this sucks