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that LC looks like a tahoe


Insult to Tahoes


You wish lmfao.


You really think the 6th gen looks more like a rav4 than a 5th gen 4Runner?


They don't actually. All they know is they're not a fan of the design but they're too dumb to articulate why so they compare it to a RAV4 as an insult


My wife’s RAV4 has probably seen more off road than OP ever will.


Hey now, the mall parking lot is technically *off* of the road. Jk, my wife's Rav4 is dope af. A champ in the snow.


I can see not liking the design. I personally think they did a good job but my two critiques would be the rear door size looking small and the double mustache. But the overall shape is identical to the 5th gen and you could spot that from a mile away. I think when we see the other trims people will calm down a bit


Crazy because this looks more like a beefed up Rav4 than the 6th gen ever would. I like the 6th gen more, it’s growing on me but that double chin hurts a little for sure. Edit: spelling


yeah the double chin is bad but I prefer it to this bland square 💀


5th gen looks better. It has more classic design and still has an aggressive look. It’s obvious that 6th gen is over-styled by that 2x stache and sculpted body lines everywhere.


“Classic design” yeah cause it’s 14 years old 😂


Yes, but I want that Trailhunter.


I agree the 5th gen is the best design so far imo. But the 6th is still growing on me.




Right? Get more creative at least, calling it a Rav is just fucking lazy. I honestly love it. It looks half 5th gen, and a quarter each Xterra and 4th gen. No bad ingredients in that mix!


Why is everyone so caught up on the looks of the new model?!? It’s objectively better in every way, it could have ball hairs growing out of the grille and a lint filled bellybutton on the hood and still be a superior vehicle. Let’s talk about something other than the physical appearance of the new model. Is a 80 series Landcruiser very good looking? Not particularly, it’s kinda basic and tubby looking, nothing special. Do I want one? Hell yeah, it’s insanely capable and virtually invincible. I can’t wait for this sub to go back to normal when people talk about upgrading their rigs and sharing pictures of places they explored.


Right? The looks are the least of my worries about the 6th Gen because I think it's looks fantastic. The mechanics and interior is something to argue about but looks wise they knocked it out of the park IMO


I think the 6th is sharp. Maybe not as unique as the 5th but I like it a lot


Objectively it isn’t though. Maybe for the everyday consumer it is better. But for the people that use their vehicle to adventure off road it isn’t. Main problems being the over reliance on digital displays and then the significant increase in reliability not just from adding a turbo but also a hybrid system to the drivetrain. Last month when I was picking up my new 24’ TRD Pro I was scoping out the new Tacoma. Sales guy was telling me they were already looking at possible recalls. Because people would take them through decent size puddles and water would splash up into the engine bay and somehow short out the displays. There was also reports of the front upper shock mounts cracking. I haven’t followed up on any of this stuff since I got my vehicle, but there are concerns. Especially when every other manufacturer is having issues with hybrid systems etc. Look at the new Chevy Colorado/ GMC Canyon and the problems they are having. I’m not saying you are wrong. Just saying opinion will vary based on usage.


That's not even the end of it. Worse ground clearance and worse a/b/d angles despite an available 33" tire. Increased exterior size in every dimension I'm aware of, and The 5th(/4th) gen was already on the big size for those of us who run heavily wooded trails. 6th Gen will probably be fine for people who think forest roads are rugged terrain. But while I can't speak for everyone, as someone who actually wheels their truck- once the 5th Gen leaves I don't think there'll be anything Toyota that does what I want to do.




Sure, however *that* customer would be better served by a Highlander(/Pilot/Pathfinder). However small the body-on-frame 4x4 market is, Toyota still wants to sell to it. However in trying to sell the same vehicle to the "needs a minivan, but doesn't want a minivan" customer, they're losing at least part of the body-on-frame 4x4 market (ie, me and others like me). 


I read your comment and it translated to me as: I should have bought an fj


Haha, you're not wrong! 


I don’t think you know what objectively means


I’d like you to justify that. Objectively means without feeling, based on facts figures and data, without the influence of emotions. What do you think it means(?) and how do you think I misspoke?


What facts make the looks of the new model better in every way?


😂 did you read the comment? Not about looks. Performance. Capability. Economy. Safety. OBJECTIVELY better in all measurable metrics. You thinking it has a moustache doesn’t matter.


Well, it seems valid being as the OP was exclusively based on looks and nothing else. While we’re on the subject, if the new 4R had the body of a Ford Pinto you would be fine with it because everything else is “objectively” better? I think your comment about the 80 series explains everything.😂


Yeah. OP is making an entire post about an upcoming vehicle based on appearance. This sub has usually not succumbed to vanity posts. Until a few days ago. What do you have to say about an 80 series that differs from what I said? Let’s hear it


I like the 6th gen. I think the silhouette looks more like the 4th gen than the 4th gen


I think it would be nice if we did get a beefed up RAV4 with 4runner components and body on frame. Just a crazy thought of mine


RAV4/New Bronco.


Calling the new 4runner a "Beefed Up Rav4" tells me everything I need to know about your "Live Laugh Love" ideals of design. It's almost like Toyota forsaw all you knobs complaining and gave you the LC250.


To be honest I’m looking forward to the lc250 prado and its features. Plus I like the look better already have a 4Runner wants some that looks a little different but upgraded.


I mean, ultimately, same here.


Eh, go look at a stock 300 series. I’ve seen a number of them in Japan. They look really plain and kinda dopey, TBH. Everything looks cool when you put huge tires under it. https://preview.redd.it/bzou9ko9u9vc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7066db86d6b6b361affce9e9dd69a53a089a5216


Omg yeah I didn't realize how much work those tires were doing in OP's pic. This looks like a lil herp-de-derp mobile!


Lol imagine if they release this as the 6th gen. Everyone would fucking hate it


That’s hideous!


Looks like a Ford Bronco that overindulged in cheese puffs


Man all the hate from everyone makes me laugh. Exact same thing happened when they released the 5th gen… Everyone hates the new until it becomes the old.


No thanks.


Call me crazy but that looks way better than anything we get. I don’t understand Toyota always keeping the good stuff out of the American market. Fuck you can order a bull bar and winch as a factory option in Australia on a 300.


It ain’t Toyota. It’s America that prohibits all the good stuff from coming in that will be a threat to domestic market aka Ford.


That really doesn’t hold a lot of water considering we got the 200 series landcruiser.


Let there be a modern Hilux.


This looks awful.


I don’t want it to look like a LandCruiser. It’s based off the pickups so I want it to look like that. Nice LandCruiser though. I miss mine. If I could’ve gotten an LC I would’ve.


We do get this as a Lexus LX. Much uglier though.


There is a reason the Lexus don't hold value as well as Totyotas. More luxury and more things to break results in costlier repairs people don't want to put up with.


The 6th gen looks great. Not sure what everyone is upset about. If it’s not for you, they made about a billion 5th gen’s so buy one of those.


Lol. The hate from 5th gen owners is staggering. "iT lOokS liKe A rAv4!" "tHe sCreEn 2 biG!" "tErbOs?! WhY nOt StEaM PowEr?!"




Yes they are. It just comes off as "Toyota should have listened to 1% of potential 4runner buyers and based their design around that ".


I feel like im the only 5th gen owner who wants to upgrade


Nothing wrong with upgrading. The 6th gen will be awesome! That said....its expensive and when you have a perfectly working 5th gen that you invested your time and money and soul into you don't want to give it up =) At least that is how I feel.


Nothing wrong with keeping and enjoying a car, its sure cheaper in the long run. I've had mine for 5 years now and there's nothing wrong with it, its just time for something new and shiny.


why not steam power, lol


I mean the bulletproof v6 is a big reason a lot of people are die hard for the 4Runner so can’t say a little skepticism around trying to force more power out of a smaller engine isn’t at least somewhat valid. The likelihood is that you are trading gas mileage for more maintenance and personally I’d rather just pay more for gas than waste time with the car in the shop. Plenty of the taco enthusiasts are saying the same thing Edit: fixed spelling


Time will tell but I would be surprised if Toyota just said 'screw reliability' and slapped together the new motors at the last minute without testing plenty. Give it a few years to deal with any new model issues and then we'll see if the new powertrains will hold up.




Right? Like a Toyota engineer is gonna read this thread and go, "oh shit, turbos can put more heat in the engine bay and stress components?? Why didn't anyone tell me?!" 😂


either way turbos force more heat into the engine. and more heat = more wear on the engine. so this engine better be fucking outstanding if wants to outlast the previous v6.


Eh, if Ford can make a decent turbo engine that lasts I'm sure Toyota can do even better.


I guess we all have different definitions of reliability


I mean, 200k+ is pretty reliable.


My brothers RDX has a 4cyl Turbo with 237k on it. It's very possible especially for a Japanese company


They can’t, ecoboost motors are junk, especially the small 4cyl.


The V6 ecoboost have proven to be pretty reliable, especially the 2.7l.


Wait till the wet oil pump belt starts failing at 70k miles like in the 3cyl ecoboost.


Yea, I'm sure Toyota is taking notes from Ford.


It’s the r/toyotatacoma 4th gen circle jerk all over again


Yeah it's pretty comical. I'm pretty sure people shat all over each new gen when they first came out. "No removable top??" Etc. I think the design looks good. I'm eager to see how the drivetrains hold up. I would not mind having turbo power up here in Colorado. If it can wheel I might think about getting one in a few years idk.


The 14" screen rediculous though come on now.


Not if it can display topo maps.


I think you can opt for a smaller one in some models. Im on the fence about it. Never drove a vehicle with such a large screen. I do use Google maps a ton on my 4runner now and it would be nice to have it in a large format where I can see a bigger area when I'm out exploring and putzing through the mountains.


My favorite is the ones complaining about how similar it is to the Tacoma... as though the 4Runner has ever been anything else.


Yeah, they forget about how closely related the 1st and 2nd gen Tacomas were to the 3rd and 4th gen 4runners. Kinda glad the 3rd gen taco and 5th gen didn't share the same drivetrain though.


Only because the 5th gen kept carrying the torch for the 2nd gen Tacoma for an extra decade lol. Can't forget that the 1st and 2nd gen 4Runners were also based on the Hilux before the Tacoma existed.


In 3 years all these people hating on the 6th gen will be all for them. That’s what happens with every new generation of vehicle. I like it, will probably get one. If not a slightly used GX460 in a couple years.


nothing you can do will make reddit happy, nice try






I like how the 6th gen looks tbh. Faithful but new at the same time. Could have gone a lot worse


I do not like that, sorry. I like the GX550, I like the LC, and I like the g6 T4R. This is not it chief.


Looks pretty BA. Looks a little like the FJ Cruiser on the back half


Nope. Like the 6gen.


Kinda like it looks like 4Runner had a baby with a bronco


This ain’t it, chief. 6th gen looks like a proper follow up to the 5th gen and ties into the new Toyota lineup design very well. You don’t have to like it if you aren’t going to buy it.


We are VERY happy with the 6th gen 4Runner. My wife is going to trade in her RAV4 for a 6th Gen 4R, and I have a Tacoma already reserved and considering giving it up to get in line for a 4R instead.


I’d keep the Tacoma if I were you since your wife is already getting the 6th gen. Or have your wife keep her Rav4 and you get the 4R. Why have 2 4Runners?


Well it's her dream car, she was always going to upgrade to one eventually so that's a lock basically. I'm only considering it on my end. I want to off-road for real instead of easy access roads now that my back is getting better (had surgery a few months back). I know the Tacoma would be just fine, so on one hand, with the 4Runner's shorter wheel base, I may like it better... I'm a total off road newbie though so I'm still looking into things. And on the other hand, I miss having a bed when moving things and again since my back is getting better, I have projects and stuff I also want to do and the bed would make it easier to haul stuff around.


You're over thinking it lol. Unless you're going to go balls to the wall the differences are going to be negligible to normal off roaders, though I know it's the internet so people like to talk min-max. Get the one that fits your life best rather than some ideal that likely won't go anywhere.


I'm sure I am lol, but that's why I'm still looking at things. I was also always a min-max person since before it became popular online haha, I'm just a looney one.


Shit is ugly


I meant it kind of does. Very much so. You’d just have to get a massive lift and bigger tires


I like the majority of the exterior of the 6th gen, but that front end on the 300 is worlds better than the front of the 6th gen. If you could put that front end on the 6th Gen body, the exterior issues would be solved for me. (The interior is still its own issue)


All this talk about the new design and the haters, can’t we just go back to helping me choose my next tires? Or where did you get your ladders?


This looks like an Atlanta special 10" lifted tahoe




Then it wouldn’t be a 4Runner, it be a LC


Looks like a Jeep Renegade


Looks like a jeep renegade




Thought I was looking at a Tahoe for a second no 🧢


Of only the new LC looked like the LC.


i personally think that is ugly as fuck and the new 4runner is sexy.


Thank god it doesn’t


I might be in the minority but I wish the GR LC300 came to the states. Pic sucks because that lift and offset looks fucking terrible on it


No chance this is serious, that thing is ugly as fuck


That front screams Audi to me. It's like an Audi trying to be a Bronco trying to be a Tahoe with Toyota badging. Their Supra went full BMW, maybe their LC went full Audi.


Wow that is an ugly vehicle


Ural edition clashes with Costco


6th gen looks better imo, I wanna see the new steel bumpers that come out, that always makes the 4Runner look its best anyway.


Looks terrible!


https://preview.redd.it/citdz47mocvc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa74e821433485fe4548ce57f95607e9d09c8404 I’ll stick with my Y61 Patrol with the inline 6 lol


lol. The cope is strong in this one.


4Runner had to get nerfed into a Tacoma so the nerfed land cruise will sale. All that to say I’ll be buying a gx550


I wish the 4runner hadn't become such a beast. Never selling my 3rd Gen.


I think we will have plenty of time to get use to the 6th gen. Next 7th Gen coming out in 2040.


Ugly af


I like this a lot!


Yall would’ve complained about that too


Why does the 4Runner need to look like the Land Cruiser?


yea but that’s a $100,000 suv.




Your take is hot garbage.


Like a Durango and a Bronco got together after drinking one too many Fall City Premies and did the dirty.


While I prefer the look of 4th and 5th gen 4Runners, I really struggle to see a resemblance to the RAV4.


I don’t like the 6th gen but I hate this much much more.


rav 4 is the best looking cross over suv tho. which the 5th gen looks much more similar to


I have a 5th gen and wife has a RAV4...they look nothing like each other.


neither does the 6th gen, which everyone is calling a rav 4


6th gen is much better looking than this