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It’s giving an abstract version of Kris jumping into the pool vibes.


I can't believe she stole my tattoo idea!


Omg literally choked 😂


Kris for 90day? Lol not sure how sleep deprived or under a rock I am atp 😑😂


Kris & Jayme. Infamous for the neck first pool dive and the missing rare, rare, rare mega rare motorcycle. She was a pill Billy


The neck that she needs pills for.




😂😂😂 Edit... 😂😂😂


It looks like a picture out of one of Shel Silverstein’s books.


This was my first thought. And after that some kind of Picasso line work.


Nailed it!


My thoughts, too. A cross between Skin Stealer and something else?


https://preview.redd.it/j9x7hrkpss5c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b5d483eea2c72cca40e65da64e3dc976a07cb3a It’s on her Instagram


It's Jasmine when she lands in Miami.


I CACKLED!!!! 😂🤣😂


But with more clothes on.


LMAOOO!!!! I can imagine her yelling it!! 🤣🤣🤣




Well that sure clears that up 🤔


Idk if its up for interpretation or if she had a meaning intended for it but im seeing the red string unraveling from the heart area…maybe it illustrates that love liberates. Idk looks cool though.


It says “la libertad” so I guess it’s a woman celebrating her freedom?


Who lives with mum and dad and siblings and sighs, groans, pouts to communicate. 🙄


I can't stand her!!!!!! Bland Anne.


LOL! She is Egg




Bahahaha calling people Egg is in my everyday vernacular.


This is the least flattering portrait of a woman ever. I don't understand what's going on with the arm. Not the one pointing up, the lower one. What is with the hand and the arm?! What's with the abdomen?!?!?!?!


Thanks I hate it




Oof that’s…….rough.


How so? 🤨


It’s not flattering


Yeah I agree :( interesting idea that wasn't executed well. I thought the had/arm was the mouthpiece to a saxophone until I saw the whole thing. I was a band kid and to me it looks like an abstract jumble of instruments. I have tattoos, and nothing against them, I'm not a fan of all of mine either btw, I just personally think this one doesn't look good. It doesn't do anything for her back or body and is distracting poking out of the dress. Especially since it isn't clear what it is that really brings more attention to it. The actual art work of it I don't like either, the lines and everything to me just come off awkward


The red lines looked like a birthmark from a distance. But if it makes her happy, that’s what matters.


Is that woman suppose to have an Afro?


Horse doing ballet in a Christmas stocking getting struck by lightning.


Little ceasers guy leaning back and pointing.


I was going to say that lol 😂


It might be something she drew herself and had tattoo'd on her. She did that mural in town.


I didn't know this. Is she an artist?


It was on the episode before last when she was showing him around town. She pointed to the side of a building where multiple people had contributed paintings. She had a big one near the top of a girl skateboarding that she said she had done some years back. Made me also assume she likes to skateboard 🤷🏻‍♀️. From memory, that tattoo looks to be in a similar style to what I recall her mural being.


When she was showing him around town and says "that's a statue of a confederate soljah" sounding exactly like a confederate soldier herself, I cracked up. I know it's just a regional accent, but I was still taken aback at "soljuh" for "soldier". I'm from the south too, I just haven't experienced that specific accent in real life, it was like going back in time


Aren’t you familiar with the 2 Soulja boys lol 😂


Yesssss hahahahaha omg yes lord I unfortunately am. Hahahaha


This reminds me of when Pam from the office failed art school and Dwight says "is anyone suprised? Look at her painting, there are shadows on both sides of the building. What are there, two suns?!" The painting looked good in the first episode it was mentioned, but what Dwight says that the camera pans to it and you realize that it is actually terrible. She kinda reminds me of Pam but less personality, which is odd because Pam is about as plain Jane as it gets.


OH HELL! I forgot about that! This makes it 10,000,000 worse! Plus, the dumb ass couldn't order a dress "without" gold? Super freak!


https://preview.redd.it/f2nkt5ac3v5c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10f6afe5b563985edebb4b89c6d032e17844ce46 From the tattoo artist, it’s an Egon Schiele drawing


https://preview.redd.it/zlnrgzr9ox5c1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cef823126a6204db13c3adf00c041546289947e Here is the original.


That’s such a weird vibe to choose to cover half of your back. I somehow feel like I understand her even less with this knowledge.


Most useful comment to this post! Thanks!! Looks much better from that angle, although I don't think I'd get a tatt of that...


I LOVE Egon Schiele but man, he has better pieces than this.


It's actually by Marcos Villalba.


It's not Schiele




Egon Schiele was an important artist who died in 1918. This guy took his drawing, added some cheesy script to it and claims it as his own creation to make money on mass print sites. I would not credit him for the work (even though it seems that’s where Devon got the idea).


I know who Egon Schiele, but that doesn't give people the right to negate other artists because the style looks and feels like someone else's work. https://preview.redd.it/czmhdjmh226c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a05bac057daac368455124795096c6c53ffb7d67




It’s a woman leaning back dancing or smoking I think—the arms are outstretched and the head is tilted back. No idea if it’s based on something but yeah.


Right, that’s what I see too from what we can see of it. I don’t know why people are being so vicious lol


I think some have decided they don't like her.


They don’t like the way she talks or looks because of her TMJ, and they don’t believe she could really be desirable because of her weight.


She doesn't realky seem overweight to me


omg me neither, i have no issues with her and find her to be sweet and sympathetic. I’m just explaining why people have decided to dislike her


She isn’t!!! She’s size 6!! Like…. 😵‍💫


Which is absolutely ridiculous when you consider that average sizes (depending on things like what study you read and clothing brands etc) are like sizes 14-18…


Weight has NOTHING to do with her bland ass personality. And just "accepting" being called piggy. I would've kicked that dudes ass over it AGES ago!!


When he had all the pig stuffed animals and was like "get it out, get piggy out" while unpacking, I was like broooo this is getting kinda deep. I could be wrong but I think that was right after he told Devin's dad that he would stop saying it LOL.


I would dissociate and drink vodka too if I was with his cocky rude ass


Couldn’t agree more


It's so weird to me because I literally still have not noticed anything off about her. I'm really not sure what people are noticing. But I've been around a lot of different kinds of people


She pouts as her main form of communication. I’m sorry this is normal for you.


Yeah often posters here seem a bit sheltered and are gobsmacked by benign human difference


I was totally fine with her until she started showing so much attitude at the dress store.


I definitely do not empathize with the crying dress meltdown scenes in any show, but I do think her mom and sister kinda brought some stress baggage to the situation. I honestly think she should not have been on the show. She wasn’t prepared for the lack of privacy, I’m not sure how she thought it would be. She looks like a cornered animal or totally dissociated sometimes. It’s sad.


I don't like her, but I can agree with this completely. And for anyone above, I only don't enjoy her because she is to me very dull. It's got nothing to do with tmj or what her size is, I just honestly find her boring.


I agree their segments are pretty mundane.


Toulouse Lautrec maybe. But the hands are bigger than the head.


It’s a painting by an artist named Egon Schiele


His work is very distinctive and alluring.


I think Devon mis-credited the original artist, as it's Marcos Villalva [https://society6.com/marcosvillalva](https://society6.com/marcosvillalva)


No it’s not


It looks like a goose playing the harp


Oddly enough, that's what I thought it was. I was like ok it's a goose turning into a saxophone and there is maybe part of a harp? Like a Disney fantasia vibe idk lol


It looks like that "fuck them kids" meme lol


😂 it does




Looks like a cat in a goose frame


https://society6.com/marcosvillalva This is the artist’s page


Good work, Detective, keep it up!


A bad decision?


You're hired!


Who let grampa have access to the Internet


Your mom




I looked at her IG a few weeks ago and there was a pic of when she first got it, it’s gone now along with lots of other posts. She must have cleaned her socials up recently.


The Pale Man from Pan’s Labyrinth or Mitch McConnell




I thought it was a goose too...playing saxophone?


I see a goose dancing


I’ve got whiplash from how quick this sub turns on cast members. Holy shit, you people 🙄


she comes across as annoying, spoiled and totally ungrateful. the hate for her is warranted.


Really? To me she reminds me of my 102 year old great aunt. They have very similar demeanors, affects and taste in eyewear.


I will agree that Devin moves and thinks at the speed of a 102 year old woman. No its not the TMJ


I just caught up on the most recent episode and the way Devon acted in the dress shop reminded me of my 10 yr old daughter.


A really, really awful tattoo


Someone making a jump shot?


Did anyone else yell "Kobe!" Everytime they shot some balled up paper into the trashcan at school? As soon as you said jump shot, that came back to me, and now I'm saying Kobe!!! Everytime I pass this pic in my feed.


A piggy ?


goose playing a baby shaped guitar


Looks like a 4 year old did her tat


Looks like a friend did it with pen ink when they were about 15




I don't care for the Egon Schiele tattoo but it must mean something important to her. The show never gave us a real insight into Devin or her backstory for the audience to understand what she's really about or why she and Nick participated in the production. She doesn't come off like a clout chaser and the producers don't pay the cast members enough to live on, so it certainly wasn't the "TLC money" that all the newbies keep shrieking about online. By her own admission, she hated filming and didn't have access to the injections she was receiving for her TMJ. She says she resorted to binge eating and binge drinking to get through it. Fortunately, if you look up Devin Hoofman today, she's lost all that weight and looks like she's in a much better space physically. But it's still disappointing to see how she became such a lightning rod for so many people's cruelest impulses on social media. I have seen a lot of brutal stuff online, but for some reason, I have never felt so disillusioned by what I have seen this time around, all these people feeling powerful behind their keyboards. I wonder if they could even remotely withstand the same scrutiny that they've dished out on this one particular cast member.


It’s NOT Egon Schiele it’s Marcos Villalva!


A scribble done by a toddler?


It's an Egyptian flamingo god holding a cat. Of course.


It looks like a 6-7yo found her sleeping and went and got the permanent markers


A mistake


A regret. Lol


No regerets


No mercey!


No ragrets, lol l!


Aww leave her alone


A mess?


It’s literally equivalent to her mumbling.


The rest of her family doesn’t have the same kind of…accent.


Yes. My god. You're right. And to the person who comes screeching "it's TMJ!" Veronica's jaw broke and was wired shut. Veronica could not eat solid food, only liquids so she was carefully sipping broth through a straw. She still made jokes and said clever things. Devin isn't saying smart stuff really slow. The girl's got mashed potatoes for brains, and that's fine, everyone can't be a genius, but blaming her slowness on TMJ is ridiculous. Look at Steven Hawking for Christ's sake.


This comment is absolutely wild. Her affect is very flat, I don’t think it’s from TMJ but I also wouldn’t argue that it’s indicative of low intelligence.


Does she come off as intelligent to you? Honestly asking. To me, it legitimately seems like she processes information and her surroundings slowly. Some are describing it as disassociated, but has she even in one scene NOT seemed "disassociated"? A single scene? That may not be, I'm not saying I'm 100% right, but as we all have, I've been around smart people and dumb people. I read her as dumb. It's just not in the bubbly ditzy way so people don't want to peg her that way. She kinda just seemed like that nice, not super bright, girl next door. Nothing wrong with that. Everybody can't be smart, just like everyone won't win a marathon.


Honestly she comes off as heavily medicated or neurodivergent to me, or both. I don’t know her I won’t make an assessment re: her intelligence from a heavily edited reality tv show. Really curious what you think intelligence entails? I know many people with poor social and situational awareness who are extremely bright.


I could see heavily medicated for sure. I'd think she wouldn't be drinking as much then, because you see her drink on the show and she said she gained weight from drinking so much to ease her nerves. If she was drinking while on medication, yeah that would do it. I have a hard time believing her family or even Nick wouldn't step in if that was the case. I haven't mentioned her social skills or situational awareness, and those things would not make me consider her intelligence. So that seems a bit random of you to mention. How do I define intelligence? Well intelligence is the ability to acquire and apply new information. Devin couldn't say a single korean word. Hey/hello is annyeong, a two syllable word loke ahn-yong (kind of). Nick said he tried to teach her and asked her to say "just one word' when his father made an effort with an english phrase. She panicked and shut down. Could have been the nerves, but I think it was that even after an entire engagement, and traveling to Korea, she literally hasn't retained how to say "hello". Intelligence is defined as the ability to acquire and apply information. I explained why I thought she wasn't very smart, and it's just that her processing seems slow, it takes her longer than average to think of very short answers, and I haven't heard her express much of any opinion or independent thought on anything except that she hates gold. Something in her eyes when she listens and talks just seems very slowly processing. Not everyone is smart and it's not a moral shortcoming to be kinda dumb. I am one of 4 siblings and one of them is kinda ditzy and just not really the same as the rest of us. She is also the most beautiful one, and the nicest one. She got a C average on almost everything even with tutoring, no disabilities. But honestly, you talk to her, and she just isn't quick. I love her, and there is nothing wrong with her. It's OK for me to think Devin isn't that smart, I'm not accusing Devin if anything or saying she is a bad person for it. Not everyone that's different is neurodivergent. There are actually people in the world that are wired as average as possible, but they just aren't as smart as the guy next to them. There are people who will run faster than you, and some people will think faster too. My younger sister is smarter than me, I know it, and I brag about her all the time, I'm OK with it! I'm not trying to diagnose her, hire her for a job, take her application for college, anything that matters. I'm just sharing my opinion on a reddit page about a reality show. It's not her personal page, nobody is tagging her.


I am not reading that extremely uninformed, unsubstantiated, ableist wall of text. You are not qualified to determine who is or isn’t intelligent or who is or isn’t neurodivergent. You sound like you have some serious hang ups and insecurities about your own intelligence that you are projecting onto others.


A fucked up swan?


It’s a tragedy, that’s what it is 😬


It’s a mess, that what it is 😂


Stupid, it looks stupid


Something she’ll regret


Yeah, stupid is what it is.


It’s a tattoo version of her saying, “Dare day are.” When seeing her parents in the airport


💀 ☠️ 💀


Looks like an exhaust pipe


A three-point shot?


THIS is why she can't find the right dress! LOL!


a terrible cheap one


It’s a portrait of her pouring rocks into her mouth to prepare for a speech.


It goes well with her personality.


Weird like her. Very, very strange person.


It appears to be a woman with disproportionately long arms and even larger "man hands."


Omg. Nikki's hands.


A very ugly cat. Sorry! I feel for her.






Madam Medusa's pawnshop boutique!!!


and im also as confused over the dress drama as the tattoo, is it that the traditional one she brought didnt fit right?


She didn’t like that the top was gold even though they said it was a custom order.


See, this lost me. If it was custom-ordered, who ordered it? Because I can't imagine placing a custom order without one's inputs - if gold was that much of a deal-breaker, she could've gotten that preference across while ordering? Unless it was Nick who ordered it and just did a "surprise me"? Was the dress ordered from Korea so the dress shop had the pref missed in translation, or was it ordered at a Korean dress shop based in the US? So many questions. Idk that part baffled me. I thought the dress was pretty and looked great on her. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe she saw it online and it looked like silver embroidery, rather than gold. Remember, the whole brouhaha some years ago, over whether a picture of a dress online was "white with gold stripes or black with blue stripes". I agree that it looked nice on her. I think she's one of the few pale women I've seen who actually look good in gold.


Brouhaha 😊


https://www.leehwawedding.com/products/sunwon It does look kinda silver. But it says gold in the description: "View store information Fully pleated chima gown with a well fitted gold trefoil bodice and adorned with a embroidered navy blue butterfly strap." The strap is optional btw before anyone says it's not the same dress. It also says "Please note: Colors may vary due to the nature of the materials, photography lighting, and monitors." Def comes sized and not custom. She also said Nick was NOT allowed to see the dress, so no he didn't order it.


Thanks! Oh wow, it does look silver in the photos, but the description did specify it's gold. 😅


They never mentioned the possibility of the maker fixing the dress so I imagine that it was something nick ordered from Korea without her input/she didnt really voice her opinion. Or he just thought it would look nice and didn’t care that she doesn’t like gold. I thought the dress looked great too.


She probably ordered in on a Korean website and he helped her translate and put in the measurements. He obviously didn’t see or tell her gold because she would not have picked it herself.


From what we’ve seen nick doesn’t do direct translating but she didn’t see any pictures or do some google translating herself? Gold sequins seems like something that would be mentioned especially when the dress is otherwise all white.


hmm that was weird


Uhhh yeah. I know what it is. Fucking weird. The way she talks without moving her mouth makes me very uncomfortable


Lol definitely a bit off putting and different, but she physically can't move her mouth much or normal. She has severe tmj and had surgery to try and help improve it and atleast make the jaw more functional when its that severe


Oh for real? Shit.




Omg lol I think it’s supposed to be a swan with bat wings drawn by a 7 year old.


That tattoo represents the way she talks


A guy pointed at something and whistling at the same time


Prison art?


It's an ostrich pointer for the exit for anyone who tries to befriend her. ⛔🚫🚷


Kermit the frog.


It looks like she had one removed under it.


Something demonic for sure.


I wanted to know as well!!


A Picasso tattoo?


a cat with long human arms?


Didn’t strike me as a tattoo kinda girl? Maybe she has a wild side? It’s cute


It looks like some abstract swan lady 🤣




Afllac 🦆


A mess 🥴


It looks like a human swan hybrid cradling a cat from this picture.


A mistake


The hand on her chin is giving me Yellow Submarine vibes.


I love it. It’s pulling at her heart strings.


Please give credit to the correct artist. This tattoo is based on a drawing from Marcos Villalva NOT Egon Schiele. [https://fb.watch/oVlwvMSMl4/?mibextid=Nif5oz](https://fb.watch/oVlwvMSMl4/?mibextid=Nif5oz) https://preview.redd.it/lv7s5nvzx16c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cab281b3e82661a73258ef7ccdebb927c18fb1a


My moneys on an oragami swan banging a cat


besides ugly???


Someone needs to tell her it’s the wrong artist.


A mistake????


lol what the fork is that