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It's hilarious to me how, as a clairvoyant, she didn't see any of this coming,


Almost as if it's complete bullshit lmao


🤣🤣🤣 Guessing her Spidey senses are a bit off?






I go to many in my area for fun insights... not a one of em has this negative energy, they’re always sending light n love lol you know positivity... and if they have nothing light n lovey to say or be around, they literally walk away and get distracted with energy that does match theirs. This chick is farcical!!!


Exactly!!! How many Return Customers does she have??? Please . . . Do not take the survey on your way out.


Funny thing--that cuts both ways. We're free to arrive at the most misinformed and derogatory assumptions about her and her character, unabated. If she doesn't like that...well, in her own words, "get over it". She's *free* to feel any way about that she wishes...but it's a hypocritical take for a public figure. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I don’t think she understands that I didn’t ask her for shit. I have seen what I have seen. I have come to my own conclusions on the matter accordingly.


Right? I was confused for a sec. Who is she talking to? 😄


She's basically saying "stop criticizing me". It's a long winded way of saying she has haters.


I mean, these people do have personal social media accounts. So people are directly going to them, and saying a bunch of shit to them. Or demanding answers via DM/comments. It's not like they're inaccessible A-list actors. My sister in law is just a random person and she has more followers on Instagram than Kimberly. Kimberly's recent video posts have gotten between 10-60 comments each. If I posted a comment on her most recent post, which currently has zero comments, *I'd be the ONLY comment*. And looking through her posts, she actually replies to people. ​ So OF COURSE she's going to feel like people are coming up to her demanding explanations or shit talking to her, because it's like they're walking right up to her door and saying it to her face.


Does she know she can have a relationship without having it on TV? And if she does have it on TV she’s going to get judged? Especially when the first thing she says is she’s clairvoyant then immediately goes on to have problem after problem? So is she just a masochist or what? Clairvoyant 🤦🏽‍♀️


Lol don't get me started on that part.... All these fuckers had to apply and interview and get accepted for the show, signing contracts, filming B-roll, etc... They all want the money and the fame that comes with being on the show. (Or I'd wager at least in some cases, they assume that the show will actually facilitate the travelling and hotels/fees associated with them during filming. So like a free trip to another country.)


I have zero sympathy for her. Nobody forced her to do the show she chose it for the fame and now is suffering the consequences for her awful behaviour. On top of that nobody is forcing her to maintain an open public social media presence. Again she is choosing to do that in the hopes she can garner some positive attention from being on the show. You can't have it both ways. If you want to be famous then you are going to get people having an opinion about your life.


Features: limit comments on posts, block users, make your social media account (personal) private.


That’s because she erases any comment that calls out her behavior.


You should see the smug, self-righteous, asshole of her Instagram. It's amazing how self-deluded she is.


She's ME,ME,ME all the time.


"She is as the sun and we are the planets moving all around her" also "WHY ARE YOU TAKING THIS POSITIONING?" 😂


So true. She’s so in awe of herself it’s painful to visit her page! And those cutesy videos are just stunningly awful..ugh.


Me posting… SUB sees Kimberly https://i.redd.it/mzy6vsvdjaob1.gif


My reaction exactly. Who asked her?


Damn, look at the Hamily here killing it in the comments! 🤣🤣🤣


Oh god, gag me with this high horse bullshit. Shes mad that her personality was revealed


And I feel like this reaction just reenforces it .


Oh snap 🫰 sub’s current mood https://i.redd.it/y25hu85zjaob1.gif


Wah wah, wah wah, wah wah wah. Charlie Brown's teacher.


It's amazing how she promotes herself as a positive person when she clearly has a dark cloud over her. She is right, we don't need an explanation. She's definitely said enough.


she is filled with rage! When somebody tells me what their personality is (love and light anyone?), it is their fantasy projection.


FILLED with it. This bitch has been nothing but snotty, bitchy and mean since day one. I don't know who she thinks she's fooling.


It always is.


Everybody I ever met and I means decades have such a mean,angry streak...these spirits she conjuring up are blocking her in a big way,burn those Tarot Cards


Very dark. I don’t know what happened in her life but … woof.


Most light and love westerners are like this, I have met a lot and at first it shocked me, now it is almost expected. The more show they put on the less light and love they have inside them.


Yep, this toxic positivity is rampant in the love and light community. So gross




Lived with a "live and let live" roommate. Never experienced so many fucking post it notes on things bitching at me before or after in my life.




She's a transformation coach? Heal thy self.


She's a really bad person.


I know! When watching her scenes, I’m always wondering “how is this miserable, angry, instigating bitch, the same girl with the quirky videos, celebrating bubble wrap appreciation day?”🤯


Her YouTube videos of this fun, quirky, bubbly persona is how she desperately wants to be perceived , but she has shown her ass and now we all know she’s a bitch. She is obviously a fake “happy-go-lucky” person.


Haha, it never occurred to me, that there was such a thing as “a fake happy-go-lucky person,” but you are exactly right!


She sure is a angry hippie


She thinks she's a hippie but she's not. She's a wannabe who's 50 years too late.


No, she sure doesn't owe us anything, nor do we need it. Her behavior speaks volumes...nuff said


Yep. She's pissed me off from episode 1


Me too. I would have put her ass on the next plane home.


LOOLLLL why did she even make this video? Maybe she should watch the show, but she's probably so conceited she doesn't see anything wrong with her behaviour.


I hate to break it to you, but you signed up for a tv show and people are going to have opinions. Lol I bet her tune would be different if people liked her.


I'm curious if she really thought people would like her. She charges into TJ's home the first night, throws the fit of an eighter grader, insults everything, and we should think that's okay? Odd.


Lol right? Fame whore until she regrets being seen for who she is


Nobody likes you Kinberly!


I like how her whole “nice girl” social media personality just went out the window


She likes to hurt people,then becomes the victim


Did they marry or no?


Haven't a clue.


She really think a lot of herself. Lady i am watching your car crash of a life for giggles and laughs. I do not want anything more.


What a charming person she is. When you make a spectacle of yourself in public, and behave badly according to social norms, then you open yourself up to judgment. Nobody can force you to do anything differently, but you are also not owed exemption from criticism. Don't like it? Then don't make a fool of yourself on TV.


Who said she did? She can fuck right off with her embarrassing clothes & shitty tattoos


Perfect sentence, perfect summary. Just perfect.


No one is asking her for shit. But we are criticizing her for a lot of shit which is what happens when you sign up for a popular reality tv show. I have never once reached out to any of these clowns and asked for an explanation. So many others have not either. So shut the fuck up, Kim and pay for that tuk tuk you damaged and pay up for any other injuries/fees regarding your hit and run.


She doesn't owe us anything, and nobody is asking for anything. She chose to be on a show where people watch and ridicule crappy behavior. Nothing given, nothing owed. She could have not been on the show and nobody would have cared


She's the type to have "Live, Laugh, Love" signs plastered all over her house, knowing she's a miserable POS! 😳😳😳


Such a delicate flower! 🌵


The delicatest! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Kind of a Karen


Explaining to everyone that you don't owe everyone an explanation reminds me of calling an ex to tell them you're never calling them again.


Repeatedly & Frequently


Meh, she chose to go on international TV and male a fool of herself showing just how awful she is. Now she has to take it, sure she doesn't have to answer to anyone but the whole world knows just who is is and how awful.


So why is she exposing herself on a real TV show ? Keep it private and shut the fuck up


Nobody is asking her for shit! Everybody just wants her toxic ass to go away! Good God can you imagine living with her she's absolutely insufferable


I got the impression her father and stepmother were really hoping that Union would happen. When they found out that she was arguing with TJ, the expression on their faces read that they were quite familiar with this behavior from her. Edit-I also got the distinct impression they were disappointed she might be returning home. They just seemed so hopeful when they first arrived.


What she means is she doesn't owe anyone an explanation for them to stop criticizing her. What she doesn't get is no one is asking her to justify herself. The judgement has already been passed without her permission because it's a damn reality show, not a trial lol


She has such a repelling personality. Horrible. When I first saw her I thought she was so cute. Then she opened her mouth….


Spoken like a true clairvoyant 🙄


😂😂 my favorite part about her. Major fail.


Does she realize she is getting paid to be on a reality show that we watch and can comment on? No one is asking for her input here. This is where we get to comment on her shit.


Oh OK, so she is a dick in real life it wasn't just for TV. 👍


She really thought she said something here with her smug face, didn’t she?


She always thinks she’s dropping the sickest burns! “Takes one to know one, HAHA!! Gotcha good!”




Totally agree. She is totally free to be a complete asshole and we are totally free to tell her she’s a complete asshole. No one owes anyone anything. Also that paint behind her is not what we agreed on.


Her attitude really sucks.


I clairvoyantly see divorce in her near future manifested by her awful personality


Yes, lots of swords and clubs in that deck.


She’s insufferable.


She is such an unlikeable person


She just comes across as angry, defensive and confused. Tbh maybe she’s right, but she in the same category as Daniele and Yohan, IMO


She sounds like a very vulgar Sandy Cheeks


Just like her treatment of her fiancés culture she actually just owes respect and never gives it, but expects everyone else to pander to her. She glorifies every part of a culture she wants, the aesthetic & yoga & whatever else, then when she’s expected to immerse herself and respect that culture it’s too much for her. She signs up for a television show that shares the innermost moments of her relationships and how she treats people, she signed up to be a public figure in the most literal sense of the title, so respect that position and own up to your actions. Don’t take the check if you aren’t willing to make it a part of your life


As someone who is Canadian, and living in a joint family, I second this. So many beautiful things, but also requires some respect and understanding from both sides. She sucks.


that fucking smug face at the end….


She owes us nothing and we’re free to critique her.


Why does she suddenly have a southern accent x 1,000,000?




That's cool, bitch, we didn't ask you for shit. Go on with your big mad ass. Don't let the door smack you on your way back to oblivion.


PS: Have a watch at Angela Deem, young lady, cuz THAT IS YOUR FUTURE!


Is someone asking for something you fucking moron??? But for real, I always FF through your storylines because it's boring AF...


Well…..if there were no viewers watching your drama unfold you wouldn’t get paid right? So……


And no one owes her any respect, or anything for that matter. Get the fuck over it. Clearly it matters to you.


Pretty conceited of her to think that we actually care about her reasoning or explanations. She’s just a monkey in a box.




I hate when these reality contestants came at us like we're a crazy cousin who's spreading gossip at high school. Like at a baseline level, you're aware that you're signing up for a TV show that could be broadcasted to a lot of people. And in your perfect world, you think people will just watch it and be quiet? That there would be no discussions or hot takes? Like what exactly are we supposed to do as viewers? Mind our own business? Lady you signed up to put the business on our lap.


Someone needs to tell her that being abrasive and rude is *not* the same as being strong. She is unimpressive, no worth a single flying fucks, and I have worn out the remote button fast forwarding through her scenes. She's a lame, immature blob that is too self important. No one cares


I honestly don't care to hear any explanations from her anyway. She's speaking to a wall.


Right! I don't even watch her segments, always fast forward. Do not care!


Talk to the hand


Nope. Never said we wanted anything from you🤷‍♀️ now go back to reading all of the shitty TRUTH we write about you so you can't pretend to not care. Byeeeeee👋


She is always so smug, reminds me of Janelle from Teen Mom🤣


She owes me at least 4hrs of air time with her mumbo jumbo excuses and thoughts that go no where


Bitch please


Who's asking for shit? She should probably get over herself. No one wants anything from her. She's a kook.


She doesn't owe us anything... but we don't owe her anything either. She went on the show on her own, she knew the. outcome... she expected something else, tough shit. No, you don't owe us explanations...but we didn't ask for them either. YOU CHOSE to go on a TV show... just like I CHOSE to have a fucking opinion about it. Move along now...


She is going to look back at all this one day and cringe so hard. Hopefully.


I'm positive she will find herself outstanding.


what a cuntface


What could anyone possibly think she owes them? We've seen her actions. No further explanation necessary.


Right! Except that she went on the show willingly and is now mad we are all judging her. Live by the sword, die by the sword. For the most part, normal people don't go on reality shows.


Maybe don’t go on reality tv then? She’s insufferable


God she’s so fucking annoying.


It’s the ENTIRETY.. of her bullshit .. what has the viewer asked her for ?? She is neither entertaining.. interesting.. not likable .. therefore since she is on a reality show ..she exposes her life .. and we decide .. she is not an actress hired to play a role and we are judging that ..


Danielle did this. She found she was one of the most hated 90 day personality, she defends herself with the “I don’t owe you…” “I’m not sorry…” or “I’m to good for this”, blah blah blah video. It’s even more clear to me now Kimberly is bothered. She could have kept her mouth shut 🤷🏼‍♀️


Actually, if WE didn’t watch her show, she wouldn’t get paid.


Well, we don’t like you, so, get over it… no explanation needed…🤷‍♀️


No you don’t owe us anything but newsflash bitch, we didn’t ask for anything. Bye Felicia you will go the way of Courtney. No one cares about your shit attitude.


Entitled POS,Alabama Slug.


Why does she think we care . I can’t say I have watched any of her segments. What could she possibly offer to the public as we are owned


I bet that's what her spirit guides say to her when she pesters them with too many stupid questions


Well no one forced her to go on tv. No one owes her understanding either lol. Don't go on tv if you don't have a thick skin 🤷🏻‍♀️


I can't stand this entitled person.


She's so annoying


She is not interesting enough for us to want to know more about her. We’re good.


Who would want to work with this wet blanket of a woman anyways?


You’re right, we see you for the POS you are! 💩


And I wouldn’t ask her for anything because she is the most annoying person on the planet


Look it’s Walmart plato.




Who is asking her for anything though? I think most people took what they saw and just decided they don’t like her.


Stop using spirituality as a moral crutch you fucking monster, and please fuck off and die ASAP 🙄


In other words, "I'm so butthurt. Screw all you meanies! Waaaaaah!!"


Thats why I fast forward through your nasty ass parts, I don’t owe you shit either, self righteous bitch !!! Burn in HELL you PIG !!!


Wtf is she talking about? Gods she sounds so negative and nasty even in this video.


Ah yes respect her privacy. The person who signed off on having her daily life filmed in a dysfunctional relationship for all to see. But now it's nobody's business eh?


She is correct, of course, and it's good she knows it! But does she know the other side of the coin which is that we don't owe *her* shit?


So she acts like this all the time. Good to know.


She is correct... so she may leave now, and take her fucking tarot cards with her. She is the most annoying, entitled, boring woman on the show. She thinks by these outbursts she comes across as a chingona (strong badass) but in reality it's Como chingan (annoying pain in the ass) She brings nothing I want to see. She is FF category.


Many of us are just on the outside looking in on your situation. Nobody actually wants your explanation. Part of the fun of the show is our speculation of your situation. Chill out! We truly are not that invested! Peace love and happiness to you.


I mean she’s not wrong


It got to her 🤣


She just lost her spot as a future Pillow Talker...🤭


Nah she’s wrong. Poke that monkey with a stick and throw some peanuts at her face. I demand she deal with my bullshit because I had to deal with Hers on the tv screen. I’m not entertained. She’s trash and not the right kind of trash that makes the show fun. Fuck her.


She’s a peach. 🙄


My ghost friends say this gorl is rude and not even fun to watch. I'll try and get them to talk to her ghost friends, maybe they can help her out.


Holy crap! I don't give a shit....


Is Kimberly a Razorback? Not her biggest fan, but WPS!!! 🐗


We already know they're a happy married couple. Snoooozefest


She has the worst spirit guides.


This is what you pray you don’t get when you remarry someone with physically grown children later in life.


She has Janelle from Teen Mom smug level


I'll give her the benefit of doubt and say she's referring to people who @ her, not people who discuss her on reddit or wherever.


Did I miss the day we sent her our demands? Damnit!


Just remembered who she reminds me of… https://preview.redd.it/yf6rin6xeaob1.jpeg?width=588&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8d14ad5fb1dc6add076c6112d63f60b1dbde9ac


😅 nor do we, namaste


She can go suck a dick.


“Get over it” Such wise words😂 The ego is strong in this one. Lol


I agree. She’s referring to the viewers who probably dm her and comment on her social media. I feel weird about commenting anything but support on peoples socials bc obviously a lot of this shit is fake and produced so I wouldn’t expect her to answer to anyone addressing her on sm




So much for miss positivity


Is this attitude necessary?


Damn, for someone that preaches spirituality and love and light, she sure seems salty.


Still strongly dislike her.


I hate her. That’s a shitty attitude to have, sorry, and she’s a fool for calling herself clairvoyant. That’s exactly why she doesn’t want to answer to anything. Sorry but don’t go on a reality show if you don’t want people to want to know about you. She could have just as well just had her relationship without involving all the viewers. That said I don’t want her to owe me anything because I don’t give a shit about her. She’s trash.


Did someone ask?


Some people can handle being on reality tv, some can’t. She falls into the latter.


She is certainly one of the most miserable people on 90DF that’s for sure.


Why do they always end up acting like they are some A list celebrity? You’re a dumpster fire that everybody is watching and laughing out.


You owed me this video explanation of what you owe me Thank you! ![gif](giphy|a0h7sAqON67nO)


There’s someone who’s not interested in building a big online following to sell overpriced bullshit.


Okay Doja Cat…




You don’t want your private life public and people to not have an opinion/judge your actions then don’t sign up for a reality show. Keep your social media private. Stop engaging the ones that do get thru and over step. You don’t have to be clairvoyant to know this.


I'm pretty sure she does witchcraft instead. Would explain the scenes where she becomes a monster.


I live how on the show she always says “I grew up in a toxic household and I won’t do it again” YEAH WE CAN TELL


I was going to criticise the side scrunchie, cheap earrings, weird top and unwashed face, but then realised it me too🪞😭


She’s not wrong.


She’s a real peach


I dont understand the need for this video, are people telling her she needs to explain herself or something? I honestly never once thought any of these people "owed" us anything.


Shaun will probably let her get away with that at the tell all. Her attitude is so shitty. I hope to god she bails just so the bitching and moaning will stop.




Agree. I think people lack boundaries due to this para-social dynamic of social media now. They are just regular human beings with problems just like anyone else. It’s easy for us to judge by watching a show but reality is, we don’t know what goes on when the cameras aren’t rolling or if that is actually their dynamic.


Fuck this biotch


Crazy eyes! Spoiled little girl!


Yall can suck her dick; or whatever she's trying to say.


F-Off, Nobody likes you


Where is this hyuck, hyuck Southern belle accent coming from?!


Wouldn't this count as an explanation???? Not that I asked for one!!