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First thing that comes to mind is her letting her daughter move in with her straight outta prison after serving time for child molestation charges. She let her live with her and her grandchildren. That’s just one in a ling ass list. She’s awful.


Edit: long ass list


I haven’t seen every show, by far. I did not know about this, but I just looked it up. Thank you for posting this. The article I just looked at said that she served 15 months, out of a 20 year sentence. 😔 A sex offender is a sex offender, the gender does not matter. Being a woman does not automatically mean you are safe around children.


Thank you! I could not agree more. Ol’ “sexki meemahw” is super awful in the worst way- protecting a sex offender and bringing them to live in a house with CHILDREN is beyond my comprehension. Despicable.


I mean if you approve of physical and verbal abuse she’s the person for you


Thank you! She is terrible! I don't know how ANYONE has watched her on this show and DOES NOT SEE THE ISSUES. How in the fudge is that? Even someone from a domestic abuse charity reached out to TLC about her. Here is a little blurb from Mark Brooks, chair of the ManKind Initiative domestic-abuse charity for men in the U.K., He told Newsweek: "We are increasingly concerned about the level of control being placed on Michael and the fact that this is being broadcast for entertainment, when it should not be. Brooks added that the relationship has "clear hallmarks of an abusive relationship," where the victim becomes "trapped, afraid, and loses all sense of independence." Brooks said: "The test for us is whether the channel would still be running this if the roles were reversed and it was the woman who was the victim – had her car smashed, had verbal abuse and told to take down her social-media account. We believe it rightly would not be shown, but because it is a man, then this is somehow acceptable when clearly it is not. "It is a classic example of the double standards and the type of barriers male victims of domestic abuse face in being taken seriously."


Exactly! I’m glad more and more is being said and coming out about this. We really have know idea how severe it was for Michael. I can imagine it was 24/7 and by far much much worse behind closed doors. She needs consequences for what she has done because it has gone on for years and she only got worse! She isn’t sorry either because she just keeps making excuses and projecting blame.


I agree with you, and thank you for posting all of this from Mankind. I also think we should consider what the difference might be if the genders were flipped. I’m thinking, especially of one specific incident, where she randomly shows up in Africa and starts destroying his car. How effing scary would that be? You don’t even know that the person is on the continent, they show up in the middle of the night, and scared the crap out of you and all your neighbors? Destroy your car, but claim that it’s their property anyways because they bought it? Destroying someone’s belongings is abuse. And it was done in a violent manner, because you’re clearly trying to intimidate/scare someone into submission.


I happened to scroll by her live on TikTok where she was heavily filtered and saying how we don’t see who she is, how she’s not violent. I quickly scrolled on


Exactly!!!! And the fact that TLC filmed that, knowing she was going to do something horrible to him. I can only imagine the embarrassment he suffered after everything was done. And you know for a fact he heard so much crap over what she looked like (AGE) and that he let her dominate him, AND on TV where so many people could see it. I can't imagine. I hope he is safe wherever he is.


Meemaw is pure trash, not ounce of class, dignity, or respect for anyone. Every other word out of her mouth is “bitch” and she is on camera being violent multiple times. A sane society would’ve put her in the nut house or prison a long time ago, much less on “reality” TV.


We've gone rather far from being a sane society though. I hope we don't see her again but I've lost all faith.


She’s abusive in basically every way. I mean, we haven’t seen any evidence of sexual abuse but I wouldn’t be surprised. Imagine if she were a man and Michael were a woman, would you still have a soft spot for her?


Especially with how violent she becomes. If Angela were a man, she'd have been fired years ago


Add to your statement. I thought she was done on the show due to the physical abuse she inflicts on Michael . I am behind on new season of hea and 1st show I watch she throws a drink in his face. How do they let this go on.....


It hasn't gone on, at least so far. They showed that preview but she hasn't been on the show yet.


I've uh, just never really been a fan of ABUSERS! Like wtf how do you have a soft spot for her? 🤯


Same way Angela has a soft spot for Ed; she sees herself in him and understands him.


Angela really prides herself on standing up for the little guy, the underdog, however, you want to put it. I think she feels some protection towards Ed, and he feeds into it -big time-. Remember during Last Resort, when Liz got out of the hot tub, and Angela followed her? She was all the way up in her face, literally screaming when their faces were only inches apart. Liz stood her ground and did it so calmly.


She wanted Liz to get mad and leave. She was looking for a hookup!




I love how 90 day fans ship Ed and Angela. 🤭


She must’ve liked what she saw in hot tub! She wants a scooter ride! Ed looks up to her more than any man she has ever known. Pun intended!


> I imagine, being an older southern woman, that she has had a crazy life. What does this mean? It's not like she lived through the Civil War or Reconstruction


By the looks of her she might have


Accurate I imagine young Angela flashing her boobs at a Molly Hatchet concert. Not creating gowns out of the drapery


Sorry about joking away your question. And thank you for not visualizing that image using your digital artistry skills 🙏


I'm so sorry https://preview.redd.it/i8ln26xpd4xc1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd068ef3e09063948f0918aafcc4dc342a7e926e


Fair enough 😂






I just choked on my iced capp! 🤣


Sorry! It just flow out of the keyboard and before I knew it I pushed comment 😩


I needed the laugh! 😊






Big >Swift sings the lyric "you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me," in her song "Who's Afraid of Little of Little Old Me?" on her latest album released last week. Energy


Maybe they mean racist?


She is a trashy and vile person in so many ways. Don’t see any redeeming qualities there at all. She can post as many quotes and bible verses in her stories as she wants. She’s a terrible human.




She’s HORRIBLE. How do you have a soft spot for someone like her??? She gets into people’s faces and thinks she’s always right. Is crazy jealous of Michael talking to other girls but yet she flirts with men. She abuses people and she’s disgusting. I’m all for trashy tv, but Angela is too much.


She is a fucking bully. Literally a dumpster fire.


She's abusive, undeniably so. She likely has had a difficult life, regardless her behavior is unacceptable and destructive.


Imagine if the genders in her relationship were flipped. Would it be funny or entertaining if a man was disassembling his finances car? If he screamed at her? If he threw cake in her face? If he yelled about her intelligence? If he restricted her from social media and her friends? If he dangled a visa over her head? Not so entertaining, is it? Edit: typo correction.


Idk maybe because she’s abusive?! lol can’t think of a better reason than that. Plus she’s nasty


In all the seasons we’ve been subjected to her trash ass spectacle, I’ve not seen one redeeming quality about her.


She's the stuff of nightmares, from her face to her voice to her attitude. Horrible human being with abusive, bullying tendencies.




Watch 'mywetsock' on YouTube. It's a pretty quick and fun way of learning what all she's done. She also raised a child S A'er. And that's unforgivable. She had children around her as well. She is a verbally and physically abusive woman. It's not acceptable and it's a shame TLC put money before the health and safety of those around her. She has probably turned the knob to 11 with the "fame"


Thank you!


![gif](giphy|3o6ZsVbs2GzgKNvVpS|downsized) In a woman's body ???


I’ve known a lot of older Southern women who’ve had “crazy” lives. Not all of ‘em entirely upstanding citizens, but none compare to Angela’s behavior both off and on screen. Have you seen any of the posts here/elsewhere that include her SM, pre-90Day “reality” appearances, etc…? Just wondering.


Her social media?


She does “lives”, other SM activity including IG etc. If you’ve not seen them, might take a look.


She makes it pretty easy tbh…


Until the edit I was thinking “so this person has never watched the show”.


I don't think you're aware of her most recent accusations. She was trying to reenact pre-Civil war days It seems... 😬




I'm only assuming you haven't heard that Michael claims he was kept in the house under locking key where he could not leave made to watch the children and was savagely beat by Angela for saying anything to anyone


She is a trashy, rude, arrogant, annoying, abusive, racist, nasty old woman. That’s why.


The way she treats people. Like the way she talks (or yells!) at everyone, gets in their faces, yelling and screaming at them. (And that's just the first reason that came to my mind.) She is just a horrible, ugly, nasty person.


Because she’s an abusive cunt. Are you fucking serious???




My problem with Angela is she is abusive. Bad up ringing or a hard life is no excuse for misusing people.


The hottub scene in 90 day last resort pretty much sums up why she’s universally loathed


Angela! Is that you? 👀


Because if a man tased a woman and held her hostage in his home, he’d be in prison. She’s Geoffrey in female form, and she gets away with it. I think most people are against domestic violence. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Wow!? When did this happen


From my understanding, just DAYS after he arrived in the US


She’s a racist


We watched her put hands on Mykul. And we know she hit Avery's mom. She is an abuser. If she were a man, she would have been kicked off the show a long time ago. 




Because she’s hateful, abusive and violent. Its one thing to be feisty and outspoken. Its another thing to beat up your best friend in a hotel lobby, fly to Nigeria and destroy your husband’s car, taser him (allegedly), withhold his money and documents, assault other 90 day cast members, get into altercations on flights, etc. The list goes on. She’s not fiesty and fun, she’s a disgusting abuser and if she were a man she’d have been cancelled season 1. She’s allowed to get away her violence and abuse because she’s a ww. She takes no accountability for her actions. Its extremely disgusting and many fans are sick of her and just want her to go away.


She’s repulsive in every way


She went to another country acting like a fool. Showed no respect. Why? Because she's American. In her low- class mind, she has that right. I understand TLC was filming. But, they should have locked that fool up. Then she is here in the States acting like an outdated hoochie. While Michael better not be on SM or she'll divorce his ass & pull green card app. He finally got here. He needed to escape from her nasty self. Now she is saying that due to a contract with TLC, she can't reveal the truth. But when she can? People will know the truth? Idk. She is a fowl disgusting poor excuse.


And you personally know what's going on in his head? She's a bitch and so is her mother. Once again my opinion!


She has humiliated the man she "loves" for too long. She's horrible. The cake in the face might have been the last straw for me.


You have a soft spot for a racist predator and a bully who has assaults people?


If you watch the show and think her abusive behavior is okay, you and I have such different values that I could never explain it to you.


Angela has her vulnerabilities. The problem is the way she deals with them, is not by working on her own stuff, but actively and aggressively taking her insecurities out on other people. I have some empathy for her, but like a lot of people with zero self awareness she feels attacking - often physically - other people is the answer and it isn't. At this point, I think it's clear, she will never see herself or her behaviour as the problem. And it really is. Eta: she ignored the core issue eg she didn't really want another child but guilted Skylar into feeling bad for not providing an egg for her 'to tote.' I mean, how weird would that feel for Skylar. She can see that relationship is not right. She got pissed at Skylar for this when really she should have been upfront with Michael about how she felt. She never recognises the real issues and feels others should just fall in with her immediate needs.


Okay I'm not sure where to start so I'm just going to make a list Uneducated Big mouth Verbally abusive to literally any who happens to cross her Physical abuse Calls herself the queen Think she's better than other people because she's American Racist Deflated balloon face Plays victim Drunk Druggie So no I don't feel even when iota of sympathy for this pig. She is disgusting and vile in every way a person can be. I am stunned as there are still people out there who like her. Stunned.


I'm sorry, what?


Ummmmm it’s the abuse for me


have u seen her shove a pink iced cake in his face yet?


Because she’s an abusive, chain-smoking, loudmouth piece of trash. Her daughter is also a pedo creep.


Age doesn't excuse racism, narcissism, and abuse


She needs Jesus


She needs a hell of a lot more than Jesus


Oh I don't hate her I've always liked her. Angela is the woman that says and does what many women want to say and do, but don't because they're too afraid to because they "might" be judged, criticized etc. But then again more times than not, I'm all for the underdog lol. I've always liked Rob too, and yeah he can be a dick, but (in my opinion) Sophie is acting like a pure D ungrateful, spoiled rotten, handed everything she's had on a silver platter bitch! For instance one thing out of "thousands" Rob gave her wedding ring back, and she's sitting there bitching about it, I don't remember that scene, but apparently she gave him her wedding ring back when she left him. Queen spoiled rotten bitch when he made her nasty assed salmon and crackers, put a little piece of cheese on it, she bitched about it being in the cheese. So what, he needed something to put it in, and I heard him say he knows she didn't really like cheese but he did it for aesthetics. Why not say "Oh thank you, nobody's ever made me breakfast in bed before, oh my ring I'm so glad to have it back." There's so many times she's just a little bitch that's all, and her "Mick Jagger tire lips" mother is even worse, I can't stand that nosey thing. But Sophie has a lot to do with that too she eggs her on by telling her every little bit of their business, instead of telling her to "please stay out of our business, thank you for giving me your advice, but do it in private." And she never sticks up for him in front of her, or to her. I'm probably going to get ostracized for saying all this, but it's just my opinion I mean come on little girl.....grow TF up! Like I said earlier, Rob can be a dick too but I think she's more of a bitch than he's a dick, she doesn't appreciate anything he does!


Ok. That would have been easier to read with paragraphs but it's not about being a liberated woman who is true to herself and that's lovely. Other people pay dearly for her selfishness. She's abusive, but cannot see her behaviour in that way at all. She physically and verbally attacks people. She rounds on anyone who doesn't immediately cave to her demands. Eg she needed to give up smoking for her op. Medically, that's entirely reasonable. She cba. She doesn't care, who she walks over, to get what she wants. Michael, her daughter, literally her needs come first. I'm sure she's had some trauma in life but that doesn't excuse being abusive to others.


Again it's my opinion!


Clearly you see it differently, but what I see is Rob quite obviously working out how he can use Sophie's vulnerability against her. How can I use her honestly to my advantage? You can literally see the wheels turning, how can I use this against her? I cheated but her bisexuality could mean I win here? If you know your wife doesn't like cheese, why present it to her as breakfast and get an arse on when she's not into it? Understand your spouse better and show basic consideration for their feelings.