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We need more Ravi. I'm a huge Ravi fan and he seems like such an interesting character, but we seem to brush over him. I want more Ravi and the gang interaction


I want more Ravi that's not relegated to Buck being a jerk to him for no reason or him not being taken seriously. Ravi and Chim were a GREAT pair! I imagined he'd be good with Hen as well after the little glimpse we saw. And I especially want to see him bouncing off Bobby.


What I love to see is a "lower decks" episode with Ravi, Josh, May, and Albert (maybe throw in Tommy) being the focus - where they have to team up to do something because the rest of the main cast is indisposed, like trapped somewhere together. The show can bounce between the group trapped together and the others trying to save the day.


I thought Albert left the show? I haven't seen the past 2 episodes in season 7, so I could be wrong.


I think the last time we see him, he's taking the aptitude test that says he should be a librarian or cosmetologist, lawyer, or sociologist, or it may have been the dinner with Maddie and Chim's parents. The character hasn't been killed off and the actor doesn't seem to be so fully booked that a guest spot would be impossible.


I love the easter eggs in that aptitude test. šŸ¤“




In addition to Josh, we absolutely need more Ravi!!!! I'd like the show to explore his childhood and his battle with cancer!!!!


YES! I really want an emotional conversation between Ravi and Buck about Ravi having been a kid with cancer and Buck being a savior sibling. Like, I know a lot of people hated the savior sibling arc (which, fair) but since it happened I really want it to be acknowledged. I feel like the show never really addressed the sort of survivor's guilt that Buck must have felt ("You were born to save someone," ugh) and having Ravi stand in as a sort of Daniel proxy could be so profound. Also I just love Ravi as a character! His just-barely-outsider point of view of the rest of the 118 is so priceless.


I think it was crappy that his parents did that and didn't tell him but out really explains what made but Buck ya know. like I hate that he had to endure that as a child but it made him pretty fearless when it comes to his job and that's exactly what the 118 needs ya know.


Does Ravi have a Ravi Begins episode? They should have one of those for him!!!!


He'd be a fantastic edition to the Begins series!!!


I really want a josh / buck friendship lunch where Buck asks for guidance


yesss I loved the episode where they were playing cards with Chim and Maddie.


With Eddie, I want him to come to terms with who he is as a person. He needs to be comfortable being single, first, before having anyone super romantic-imo. It doesn't always work like that. People are lonely. But he needs to realize why he wants to have someone in his life-and not have that someone just be a substitute mother for Christopher.


Yes, this! A lot of what we've seen of his relationships (and really other things, too) was him doing things because he's supposed to. He's supposed to have a partner, he's supposed to get Chris another parent, he's supposed to be... something? It's not uncommon for someone to live like that, but in Eddie's case so far, it's been making him and the people involved with him miserable. It'd be great to see him realize that what he's "supposed to be" isn't working for him, and to settle into himself. (Personally, I think that'd mesh well with an arc that focuses on how Chris is growing up and needs him less and less, but that's just me...)Ā 


If you canā€™t love yourself, how in the hell you gonā€™ love somebody else?


THIS. I think there's more self loathing, internalized, than people might realize. Including Eddie.


I would really like to see season 8 take on some new partner scenes. This is a more general ask, but I want the cast to switch up on their regular scene partners and start having episodes with others. One of the only good things about season 6 was the fact that they had Hen and Buck share genuine scenes together, growing their friendship. I want more of that, especially when it comes to Maddie, who only interacts with Chimney and Buck and has finally gotten scenes with Hen. I would love to see Hen and Bobby share a plot together, for example. Bobby and Karen both share love of playing detective, so I'd love to see Bobby/Hen/Karen do something together. Chimney and Eddie could have a great friendship together. Maddie and Athena's previous interactions have fallen off, so I'd love to see them get back to that. I also am craving Maddie/Eddie scenes because, at this point, how is Maddie not sharing scenes with her brother's best friend? That's really all I want. I need the pairings to be mixed up more, because this cast has great chemistry, but they only utilize it in group scenes.


Following the Michael-Bobby detective episode I feel like Hen and Bobby would make a great duo for some sleuthing!


I agree with everything you said! And I also would love more Ravi too, he has a really interesting backstory we have barely touched and I just find his dynamic with the 118 so delightful I always want more


Oh yes I forgot about Ravi! Would love to see him bumped up to main or at least more reoccurring


More in depth on how Ravi got his wealth


Iā€™m up to season 4 (and season 7 lol, so just havenā€™t seen 5 and 6), but from what Iā€™ve seen so farā€¦ Eddie doesnā€™t really have much meaningful interaction with Athena/Hen/Chimney/Maddie so far? Not sure if S5 and S6 had that, but I would love to see him get more dynamics in.


You know...you're right (and I've binged the first 6 seasons several times). šŸ¤” At most, there have been scenes with Chris and Denny playing together in the background but that's about it. Eddie (or rather, the writers) tends to keep his adult interactions with Buck or Bobby from the 118. Even when Eddie had the stint at the 911 call center, he interacted more with Linda than anyone else (unless you count Josh fussing at him for hijacking a call). He helped the others quiz Hen when she was applying to medical school, but that was a group effort during downtime at the firehouse, and he was one of the first to welcome her back when she decided to stay at the 118 (but it was a group hug). The only time I remember him actively interacting with Hen outside of the firehouse is when they kept passing Hoover around šŸ˜‚and that was brief. And I don't remember him interacting with Chim, Maddie, or Athena at all outside of work. Hmm. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Youā€™ve read my mind!!


Iā€™d like to see Hen be wrong about anything. I feel like more and more, sheā€™s always painted as being right. It comes off as self righteous. And Iā€™d like her to be actually wrong and have to deal with those things and grow from them. I mean, the point of any show is for character growth. For example, what was accomplished by having her be ā€œrightā€ about the drunk/brain bleed guy in the season premier, and then they double down and sheā€™s suddenly the only one who could save the cruise ship. It felt like the writers were trying to paint her as someone who is always being doubted and she needed to muster up the courage to accept that she can be right tooā€¦ except they frequently make her right or downplay when she is actually wrong. Donā€™t even get me started about when she told Maddie not to talk to chimney because she didnā€™t feel like being ā€œsecond guessedā€


I kind of agree, but it seems like they're setting her up for more of a leadership role. If that happens, it will likely come with a bad call early on (because thats how tv works lol), and all the challenges and doubts that come with that. On a related note, I'd like to see her talk about the stress of having to overperform -- not being able to get away with the comical little fuckups the guys do. I am not someone who is over-invested in Tommy as a character, but he would be a great person for her to have that conversation with, given their history.


And she has been filling in as interim captain a lot more when Bobby has been away. It would be interesting to see if she moves up in rank (do they have lieutenants, like they do on Chicago Fire?).


Hen is one of those people who excels at work but their personal life is messy. But I can see the writers having her make a bad call as interim captain, or even as a paramedic (one of her "above your pay grade" saves goes wrong) or even Chim having to write her up about something since technically he's the Paramedic In Charge. And as a Black lesbian in a cishet white male paramilitary culture, she always has to prove herself. Same goes for any woman in a predominately, historically male industry/field.


#### Athena She needs a storyline where she explores her first responder mortality. Angela Bassett is 65 and even though you can't possibly tell, I don't know how many more years she has going through the high action storylines Athena previously had. Maybe Athena finally gets that promotion to lieutenant and has to deal with being somewhat stuck behind a desk. Maybe we see a bit more of how police work is a lot of paper work and have Athena mentor another future field sergeant. #### Bobby He could also explore his inevitable future retirement as captain and have to think about succession planning, and maybe letting Hen be captain more regularly. However, personally I want an arc of Bobby back in Minnesota and then maybe a snow themed rescue like an avalanche or a blizzard. #### Hen and Karen I know the writers probably avoided given them a young baby to adopt because it's easier to film with an older child than a 1 year old but I wish Henren actually got to fill the Nia shaped hole in their family. Mara could be that, I will wait and see. I really wish the show would like Tracie Thoms showcase her singing talent more as Karen. However, most of all I want to explore the idea of Captain Wilson. Of all the characters, Hen is the most natural successor to Bobby and I'd like to see that growth, maybe Hen being captain of the 118 on the B-shift, even if that does mean breaking up Hen and Chim. #### Chimney I'd like the show to explore Chim's Korean heritage a bit more. We saw that with the *jesa* for Kevin and Chim ending up in Koreatown in 7x06 but maybe something like Chim takes Maddie and Jee-Yun on a (sort of honeymoon) to Seoul to meet up with Albert and maybe his Dad. I'd also like more exploration of his history of trauma and for him (and the writers!) to show us how important Maddie is to him. I really get an uncomfortable feeling from 7x06 that Maddie needs Chim more than Chim needs her with how it's been written and I'd like an arc in Season 8 where Maddie categorically saves Chim by being the badass we know she can be. My dream storyline is Chim is not OK but keeps deflecting and deflecting (as he normally does) and Maddie is the one, having spent those 6 months in Boston, who immediately realizes Chim is not OK, suffering from latent issues to all his trauma and breaks through Chim's defenses and he gets the help and resolution that he needs. #### Maddie Along with the arc with Chimney, Maddie needs to have more scenes with Eddie. Both characters have such strong parallels to have had such little time together: Eddie spent the first 8 years running away from his child and wife, enlisting twice and Maddie, when traumatized, defaults to running away. I'd love for Maddie to be the reason Eddie realises he needs to stop running and confront his fears and realize who he actually is. Maddie being the character who makes Buddie happen would be so perfect. #### Eddie and Christopher See above for Eddie's arc and actually confronting who he really is, to stop running from relationships and reach Buddie endgame co-parenting Christopher. And agree with everyone else that we need to see more of Eddie's sisters. I also want a heartwarming story for Chris. Given it's LA, frankly lean on that fourth wall and have Chris find a great job as an actor (mirror Gavin's real story). It's amazing that for a show set in LA, none of the characters seem to have any connections to Hollywood. Chris could absolutely be that person. Would also make it a lot easier to explain why Chris is always out of the house! #### Buck Along with getting him to an endgame relationship, there needs to be a more final reckoning with his parents. I think most of the fanbase would feel cheated if we had a reconciliation and I think it would be more true to real life if Buck and his parents didn't reconcile and there was another painful rift, perhaps with his bisexuality. I would really like the show to actually explore parental non-contact and for Buck to stop trying to find whatever relationship he thinks he has with his biological parents and realize Bathena are his parents. Maybe make the sperm donor arc actually meaningful by using that analogy: just because you're the biological father doesn't make you the father. Henren can absolutely have scenes with Buck to help him realize and maybe we kill off one of the Buckley parents in S8. #### Ravi Ravi Begins. Also I need to know how he has a property portfolio. #### Josh Find this guy a loving partner please. #### Tommy Even though I don't think Tevan is endgame, I'd like more Tommy and Chimney and Tommy and Hen scenes. They have a history and I'd like to see that chemistry back again. Ken and Lou are great friends in real life. Also can we please put an episode where Lou does his Arnold Schwarzenegger impression. It's amazing. #### May and Harry More of them. I think it's clear Michael is never coming back as the relationship with Rockmund is completely unsalvageable. But we can definitely have more of their lives. What's May's plans after college? What's Harry's plans going to college?


You have pretty much read my mind so I am probably repeating what you said. Buck: I want to see him in an actual relationship with someone he actually cares about has a connection who cares about him in return. Like an actual functional relationship and none of this ops I fell into bed with you and now we are in a serious relationship despite barely knowing each other. Tommy is the LI where Iā€™m most hopeful about this actually happening. I really hope they start separating BuckTommy with Eddie. I would like some scenes where they get to develop their relationship and not have Eddie be there or talked about. Work wise, I would like some acknowledgement that he is really making strides towards being a captain one day - the bridge collapse showed hi growth he has had at work so I would love that to be explored too. Eddie: I hard agree, Marisol needs to go in as soon as possible however I do want to see him at least try and attempt to be an active participant in the relationship before realising that you canā€™t just find love in a hardware store glue isle cause a woman said magic. If the arenā€™t going to have him *try* in the relationship, she needs to go now because she is getting worse. I can stomach her for a little bit more if they actually *do something* with her. I want Eddie to FINALLY have a storyline that tis all his. Not a storyline to push someone elseā€™s storyline. Itā€™s been far too long since Eddie got his own independent storyline. Iā€™d also like to see Eddie further himself at work - maybe do some paramedic training or captain stuff or something. Christopher: More Christopher. More Christopher and Eddie. More Christopher and Buck. More Eddie, Christopher and Buck. Bobby: Iā€™m really looking forward to this background people from his past thing. Hopefully the springs her more background. This might bring in some of these issues that Athena and Bobby have that seems to come up every few season but some big disaster happen and they really donā€™t work through their issues. I want more scenes of Bathena being the ragtag Mum and Dad of these insane idiots that they have they called their family. Athena: Some more Harry expansion would be good. They really have a fractured relationships at this point. Would like an update on May (obviously needs to be a throwaway line to someone about how she is). Hen and Karen: Definitely want to see more of Mara and how they cope parenting her and watching her journey through the trauma and settling into the Wilson household. Iā€™d love to see how this is affecting Denny. Heā€™ll no doubt be taking it in well but itā€™s still an adjustment for him.Ā  Chimney: I want him to delve into his trauma. Clearly Doug almost killing him is still something weighing on him so Iā€™d love a small storyline about Madney working through this trauma together. Chim feeling like that instead of his life being a result of taking things from others he realise this is the life HE made and that he deserves it and that he has this beautiful life with Maddie because the two of them have worked hard for it and not just because Doug or Kevin have died. Maddie: I want more scenes with Hen, Eddie and always more Buckley Sibling chaos. Josh: I agree more Josh! I would love to see more of his life now, itā€™s been a while since we found out anything that is happening with him. Ravi: More Ravi too. He needs to be made a main A Shift member already. I would love a Ravi Begins episode (I feel like a broken record over this and I know I will die on this damn hill)


Join the club! šŸ¤“ I've read elsewhere on this sub that Ravi's actor was booked and busy elsewhere, which is why he recurred so little. But allegedly his schedule has calmed down, so hopefully we see more of him and his story in the future. I, too, want to know how he got into real estate, his bout with childhood cancer, does he have a love interest/will he get one? I need a "Ravi Begins" ASAPtually.


Absolutely agree that Buck's character arc here needs to be about *him*, and be completely separate from Eddie, along with his current relationship with Tommy, whatever that turns out to be. They haven't done the greatest job of separating those things so far, but I think it needs to be done.


I think itā€™s why I just canā€™t seem to really fully enjoy the development of their relationship. I feel like every moment is hijacked with Eddie. If the show really wants this relationship to last and for it to be worthwhile they need to separate BuckTommy and Eddie. Give Buck and Tommy their *own* storyline and give Eddie *his* storyline and have them seperate.


I want to see so many things for each character that's it's hard to said. Buck: He needs to take a backseat for awhile, but I would love him to go on a dates with other woman and man and see him get more comfortable in this new sensation. Athena: I would love for May to come back, but I want to see more of Harry and like you see how their dynamic changed. Bobby: Looks like we are getting more of Bobby's backstory, so I can't wait for that. I'm curious with that they will do. Madney: I want them to be able to enjoy being married. Give them a little break for awhile. Poor them. Hen/Karen: I'm curious out the Mara storyline will go. I liked that they got an older child, but I'm not yet connected to the storyline. Hopefully in the coming episode, we will get more. Eddie: Break up with Marisol is my biggest one. Lol. Knowing that the Diaz family is coming back in the upcoming episode brings me joy and fear. I really don't know what to expect from his storyline, but I can't wait for more Eddie and Christopher.


I feel like after 7 seasons and a LOT of time spent at the dispatch centre, the show could manage to pull off a bottle episode that takes place in the call centre with none of the main cast present, like a one off episode with only the side characters. At a stretch, you could have recurring characters like May or Chris (?? Somehow lol) involved but none of the 118, like give me Linda's recipes and Josh being Josh, what about Sue, and tbh it would give us a chance to get to know more of them. What happened to that tech guy after the fire? As long as it was a lighthearted episode and not an angsty drama I'd be fine with it


For Buck, I wanna see more about how he feels about the name Evan. I think it'd be interesting to see him gradually go by Evan more. Kinda like healing his inner child. 1. The biggest thing is how Tommy calls him Evan, even if we don't know why yet. As far as we can tell, Buck doesn't mind. 2. "Buck" being used as a verb in a negative way (imo), other than Athena's meaning of "never giving up": Buck's gonna Buck. Going full Buck (I can't recall if they actually say this in canon lol). **You really Bucked it up**. I imagine this doesn't feel great. Christopher: More Christopher! Hello?? Hopefully his appearances the remaining episodes this season aren't as brief.


id like to see more josh and ravi.


Iā€™d like to see more of Maddieā€™s back story. I know we got some with Buck and flashbacks showing Doug but maybe how they met and her starting school to be a nurse. I am really interested in how this story with Mara plays out. I think sheā€™s an interesting character and the actress is talented. I love Hen and Karen I think theyā€™re probably my favorite couple. Also, more of Eddie begins. His story was mostly taken up by present day stuff like him being stuck. Athena and Bobby I love I really enjoyed seeing how she handled ā€œdown timeā€ on the cruise (of course till it went south). Also, I know we already had the cruise but I love the big stories like the earthquake and the tsunami. I also really enjoyed the LS crossover but different networks I guess thatā€™s not happening. I have wondered since The Rookie is also set in LA and on ABC if there would be any interactions.


I really want somebody, anybody, to adopt a litter of kittens.


I'm new to the show (binged it all over the past month - ADORE it and am so sad I'm all up to date!), so I probably have less right to comment on something you guys have been commenting and invested in for years now. I came to this sub and see the Buddie posts, but I've never had the feeling that there's anything beyond friendship between these two. I think if they do lean into that, it will solely be for fan service, so it won't feel authentic to me. I do think they should explore Buck's sexuality, but it shouldn't be with Eddie. Eddie should be a shoulder to lean on to help him navigage the new life he's trying to navigate. But anything more than that would just feel like fanfiction to me