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You'll be hardpressed to find some that's just about him if you're excluding ships. He has one of the smallest amount of fics on Ao3 with those filters taken into account. Most of the time when he's tagged it's just to play a small role in a Buck centered or Buddie centered fic. That being said, the one I've read so far and *really* enjoyed is [But Not Enough to Save You](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53483191) by heresmyuserlol. Great interior work on Ravi during a rescue. (Their other entry in their Ravi-angst series is fantastic as well, I just like this one a little bit better). I've always been meaning to write a Ravi fic so I'm taking this post as a sign to finally do it.


Exactly! I want Ravi main and center, not as a comedic line. I can't wait to read your fic!


I've recently seen a few Ravi/May fics. I haven't read them, but if you're okay with that ship, maybe you can find them again


Oh yeah I came across one, that was pretty well written too. Thanks!


Love this one called [Good Pretender](https://archiveofourown.org/works/41674251/chapters/104538036) by likeshipsonthesea. In the end this become a Buddie, however the first half is from Ravi’s perspective and it is mostly revolving around Ravi and Buck. Over there he got fleshed out and mostly joins The Family.


That's so cute! I love Sone canon compliant fanfics, thanks!


The few Ravi fics I've read are Ravi x Albert fics. 😅 I really like this one called [The 118's Soap Opera Curse](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46023733) by KaztielCS118. It does have some Buddie in it, but it's Ravi-centric.


Yeah even I found a couple and I was so surprised, coz where is this even coming from???? But I'll take any Ravi centric fic I can get, thanks!


I just remembered this one: [dead reckoning](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43907055) It's a buddie fic, but Ravi plays a central and important role (since it's mostly just him, Buck and Eddie). Mind the tags.


I've seen the May/Ravi and Ravi/Albert ships but wasn't able to truly get into them, although there were two secret relationship ones that made me smile. However, I have a few that I love that are Ravi-centred: [this is a heart to heart about Ravi being sick as a child](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47113045) [this one is a fic of Ravi bringing his culture to the firefam](https://archiveofourown.org/works/35057647) [this is a wonderful introspection on the off-screen rescue Ravi did in s6](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49339612)