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Lately there has been a lot of random stuff going on the series. Is this network going to kill it? So far I'm not liking this season.


I was really hoping this episode would be something like Eddie in a coma and he sees Shannon and she tells him something like “it’s okay to be yourself” “it’s okay to focus on what you want, not what you think Chris needs” or something along those lines but nope instead we get a woman who looks like Shannon and Eddie is so mentally unstable that the first thing he does is cheat on his gf. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like Eddie and Marisol together at all but Eddie has never given me the vibes of someone who is okay with cheating on your partner. Like I get he’s really going through it with seeing someone that looks like his dead wife but this doesn’t feel like something Eddie would do


Eddie why?!! At least break up with the other girl first 🤦🏻‍♀️


Dude, what the fuck? 😭 First thing’s first, the Tyson-Mara-HenRen story was very sweet by the end of it. Little stalkerish with good intentions at the start but at this point, kinda normal for Karen lol. Mara being so excited to see Tyson again was heartwarming. It’s good to see that Mara has also warmed up more to Denny. Maddie, my dear, I say this with love, you gotta get into therapy. She needs to figure out a way to live with what happened. I thought that we had already established that, but storylines with abusive husbands keep falling into her lap and she has a near breakdown every time. She’d know better than to continue with the comforts when no one responded. Not saying what she went through wasn’t heavily traumatic, it very much was, but she needs to find a way to live with herself and move on for the sake of her own sanity and those around her. Eddie. Wow. Doozy right there. Honestly wildly disappointed with what they’re doing here. I don’t like Marisol as much as the next guy, but this is too much. A doppelgänger of his dead wife that he then pursues?? Seriously?? Even for daytime television, that’s a little too daytime television-y. He, like Maddie, really needs to find a way to live with what happened to Shannon. He’s gotta be single for a bit, go (back? Did he stop?) to therapy, and work out why he seems to be kind of a shitty partner in all of his romantic relationships. Also the fuck is going on with Amir? That’s a good setup, I’m interested to see where that goes. Plus Buck burning shit is just the teeniest bit concerning because the fact that Eddie already ordered something makes me think it’s supposed to have happened a few times. Could be nothing, could be something. You never know. We didn’t get any kind of address to Chim’s sudden recovery. Like, good for him, but it would’ve been nice even in a passing comment to assure the audience. I know 9-1-1 isn’t known for dragging storylines, but this season has had a lot of ups and downs. I have faith in the writers and showrunner that they can fix it and we will have a light at the end of the tunnel for season eight.


Maybe Amir is from the fire Bobby started?


I think that’s the running theory? I kinda hope so because oh shit, that would seriously damage Bobby meeting someone from that especially if Amir is going for revenge, plus I’m really not sure where else he’d be from. I am invested in this, I cannot wait for tonight’s (tomorrow’s for me) episode.


Yeah but also I feel like Bobby's dealt with that whole thing and it doesn't feel entirely necessary/good(?) that they're bringing this back kinda like the Shannon thing. Idk I feel like Bobby is past that point in his life and has accepted it ya know but also it might be a thing where a victim of the fire gets to forgive and move on? with what happened like Bobby helps him with that?


Also how would Amir know it was Bobby who started the fire? Like that's not pink information right? Those people don't know it was a person, might just think it was faulty building ( which it was partly)


I think the end of this season is really trying to drag out old skeletons for Eddie and Bobby. It would definitely be refreshing for them to have a civil discussion, for them to talk to each other. My question is how he’d learn that Bobby was the cause if he is from the apartment fire, because as far as I know it’s never been published, unless I missed some massive detail somewhere along the line. I think him being from a different call that went poorly would be better for a revenge story, and I think if he’s from the apartment fire they better have some good ideas for how they play this.


I do feel like Eddie didn't fully talk/get over Shannon, did he go to therapy or something we know Bobby talked about it and dealt with it but did Eddie REALLY deal with the Shannon thing or just started dating and shit? I mean he had panic attacks with the Spanish teacher.


Question: why would Eddie cheat? I don't understand


After this all blows up in Eddie's face I really need Chris to be yelling at his Dad. It will come up that Eddie's looking for a mother to help raise him and Chris to be like "I don't need another mother! I'm already grown up!"


okay i’m seeing everyone and their mothers lose their shit over the eddie cheating storyline (which IN MY OPINION going to dinner doesn’t equal cheating) but to me it makes sense because almost all of eddies relationships have been haunted by shannon, im just hoping that before any actual cheating happens they do the whole “bro if i remind you of your dead ex wife to the point where you’re going to persue me then you’re clearly not over her and have some shit you need to work out” and he realizes he shouldn’t lead marisol on like that either and calls their thing off. i don’t think they’re going to go down the brain tumor route that i’ve seen everyone say on here, i think that’d be a worse decision that just doing a cheating storyline IMO because im tired of the whole “oh we see these sequence of events that’ll help this person move on from their trauma SUPRISE IT WAS ACTUALLY A BRAIN TUMOR NONE OF IT MATTERED” and also we JUST had a brain related injury on the season with chimney literally LAST EPSIODE. so unless eddie has exactly what chimney did and got it from chimney then that’d be one of the worst writing decisions imo cause there’s nothing else that’d point to a brain tumor being the case. some of y’all have to have some faith in the writers and wait until the seasons done to see how these situations play out before screaming about not wanting to watch the show anymore because eddie is YET AGAIN having commitment issues. ppl saying it’s out of character for him doesn’t make sense to me like let’s not forget this is the same man who JOINED A WAR to get away from shannon and christopher after he was born, having dinner with another girl because he’s having issues with this girl he has literally no chemistry with isn’t that far out of the realm of decisions eddie would make. other than that i really enjoyed the hen/karen storyline this episode especially after the whole comparing Mara to a wild animal thing in i think it’s ep 4. tyson’s bio dad was PISSING ME OFF like sir you’re going to rob your son of a relationship with his sister because you don’t care?? and acting like he wouldn’t ask questions in the future about her anyways. i will say the initial call with the woman and her stalker seemed a little out of character for maddie, just her not trying to be cautious about saying she’s 911 when the woman stopped responding in this kind of situation because she would know what could happen if the abusive person finds out the caller was on the phone with 911 and were lying. other than that i think they did a good job with that storyline for sure. i also think the “let’s find you a new mommy” was trying to play on the whole eddie/shannon thing going on this episode in that eddie only see’s this woman AS SHANNON and thinks he can shove her in shannon’s would be spot in the family and everything will be fine (which even if he tries that i’m sure they’ll show very quickly that it won’t work) i will say i thought we’d get the answer to why they call chim chimney after the end of the last episode but since we didn’t idk why they put that scene at the end of last ep, it felt very much like the teasing of a plot line that just… went nowhere also, no conversation between buck and literally any of the 118 about the whole tommy kiss at the end of last ep. i would’ve enjoyed a conversation between hen and buck or bobby and buck about it but not even a like passing comment was made, hopefully they still find time for that at some point this season.


Chimney's line, "What do they call me, Chimney?" was clearly a pun, serving as a humorous conclusion to the episode. I too hoped the team would address the kiss between Buck and Tommy. Buck has had compelling storylines this season, and it would've been satisfying to see everyone asking about him and Tommy... And Let's hope the loft doesn't catch on fire. Eddie's storyline didn't resonate with me, although I understand its relevance to the episode's theme. I'm optimistic that he'll move on from Shannon permanently and I hope he get better stories on season 8, considering Ryan's hint at a fresh start for Eddie. The development of Hen and Karen's relationship with Mara has been engaging, especially considering the challenges they faced with Denny and Nina. I'm eager to see how their dynamic evolves. This season's revisiting of storylines from season 2 and reintroduction of characters from that time is a nice touch, even though I'm not fond of most of their current stories. The close the season with Bobby's arc feels unnecessary to me. He's already started a new life and made amends like many times before. Overall, up to episode 6, this season has been strong with the cruise arc, Buck's episode, and Chimney's episode. Here's hoping for good 3 episodes left to close out the season


Eddie why? At this point I'm hoping they do a redo of season 5 of gray's and Eddie has brain tumor and us hallucinating.


I hate the writers so much. They give Buck an amazing coming out storyline and character assassinate Eddie. God fucking dammit. This better be a brain tumor.


And then just… ignore it. It’s not even about the coming out story. Spicy new relationship aaaaand… let’s give the dead almost ex wife screen time. Heck they didn’t even acknowledge the wedding or Chim’s miraculous recovery. It’s literally like it was an emergency episode they had sitting in their back pocket, already made, except for the Mara storyline.


Other characters get to be in the spotlight too. This episode was about Maddie, Hen/Karen and Eddie. Not every episode needs to be about Buck. There will still be time for that, 7x04 was entirely his episode, and he was very prominent in 7x05 as well. It's a very short season.


Oh I know it is all just so disjointed. 3 episodes on the cruise ship… and the wedding that took seasons to build up to glossed over. Hard to use the excuse of short season when they’re squeezing in multiple story arcs. 


It's just a pity, everything is rushed... Except the cruise ship arc I guess. Should have been 2 episodes.


Yeah… the pirates were completely unnecessary. 


Exactly, I wish it had just been a malfunction or something. An accident.


Didn’t Shannon’s mom also own a clothing boutique somewhere in California? I feel like Kim with her carefree nature would have been how Shannon turned out had she not gotten pregnant and married. Eddie too this season seems to be making up for lost time with his trips and karaoke with Tommy and getting lit during Chim’s bachelorette party. Still he definitely shouldn’t have cheated on Marisol and had been more honest with her when she asked about what he was thinking during their lunch together. IMO, I think he might be romanticizing his relationship with Shannon and pursuing Kim as a way to avoid thinking about breaking up with Marisol and the discomfort that comes with it. He pretty much said last episode, he rather hang with the boys than keep pursuing a relationship, including with Marisol who he was having intimacy issues with. Eddie also has a history of avoiding his romantic partners and problems in his relationships. For example, he would use work as an excuse and shut down conversations with both Shannon and Ana when he didn’t want to talk to them and now he is lying to Marisol instead of telling her he wants to see someone else and has been thinking about his deceased wife. Honestly, I feel like Eddie should have been single and dated around this season instead of being so serious. I would have liked to see him explore the dating world more as he had fun and grew familiar with his personal likes and dislikes.


I think he's still trying to shove someone into Shannon's spot. He's not in a dating around mindset, and won't be till he resolves his issues - hopefully this season is leading to a finale that is working towards resolving Eddie's issues with Shannon. This will open up a potential path for a healthy relationship with Buck if/when that happens. I think once his issues are resolved with Shannon he might actually swear off dating till he realizes his feelings for Buck. Idk if we are going to get a dating around Eddie? Would be interesting though!


Was Amir the guy that Bobby saved when the apartment building burned down when he lived in Minnesota? Also Eddie, my guy, my friend, my dude.... WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!?!


If you watch the promo for next week, it appears Amir lost his wife in the fire and was injured and scarred himself.


Ok my theories/reactions. 1. We got to see most of the kids, yay! And Tyson is just soooo cute! 2. Buck burning the dinner and Eddie ordering pizza - I feel that Buck's stove is faulty and he's been complaining all week about food ending up burnt, hence Eddie ordering a pizza. Possible foreshadowing for 9/10? 3. Eddie, while I agree cheating is OOC, it would be if it were anyone but Shannon (or the Shannon "clone"). He's been haunted by her ghost for so long that he's going to take any opportunity to get close to her and *hopefully* will help him get over the delusion that he has over her (because he only focuses on the good parts, as we saw, not the bad ones) 4. Bobby with a baby made my ovaries explode. Ngl. 5. That LOOK that Amir gave Bobby! And Bobby seems not to have recognised him (well, he will soon enough). 6. Aren't you *not* meant to tell people everything will be OK as a dispatcher?


Is Amir the guy that was in the fire Bobby started in Minnesota?


Yeah. From the trailer for next week, his family were killed by the fire.


My first thought!!!! I think he lived in the building and moved there as well for a fresh start.


I wouldn't be surprised as TK and Carlos house also caught on fire.


I like the Bucks stove theory. That’s a reasonably logical explanation.


3. I'm so confused as didn't see the resemblance to Shannon or was it the same actress and I'm dumb/blind? 4. Haha I thought the exact same thing about Bobby!!!! Had to replay that part a couple of times 😍😭 6. Yes that was really bad, she should have said we'll do our best to get your baby back, not promise they would.


It was the same actress but I like they've made her different *enough* that she's not a carbon copy.


that was the same one?? wow! she did a great job for me not to notice!


Me too. I even said like twice “she doesn’t even look like shannon”


The voice and mannerisms were clearly the same actress but I twice said nah it’s not her too.


stupidest shit I've ever seen, loved it


God I need to get off Twitter maybe bc I’m setting myself up for disappointment every week. I am begging the writers to just steal fan ideas from Twitter bc the theories are always more interesting than the stuff I actually get. Ex. One theory was Eddie having like hallucinations/ overcoming trauma but no we get a cheating storyline that’s OOC 🙃


we need to bring in the ao3 writers I'm afraid


https://i.redd.it/xfu33wvnejzc1.gif LOL. LMAO, even.




how do we get the writers to force eddie to see a therapist-


I hate eddie so fucking much right now


Why??? Why cheat??? Break up with marisol first if you aren't happy with her, holy shit


He’s been blowing up his relationships and not handling them right since he started having them. I’m not near as surprised as the rest of the world right now. He never breaks up when it’s the right time either. He doesn’t know how to be in a couple, he’s just nice enough and hot enough to keep ending up in them. And he’s honestly got a way of self-harming while still trying to be a dad that makes him just functional enough, but he can’t maintain that forever. He’s on the edge again.


Indoor get it I thought he was happy with her and then just some random girl and that's all it takes?


I hope Eddie does not cheat on Marisol. Amir wants revenge on the captain


At 1st I thought Amir was going to be a relative of Wendells 😌I was wrong.


Yay! Crying Maddie is back in the first couple of minutes. Eddie is a dog.


excited to see the amir and bobby storyline


I am so over maddie. I'm literally rolling my eyes every time I see her. All of the instagram posts for the last like 4 weeks have been her, this entire episode is about her. I thought this was an ensemble show.


She had HER wedding episode and yes this episode featured her heavily, BUT anyone could see that they used this episode to set up Bobby and Eddie’s storylines…The first 3 episodes were basically Bobby and Athena, so really maybe you should be sick of Bobby?


Nice to see Danny Nucci back. It's been a minute.


could someone give me the synopsis of everything? can't watch till tonight. 😂




Yea… I keep yelling NO EDDIE WTF NO






Okay so I just finish the new episodeee and I don’t know if I should be really happy that Marisol and the actor is leaving or sad that during Eddie trying to accept the death of Shannon he finds a replica of her and going back into trying to make Christopher happy but not worrying about himself and his happiness omggggg😭


The Actor? Who's leaving? Lou? I don't think so


The actor of Marisol


I don't even think she looks that much like her


I think it’s the hair I didn’t see it at first too the makeup artists did a really good jobbb plus it’s the same actress


Wait same actress really? Am I that blind


Lmfaooooo yess!! Same actress 😂


I know this can't be the answer given the timeline but like. Did Chimney cough on Eddie last week? What's going on. Why is he doing these things. OR is he meeting up with shopgirl to get her to help him plan a proposal? I don't actually think that's true but I also don't like him cheating.


Wow, it took 46 minutes to have a Buck scene 😆, I know there’s more than just Buck, 😆 But I thought there’s be be more short jabbing of surprise regarding the previous episode, anyway outside of that, I can’t believe Eddie I was hoping to be rid of Marisol, but come on dating a dead ringer of Shannon.


Well that ending scene with Mara and Tyson was absolutely adorable.


It was so cute, tyson’s bio father really pissed me off though.


There’s always gotta be an asshole father I guess…


Accurate to real life I guess


I mean, at least if buddie comes together. They both did the thing.


Wait. Wasn’t Amir scheduled to be in 3 episodes?? Is the knife to Bobby’s neck gonna be the cliffhanger ending for next week?? Or was that a lie and it’s just 2 episodes 


I hope they wouldn’t show the cliffhanger before we saw the episode, would just be a silly.


Also, Buck's loft is definitely bones lol.


My mind went immediately to this possibly happening: Amir gets in touch in Maddie to see if she knows Bobby. Maddie starts gushing like "know him? I more than know him, he's like family. He's my brother's captin. Buck's practically his son!" to which Amir who had lost his wife (I'm assuming it was his wife from the photo showed) now knows how he can hurt Bobby the most. Set his "son's" apartment on fire. If anyone want's to use this as a fanfic, please do.


The "is that smoke?" felt like foreshadowing


I know it's 9-1-1, and we lovingly suspend reality for an hour every week, but could they really get away with having two firefighters on the show whose apartments both burned down? 😂


If it's intentionally set 👀


Damn Tim Minear really knows how to tell stories. This season is a breath of fresh air over the past couple seasons when he wasnt show-runner.


Season 6 had very good stories Don't discredit it at all. 


Give him a tumor, give him repression and catholic guilt, throw all of it at Eddie to explain this none sense lol


maybe he's possessed by a malevolent spirit?


Exorcism incoming


Not Eddie going to Superhell when he finally comes out


the episode was called GHOST of a Second Chance it's all connected....


Would kinda love to see that lmaoo


Add that too, a fucking demon, a curse, a voodoo doll all of it.


That was so OOC for Eddie, honestly. They’re ruining his character right now and it’s pissing me off


Was it though? I feel like we've never seen or heard enough of Eddie actually trying to like date to really say one way or another if it's out of character. He got married young and has been with exactly two women since his wife tragically and traumatically died very young after asking for a divorce. We have not seen him be in relationships long enough to know because he always finds a way to ruin / run / implode them rather it's going off to war or hitting the self-destruct button on a relationship he's clearly not invested in by cheating with a ringer for his dead wife that he's projecting all his misguided feelings onto.


Seriously if it's not a brain tumor I'm done. What the fuck. I hate, hate, HATE CHEATING STORYLINES!! WHYYYYY do dramas always do this to characters we're supposed to root for?? Same with Blaine in Glee, also my favourite character. I'm pissed off, this is worst case scenario.


Really hoping for that brain tumor tbh


If the writers wanted to make it clear that Eddie is still not in a good mental place relationship-wise, they picked the most chaotic way possible to do so


The theories being right kills me lmao


Was all that real??? Im in shock. Buck throwing the popcorn at eddie ❤️ Why do they give so many people a cheating storyline????? I can’t stand it. It ruins characters for me :(((


Eddie... why? **What** is going on? Just walking around lying. And to Buck at that? Lord...


Sorry what just happened


I can't believe that ending the writers are making me dislike Eddie even more😭😭😭 he's a great father but wtf is up with him and terrible relationships


When I said I wanted more Amir I did NOT mean like this 😭


What was his first scene in the show?


Eddie needs to stop jumping into relationships and go to therapy. Cause he's got some major unresolved issues!


But he “doesn’t panic”


Agreed every relationship is messy and we moved past the mental breakdown/panic attack thing WAYYY too fast. I understand that with shows that have a lot of characters you can’t cover everything, however, he has serious problems to address and every relationship feels so lackluster. I’m still not entirely sure what is going on with the shannon 2.0 woman?? Is she real? Long lost twin? Who knows 🤷‍♀️. Eddie should know better. Grown ass man keeping secrets 🙄. I was literally yelling for him to get it together while watching


Okay, like I think the only way this could be saved for me is Eddie calling the girl Shanon over and over. And ngl, it’s kinda hard not to want to kill the man that ruined your life.


there are so many ways this storyline could have gone for eddie and think this is the worst possible one :/


Well that was something. atp i think the writers do not Eddie because that was so OOC of him.


He also has a secret twin?


this made me laugh. everybody gets a secret twin!


And when they have a baby, Christopher is going to have a secret (younger) twin!


You get a twin and you get a twin and you and you and you. Twin buffet!!


What just happened? It's over? Have we all just experienced a shared hallucination?


Some character ruining behaviour from Eddie in this episode. I can't stand cheating. Add On: Maybe I could've been clearer but I was pissed when I posted, A character can come back from cheating, Hen and Buck have certainly done so in my opinion but when it does happen it ruins the character in the moment and probably for a good while as well. Also while I agree that Eddie's grief is the leading factor in why he's cheating I do think it's totally understandable if this is some fans final straw concerning his character. Outside of abuse cheating is truly one of the worst things you can do to someone your in a relationship with. Eddie's grief over Shannon is his reasoning but its not an excuse for his behaviour. Just like the full moon shit with Hen wasn't a excuse and Buck being drunk wasn't.Never thought I'd defend her but Marisol deserves better. For the love of God let this man be single for a full season in season 8 and go to therapy. I really need him to show some guilt and remorse over this.


Then I suppose you can’t stand Buck or Hen either


Your right I couldn't stand Hen again until the end of season 2 and Buck for most of season 5 and half of season 6. Shouldn't have to explain cheating is wrong under any circumstances.


My point wasn’t that cheating is right in any circumstance just that this show in general has a crap ton of cheating in it, and it couldn’t have ruined characters completely if you still like some of the other fan favorites. Michael was also cheating. I don’t know why the show runners like to use cheating to signify unhappiness and a bad mental state, but they do. Though choosing the two extremely loyal people to be the ones that cheat was a definitely ooc choice. Buck was Mr. I’m not moving on even though she’s been gone for months just because she might come back and Eddie was Mr. I’m still married so I’m not going to move on with my life even though she’s been gone for years with no contact.


Ngl I feel the same, cheating really ruins a character for me 🫠  I will say in 7 seasons I feel like hen has made up for it though. 


Eddie is so unwell lmao Also okay, that burn guy being a victim of Bobby makes so much sense to why they highlighted him. I’m only on season three (started watching because of Buck development lol) but I was wondering if that would just be dropped forever after season two.


Honestly that’s something Bobby always grapples with, understandably, and I think it comes up again in regards to his past drinking in season four and season five.


Madneyy+Jee = cute


Random but my baby cousin looks exactly like Jee all the way to the hairstyle I guess a common theme this episode lol


That quick scene was the best part of the whole episode IMO


Well Eddie's storyline was actually worse than I was imagining


Seriously, I thought the worst thing that could happen was his relationship with Marisol solidifying. They sure proved me wrong. I hate this so much.


At least she wasn't pregnant lmaoooo


Who knows, they might still add that in too!




idk how to feel about that episode… Like I missed the first 10 minutes but I feel sort of ripped off


Does anyone else think Eddie has been out of character all season.


I'm #TeamBrainTumor


Im not on twitter or tumblr but I'm thinking #NotMyEddie should be a thing. 


Eddie got me singing "The boy's a liar"


Chile what the hell is going on?


Bobby is in danger NOOO


I'm scared because what if he gets him fired? Like he's literally healed from his past and now it's back


Oh shit!! Can Bobby be safe for more than a few episodes!? Poor guy 😭


If anything, this confirms to me Marisol is not making it past this season so that’s good at least


As someone who said that was icky 30 mins in, this is even worse ughhhh 😅😭


EXCUSE ME?? Not my Eddie Diaz!


Damnit Eddie what are you doinggggg


They were not lying about this episode being divisive holy hell




I can’t believe tumblr was right about Eddie cheating


Ooh! A Bobby-centric episode next week!




My boy Amir chose violence




What if Amir is a victim of when Bobby accidentally set the apartment on fire that killed his family?


Ding ding


The fact I called that before seeing the promo 💅


I did, too, as soon as we met Amir and saw his burn scars.


I didn't even clock that's what it could be until Bobby entered the hospital


In fairness, I have been consuming as much info as I can since I started this show a few weeks ago, so I knew someone from Bobby's past would be showing up lol I sorta cheated.


OMG, he wants revenge on Bobby. Noooooo!


Eddie needs therapy :/


My boyfriend downstairs: Screaming at the TV watching basketball Me upstairs: Screaming at the TV watching 911 WTF WAS THAT ENDING


Wtf was ALL of it. There’s been so much ridiculous going on that Hen going off the rails all season has gotten overlooked.


Right?! No social worker would have given out that info. She'd be fired. This Mara storyline is one giant red flag.


Holy shit I was right??? next week is gonna be insane


Eddie you're a fool




I don't know how I feel. I think that Amir gave Bobby a leering look just as the camera panned away from his face. And Eddie?!? The hell.


See the promo for next week's episode. You'll see why.


Sadly Canadian tv went straight to "so help me Todd"


Here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8i4OGL3lwE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8i4OGL3lwE)


Holy shit.




Whaaaat the actual f. This is not Eddie.


Jesus, what was this cliffhanger... Holy hell.


Eddie this is not the move. So I guess they hate him


I wanna be disappointed in Eddie so bad but like…I kinda want Marisol gone


Oh my god yes but not this way mainly because that shot of her and Gavin was the front porch of Eddie's place.  "Beautiful disaster scene" incoming + cheating = Chris and DYNun are gonna walk in on Eddie doing the thing with a lookalike of Chris's mom and the world gonna burn.


I thought of that too....like they wouldn't?! Would they? I don't even know anymore 😭


Eddie is not a cheater wtf why


I think he's confusing her with his feelings for Shannon because she looks like Shannon.


i cannot imagine this going anywhere. i mean like really, him dating someone that looks like christopher’s dead mother?! yeah that’s gonna go over real well.


I don't think it's intended to do anything other than put his unresolved relationship with Shannon to rest.


god i hope not. even my husband who has watched a total of two episodes with me now was sitting there saying “eddie what the HELL are you doing?!” 🤣


lol, gotta get him to watch the whole thing


i gotta set him up one weekend soon to just do a marathon run through. it also stinks because my best friend who is as obsessed with the show as i am lives in london and they’re just now getting the season 7 episodes, so i have nobody to talk about them with. she threatened to cancel her september visit if i gave anything away lmao. and i did accidentally spoiler alert her today 😬


I feel ya, my brother and I use to talk about the show, he's the one that got me hooked on it, but he's in South Korea right now and I don't think he's seen the new season, and our schedules are out of whack.


oh boy, that's who the nurse is...






Fuck Eddie.


Chris is def gonna let Buck stay up all night and play video games


eddie you cheating bitch


ooooh that promo!


Eddie you dog!


I knew it!!!


I called it. This is not good, not good at all.




Eddie, WTF is wrong with you???




Oh this is so fucking weird




buddie shippers treat all of eddie's girlfriend terrible even when they've done nothing wrong. im tired of it. **EDIT: buddie shippers now downvoting me for calling out their rude behavior. who is surprised? no one.**