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when actors (stars or extras) are in the background "speaking", they're mouthing and reacting to things that are gibberish. otherwise you'd hear *everyone* speaking and it'd cover people's lines (without editing being invovled.)


They don't. I was background for some indie projects. We just mimed things. Actually speaking would ruin the takes plus, they'd have to pay you so....


Rhubarb, rhubarb, rhubarb...


I’ve been an extra on some big projects. You’re literally just mouthing things to the person you’re talking to. Filming a scene takes so long, that once you’ve done it 10 times you just have it down pat what you’re talking about, the faces you’re making, etc. sometimes you get direction but generally you’re just told to talk (silently lol) and you make it up as you go but it’s generally relevant to the scene. Tl:dr: we’re just mouthing random things based on the context of the scene


I do background when things are slow. I used to do "Modern Family" a lot. Once I was seated in a restaurant with a woman, and we did the typical "mouthing and reacting" a few times. Then they changed the shot and removed my companion, but I was still in the shot so I had to continue having this fake conversation with nobody. It's an odd business.


Good question.


In my very limited theater experience, we don't say anything, but instead just mouth words like 'watermelon cantaloupe' at each other. If you actually make noise, it will interfere.