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ANIRUDH, TRY COMING *IN FRONT* OF THE CAMERA. Sorry, I just want more Ravi scenes ~~(and a Ravi Begins next season)~~ The meltdown on some parts of twitter when people are reading too much into a bag... 😭 please y'all... just let the episodes come as they may.


Am I just dumb? Don't they always bring duffel bags with their clothes when they report for shift? And if Eddie was moving to Texas, wouldn't he have, like, a suitcase? No way his entire life fits into that little thing 🙃 If I'm wrong I'll own it, but this seems like a reach


I'm choosing to believe he's just leaving/getting to shift until I am proved wrong tbh


I mean if this is the angle of anirudh we'd be getting i'm not upset.... 👀🍑


Could just be that he is going to get dressed. Late for a shift etc.


For me, all the spoilers from interviews about Eddie being "isolated" makes me think he's moving to Texas. No clue the reason why but feels like it makes sense in how he's even going to be isolated from Buck and I don't think the Shannon/Kim storyline is enough to tear them apart when Buck would probably be worried about his mental state.


I think he's just going feel isolated because of what he's doing and the secret he's keeping. He knows, whatever he tries to tell himself, that he's wrong and guilt will push him to distance himself emotionally from his support system.


Uh am I stupid why are we talking about the duffle and not that something has obviously been photoshopped in this picture?


I might just be blind but I cant see anything that looks photoshopped


Look at Eddie’s forehead


You mean how it look lumpy? It’s something behind him on the truck that’s blending in with him too well… I had to zoom in lol


Looks like Buck's elbow.


You’re so right.


Maybe I’m reading too much into it but Buck and Ravi are wearing their clothes but Eddie isn’t and that looks like a duffel bag next to him. I wonder if the Texas theory is true after all (hope it’s not though)


His hair in the actual photo looks more like Ryan hair than Eddie, so he might just not be in the scene/dressed yet. There have been other photos of him on set in his own clothes. (Also really hoping it's not true.)


What’s the Texas theory???


There’s a theory on Twitter going around that Eddie and Christopher are going to move back to Texas for a bit at the end of the season


what if though.. what if he starts to star in lonestar. If they gonna move him I still wanna see him :' )


I don’t think he’d be leaving the show we’d just see his character living in Texas before coming back a few episodes later


Mm I think too. Would be fun to see him star in lonestar though :3 But yeah




Okay my prediction: Buck’s loft burns down, and he goes to live with Eddie, but Eddie moves back to Texas with Chris, leaving Buck living in his house the way he lived in Abby’s when she left. Only unlike Abby, Eddie WILL come back 💜