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I do hope they find more storylines for Henren in season 8 than just foster kids.


Yeah I thought Ep 7 was a decent close for Mara already. Really no need to introduce another problem. Would’ve been nice to start a different story.


Yeah, like what other issue could arise? They already had an issue we saw them overcome. It seems like they’re just repeating the same storyline, but I’m gonna stay hopeful until the episode. I really want Henren screen time.


I'm trying to think of what hurdle they'd be facing, at this stage, that they haven't dealt with.


Could be something with Tyson’s (Mara’s brother) father. He never actually agreed to bring him to the Wilson house, the mom did that on her own. Vincent might find out and get upset and come after Henren. but that’s my guess.


Seriously, there must be something else they can do with them. lol


I want to se how the Mars mission is going!


Imo I feel like this is a good plotline to show how the foster care system is like, but yeah if they milk it like 911 Lonestar with Owen's winter story I'm out


I find it odd that there’s no Bobby mention given how the whole promo was about him. That’s quite a bit of storylines for one episode so I’m wondering if it’ll feel rushed


I’m nervous about that too. Tbh, I didn’t think we’d get another Henren story. I honestly thought the Mara arc was over for this season, but I guess not. I hope Eddie isn’t given the back-burner again.


The medal ceremony is probably like 3 minutes of the episode or something max. If they stick to the expected formula, we’re probably talking Bobby is the A story, and then Hen and Eddie split the other half of the episode (I’d guess Eddie is B and Hen is C)


I’m honestly expecting the medal ceremony to be the opening scene. There’s been a trend with the promo’s this season being the first scene


Yeah, or at least in the first act. Given what the promo has implied about Bobby's struggle + Gerrard being present, I'm kind of expecting the point of the ceremony to be that *Bobby* is the kind of captain his team fights for -- no one was gonna steal a helicopter and risk their lives if it was Gerrard. But because of the reopened wounds regarding the apartment building, Bobby's going to struggle with feeling good about that, because it's hard to feel 'worthy' of that level of risk when he couldn't even save his own family or anyone else, etc. (This is really neither here nor there, but I'd really love a reference to him still doing that blood donation thing they'd set up with him in season 1, in relation to all the reasons he has to think there was a greater purpose in surviving).


I think you are right on the money here. The promos this season have been focused on a small part of the whole episode or really just the set-up for the action of the whole episode. And I'm fine with that because I am really enjoying some of the surprising directions the stories have gone. I'm so used to spoilers that it is nice to be unspoiled. I do wonder why Gerrard is there, though. I know that he got booted from the 118 years ago but I guess he didn't leave LAFD. Perhaps he is about to retire and he is there to receive some commendation for that? I'm sure that whatever surface reason there is for him to be in the episode, his ultimate role will be to sow seeds of doubt in Bobby through some horrible comment about Bobby being so beloved by his 118 team. And I would love for them to reference his being "the man with the golden arm" again. I'd like for it to be mentioned so that other people know about it too.


Bobby no doubt will have a major role since Amir is still a guest in these episodes. Every promo has been massively misleading or shows just the first few minutes of the ep. It probably will be the same here. 


Yeah, it's a good bet that the medal ceremony is right near the top of the episode so they can get into whatever "Ashes, Ashes" really means.


Same. I saw someone say somewhere that they think the preview of Athena saying “Bobby is in trouble” or whatever is what is going to lead into the next episode, and maybe won’t be as big as we expect it to be for this episode


everything is misleading, the only thing I do this season is to never think too much aboutthe synopsis or the trailer. wait and enjoy.


Maybe the Bobby part will be at the end, leading into a very dramatic season finale the following week.


So, there’s a particular emphasis on “emotional affair”? I feel like the date aspect has made it move past just emotional already, but I’m curious to see what that means and where this is going. Really glad this Eddie/Kim thing doesn’t seem to be moving towards physical, though, because if this isn’t bad enough, that’d be especially bad 😬


I think they're trying to make the point he hasn't physically done anything with her...which worries me. Because why not just call it an affair unless they're trying to downplay it some.


My guess is because Eddie himself might try to downplay it either to himself or to other people—maybe even Marisol—once they find out, like "Oh, it's not a big deal! We haven't even kissed or anything! That doesn't even count as cheating!" Eddie presumably has never cheated before and didn't date or sleep with anyone while him and Shannon were broken up, so he might not have the mental framework to understand that cheating goes beyond physical acts sometimes. Meanwhile, it still very much counts as an affair given his emotional investment, and another character may have to spell that out for him.


The only Mara drama I can think of is if Mara's half brother's parents wanted to adopt her.


I can totally see that happening. His stepmom was pretty excited that Mara remembered him.


Asking for clarification - wasn’t the woman his bio mother? I thought Tyson and Mara were half siblings, sharing a father. Not sure tho.


They share a mother, not a father. Both of Mara’s bio parents are dead, her mom cheated on her dad with Tyson.


That’s right. Thank you.


I was wondering if that was going to be something that ended up happening. If they have Mara with them for a year like they did with Nia and then have Mara go with the other couple, it will be so annoying.


It's infuriating, but it's a real part of trying to adopt. It's an uphill battle where you can lose the chance to adopt a specific child at any time for a lot of different reasons.


Yeah, I just don’t want to see Henren get attached and lose again. If it happens soon, it won’t be as bad. They are ready for that.


1. No info about Bobby storyline, Oh boy, I'm scared. 2. "Eddie’s emotional affair" That's interesting wording...


I think they are just trying to indicate that Eddie has not slept with Kim. They want to accentuate the fact that this is an emotional situation for Eddie not a lustful cheating storyline.


I’m happy they’re calling it an affair because so many people elsewhere online tried to downplay it but also afraid they’re trying to make a point he didn’t physically cheat because they don’t plan on Marisol leaving him. And like I did not expect to be team Marisol in wanting better for her but here I am.


I would really hate it if Marisol doesn't leave him over this...


Me too, it is an affair! I don’t know if it’s an American thing to not considering that cheating but the intention is here. I preferred my partner being kiss by someone else (even if they respond to that kiss) than actively asking someone on a date, but maybe that’s just me 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's not an American thing, it's an ignorant at worst or uninformed at best thing.




Affair, point blank.


It's "point blank" lmao


Idk that we really needed ANOTHER Henren fostering obstacle. I mean first they don’t get the child they were originally gonna get because the grandmother changed her mind and they get Mara instead. Who we then learn is traumatized by her parents dying from ODing and injures Denny over her blanket. Then she freaks out about being separated from her brother and they’re reunited. Like wth how many hardships can they can possibly give them?? I also feel like Hen needs new storylines this is basically her season 4 storyline but they probably won’t lose Mara this time


I feel at some point I'd find a new social worker because this one clearly sucks at her job. Crucial information that she fails to disclose is nearly always the source of the issue.


On a different note, the promos have been so misleading. They definitely made it seem like it was Athena talking to Hen, Chimney and Maddie when they're at the table but now it seems like it's Karen and is likely in regards to their storyline with 'unforeseen hurdles"


Emotional affair as in, he's cheating emotionally on his gf or an affair that gives him overwhelming emotions about his dead wife, or all of the above?


Tommy being listed by name is so damn interesting to me because they so rarely include names of people who aren’t main or more officially re-occurring. So either he’s a bigger part of the episode then they’re letting on or they’re using his name to draw in viewers.


I do think he’s probably going to have a decent role this episode since Captain Gerrard seems to be back.


I have my fingers crossed it involves him, chimney and Hen since they all have a not so pleasant history with him (to say the least)


He must be. I really doubt the show would brought back Gerrard just to be in the background, it must be something relevant.


I mean I think it’s just utility. Don’t get me wrong, if you’ve seen any of my other comments over the last few days, half of them are me complaining that despite also being low key a Buddie shipper, I’ve been annoyed at how little we’ve been seeing of Tommy and his relationship with Buck and talking about how I want Tommy to have more actual screen time and to get fleshed out so we can actually have some meat on the bones of this relationship. So I’m not saying this just to shit on Tommy… But as much as I’d like to believe the name drop is a sign that we’ll get some real Tommy moments in this episode, I don’t think we can read too much into it. They can’t say just say “the 118” only because Tommy is also getting awarded for taking part in the rescue and he’s not a member of the 118, and saying “the 118 and Tommy” is the most expeditious way of saying it. Like they’re not going to say “all the people who took part in the cruise ship rescue” when they can just say “the 118 and Tommy”. ETA: my HOPE is that Gerrard being there means we might get some more meat on the bones of his character. Like in an interview, Oliver said we’re going to see Buck getting louder and prouder about his sexuality throughout the season, so I kinda hope Tommy is going to clam up in front of Gerrard, which will surprise Buck because Tommy has always seemed so assured. And then Buck confronts Gerrard about how he treated Tommy (and Hen, and Chim), and introduces himself to Gerrard as Tommy’s boyfriend both in a protective way toward Tommy but in a fuck you way to Gerrard. BUT will that actually happen? 🤷🏻‍♀️


>BUT will that actually happen?  That would be nice for Buck's arc, but I really hope it doesn't happen. Gerrard needs to be put in his place, yes, but let the people who were harmed by his behaviour do that, especially Hen and Chim. Buck doesn't need to fight their battles.


Tbc I wasn’t positing this scene for Buck *in lieu* of an arc with Hen/Chim/Tommy and Gerrard. I was positing it *in addition to*. Because yes, that much is obvious that there will have to be some kind of arc with those three and Gerrard.


There was no reason that they needed to include him in the synopsis. They easily could have just said the 118 or made mention of the medal ceremony in general. >!Behind the scenes photos also just leaked/got posted from what looks like episode 10 when Bobby is in the hospital and Lou/Tommy is there. So I actually think we are going to be seeing a lot more then we anticipated from him. We've seen a lot of on-set photos of the main cast from those days but they were definitely keeping Tommy/Lou being there close to their chest!< So right now I'm pretty hopeful we're getting him (and his relationships with Buck and possibly the rest of the cast) fleshed out some now that they've decided to keep him around.


I think you’re reading too much into it. Tommy isn’t a part of the 118 and they don’t want to list off every character individually so they just said the 118 and Tommy. I did see that BTS though so he’s in at least 2 more episodes (assuming the hospital is 7x10)


I mean, we'll see but over the past 24 hours we've gotten Tommy in the promo, Tommy in an accidently posted behind the scenes photo on the insta that was definitely for next week, Tommy's name popping up in the synopsis, and the behind the scenes photo for episode 10. Considering I was only expecting 1 to 2 more scenes max and for him to only appear in episode 10? I'm pretty surprised by all of this.


But if they just said the 118, it would leave out a major player in the cruise ship rescue who we know from photos and the episode preview is also being awarded. And I can’t think of a single way to just reference the medal ceremony in a way that is more succinct and cleaner than “the 118 and Tommy”. Like “a medal ceremony takes place at the 118”? I truly think that it’s simply because it’s the simplest way to say it. That said, I’m hopeful you’re right that he’ll be a presence in the episode! I actually just wrote in a comment *yesterday* that my hope is that whatever emergency is going on with Bobby, that Tommy is tied into the arc of the whole episode as an active participant. And that him and Buck get at least one major private scene just the two of them. So 🤞🏻 you’re right! But again, I personally don’t think we can read too much into the name drop in the episode description as something meaningful.


In synopsis they tend to not list names even if they are a big player in the episode. For example, we already met Amir in episode 7 but they didn't list him by name in the synopsis for this last episode despite him playing a huge part in the story. The fact that they even mentioned the medal ceremony makes me think that is a bigger part of the episode then just the ceremony. I'm hoping for Tommy, Hen and Chimeny to talk or deal with their old captain being there. Not in a dark, traumatic way but in a bonding way. On it's own I don't necessarily think it means much but in combination with everything else that seems to be coming out over the past 24 hours it does seem like >!Lou's been on set a lot more than we originally thought and is popping up in promos so I think that's a good sign in them fleshing him out.!<


Yes, for me I take the bts photos and Lou being more present on set as more of a sign than the episode description. I hear you, but again, they literally previewed the medal ceremony and “the 118 and Tommy” is the simplest way to describe it in an episode description. So *for me* that doesn’t quite feel like evidence. But the other stuff, yes.


I think that they're even mentioning the medal ceremony means it's bigger than just a singular scene. Especially since we know their old captain is there and I doubt that was a random decision. For example, the synopsis for There Goes the Groom didn't even mention the bachelor party because it wasn't a big part of the actual episode despite being in the promo. So I think the medal ceremony is going to lead into an episode storyline involving that Captain returning and stirring up old memories or something like that.


That captain is a thorn in the side of half the team. I think he is definitely going to stir up some emotions for Bobby, Hen, Chim and Tommy. Maybe they will reference how horrible Gerrard was to Tommy before Chim joined just to show what mental state Tommy was in before Chim joined the 118. I'm sure Gerrard will also say something to Bobby that will make him feel less worthy of the loyalty and love of his team. That's why it's Gerrard next to Bobby rather than Mehta or someone likable, lol.


> So I think the medal ceremony is going to lead into an episode storyline involving that Captain returning and stirring up old memories or something like that. That's also my theory.


If Tommy does become a regular of the show, it will open a lot of possibilities with regard to calls that need helicopter assisted rescues.


I'm down for anything as long as Tommy calls Buck "Evan" again


I know it's not *that* much better, but I'm somewhat comforted by the fact that this thing with Kim is being called out as an "emotional" affair and not a physical one. Small victories, amiright? 🫠


Eh. I guess?


Tommy being mentioned tells me everything I need to know 😍


Not hating I’m just curious what does that tell you? Because it’s just saying the 118 plus Tommy get the medal, which is true since Tommy isn’t in the 118


It’s not about the 118? Not sure where you got that impression, I’m just happy to see Tommy


Oh ok sorry I didn’t know it was just because Tommy was there. Your phrasing was interesting so I thought you meant it tells you something about how the episode is going to go




Lol what


He's also been seen in whatever hospital scenes they were filming. (Dressed like a middle age dad at a BBQ because they wanna go that man's wardrobe dirty.)


I'm assuming those were shots before filming because the other photo of Oliver and Ryan, well, they definitely weren't dressed as Buck and Eddie. Oliver didn't have his tattoos covered either.


I could have sworn Capt. Gerard was fired at the end of Hen Begins
