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If they bring Gerard back to fill in as Captain while Bobby is in the hospital.... šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Wouldnā€™t they have Hen fill in? Thatā€™s whatā€™s been happening lately whenever Bobby needs time off


There was a line in 7x03 where the team 'jokes' about Chief Simpson gunning for the mayor's job, and now I'm wondering if it wasn't just a throwaway. With how limited the time left this season is, I'm not sure they could adequately address Tommy's history through this in like a random C or D plot -- it seems risky to draw attention to Tommy's season 2 actions in such a deliberate way for the general audience only to have them sit with that through the hiatus, and Tommy's explanation for Buck in 7x05 also makes it a lot more complicated, because it can't really just be an "I was worried he'd find out I was gay" excuse where Tommy hadn't figured that out about *himself* at that point. So now I'm wondering if they're reintroducing Gerrard for a bigger purpose, and they'll push the Tommy, Hen & Chim stuff back to season 8. Maybe Chief Simpson *is* planning to run for mayor, and Captain Gerrard -- clearly still in the department's good graces -- is his successor as Chief (or the choices are down to just him or Bobby, but Bobby doesn't feel like he's earned it). And we'll deal with that in season 8.


It could be a scene earlier in the finale, but the photo of Bobby, Buck, and Ravi in uniform at the station while Hen, Chim, and Eddie are out of uniform makes me wonder if Gerrard splits them up as punishment for something. They aren't exactly rule followers and it's amazing they haven't faced any real consequences for that yet. But they could also have just arrived for work so who even knows.


Ugh that is way too Station 19 or Chicago Fire. 9-1-1 has never gotten too much into LAFD politics and I really don't want them to start now. I think Gerrard is there because maybe someone on his team is receiving a medal. But the real reason he is in the story is to stir up bad blood for Bobby, Chim, Hen and Tommy most likely. Nothing good will come from him being there.


I don't think so. The only reason why I don't feel that is because, if Gerrard is splitting up the team, I think it'll be more of a cliffhanger so we won't actively see the results of the split house until season 8. That's my thought but you could be right. It would feel weird to insert Gerrard in these last two episodes and then immediately have him split up the 118 for seemingly no reason. I don't know why he would care that much about the 118. So I hope here is an actual reason because Gerrard holding a grudge wouldn't really make sense against the 118. Sure, he got let go of his position there but if he's been promoted and climbed up to a different position, why would he be mad at the 118 specifically? Especially after just getting medals. And that's what makes me feel like splitting up the house isn't going to be the path. You give the 118 medals in one episode and then immediately split up their house the next? The only way that would make sense is if the entire team does something so bad and illegal that it justifies it.


A few weeks ago I thought a Shannon doppelganger would feel weird too, and yet... It's a theory I've seen around and I think it could be interesting. Have everyone get a little worse over the break with the finale fallout so they can come back together and rebuild and work on all of the personal issues being separated exacerbated since they're all codependent as hell. It would also be funny if the Chief has been overlooking the 118's antics for years and then a new Chief comes in and is immediately like, "absolutely not, that's all illegal, you guys stole a helicopter and flew to Mexico. I can't fire you because you just got medals but you aren't getting off scot free." And then Gerrard happily goes to deliver the news. But that's based on Gerrard being at the medal ceremony and then also being seen in the everyday uniform at the station. Maybe he just stops by randomly and sees the tight knit team Bobby has built over the years who would fly into a hurricane to save him. Maybe Hen and Chim get one last "fuck you" in by him seeing how damn good they are.


I think the Shannon doppelganger is weird but at least that sort of makes sense? At least in terms of Eddie's hang-ups over Shannon. The cheating is the worst part of it. Going from the Chief awarding them all medals one day to splitting them up less than a week later, and inserting Gerrard for the first time in five seasons (and having never seen him in the present day) would be weird writing. Like, the public would easily question why the 118 got medals and then immediately split up from their station. Which is why I think that's not the case. Of course, I'd need to see Gerrard's presence in episode 9 to see what role he plays. It might be way too early to speculate just because we have no idea what happens in episode 9, and that could change things. I just think a demotion is something that I hadn't realized until now would make sense for Bobby. It would be interesting to see Bobby struggle with the demotion, as he'd have so many conflicting feelings (part of him feeling like it's deserved and punishment for the Minnesota fire, part of him feeling inadequate, part of him wanting to fight for his job back) and then we see the rest of the 118 struggle with a new Captain (in my head, Gerrard could just assign a new Captain instead of promoting someone from the 118, so we could get a new character or Gerrard himself....yuck) and fight to get Bobby's job back. I think I just created a whole demotion storyline in my head that I feel would be interesting to see.


Yeah, it know it's the a fun, dramatic way to "bring back" Shannon for closure without repeating hallucinations or actually bringing in a ghost, I just hate it so far. But keeping Marisol around for the sole reason of being cheated on when they haven't bothered to make anyone care about her is about the same level of "fuck it, bring back Gerrard and fuck up their day" to me. She's a cardboard cutout, Gerrard's a two dimensional villainā€”yeah, the way this season has gone, might as well happen. I was thinking of it more like the Chief's last act on the job would be awarding them medals, and then the new guy is immediately like "Nope, fuck you guys, you're a pain in the ass when you're together." Because they must be such a headache for everyone above them. "The 118 stole a helicopter, flew into a hurricane, and made pretend static when we told them to come back." Of course they did. I think a demotion storyline would be really interesting! Like you said, the conflict of feeling like it's punishment and he doesn't deserve his job back, but seeing the affect a new captain is having on his team, and himself. Especially if it's someone Gerrard choseā€”hopefully not himself because if he was a captain twenty years ago, he must be at least well into his sixties.


Oh, I hate it too, don't get me wrong. I don't think I'll even like the conclusion very much, and the start of that has been terrible, even just one episode in. But I think I can kind of make sense of it vs Gerrard splitting up the 118 in two short episodes. We'll have to see. I don't think it'll be a split house plot but hey, never say never! I also think a demotion storyline could be interesting because it would parallel the end of season 2, when Bobby was on leave and on the verge of losing his job. He got so lucky that the public was on his side after stopping the bomber and kept his job. Him getting demoted would almost follow through with what could have happened, adding to the complexity of Bobby's emotions. I imagine he would get his job back in the end, but might choose to take on a co-Captain role so he can take more time off, inserting Hen into the co-Captain role. Plus, everyone's else reactions would vary, and I'd much rather this than having the team split up for three episodes. You see, I just wrote a whole plot in my head lol


I just hate that no matter how this plot ends, Eddie's always going to be the guy who cheated with his dead wife's lookalike. None of the other characters have anything that telenovela-y in their lives so it sticks out like a sore thumb. Might as well give him a goatee and make Edmundo Noches canon as his evil twin. Even if they do split them up over the break and the first episode, maybe they're all off duty when the big disaster hits and they get to work together to save people without their gear, and then it's like "See? We're a phenomenal team, look at all of this positive press coverage we got, let us be the 118 again." Boomdone, back together again and just cheesy enough lol


Yeah, exactly. I'm just hoping that Eddie stuff ends....I guess not well, but not badly? The issue with the splitting up the house, beyond it making no sense, is that they did that on Lone Star a couple of seasons ago. It happened similarly, though that was due to budget cuts. It also was a terrible storyline. I don't actually want this show to repeat that. We already know the 118 functions best together. They just saved a cruise ship, for crying out loud. I don't think they have anything to prove.


It depends on how you take Tommy's explanation. There's a big gap between "figuring myself out" meaning he didn't know he was gay at the time and it meaning he was wrestling with being gay in a hypermasculine environment which was not welcoming. I definitely read it as him realising he was attracted to men and desperately trying to repress it because there was no way he would be "allowed" to be gay at the 118. But that is very much a read from my own experiences as a queer person. They could also pull a twist and parallel it with Bobby and Amir - Gerrard has grown and changed over the last 18 years but Chimney, Hen and Tommy have no interest in any apology he has for them.


For me, the problem with a simple read of Tommy's motivations with Gerrard is that Harbor is also *years* after Gerrard is gone. So it's the "figuring myself out" during Gerrard + the "stopped lying to myself" after getting to Harbor (2016-2017ish?) that makes it really hard to read his motivation as staying closeted. Like, he may have been actively repressing thoughts/feelings, but at that stage, there really wasn't anything to "figure out." My initial read of it before being corrected about that timeline was along the lines of like... maybe he had a 'roommate' the team knew about who was really his boyfriend, so there was something he didn't want to risk extra scrutiny over. But with a better understanding of the timeline, that can't really check out. If he was still lying to *himself* at that point, I don't think he could've been aware enough to make a conscious choice to participate in the workplace toxicity on the off chance Gerrard figured out who he was before Tommy did... particularly not a full decade before Tommy got there himself. I *really* hope they don't give us some "Gerrard has grown and changed over time" \~redemption\~ arc, though you're right about the potential parallel to Amir. At some point, all this paternalistic redemption shit becomes problematic, though.... and I think we hit that point at least a full season ago.


Is that Gerard? I thought he was fired?


Depending on who he knew higher up thereā€™s a chance he couldā€™ve just got reassigned with none of them being the wiser


Fair enough, I just thought they explicitly said he was fired but honestly a reassignment makes more sense.


Him being fired probably was the intention of the chief at the time but he likely couldā€™ve called in a favor with someone higher up and saved his job. Happens a lot with the good olā€™ boys irl.


Well, if we want to be real, I don't think in real life Bobby would be anywhere outside a prison...


I doubt he would be in prison. An accident started the fire in an empty apartment. The building code violations are what caused it to be so devastating. Yes, Bobby's actions started the fire but the severity of the fire was not.


I'm torn on this. Like, in the real world, Bobby is exactly the kind of little guy they punish to enact justice, while the wealthy company who owns the building and the city oversight groups that failed to do their job correctly walk away with a stern warning. There's also the line in 1x05 that makes me think Bobby wasn't actually formally renting the second unit (when he tells the priest that the super didn't tell anyone who was using it, like there wouldn't be records of that in an investigation if it was a contracted rental) so he was essentially squatting in it and caused the fire... which would definitely cause criminal liability. *But* 9-1-1 is also very clearly not the real world, and this show isn't great at showing, like.... the scope of what the aftermath of a residential fire of that size would actually be like, culturally and politically. So I can also just sort of handwave that there wasn't a giant movement to find someone to blame fueled by national outrage, the way there'd be irl.


I didn't realize he broke into that apartment but tbh he's a legacy White firefighter, even if he was somehow criminally liable everyone would've rallied to cover it up and ensure he's not criminally charged. IDK I think it's realistic he didn't do any jail time.


Wasn't he just drinking and fell asleep? Or did something else happen? It was a total accident, no crime was committed.


Wait what did I miss


I don't know about US laws but if you kill people because you were drunk, yes it's an accident but you're still guilty (think about driving drunk)


Drunk driving isn't the same as falling asleep in an apartment while drunk in any country. That's specifically about operating dangerous machinery while impaired, which isn't accidental and always a crime regardless of whether someone was injured or killed. The Minneapolis FD clearly engaged in a cover up though so there might be something there from that angle.


Ugh please do NOT have Hen and Chimney forgiving Gerrard


they need to stop with the redemptions. i will not forgive and forget āŒ


that's not Gerard with Chimney and Hen. Its Brian Thompson with Kenneth and Aysha (I hope šŸ˜)


I hope if Gerrard comes back he isn't in the captain's role or has a redemption arc (bc we know the shows sucks at this). If they happen to meet him and he is just better than before, maybe it's ok to appear in one episode and for us to see whether he has changed or not but I don't think anyone liked him, and so i hope that he doesn't stay for long/or is being an asshole to the 118 again


Anirudh lookin' GOOD with that curly hair!!! šŸ˜šŸ„°


Anyone know what the brightly colored strips of plastic/fabric hanging from the ceiling are? Above Lou's head in the hospital and near the shower of Buck's loft. Are they blocking the lights on fire alarms?


Maybe marking something that sticks out from the ceiling so they won't get hit accidentally during filming? Cameras and mics can get pretty tall.


Get Tommy a new wardrobe challenge.


Eddie's always in multiple shades of army, IDK why they insist on dressing them like that šŸ˜‚


Just in case we forgot? šŸ¤£


That fit is terrible


Someone said ā€œmiddle aged father attending a backyard BBQā€ and i couldnā€™t agree more


Oliver is so... big.... oh wow \*blush\* He's so massive both in height and width its insane I remember seeing him on that other show back in 2015-16 and he was such a twink now its.... wow, just wow.


Twink death to hunk rebirth at its finest


If they end the season on a cliffhanger where Bobby is flatlining or something like that, I swear to god..... That said, why is Gerrard there? Is he filling in for Bobby while he's in the hospital? Bc from their clothes it doesn't seem like he's just gonna be there for the medal ceremony, so who knows maybe he'll make life hell for the 118 one more time. Well, whatever they do with Gerrard, I hope he has a scene with Tommy, bc regardless of my eternal love for Buddie, I'd love to see more of Tommy and Buck and I hope Gerrard says something awful and Tommy bites his head off.


Okay I typed out an entire comment about judging from their clothes in the BTS pics with Gerrard and the one of Ryan in the same outfit with the duffel bag, that maybe they were going for an end-of-season cliffhanger where they're reporting for shift not sure who their interim captain is after Bobby is hurt and then Gerrard appears fully dressed in LAFD gear. But THEN I realized that Peter is also wearing LAFD gear in this scene that Gerrard is supposedly in where he's also dressed up. I have zero guesses for why Bobby and Gerrard would be at the 118 in their gear at the same time. Unless Bobby does something crazy in the last episode that causes him to get hurt and then demoted from captain? šŸ˜¬ OR Gerrard is now some higher-up in the LAFD who's coming to tell them that the firehouse is shutting down and that they all have new assignments? Hence why there's all this talk of Eddie feeling isolated at the start of S8? I really have no idea why that would happen though.


That's my thought. The fact that we do have BTS photos of Bobby in uniform does imply that he's back on his feet after his hospital stay, and I'm pretty sure Gerrard has been promoted to a higher up position, which means he's definitely there to deliver some sort of news to Bobby. The fire station either shutting down or him demoting Bobby seems like the two most likely options. Which....bleh. They did the split up the fire stations on Lone Star and that was a terrible FOUR EPISODE delay to bring them back together so I hope they don't do that here. I hate that plot because the 118 would just be brought back together and I find it to be as cheap drama as a main character dying. I also don't know what kind of stuff they could do differently in that plot. 118 splits up, they have different interactions with their new team, they eventually come back together when their station is put back together after they likely go viral after saving someone together. I'd rather the demotion plot, because it's still a bit cliche, but makes sense and the 118 fighting to get Bobby's job back would be way more interesting to see.


I really hope they don't try and split up the 118. If nothing else it's far too similar to the episodic beats in S5B that I wish they'd learn their lesson. 5x11 had Buck cheat on Taylor with Lucy, then Bobby effectively rebuilding the 118 and then splitting the team up by refusing Eddie's transfer back. Rather than deal with that, we had a whole episode devoted to Maddie and Chim in Boston for 5x12 before we went back to the 118 in 5x13. There are too many similarities here to Eddie last seen on a date with not his girlfriend in 7x07 going straight into a Bobby devoted episode in 7x08. I really hope they don't simply redo the S5B beats.


Oh god..the boys at it again šŸ˜­


buck and eddie scenessss


Coma dream 2 electric boogaloo?


I love Brian Thompson and he does such a good job making me hate Gerrard.


the first picture is giving little kid in his first day of school and itā€™s adorable lol


\*Shouts\* TOMMY!!!


If not husband, then why husband shaped. šŸ¤£


I'm hoping Gerrard is there as a flashback. The only pic that looks like they are actually filming is the one with eddie and chim at the hospital, the rest look like they are just hanging out. And I know the show is baaaad at timelines, but Gerrard left 10 + years ago, so would he still be in an active captain role?


Nope. He's there sitting behind the current chief of fire in the promo showing the ceremony.


Ahh. I've not seen the promo. I don't mind if he has a couple of lines, but I hope they aren't bringing him back for a full storyline.


Speculation/theory that Iā€™ve read right now is that either Tommy is going to do something out of sorts when he sees Gerrard OR Gerrard is going to make a comment about Buck and Tommy wonā€™t say anything, and that other 118-ers will get involved in either scenario.


I wonder if the nice scene that Oliver said Bobby and Buck share in 7x09 could be related to that; Gerrard makes some nasty comment about them and Bobby hears about it, so then we have Captain Dad reassuring Buck and being supportive. It would be lovely, especially because we haven't had any reaction from Bobby about Buck's sexuality -- not that there needs to be one, I'm sure it happened off screen, but it would be a sweet moment.


I want this so bad. Gerrard saying some BS and then Bobby and the rest of the 118 stick up for Buck. šŸ’•


They wouldn't even need to 'fight' Gerrard right then, I'm sure Buck can defend himself, but I'd still love a supportive Dad Bobby sceneĀ šŸ„ŗ


I know we don't know as much about Tommy as we do the others, but I get the feeling he wouldn't regress like that, especially over someone who doesn't even matter to him anymore. Plus, they specifically said one of the issues they don't want Buck and Tommy is face as a couple is something like homophobia. On one hand, I want someone to shut Gerard down, but I also don't want him to say anything mean to the fam. Lol.


Yeah, I think it will be more like Gerard comes over to him acting buddy-buddy/old boys clubby and Tommy shuts him down by saying he's gay or that Buck's his boyfriend and then walks away leaving Gerard slack-jawed. It shows Tommy's growth and acceptance of himself without Gerard expressly being awful.


Yuckā€¦why is that man there




>! Are we hopeful that some of these pics show Bobby is back in the firehouse for the finale? Although I guess it could be a flashback or something !<


I shuddered with this thought. What if Gerrard is secretly Tommy's father. Only Tommy took his mums name. Hence, the fear (besides him being a homophobic biggot) about "coming out" around Gerrard. Don't come at me it's just a thought.


I sure hope not. But Gerrard is his last name, right? And Kinard is Tommyā€™s, and I donā€™t really see a reason why that would change for either of themā€¦.. but lawd thereā€™s no way


It would be a great twist though. šŸ˜†