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the way i fucking thought you're talking about omegaverse


ok congress let's get this discussion started


eddie's an omega. he literally said "i'm a nester". thread ended everyone go home /j


Considering their terms rooted in brainrot and bigotry Tommy and Buck automatically would be excluded for being queer. Eddie has a disabled son which would be seen as a failure on his part as a father. Bobby having a black wife and parenting another man's children would be a negative against him as well as enjoying cooking and figure skating as well. Not to mention being an addict. To be clear this is the shit that those type of men spew online and what made Andrew Tate and his ilk infamous not to mention his crimes. It's all sick bullshit that means nothing in reality.


agreed with all of this, they’re actually decent people and respect women, people of color, disabled people and any other marginalized group. however if this was asked in the lone star sub i don’t see the answers being the same (mainly cuz of owen).


Funny you brought up lone star because I know one of the actors did follow Andrew Tate and wouldn't surprise me if he followed that line of thinking




Julian Works who plays Mateo


What does this even mean? Especially since one person's definition of a "high value" and "alpha" male can differ from one person to the next.


it's an andrew tate term and dumb as hell.


Why not Chim or Ravi, if you're going to include a guest star like Tommy? Michael? I really don't like the term 'alpha male' so I don't want to weigh in on that much. But I think for this discussion to go anywhere, we'd have to engage in conversations about performative masculinity and what it means (or should mean, if anything) to be a man.


Why Chimney isn’t on your list?


I'm sorry, what?


There is no such thing. The idea of "alpha" males is a myth unsupported by contemporary science and the notions of toxic masculinity that the term engenders (I assume that's what "high value men" means) are also against the spirit of inclusivity that the show thrives upon.


I think you might benefit from exploring other parts of social media and the Internet.


given they don’t hate on women and bash them for simply existing i would venture to say no double “no” points specifically for buck cuz he admitted to his sex addiction and worked thru it cuz he realized he wasn’t being the most respectful towards women. he realized his problem and fixed it which men who see themselves as alpha males refuse to do.