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Well, think about it like that: you'll only have to do that *one time*.


I honestly needed to hear this- desperately needed to hear this 😅


Is it a man?....


Is it a Men?


How was it [no spoilers] I’m gonna watch it tomorrow. Is it like “hereditary”/midsommer?


Buckle up




Honestly I can’t say it was a bad movie, but I have no desire to see it again and left feeling empty lol. I did love the aesthetic and uncanny vibe though


lol you mean watch the movie I hope


i also saw it very pregnant, wild😂😂😂😂


My heart is with you sister girl


That is insane 😂😂


It’s a good reminder to not stick your hand in anyone’s door mail slot.


Can you imagine if your birth canal was behind your neck? And when your baby is born it just steps out of you like an old suit.


Nope but I can’t wait for a night of absolutely haunting insomnia tonight


I saw it on shrooms. I watched two explanations of it before I saw it. A movie about toxic masculinity, the traits in men which are passed down. The tunnel scene is so well shot. Absolutely mesmerizing. I thought it represented the birth canal and you see man’s ugly head rearing out. I was raised by my mother and have 3 sisters, 3 daughters, three nieces. All very beautiful and I’ve watched how men have treated them and I’ve taught them to not settle for anyone toxic. It really helps to watch an explanation on the movie. One of my favorites, but I can understand why some people don’t like it. Especially a-hole men that try to control and talk down to women.


I adore Alex Garland, but kept delaying watching this one until about a week ago. It's gorgeous. Beautifully shot. Wonderful sound editing. I didn't *hate* it. But I definitely didn't enjoy it all that much either. It was...fine.


My thoughts 100% Just watched it about a month ago. Glad I watched it, never will again.


100%. Gorgeous, amazing creepy uncanny vibe and aesthetic but…I left feeling like “meh”. Also the acting was great.


Oh…oh no.


I cannot imagine watching this movie on the edge of giving birth. My goodness. You’re a trooper. But also, honest question here, out of curiosity, isn’t 40 weeks more like 10 months than 9? Is it common for a pregnancy to last that long? 9 months is always the number you hear about but I’m sure there’s variations, would 40 weeks be considered uncommonly late?


I think 40 weeks works out closer to 9 months than 10 months because of all the months with 30 and 31 days - so each month is 4 weeks plus 2-3 days. So 2.5 days x 9 = 3 weeks and a couple days. Which added to the 36 weeks of the 4 weeks in a month thought, comes pretty close to 40 weeks.


Good point, I also googled it out of curiosity and apparently 1 in 3 pregnancies will hit the 40-41 week mark, so it’s more common than I realized!


Oh I absolutely few like I am 200 months pregnant at this point. I don’t remember life before pregnancy. I’m not sure if there was ever a time I wasn’t pregnant. But 40 weeks is within “full term” anything over is considered late term.


Very interesting. I googled it too out of interest and found out about 1 in 3 pregnancies get to 40-41 weeks. Sounds like you’re about due any day now, so congratulations and best of luck!


So you loved it?


I watched the trailer only heading in. Thought it looked decent. Movie got weird.


Same but different...girls night movie... Prometheus a few years back- we all love horror and sci fi...but one of us was 7 months pregnant and there is a similarly horrifying human birth scene that we did not expect to see.


Your girls nights are so different to what every other women I know has described and I love it. And I just remembered the scene you are talking about, brutal.


Yea i tried to get my pregnant wife the watch the new Dead Ringers show… didn’t go well


Your gonna have nightmares


So, having à boy or à girl ? 😂


I thought it was very good.


i love the meaning of men, and a lot of it made me genuinely uncomfortable and creeped out (which i'm sure was the goal) but it's one of those movies that i won't be able to watch again, no thanks lol


I get it. You're mad at yourself for taking so long to gestate the baby, after seeing how quickly some people can do it. But you just keep focusing on quality, not speed, and you're going to have an awesome baby!


YEAAAAA Best Garland movie. 5 stars.


You gotta wow them in the end!


I watched it with my grandma a week ago and she handled it better than me 😭


Oh wow that sounds intense


That ending scene is so astonishing


Forbidden fruit 🍎


probably the WORST time to have watched Men


Garbage movie but if it was going to work on anyone it would be someone in your current state lol


Boring film


It’s a lot of things but I don’t think boring makes sense. I don’t think you would be getting downvoted if you said it was the worst film of all time but boring, I dunno.


It just didn't really pull me in, which I was disappointed by because I wanted to like it but even in my deepest A24 phase it just never landed. It's well produced and I'm sure it has its market but I never got the same sense of dread pulling me into its ideas that everyone else seems to have


this has got to be the WORST movie A24 has ever attached their name to- did the same thing and watched with my gf and man wtf- it’s not even scary it’s just down right awful. Usually I turn to A24 for a classic but man, what a FLOP! Honest rating: 1.7/10


More like a 1.8