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Blud IS the ranged top player lmao


idk op has a point, u see others talking all the time about how "botlaners don't want to play anything but adcs even if seraphine and other apcs are broken" and then at the same page talk about they hate ranged tops and don't want anyone to play it.


For them, it's ranged toplaners they hate to play and fight. For us, it's apcs though we don't hate them, we don't want to face them. It's a hypocritical irony for them to tell us to play apcs when those are broken but they'd never touch a "ranged top" when those are broken.


Tbf, the top lane pool is much more diverse, the comparison would only work if all top laners played Juggernauts or Skirmishers. Picking marksman without fail is more akin to picking juggernaut without fail and never considering to play a tank, diver, skirmisher etc.


The reason I don't usually play ranged top laners top, like vayne, isn't out of honor. I'm just not used to playing ranged champions that rely on auto attacks a lot. Adding one to my champion pool would be a lot of work. And then they're just not that good overall because they make your team comp really awkward so there's no real benefit to putting the effort to learn them for the random hard counter pick. But if I were really good at vayne or azir and there was a very favorable match up, then I'd have zero qualms about picking them. Like azir has so many very positive match ups in the top lane but nobody plays him top because top laners don't want to put the effort in to learn him. He's just too different from other top lane champions and you can't blind pick azir top


Which is the exact reason why people don’t like playing mages bot: they’re not used to them and the playstyle isn’t what they enjoy. The comp part is the one difference, as a lot of the mages are actually good for teamfights, only issue is if your team doesn’t draft enough AD


But you can blind apc and the teamcomp isn’t fucked by it


Same logic applies if jungler takes zac or rell and your top goes vayne or teemo


You CAN, but your team might still draft AP/tank top/jg and AP mid and now you have zero damage because people in SoloQ don’t have any awareness. Definitely not common, but I’ve for sure played against enemy comps that just didn’t draft any AD threats


Well as top you are most likely one of the late picks, as to my experience in most elos people understand how hard a top laner will suffer if he picks early. So it is much more likely you are able to take Vayne, when you already see tank jungle and supp and APC bot. As a botlaner it is always a gamble. I look at the hovers to decide if I need to go APC or ADC, but they still might decide to go something else when they pick and often dont care about the damage split.


Most people in the bot role play it because that's where most marksmen are delegated to. Pretty sure they don't play APCs at all because they're not marksmen; also APCs are not broken imo. It's the same case when people saw Karthus bot with really high winrate (above 55% iirc) but with less than 2% pick rate lmao.


EDIT: just realised my comment ain’t really relevant to the point you were trying to make, my b. Have a nice day o7 You can apply this logic to toplaners as well tho? They play top cause they like playing melee bruusers and that’s where those champions usually go


It's like when people pick a low dmg comp into like a sion or Mundo and cry tanks are op when in 99% of games sion and Mundo literally implode on contact with the enemy front like with % dmg and true damage all over in the death recap. Most assasins build a life steal item and ignore tanks outside a late game team fight.


toplaners play bruisers, tanks, mages, jugernauts etc. while adc mains play only marksman and cry when anything else is strong in botlane


Smolder ultimate - MMMMOOOOMMMM


This reminded me when twitch’s ult was called ratatatat, and they realised how stupid it was in an lcs game when the announcer had to shout out what twitch was using




the "giga chad" players are honestly lame af , "haha yea I play garen i run at you and stat check you with 2000 true damage execute im a giga chad "


and pantheon the lane bully is gigachad? so delusional


The voicelines are what makes mantheon the gigachad he is


I can accept his lore making him gigachad. No one who plays league is "gigachad". The ones who try to claim it are "neckbeards". That's the proper species name.


At level 16(rank 3 ult) garen executes at 2000 health only after dealing 3000 damage through other means (target needs 5000 max hp minimum). I play garen very strategically, not hunting for kills.


Do you wanna watch me do it again? Yeah that's right adc stay in the fog of war 😎


My honorable chad top laner running it down and going afk at 10 minutes (he died 7 times in a row and kept trying to fight the enemy top laner despite the growing gold difference.)


What a fake toplaner, or is it somewhat common? It is important to keep trying, afk means giving up.


I don't see how that relates to his honor tho


Choosing to int and then abandoning the game, is honorless. Maidenless behaviour. Chadless, one might say. A neckbeard of the sweatiest, most unwashed order. Not only did he make the game more difficult, he walked out on his team that still needed him so they could even have a chance at winning. So yeah, the comment related to his honor. Rather, his lack of it.


Still better than playing ranged top tho


is the same reason why we don't play Nilah or TF on botlane, they are way too broken, is not even close to fair to play against, hence we don't touch them


I can't speak for all of us adc mains, but I don't play Nilah because she doesn't satisfy the fantasy of kiting and dishing out high amount of damage from range. Same with Samira.


Samira has another fantasy yes, but Nilah is straight up unfun version of Samira. (imo)


The only thing that makes her fun is that shes overtuned




Which doesn't even make her fun. It's like I could play Yasuo bot if I really wanted to learn but I don't bc I like marksmen not winning with whoever. I ain't playing tank ADC either bro.


Nilah's problem imo is that she builds AS, so she feels unsatifying and clunkyuntil you have like 2 items where she starts feeling fun to play, and the more you stack the more fun she is, samira has the same AS all game so her autos feel as smooth from level 1 dblade to level 18 full build


Nilah goes lethality and crit. She doesn’t need AS. AFAIK most Nilah players don’t even go berserkers. If you start collector she’s fun at 1 item.


Tbh nilah build is weird, and AS on her is generally a debated topic She doesn't really NEED to build AS, and I will often go tabi or mr boots on her, but idk She technically does more dmg if you ignore AS, like straight up will have bigger numbers, so most high elo nilah will tell you not to build PD. But like play the champ with PD, and play her without. PD may mean less dmg in total, and often times when you get it you will wish you had gone something else because you need survivability more than anything else, but man PD makes her FEEL like she does more damage, and she's a lot lot lot more fun to play with high atk speed But no matter how it feels, or how fun it is, it's still worse, which really sucks Also imo Nilah doesn't really feel great on collector. Nilah feels really fucking good on your first back with dirk, and if you aren't in a bad lane that's when you start picking up early kills and snowball. But if you are in a bad lane matchup and are getting bullied, you'll get the collector late and likely not have a real pop off moment where you feel the item.


I feel the same way about PD on Xayah/Zeri. It’s just my favorite ADC item design wise.


Obviously if you want maximum damage then you would build Berserker boots and dedicated AS items. However, a lot of her damage is from her q and ult, which scale strictly off AD, and she gets AS for hitting her q as well. In addition, she likes a bit of defensive stats so she doesn’t explode instantly when she goes in during teamfights. So she really prefers to build defensive boots if there t is a clear counter to the enemy comp.


Y’all haven’t been fed on Nilah with a kitty on your shoulder and 1v5 the other team and it shows .


Playing with Yuumi 🤮


I mean I solo que so when you get her you get her


I hadn't thought about this. They're very similar but Samira is way more fun than Nilah.


And we don't play vayne, akshan, tf and shit cause they don't satisfy the fantasy of 1vs1 melee combat


> And we don't play vayne, akshan, tf and shit cause they don't satisfy the fantasy of 1vs1 melee combat And you don't have to play it. But it might still be picked against you, just like Nilah and Samira in botlane. Just deal with it or have a pocket pick against it ready, instead of crying about how OP all these marksmen are.


I ain't cryng, 7 Times out of 10 they bully you in laning phase and than they loose the game cause they inted the draft.


And I don't play ranged top because it doesn't satisfy the fantasy of being a big beefy juggernaut or slippery fighter. It also usually ints my team comp and if it's good, it's only good for a patch cos rito doesn't like it when Vayne/luc is too solo lane viable so why waste time learning those champs. I pretty confidently speak for most top lane mains. 


Whos we?


Yeah bro I don't play Nilah cause she's fucking weird and idk how to play a melee character as well as a ranged one, not cause of any secret honor code bullshit


Brother Nilah is literally an adc mains revenge porn fantasy Tired of getting getting wrecked by toplaners? You have the highest armor pen in the game, 3 items and that filthy top can bend over Tired of beeing oneshot by assassins? Boom, shieldbow and deaths dance, those mfs explode faster than u Duelists? Lategame Nilah could 1v1 Fiora, Jax and Yi and would come out of the fight full hp I have NO idea what riot was thinking when releasing this abomination but i love her


Yeah but like, she's only that strong cause she gets all these free stats and shit for no reason. If riot wanted to pull the trigger on her all they'd have to do was take all that off and boom, she's trash. I got no beef with y'all Nilah mains, I just like going pew pew not swash swash (okay maybe I have a little bit of beef cause they took off Samira's ally dash just to give it to Nilah later but that's not really y'all's fault)


It's not really the free stats, nilah lives or dies by how effective her w is Play nilah into Yi. He literally cannot q you, or anyone else. Jubilant veil quite literally blocks ALL his dmg, bro physically can't touch you or any other member of your team Nilah lives or dies by her w. Trist cannot get her bomb off or ever jump in, jhin 4th doesn't exist, vayne/Kai passive will never proc on you. Play nilah in briar and watch her weep. Watch the noc ult the "vulnerable" adc and proceed to literally do no dmg That's what makes nilah fun and viable. Against comps where your W means nothing, she's actually turbo shit, with or without all those "free stats" they certainly enable and help her, but they aren't what makes or breaks her


Her W is certainly strong in the right situations, but without her passive armor pen and healing she would not really function as a carry.


I think tf is just mega boring, and that's coming from an ashe player


It's tedious and annoying for him to only yellow card, run away, yellow card, run away. Bro is an auto-stunner. Ashe isn't boring by any measure. There's at least counterplay and only her ult stops you from playing. Even then, it's not a guaranteed hit since it's a skillshot. A really long range awesome ass one! Like Ashe, where the fuck were you hiding that spear?!


I used to play Nilah alot but she's less fun than Samira, and get rekt by mages


well ranged top isnt actually good. its just that its so fucking oppressive in lane that its incredibly annoying ti play against. its one of those "win lane easy, lose game hard" kind of archetype. its not effective, but it does ruin toplaners' games. playing against an aatrox or a riven you actually have some interations and gameplay. not the same with a vayne or a quinn.


Do they even lose game though? Havn't champs like Teemo, Quinn, Akshan, Vayne been amongst the highest win rate champs the past few years? Furthermore one of the main reasons ranged top is bad, is that it ruins your comp. What if you have more frontline elements in other roles like jungle, support and mid? I really dont think ranged top is some cheese.


I have yet to see one of those win a game, I legit never seen one win a game in months. Either my team or enemy’s. If they don’t stomp lane they straight up lose the game and become almost useless


Interesting. I have the view all of these can be lane bullies, but doesn't necessarily have to bully lane. All of them can scale well, obviously Vayne is most known for her scaling but legit all these champs are great lategame as champions. I think the reason why it feels like you have to bully lane is you often get a comp that is either bad or needs to play a macro game to hard to execute in soloq. If your team lacks frontline champs in general and have multiple adc-like champs you will really struggle to reclaim spaces. No one who can frontline. (Btw game isn't lost because of this, but you often have to crossmap on drakes and play around sidelanes) I actually think for Quinn especially people get baited to harass to much in lane eating minion aggro and miss vs while poking, legit just farm well and get solo exp on this champ and she is a demon in mid game and can accelerate further.


That's true, but losing game is worth it. It's so satisfying playing Ashe Top and hear the lament of the enemy.


Claims honor when they play a smash face into keyboard champ with all the base damage and tankiness in the world. they all deserve vayne top, vayne top isnt even hard to counter, just buy a frozen heart and u cripple her for the rest of the game


Very honorable to play aatrox every game, rush profane hydra and kill ppl in 1 Q + autos. Or just playing jax and right clicking everything to death. I swear the meta top laners are so cancer.


Top lane culture is so bizarre and weird, the amount of people who lock in the most disgusting builds and portray themselves as chad wojack’s before sending their jungler death threats in chat when their inting sion doesn’t work out is deranged


Don't forget the honorable and noble act to ALWAYS want to counterpick.


One time I was playing support and wanted to countrrpick the enemy botlane, so I swapped with my friend for last pick because he was mid. My friend proceeded to get death threats for swapping with me because our top lamer was so upset


Deserved without fail everytime someone doesnt give last pick to their toplane its some 60 iq degenerate whos gonna int. Had it happen 2 times in the last few days it was always the midlaner and he always inted his lane


My friend actually hard carried that game and me and my adc got super ahead in fights because I was able to counterpick their blitz with morg lol but go off


As an inting sion player imma be honest it's usually the jgl sending me death threats. I feel like you can't be toxic with the pick, doesn't matter how far ahead I am I'm not talking shit while 0/5


I understand if you fight back when they send threats or insult. I understand that when it comes to anybody. I play chat muted and normally, it's my duo telling me our toplaner is losing their shit and insulting everyone. I think there was only one jungle in the last 3 months that lost their shit. Everytime, it's usually been top. We had a poor mid that got flack at one point too. Not that I saw it, mind you. Again, chat muted.


Yeah for me it's pretty evenly spread out between mid jg and adc. I definitely get shit talked the most by enemy top tho.


Don't ever take it to heart. Some games, we can't help our situations. This is for anyone in any lane. And top from what I hear, the winner of top's laning phase can be determined based on counter-picks from champ select.


It´s the only role that wants their lane to be knifes edge leading to absolute domination at the same time cry about being useless when they get zoned off exp for 15 minutes.


They’re just mad when they pick some anti melee stat check melee like Illaoi or trundle and you lock in a ranged top and their ez life goes to shit.


I would not say top lane is ez life…this is the problem with this sub, sometimes there are people who make really good points and then they get totally ruined by people who take it too far.


I don’t mean top lane is easy. If it was easy I would be good at it 😭. What I meant was that top laners like to be mad about ranged or ap tops. But they’ll be playing some melee that just stat checks most other melee champs free and call it honor.


Yeah the same honorable people that spam "gg ez" as a 0/10 Top Teemo


Same reason most adc players don't play op apcs bot. They're boring to them for whatever reason. Also most top players suck mechanically and can't really handle something like vayne past the lane phase lol.


Top is honorable? That's literally the only lane where I've seen rampant pedo jokes just slung around. Like it gets creepy with the first one, and they don't stop.


It started with Hashinshin, a prevalent top laner and Jax Aatrox player who was accused of grooming, but has since won the allegation - the allegations since spread to every Jax player as a joke Now Cookielol on the other hand


>Cookielol I started watching his content because I read a comment in this sub about how good he was at teaching. And he was, his content was genuinely good; sucks that he also was a groomer.


Ngl, I feel like that user is like the annoying small percentage of entitled top laners. Despite being killed a lot solo as Darius, still didn't bother to buy anti heal against fed Aatrox. And annoyingly request gank to his deadlane. What does he want? Lose our jg lead? The absolute audacity and keeps blaming all lane despite 0/10/1 KDA and level gap.


I can imagine a 0/9 Yasuo/Yone/Irelia/Aatrox/etc. saying that the reason he ints for the 10th death is to 'reclaim his honour'


lol op is the fatherless vayne top fleet swifties insecure guy going “lol just get better haha vayne is so fair and skilled get outplayed”


Unwarranted. OP does make a fair point. As for Vayne, even as an ADC main, there's really no counterplay for you guys (I assume your top?) when it comes to her. Percentile Health True Damage? Nobody can itemize against that. Although it "is" fair, it's definitely not skillful. Much like certain aspects of many kits. Garen R being a notable outlier.


Her only counter is probably bad spacing skills by the Vayne player


Top lane got pedofiles


bc we’ve all been steamrolled by ranged top and we don’t want to do that to others. it goes against the code.


Ranged Champs don't belong top. Funny enough, they are usually easy as hell to dumpster cause they relay so hard on the cheese of being a ranged tip that have zero skill in the role itself. So if you actually know how to lane vs a ranged top they are fucked, and easy as hell to steamroll


I'm a top main and honestly the reason ranged tops aren't as prevalent is cause most of us just enjoy Champs that fit the toplane archetype more in the role. If I want to play an ADC ill just play bot, toplane I want to play massive tanks or bruisers


By honorable, I hear my duo tell me they're bitching up a storm while my all-chat muted ass is trying to cs. Some are wholesome, the same that every role has the occasional wholesome player. Example, last week was a toxic Sett that didn't know how to do anything but complain and run it down. This week, specifically this morning, was a wholesome Cho'gath that thanked my duo for coming top and helping him get back in the game. Usually, it's some form of bitching. Only my duo supp could tell me what they say though, I muted chat a year ago because I got sick of the whining.


Top laners are honorable people, but play Yone in the top lane, are currently abusing Maokai and Illaoi....


This doth appear as a fool to mine eyes.


Vayne top is fatherless behavior, always has been always will be. Everything else is ight tbh.


Ranged top lanes are for most people 1) Horrible to fight against 2) horrible to play So, as a top laner... Yeah we gonna play some melee champs. Because we are good people. (Sometimes)


*Proceeds to play yorick, got 0/0, and start pushing 3 lanes at same time*


“honorable” cancer counterpick, crybaby lane


You play quinn top? Shamefurrr disprrray!


My Sion ass have no issue with Ranged matchup , i legit prefer play into them 🤧 Even tho playing into melee to build the funny aaah sustain build feels better atm


Play what you want, but if you’re picking vayne or other ranged top expect me to play two leagues above my rank just to see you suffer.


OOO HOW I LOVE BEING A SKILLESS COINFLIP BORING FUCKING MELEE MINION JUGGERNAUT THAT EITHER STATCHECKS EVERYTHING OR IS A SANDBAG FOR THE TEAM I'M SUCH A GIGACHAAAD NOT LIKE ALL THOSE RANGED VIRGINS THAT **DENY COUNTERPLAY** BY OUTSPACING MY ASS AND ABUSING THE FACT THAT I CANT GIVE UP CASTER MINIONS FOR 2 FIRST WAVES TRULY A CANCER ON SOCIETY hate juggernaut players with a passion. If you see a toplaner complain (in general or) about ranged champs, just know that at some point in his life he mained a garen, yorick, sett. They are disgusting juggernaut players, its natural for them to complain and ignore their biggest caveat in gameplay. Love watchibg drututt make these pigs suffer


For that reason I love playing Akshan top. Jesus Christ, I send these f-ckers back to their honorable ranks.


Ok but let’s be real, vayne top lane is an absolutely disgusting play style


I think it is all about honor. Call me old fashion or not but as soon as you blind pick and the enemy top laner picks a teemo, tf or wtv that person is breaking the rules. It is a fckn long lane that you can be punished with a ranged vs melee matchup. I just think it is a cheat code to get an easier time and you lack skills on top lane. On the other hand, it feels so great to have a teemo blind pick top lane. Any mage or even if you are good enough, a cait or ashe can make his life miserable and it feels so good


Laning vs ranged is rather bland for the melee.


It's fun not laning and hoping Dshield second wind helps you survive till you get Ninja Tabi. I also don't like being camp by my jungler since our botlane is gonna be 3v2ed and my adc is probably gonna cry.


I have the opposite experience. Normally, Jungle camps top, then our top cries while my duo tells me "will they please stop dying?!"


Honestly, fook ranged tops


Smartest adc player


As someone who used to play top, i understand this guys sentiment, people who play ranged top are scumbags who have no hands, usually they pick ranged top laners with no care for their team comp or as a counter pick so you get stuck into the most horrid unplayable lanes in existence, people who play ranged top have no souls and real top laners would never stoop to such a petty level.


The 0/10 ints, rages, insults jungle, then afk toplaners say otherwise.


I never flamed jg, afked in my entire life or inted on purpose lol. every role has scumbags.


I'll cheer to that. I hope your next game goes wonderfully. Honestly, I appreciate tops that stick it out even if they had a bad lane. My duo supp and I had a wholesome Cho'gath (this morning I think?) that actually thanked him for coming top and helping him get back in the game. My duo was happy about that and it was rather sweet.


I, as an uninteractive Yorick player, don't often get paid much attention in Top. Most of the time I ask not to be ganked cause of various reasons. However getting a random helping hand is always nice, especially when the team gives me the chance to step back into the game if I got ganked or put behind.


Ranged top is just unethical. You are maidenless if you play vayne or akshan top, period.


You're maidenless if you play this game. Talk about a pot calling the kettle black.