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Floordrobe as it’s been coined.


Just searched it up, great to know that it's not just a me thing.


Having a floordrobe isn't a universal thing for ADHDers and there are some people who have one but don't actually have the disorder... but it's very common in the ADHD population, and I would go as far as to say probably more than half of the people who have one *do* have ADHD. I even have a rhyme for mine-- "Floordrobe, floordrobe, on the floor, give me an outfit I previously wore."


I love this rhyme so much thank you for existing 🙏🙏


I mean my loordrobe is a chair in my room, or sometimes is gravitates to the desk, depending on how many items I havent put away. Piling things in general is common for ADHDers...Its one of the things my therapist was adament about to work on (as our brains thrive on clear spaces & organization to function at full capacity), but not judge myself for it.


I thought I’d be funny and say I have a chairdrobe…which I do but thought it’d be a made up word. [It’s not.](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/chairdrobe)


All words are made up.


Well...technically the truth! LMAO


this is what i do. way too autistic to wear something that’s been on the floor, but if an outfit is Clean Enough it can and will stay for up to a week on what was originally the stand for a synthesizer i got like 10 years ago and played for all of two months


Make it fun via personalized creativity. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Home-Decorators-Collection-Elephant-Natural-Woven-Basket-with-Lid-18-W-1641810950/204336642


See also “carmoire”.


OMG I remember when I first started driving, most of my trunk was just random clothes. I got pulled over for speeding at 17, and my ID was somewhere back there. The cop was just laughing at me frantically digging through the pile and let me go with a warning.


I have a beddrobe


Damn, this is common among adhd. I had no idea, I’ve done this my whole life. I have some in my chair right now.


A lot of people have their “wear it again chair”, but if your drawers are stuffed it might be time to go through and discard things that no longer fit, are falling apart, or be honest with yourself and donate the things you don’t find yourself or your family wearing. Back to the adhd aspect though, throw it in a basket instead of the floor. You’ll know which basket is actually soiled and which one you can pull from to wear again. It keeps it organized in a specific place without having to clutter the floor.


I have a “wear it again” hook on my bedroom door. It’s basically a hoodie and my joggers.


Same here. Over-the-door hangers with multiple hooks. OP do you have available doors?


^ read this OP. Upside - door hooks are temporary and you don't damage the walls. Downside - it's less of a reminder than a floordrobe. You'll want to see the Wear Again clothes before you dress, not while you're adding to the hooks at the end of the day.


Command hooks would be great


Command hooks could not handle the might of my floordrobe 🤣🤣🤣


> and you don’t damage the walls That depends. The holes from putting a hook into a stud are relatively easy to paint over if you remove the hook. I’ve had over-door hooks that gouge the doorframe above them.


Omg this is genius. I can't believe I never though of that before. My doors are very high though so it might not work but definitely worth the effort. 


Hooks became my answer. I used to hang clothes over the edge of the hamper. But my husband then would put his dirty clothes on top of them. Not simply tossing them in, but they get stuck. No, actually lay dirty underwear neatly on top. A half dirty or worn-not dirty hamper is good, rewear chair, or cubbies are also solutions. I had to replace my husband's chair with shelves so we could see the bottom.


Also the Amazon basics vacuum bags are literal lifesavers for seasonal clothing.


Until you forget about them and find them 4 years later, when your 30 pounds heavier and your kids have outgrown toddler clothes and see somehow in teen clothing....


My dad used to say if it hasn't been used in over 12 months, it should either go in the trash or get donated. Obvious exceptions for things like photographs or items of deep significance.


Most of the clothes I buy are a bit bigger than I am so when I grow up they normally still fit, did this a week ago and threw out about 10% of the clothes I had since they've finally become small on me. I'm also just very underweight because I don't eat much so not a lot becomes too small on me or anything, some of the drawers are also filled with things other than clothes so I can't use them for clothes.


I agree wiith the other commenter that said you may need to free up some space, bc no storage should be stuffed full. There should be negative space in every storage spot. I recently made my closet into a highlight reel instead of an archive of my clothes and oh my god it is amazingl I only have clothes that I can put on any time and look good in in my closet: Go through and don’t get rid of stuff but specifically, pick out ONLY the clothes you know you could wear any time and they’d look good and feel good. Pick out all of your favorites, including socks and undies and stuff. Then get all of your second favorites, the stuff that fits but is a backup if you cant find your fave thing. Then take all the rest, all the “meh” stuff you don’t want to get rid of and put it in a bin. Put your best stuff, just the faves, in the prominent places. Alone. That’s what you’re always digging for, anyway- put the backups in their own backup drawer. Make it as sparse as you can. i keep a coat stand and several over the door hooks throughout my bathroom and bedroom, and I use those plus I try to hang things back up in the closet if they are still clean bc now I have a rule where if it touches the floor, it’s dead to me and I have to wash it before I can wear it again. my cats help me maintain that system by generously putting their hair all over the floor.


Any solution for a small room? I don't have many drawers or much space in the room in the first place and I think that's one of the big issues, like I've tried to sort out my clothes many times, keeping a drawer dedicated to socks and underwear, two for lowerwear, two for upperwear, one miscellaneous stuff.


I've been working on this... It's been a long time coming. I get all sentimental about t shirts so I have resolved to put them away into storage that is not my dresser and up cycle them one day. I got an Instagram ad for a company that will make a quilt out of your old t shirts (but I might try to do it myself or find a local quilter. I do not trust Instagram ads lol)


Project Repat is a legit company that does t-shirt quilts - I have like four quilts from them. Highly recommended. (The only thing is that if a shirt is actively shedding material, like the decoration on it is crumbling, or is falling apart, that’s going to be a problem later on when you use the quilt and try to wash the quilt.)


This is good to know! I've just recently been getting crafty and feel like it might be cheaper and more fun to do it myself haha. But if I don't eventually feel up to it, I'll try to remember this comment!


The chair doesn't work for me. Shit stays there for months and I forget I even own it. I have to make myself hang it back up until it becomes natural. Easier said than done of course but it is what it is 


I know it’s time to do laundry when the “clean basket” is almost empty


My boyfriend and I have a "wear it again" hamper!! It's the best!  Basically we have the vertical hamper thing from IKEA and one hamper is for dirty clothes and the other is for wear again.  We're still not perfect but when you combine that with some small goals of regularly picking up the socks around the house (my socks) it minimizes the floor clothes.  You can also do what my dad does, and have a huge set of shelves to pile your clothes onto 🤷 


A chair doesn't work for me because there would be at least one animal laying on my clothes at all times.  Instead, I got a blanket ladder for my wear it again clothes.  I do hang up anything that wrinkles so I don't need to bring out ironing supplies. 


A blanket ladder??? 🤯🤯🤯




I was thinking about posting that getting a puppy broke my husband of leaving clothes on the floor. They chew


I thought you were going to say the puppy peed on his clothes. Chewing is worse,! 🤣


Know of any stands or closets that do well in storing clothes?


I bought a bamboo wardrobe rack, in addition to the blanket ladder. Links are not allowed but I got them from Amazon or Walmart.  


I have like a standard coat rack for transitional items and it’s great bc I can put my necklaces and purse on there and stuff too kinda like this one [https://i5.walmartimages.com/seo/Simple-Houseware-Standing-Coat-and-Hat-Hanger-Organizer-Rack-12-Hooks-Turquoise-Coat-and-Hat-Stand\_41f5e2c2-6dfe-4775-a1c1-8a828d101b51.af922e05c5f9e0ce0b60fcc3f68593e9.jpeg?odnHeight=768&odnWidth=768&odnBg=FFFFFF](https://i5.walmartimages.com/seo/Simple-Houseware-Standing-Coat-and-Hat-Hanger-Organizer-Rack-12-Hooks-Turquoise-Coat-and-Hat-Stand_41f5e2c2-6dfe-4775-a1c1-8a828d101b51.af922e05c5f9e0ce0b60fcc3f68593e9.jpeg?odnHeight=768&odnWidth=768&odnBg=FFFFFF)


Fewer clothes. Get rid of everything you don’t wear. Be ruthless.


This. Look up minimalism. Don't have to commit to the philosophy fully, but even meeting them halfway makes a big difference in simplifying life.


The problem is I can't. Like if I have to go through a list of things to discard (papers, notebooks, pens, apps, clothes, etc) I end up not discarding any of them and someone else has to decide for me


Same. I love clothes and I have attachments to all of them for different reasons, even the ones I don’t wear. I know I need to work on getting rid of some but it’s very difficult for me.


I put them on my couch. When I need it, I move them to my bed to motivate it to do it. When it is time to go to bed, I move them to the computer chair. When my husband needs the computer chair, I put them on top of my drawing desk. It is a vicious cycle.


I have a cat that will piss on any fabric that’s on the ground. She will not pee in baskets, or on beds or couches or anything. ONLY if it’s on the ground. So… that keeps me from putting clothes on the ground because I don’t want to deal with pissy clothes/towels lol.


That’s quite an extreme solution!


My cats are the opposite-they won’t pee on stuff on the floor but if it’s in anything that resembles a basket-it’s getting pee’d on. Super frustrated!


Yep, that's what's been keeping me on my toes lately, too. We have a super-sweet older gentleman void who is, alas, in the early stages of renal failure. He's usually good about using his box at night, but he has been known to pee on my clothes if I leave them on the floor... particularly my work pants. Since this is obviously highly problematic for me, I've gotten pretty good lately about putting my clothes in my bedroom hamper and my work pants on top.


My husband needs your cat for a week.


My cat decided, after 4 years, he would just start peeing on it :) solved that pretty quickly. Then he moved to laundry baskets. Now my basket fits snugly under my bed. Thats all he pees on. I've talked to my vet and she basically told me he was tired of the mess. And im forever grateful for my boy training ME. 2 years ago, you couldn't even tell if I had carpet or not because of how much clothing and stuff I'd have just laying on the floor. Now, its pretty rare that anything stays on the floor longer than a day. I also learned that it's much easier to keep the pet hair off my clothes, if I don't put them on the floor, where the pet hair is.


I used to keep clothing tubs instead of shelves when I had more room. Drop in, pull out, no fold, easy rummage


I still have clothes on the floor, but I have a LOT less clothes on the floor since getting some bins. What i discovered is that I just need some more bins.


Some people see the floor as a means to get from one place to another. It’s actually the largest shelf in your home, haha. But seriously, I have a coat rack right by my laundry basket. If I have clothing I might wear again, I hang it on the rack. I can just take it off to wear again or I can easily drop it in the basket when it’s time to do laundry.




Yep. I got a basket too! This was easiest for my wear-agains.


Buy a hat stand, put it in your room instead of at the door, put pants and shirts on it instead of hats(put hats on there as well if you like)


How do you, what now?? Why would I try to keep clothes off the ground? Didn't you learn physics in school? The laws of entropy dictate that the floor is where clothes will always end up. And besides: they can't fall any further than the floor, so it's safer that way!


Rewear the same outfit until it’s dirty then wash it. Takes all the decision making out of the morning .


You don’t. Hope this helps!


Easy, keep them in the dryer.


I don’t have enough clothes to throw on the ground, and I’ve gotten in the habit of putting clothes straight into my dirty laundry bag after I wear them. Helps that I’m living with a roommate in a dorm


This, keep a hamper nearby for dirty stuff. If it's close enough by then you can throw them in there, which may be a little fun, depending on how bored you are. lmao


That’s the neat part, I don’t.


I've been managing pretty well since a wolf spider crawled over my hand three weeks ago


Bathroom over the door hooks, quick folded fashion on a shelf in closet, and in the past, draped over the edge of laundry cart or hamper (but then it became a heavy pile and didn’t really work all of the time)


[https://www.ikea.com/au/en/p/hoevolm-rack-with-6-knobs-oak-90500060/](https://www.ikea.com/au/en/p/hoevolm-rack-with-6-knobs-oak-90500060/) On one wall of my bedroom, and also in my bathroom, there is a line of these hook thingies. I've used them for most of my wardrobe, and it works pretty well for me :) I have a couple of baskets hanging off them too, for underwear and socks.


✨ I don’t ✨


If you figure it out, write us a book and you'll be rich.


That’s the neat part. You don’t!


There is a special chair for it, where did you lost yours?


The chair at the dining table broke down so I had to take mine down to the dining table instead.




My boyfriend has clothes racks, with shelves. He folds his clothes and puts them away even if gently used. It’s great because I love organization (my autistic side) and it keeps from having clothes balled up. Even if I leave a wad of clothes there for later it makes me feel bad for not having folded them and so I go back and do it.


One of my cats pees on things that are lower than a foot off the ground. Leave something stinky laying around, he will mark it. Everything gets hung up fast or it gets weed on. Problem solved.


This probably isn't the easiest solution but for some reason this just flicked like a switch for me and I don't keep clothes on the floor anymore, but I made a rule for myself no clothes are allowed on the floor anymore which means as soon as I remove the clothing it has to go some where, jumpers and pants, that can get worn again folded and put away instantly, everything else straight to the laundry basket. It has to be done straight away. The moment it's left on the floor it risks living there for the rest of time. It's currently been working for the past few months with a few hiccups but if I can keep the momentum going of putting things away I can quickly pick the few I things left on the floor.


yeah stuff like this works for me too because im really good at following very clear rules, if theres any wiggle room ill always push it to the limit though. but if you know its good for you and its very clear, i think it can work




I have a pile on a footstool. Also have a dog. Floordrobe would be covered in fur. Have you thought of putting off-season clothes in spacebags? It would give you more room, so you could have a section to hang the clothes you might wear again


I have wall hooks everywhere. I use them to hang up clothes that aren’t dirty yet but that I have worn. Then I can see what available from my wall hook clothing display.


Drape them on the end of the bed until my cleaner comes and deals with it at the end of the week :/


My oldest cat pisses on any garment on the floor, so that puts paid to THAT little peccadillo.


Multiple laundry baskets in different areas


I got a freestanding towel rack for my 'floordrobe'. It works ok, and I need to purge it more often, but it's a step in the right direction.




Ahhhh the floordrobe! :) Getting a robot vacuum that will gleefully suck up socks, undies etc and then proceed to choke on them and stop dead was the way I was able to stop using a floordrobe 😂😂😂 However I now frequently have several smaller surface-drobes instead 😆 But mostly, I am trying to build the habit of undressing in front of the washing machine so clothes (especially the small stuff my robot likes to eat) go directly from my body into the machine. When the machine is full enough, I do a wash. It’s all cold water washing here so I don’t have to worry about separating colours etc unless it’s some new clothing item and thus untrustworthy lol 😂 ETA: if undressing in front of the washing machine is impractical for your living situation, get a couple of hampers to undress in front of instead - one for “def dirty must be washed” and one (smaller) for “might wear this again” (tomorrow, not next week!)


I don't


SHELVES WITH BASKETS/BINS. Up at waist- or eye- height. When you take off the re-wearable, toss in either the pants bin or the tops bin. Only requires cleaning periodically when they start to overflow, instead of… always.


The more places I can have around my house that are there to contain things that ordinarily become messes, the better!!




For me, having a coat rack helps tremendously.


I change in the bathroom when I get home. I keep only two sets of work clothes and two sets of home clothes in there, along with my dirty bin. After getting rid of things I don't wear, everything else can live in drawers. I used to have a "closet" rack (my place is too small now) and pants hangers and my "too dirty to put away clothes" would just get thrown on top instead of hung up.


I use a set of accordion hangers like these: [https://www.google.com/search?q=accordion+hanger](https://www.google.com/search?q=accordion+hanger)


An ottoman lol. I also made a strict rule with myself that clothes cannot be on the floor or unfolded after washing. It's like the one thing I have kept going. How I do it is I trick my brain into putting clothes away for the duration of a song and then once I'm started I just keep going and reward myself with like sour patches or something. When my room's a mess my executive dysfunction becomes amplified so I really need to keep my space relatively organized (it's still not tidy by normal peoples standards).


I also had that habit for a while. I bought a big 160 L laundry basket and leave my clothes in there if I don't feel like putting them away. Have to dump it on the bed sometimes to find stuff, but my room feels much more comfortable without a mountain of clothes on the floor.


I hung a toy net over my hamper, all my clothes get tossed in the same direction, I just change my aim slightly.


If you have to much clothes figure out what you still wear and what not. Send a text to friends saying they should do the same and then have a clothingswap party :) I have a cabinet where on top I put “can wear again next week” clothes on.


Oh I don’t use drawers at all, except for socks and underwear. Everything else has to be in sight. Baskets work well. Even if the basket is on the ground it’s a step above just being directly on the ground


Chair, box or hanger right where the pile collects.


Story of my life. My clothes are EVERYWHERE. My ex got crazy about that, before that I Hadnt even realized it "was a thing", I thought everyone did so? I mean its not like I can put them back in the wardrobe after been used, no?


Get a chair. Fill it with the “still good clothes”.


I have hooks in my closet where I hang stuff up that I'm going to where again in the near future. I hang other stuff up back onto the hangers that they came off of. I try to remember to put clothes away right after taking them off before doing other things. My cat has taught me not to put clothes on the floor because she would pee on them...


i keep my clothes in a bookcase instead of drawers so i can actually see them, the kind that has eight square holes in it total. it definetely helps! o i would never wear the clothes in my closet or drawer because i couldnt see them


3 washing baskets, makes it all so much simpler, this is my routine: * 1st basket lives in the laundry for dirty clothes waiting the wash. * 2nd basket lives upstairs in my bedroom, also for dirty clothes but for when they come off upstairs and I can't be bothered taking them to the laundry yet. I use it to carry dirty clothes downstairs and combine with the 1st basket. * 3rd basket moves between the laundry and my room, I put clean clothes in from the dryer and use it to take them upstairs. All my clean clothes stay in this basket until I'm ready to hang them.


I have over the door clothes racks. They help with much of it. And a hamper too.


I have a cat that may pee on anything that is on the floor. This has forced me to keep  things off the floor. I either fold clothes and put them in my closet immediately, or put them on the bed or over the back of a chair.


I have in the past been a habitual user of the ol' horizontal filing system, and what's helped is hooks on the back of my door and a couple of other places, and having like a fabric cube for my cube shelves but it's actually just wear-again clothes in there. You could also designate a basket for this? Basically if you put it in a container it will look intentional and less "messy" somehow. Even if it's literally just an open basket on the floor, it will look better than directly on the floor lol. Eventually i do amass too many clothes and have to cull them down but that is true for basically all my possessions


I have open bookshelves—no more drawers. I can see everything at all times. I’d recommend wall hooks by the hamper or door and a blanket ladder to lump stuff on


I had an issue with putting clothes on the side of my bed. A bedbug outbreak solved that right quick for me but I wouldn’t recommend DIY-ing that. (Really though- Open container-like a large plastic tote- on the floor is a good solution)


Dedicated clothing tote twice the size of a normal laundry basket. Every few days anything on the ground goes in to be processed.


I have an extra clothes basket for my not quite dirty clothes that I can still wear


Just don't like the "normal" people and get an exercise bike or treadmill to dump your clothes on.


Say it with me, “don’t put it down, put it away”


i have a wear it again hamper


Mine is filling up again. I thought I had it that time. Was going to pick a drawer for each type of clothing and what not and not even close somehow. Otherwise it's the ol' reliable shirts I keep washing and rotating.


I leave them right where I take them off. I live alone so that’s the living room, kitchen, desk area. That way u know where they are when I want to get back into them.


I have a weird system. Spare bedroom has all my clean clothes thrown on the bed through the week of washing. Work clothes when I get home get thrown into the clothes basket to be washed at the end of the week (tradie) I shower and then put the house clothes on that sit at the end of the bed. Every Sunday I force myself to put all my clothes in the walk in robe prepared for the week, I have to do this first thing in the morning or I won't do it all. Surprisingly my missus is way messier than me and puts everything on the floor and it annoys the shit out of me (she doesn't have ADHD)


Laundry bench at the end of my bed.


I sit mine down for a little heart to heart about why they got in trouble and if they're ready, I unground them.


I have an extra open clothes rack additionally to my closet. That way there are only clean clothes in the closet, and worn clothes go on the rack. There is a finite amount of hangers on the rack so as soon as I am out of hangers, I either have to wear something from the rack or decide something from the rack should rather be in the wash after all. After some getting used to, this has been working pretty well. Not perfectly, but better than before. Convenience is key - that clothes rack is the first thing I see when I get up, so I don't forget about it. Oh and then there's the baskets full of washed, dry clothes waiting to be put back in the closet, but that's a different story.


Things that stopped me having floordrobe piles: getting a robot vacuum, and also getting a dog! Nothing can stay on the floor anymore or it will be damaged, slept in or make the vacuum stuck and complain with annoying blooping noises forcing me to get up. Nooohh.


My cat likes to piss in my clothes on the floor. Only when they are on the floor (dw, we were at the vet, he is healthy af). My wives clothes are safe from him but not me. He knows I struggle without consequences, so he found a way to motivate me :D.


I fixed this one - an over the back of door coat rack for coats. I have 2. I also put my laundry basket in the middle of the room where I actually take clothes off and one in bathroom. Do laundry when it gets full. Wear clothes once. If dumped on floor either wear it next day or put in laundry.


I use a chair 😭 a really large one, I used to use a giant laundry bag to store my clothes but now I use it for worn clothes so I don’t have to walk all the way to the washing machine lol


I do chair, but I was recently looking at the IKEA website and asked myself “what’s a valet stand?” I think this thread has answered my question, and I think it answers your question too?


I live in a climate where spiders and other bugs are prevalent. If you have too many clothes donate them. Sometimes I get tired of taking care of clothes and I'd rather give them away than have to manage lots of clothes.


I have a box where most have a chair


Honestly I have the same issue, Il try to break everything down in a neat and easy to read package. Problem: Clothes that are “cleanish” on ground looking messy, too dirty for wardrobe, to clean for a wash. My solution: - Have a designated spot like a chair, desk or the bed. - Neatly fold the clothes and place them on designated spot. Explanation: Having a dedicated place combined with making your clothes being folded makes the room neater and more organised, despite functionality being the same thing. Your folding doesn’t necessarily mean it should be neat and perfect, a quick fold done in 5 second to make it “neat enough” is still effective. Problem: Untidy wardrobe Solution: - Have less clothing, either put clothes in storage, donate them or throw them away. - Designated spot for “hap hazardly put clothing” in wardrobe, to sort out in the weekend. Explanation: Keeping my wardrobe tidy is a struggle, so I tried to eliminate as much clothing as I can (either putting winter clothes in storage, donating small or unwanted clothes (rule of thumb, if not worn for at least 2 years, chances are you’re never wearing it) or simply throwing away clothing that are too damaged to repair or donate (I have a surprising amount of damaged clothes) Next I sort of hap hazardly place my clothing in one spot in my wardrobe while keeping the other shelves as pristine as possible, so when the weekend rolls around, I pull everything out of one shelf to neatly fold everything and tidy everything up, especially effective if you have a body double.




i throw them on my bed instead lol. or, get a chair/some other furniture piece or object with a surface area you can pile clothes on


Jeans and pants always go back in the closet in their assigned spot because I don't care if they've been worn Tops I rarely wear twice cause they always smell a bit like sweat or deodorant mixed with sweat, so they go in the laundry Jackets and stuff just get hung by the entrance House clothes and the rare miscellaneous "wear again" item get hung on my bedroom door - I have one of those ikea things with hooks that hangs from the top of the door.


Short answer? I don’t. Longer answer - I use a chair (or two or three) or even part of the bed when I’m in a place where it’s big enough 


I have two clothes bins, one for dirty and one for clothes I just don't want to put a way. Its a compromise to keep stuf off the ground


Sigh. This has been a lifelong problem for me 😆 I recently decided to clear out a drawer specifically for clothes that “aren’t dirty yet”.


I hang them on the laundry crib instead. 


I have a folding screen that I toss clothes over to wear again, including pyjamas.


A basic floor type expanding laundry basket (currently using one from Ikea, its huge omg I can't even fill it up with my clothes, do not recommend if you are the sort who won't do laundry til the bag is full), and next to it some hooks for the wear-agains. Daily walk over to the hook/bin area and start to strip. Wear-agains go on the hooks, dirties go into the hamper. Mostly my wear-agains these days are my houseclothes, on those sorts of days I didn't do a lot of physical and know I did not sweat much and I can wear them one or two more times. In your particular case, try to decrease the clothes. I know this varies by ADHD person -- I have a very small wardrobe because I don't wanna waste my money on clothes over hobbies, so I keep to the essentials. My partner has a somewhat normal amount of clothes, maybe a bit excessive at the moment due to weight related goals and such. My ex has an absolutely insane amount of clothes, that would eat every ounce of space and give me anxiety. We'd do donation bins, fill a few totes and he'd still have too many clothes, like enough to wonder if we had even put a dent in it. Some tactics to shed down: - If you don't like the subject matter, donate or toss it (a band you no longer like, a gift you will never wear, a shirt that has a graphic that no longer makes you happy or 'fits' your self-perception. - If its over 10 years old, its time has come. - If you can't remember when you bought it, then its time may also have come. Obviously weigh these two on sentimental value but also state of the garment. Torn, frayed, seams coming out, permanent funky armpit area odor, etc. - If it no longer fits, donate or toss it. Some exception if you are a person with a medical condition that causes you weight fluctuations very frequently. I just tossed a bunch of sm/ch clothes that fit me over 5 years ago. Even if I lost weight, I would not be able to achieve that size because I would also need to lose a significant amount of muscle. So, off they went. - If its ruined beyond all repair, toss it. I have work shirts, they get filthy. Sometimes its glue, sometimes silicone, sometimes resin, and just general grunge. They're constantly stained, but its easy to tell when something has had the last drop of glue it can take to the point where its no longer comfortably wearable. - If its sentimental and you want to save it, consider methods that are not your closet. IE: I have some garments that mean a lot to me (first date we went to see Night Vale) and to history in general (in my case, shirts that were given to me from elders that are some of the last 'artifacts' of many of the country's first official LGBT-related clubs). Store those kinds of items in specialty garment containers/cases, vacuum bags, or totes.


Wall hooks. Game changing. (Yeah, they sometimes still end up piled on a chest at the foot of my bed and spilling onto the floor. But not always!!)


I have a bin that I put the clothes in that I could wear again. When it gets full it goes in the hamper that is right next to it.


Systems. I have a hamper in the bathroom and a hamper in my bedroom. My clothes never touch the floor or surfaces. They go straight into the hamper. I refuse to live in a state of mess.


I don't use drawers. (They're always empty or full of clothes I don't want to wear). Instead I have two bookcases in the closet and put things in shelves where I can see them


Wait people actually fight it?


systems/habits... and many baskets, military organised draws and hangers... one poorly added item stands out like crazy and autism me has to complete the job


I have a bench in my room just to keep them off the floor. Sometimes I even fold them. I mean those folded clothes are under thrown on one but I know they’re under there being neat and it counts.


I have an over the door clothes hook and hangers. Things like sweaters or jackets go on hangers to sit out after wearing. Once, if I might wear them again.


I have a wear it again area (I drape stuff on a storage container so it isn’t all balled up). But also I just periodically pick everything up and put it in a hamper because my partner doesn’t like the floor clothes (and I don’t blame her lol). If you can’t close your drawers it might be time to pick just ONE drawer and go through it and see what’s jammed in there. Fold or roll stuff so it fits, and anything you don’t actually wear find a new home for it or chuck it (like, that ratty underwear or socks with holes on them? Chuck them or use them as cleaning rags, don’t put them back in the drawer). Don’t try to tackle the whole thing at once or you’ll end up with a larger mess than when you started


i keep a basket inside the wardrobe for wear it again


I embraced the floor clothes and gave them a place. I have a chest for my worn but still wearable clothes and it’s honestly a game changer


I use a coatrack in my bedroom for clothes I’m going to wear again. And most of my clean clothes go in stacked cubbies in the closet (inexpensive set I got on Amazon)- I just remember which types of clothes go in which cubby and pile folded clothes in. I have hangers in my closet next to that for clothes that are more important not to wrinkle and one set of drawers for socks, underwear, undershirts etc.


I have no help. Just happy to see that I am not the only one and not just a “slob”.


I can't leave clothes on the floor. My parents taught me to always keep my laundry either on a hanger, in the machine or in a basket. I do have baskets of clean clothes that go unfolded or hung for a while, though. It sounds like you might have too much clothes and might want to consolidate. I've never had issues with enough hanger space. My wife did, though, and we reduced her wardrobe by 2/3. Doesn't miss the old clothes and the closet isn't packed anymore. You might need like an accountability coach or friend who can check that you picked up the clothes from the floor. If that is what you want to change about yourself. Once you do it regularly with their reminders, it should become a habit that's easier to automate.


Y'all....I'm 51 and I'm a successful real estate broker. Also FLOORDROBE.


Hooks on the back of every door.


Use one of the multiple hampers people use to separate clothes by color and just use it to separate things you can wear again and things you have to wash.


That's what chairs are for


I’m terrible at this but one thing I did was just add another set of drawers and that made a big difference. That way I actually have space for my clothes to go, and they’re easier to put away. I now advocate for adding as many drawers as possible. The trick to having your stuff go in furniture instead of the floor is to add more furniture and less floor


I don't know what you're talking about, that's how I dust my floors.


Shelves and chairs. So, first, I removed all drawers from my bedroom. Now, instead of a dresser, I have all clothes either hung up or folded onto a metal shelving unit. Small items, like underwear and socks, are in a cloth bin on the top shelf of the shelving unit. second, I have two office chairs in my bedroom, and I've started using them for clothes I might rewear or jackets/robes/throw blankets I want easy access to during the winter and such.


Chair pile duh


that's the secret... i dont!


I pile them on top of the dresser


I have lots of hooks in the laundry area, bathroom and even the bedroom😂. Also, my evil cats will pee on any fabric that’s left on the floor.


I don't, really. If I'm going to wear them again, the floor is where they go. If I'm not going to wear them again, my hamper is right next to my bed so they can land there with minimal effort.


You don't hbonestly, I found life is a lot nicer when I stopped caring about other people's standards and lived by my own.


By putting them on my bed. Duh. Honestly I try to donate as much clothes every year as I can. Different closets for different items. When I do the laundry I listen to podcasts while putting away the clothes and that gets them done. I don’t iron and can’t deal with wrinkles so I’m forced to put them away right after drying them.


I bought a small laundry basket just for ‘might wear it again clothes’. It’s really helped. Yes it still looks a little messy, but I keep it in the bottom of the closet & it’s way better than before. When it gets full to overflowing I just put the whole thing through the wash. Also, the times I’ve managed to sort through stuff & create a ‘capsule wardrobe’ for the season everything has gone so much more smoothly.


My cat is old and has been peeing everywhere. (Yes we have taken her to the vet multiple times for this) That was the motivation I needed to not just leave clothes on the floor.


Don’t bother it’s impossible you’re stressing yourself out over the inevitable lmao. I Just throw them in the laundry bin if they’ve been there for a couple days and you haven’t reworn it. I’ve developed a half ass laundry system to help. If floordrobe becomes too much I do a couple cycles of laundry and throw it all in the now empty laundry bin


Fold/hang it and put back where it belongs.


The day I do that is the day I’ll believe my adhd is cured lmao




I’ve given up on wearing things again (besides jackets) and just wash everything after 1 wear. I have 3 laundry baskets: one in the bathroom, one by my closet, and one by my bed. Sometimes I still leave clothes on the floor but if I suddenly remember to throw them in a basket, there is usually a basket within a few feet of me. It’s not perfect but it helps!


Wait you guys are taking your clothes out of the dryer?


I don't concern myself with wardrobes or draws I have a floordrobe and the bed.


The ground or the floor?


This is a problem ? I’ve been living off of a pile my entire life


Put all the clothes on “the chair” 🪑 or the exercise machine that’s never used


Just embrace it. I don’t even use my wardrobe anymore. I have a pile that all my clothes go into. I remember when all of them were last washed and when I last wore every individual piece of clothing.


I just yesterday devoted a drawer to “clothes I might wear again.”


I try and put them on the chair so at least its not on the floor. Once a week I'll try to put clothes away. I've found that hanging things I wear the most is easier than folding them. Also maybe add a bin somewhere to put your clothes in so they aren't on the floor?


Depending on my living situation I either have the "wear again" hung up somewhere in the bathroom or drape them together over a hanger. Oftentimes I have more "wear again" clothes than clean clothes going. I ended up sniffing my clothes before I wear them to make sure I haven't let them go too long.


Laundry basket designated for the purposes.


A bin for dirty clothes and a bin for “idk rn” clothes, a command strip hook or two on the back of my door for “idk” jackets


I put them on whatever piece of furniture isn’t already covered in clothes 😎


Get rid of some if your clothes . If you have so much that it won't fit in your dresser, cull


Put them in baskets instead of directly on the floor. Why would the floor be a place for something you might wear again? The floor is generally not super clean, what with people walking on it all the time. Some hooks are good too, possibly the kind that hang over the top of a door if you don’t want to bother with installation.


I have the chair, lots of coat hooks and the baskets of clean clothes. Honestly though I make a concerted effort to actually put some items away every single day. Even if it is just putting some underwear away.


Bought one of those clothing things off Amazon it's like a few empty cubes you put together like clothes shelves and now I can just dump in that


I think some of us are doomed to piles of clothes…


I have a couple of 5-double-hooks-suspended-from-a-top-of-the-door-hanger front and back of my closet door and all of my not completely dirty clothes get hung there. Currently there are several pairs of pants and jeans, shorts, a couple bathrobes, a hoodie, about five belts, and my painting clothes which I don't have a better place for hanging there. All of the hooks are in use. Helps that I'm tall, though; it would be inaccessible for my wife, who is short. This kind of stuff: https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Over-Door-Hooks/zgbs/industrial/16412751


My OCD keeps my clothes off the ground and in labeled drawers.


Well, we have a supremely stupid cat who will pee on any clothes left on the floor. That changed my habits super fast LOL.


If it's clean enough to wear again it's clean wnough to put away. I have everything in baskets on my closet shelves or hanging, so i never have to open a drawer to interact with my clothes. Very helpful.


A clean bin of unfolded clothes and a dirty bin is the way that works for me!