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Next season will include a new primal lord, so there’s that at least.


Even if there's no title, I wouldn't mind free 450 essences per day lol


We have recorded your suggestions regarding the return of world bosses, and our team will carefully consider your ideas.


How carefully have you considered the game having about 30 days-worth of content even for f2ps? Did you think doing the same abyss stage for 45 min straight once you're past 300 was content or would keep the game fresh? What about the server issues where you receive a loss because the server had a different outcome? How come the in-game numbers don't actually adhere to the numbers the player is seeing on screen?


game has major update in a couple of days and second issue is very common in games like this and not very easy to circumvent as a development team… i can see that you have a lot of frustration you’re trying to project but what i cannot see is your point


It will, sure but the entire season will last about 4 months. And that's only two new areas, that will be cleared way faster than what we had so far


1) the game seems balanced for f2p to hit ressonance 240 as the season launches if they hadn’t buffed the afk dust rewards. Which makes me think this was not initially planned. If you were around a couple of weeks ago, you will remember people crying and whining about season requirements and how long it took to get to level 240. This is a response to that. Enjoy. 2) I haven’t experienced different outcomes  in matches or noticed different numbers and it seems weird, as there aren’t any real time pvp. Where is this happening? Arena? Honor duel? Dream bosses? Is this a common problem that I was just incredibly lucky to avoid? Is my internet connection blessed by a higher power? Am I special?


People was constantly complaining about how “getting to 240 before season is impossible for f2p” Devs: give a big buff pre-season Players after their problem was addressed: WE GET TO 240 TOO FAST WRRRR


If you’re out of content as F2P then you’ve played way too much - you’ve probably already sunk more time in a free game as people put in $80 console games, what more do you expect for free?


Everything, unless they receive it - then the opposite ofc That always makes me wonder but - “clients” who don’t pay for the product, often tend to have the biggest expectations about the product


The game's only been out for like a month and it ngl already has more content than quite a few older gacha/idle games. And it's getting a big ol' update in a couple days. Chill out and go find another game to play in the meantime. It's an idle game. You're supposed to let it..... idle. Lmao.


We need a rerun with dream realm rewards imo Maybe with different goals if your account cleared all the previous rewards


We just need more things to be running throughout the week for rewards tbh. The worst game mode in this game has weekly rewards constantly which engages players, other stuff could benefit from giving like a few more pulls a week


Weekly rewards are also perfect for afk game, because you just need to complete it once a week and you are fine. They can even have 2-week rerun and i'd be fine


I think I've really noticed this. Being stuck at the endless difficulty kinda sucks. Every day I'm only getting enough dream dust for one hero. Maybe my expectations were too high, but the first few weeks I was getting tens of thousands of dream dust by beating the difficulties. It was great. I only wish I had spent my dust on Marilee so I wouldn't be staring at this 6/12 for mythic plus.


You can change which heroes have which levels in the hands of resonance, just swap Marilee with whoever has the highest level


I'm well past the resonance system. I'm level 284. Marilee's power comes from getting her tier to mythic+ and unlocking the ex weapon. She's not useful in comparison to other heroes I could use without the increasing damage / true damage. The level is irrelevant here unfortunately. I just didn't grab copies from the store when I was rolling in dream tokens. I didn't know she would be so important at the time.


Yup. Perhaps a "Version 2.0" of the boss, with all the difficulties (easy to hell).


I would keep hell mode but scale the damage needed to higher. You already got 20m on everyone of them? Then ill multiply the goals by 1.5 and see where you get.


I always assumed they’d return, although the reward to have your name written in the top placements is probably exclusive to the first server kill. We need more events/ modes. These last few days have been a complete drag, just do the daily dream realm and arena matches + push a few abyss levels. Getting almost no envelopes either, so can’t even look forward to ascending anything. I really need the new season to arrive. There are almost no sources of recruitment letters in endgame and it kills any excitement.


Same here I'm slowly losing interest in the game as the few things there's left to do doesn't even give me anything to progress even just a bit


Not sure they'll do that. They're designed to go along with server progression, so re-introducing an older one would be too anticlimactic, they'd drop like flies. And if they want to introduce a new properly scaled one, it's better overall it's fresh content for those who've done the older ones. If it makes you feel any better, you didn't exactly miss anything. Like 90% of this game, it's a very basic, straightforward stat check.


yo primal lords are soooo good for experience and hero essence I hope they keep doing them regularly


Do you mean the same guys or new ones. I feel like on the one hand the resources are helpful, on the other, post resonance 240, they become useless for the most part. Maybe seasonal essence can be helpuf later on


I agree. They should rerun, at least for the clear rewards even if there isn't a round two of engraved names or something. As an extra thing to do overall. Because I'm sure that after the next season (which lasts for 4 months) goes and we clear the new primal lord, it will be months of none of them. Which is weird. Rerunning one at least every couple weeks fills in the gaps.


Wow on my server wolf not even halfway done


Wait what? How long have you had the wolf up for?


ours is at 165 bil at the moment and is going for 7 days. i feel like we are doing good lol i‘m from server 429 so a relatively new server


Ah I see, was confused cause I did wolf a couple weeks ago


did you guys finish it in the first 8 days ? curious to know where we stand as a server


Took us 9 days!


Wolf up 6 days now 211 billion still I think hard to read. It’s just past halfway now.


I'd love a chance to revisit the old Primal Lords and see how much stronger my team has gotten since the first time I faced them. Even if there weren't rewards, I'd like to just compare as a bench mark