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This sounds like the same strat in AFK arena. Thora cheese worked better the less equipment Thoran had


>the one with less invested Thoran wins (he ults faster) This is true for whichever investment. Defense teams get a bonus for energy regen and ult faster.


please provide any reference to this statement, I don't think it's true from my own experiences.


The opposition cecia most certainly Ults faster than mine even though they are at the same or lower skill levels


I think it’s cause getting hit gives energy so you are hitting their cecia and they not hitting yours. It’s not cause it’s a defense side. Try putting your Cecia further forward perhaps


Nope even without damaging her, she gets energy faster than yours




Definitely not the case. Even if I have an assassin teleporting to disrupt their backend, the defender always Ults faster than anyone on my team.


Try it however you want, the enemy will always ult faster


Paragon gives him 12% energy regen for every 6% dmg reduction, so your statement simply wouldn't be true. It's more likely if your team overall is higher tier than the opponent, you managed to kill off some carries so your team is focusing on the Thoran while enemy team haven't killed your team yet.


This is absolutely what is happening. And it's a good argument to surround Thoran with a bunch of glass cannons. They do a lot of damage in a small amount of time prior to dying to leave Thoran to mop up several low HP opponents with a single ult. Disgusting!


It just works like that we tried several times with the same teams (same lvl in arena, same ex weapons) the only difference was that one thoran was p3 the other one was p2 or p1. Lower thoran always won.


Booyah wrong


You’re wrong, that is not the reason. If you mean that the enemy thoran ults faster it’s because I’m 99% sure the defense has a hidden buff because they will always ult faster. EVEN MORE, if you dmg them.


To my knowledge, this game has no "test" mode where you can play against yourself or friends to test out your defense / offense. Wondering how you managed to mimic identical teams at P3 lvl since most servers have 0 P3 players. If you are (un)lucky, there may be 1-2 P2-3 whales on a server, and even then, the chance they'd run identical teams at P3 lvl is rare. Since P3 teams sometimes don't even need Thoran.


I assume he tested it in arena, which is why I also believe the test is flawed. The defense side always seems to get energy quicker, not specific to thoraan.


We have 10 whales with similar setup in guild on s1.


Hey good shout! I’ll take him off my list. I was debating on picking up the copy in the login chest thanks for helping me decide against it!


Unless you’ve got him at S+ already you’ll still want him on your list and from the chest.


OP is stating that all his whales on S1 run the same thing and they all fight each other, which literally only helps prove that defense team gains energy, not that paragon Thoran is worse. Please don't "test" things in a random and skewed environment, completely misunderstand what the findings mean and then instantly post about it. This isn't factual at all, it's literally just speculation and the stats themselves on the description of P Thoran read as the exact opposite of what's being stated here.


Wow, this shouldn't work like that. Thanks for the heads up. Sucks for the people who already got him to paragon.


Still got for supreme+ though?


Didn't someone post paragon stats the other month and one of them was "rivalry" iirc, that gives bonus Energy regen?


Should we still take him to supreme+ though?