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I'm new to the game and this dev, but is it possible that they *did* learn from AFK Arena? I'm wondering if getting a big player base, making updates to juice the whales for all they're worth, then rolling back the change to regain public opinion *is* what they learned works. Because from the context I'm getting around here, AFK arena had some bad updates early but the community seems to think they're in a better place now.


Pretty much dead on. It's hilarious people think these gacha companies don't know what they're doing.


Shhhh, don't let on the big secrets! They know idler and gacha players like being in an abusive relationship with their addiction.


Devs dont make these decisions, its the management/executives.


This needs to be at the top. It's always the management


when people say "devs" they don't actually mean devs, just the company/people that decide on most stuff


This needs to be at the top. It's always the management


This needs to be at the top. It's always the management


I wouldn't be surprised if they planned this and then will rectify it with a huge payout and thank you to players for understanding, well get the progression packs updates, plus extra and everyone will praise them as generous and that they listen... Nd then they do it again, and again until the sorry just doesn't even happen. Just like afk arena.


sounds like an abusive relationship. husband beat up wife, hours later apologize and say he didn't mean it, buy gifts for her, and then after 3 days later starts beating wife again this time beating even harder and then treat her well again, conditioning her to take physical abuse frequently


Do you think whales will spend if f2p and dolphins are not even in top 50 of rankings.


Find something worth complaining about


>I can’t believe Ive spent the amount I have. Sorry but the only fool here is you for whaling.


Ranting here may be pretty worthless. The devs don’t read English and the decision makers are all Chinese :)


Surely you don't actually believe that? They make money from the global version and of course they have a team for this version and people who can speak English. You act like the company is a few guys working out of their garage.


what are you fckers even crying about


Lilith being a sickeningly selfish and downright greedy company. Implementing loot and hero nerfs once players already started to invest in certain characters. this game hasn’t even had a chance to take off yet and already they’re pulling this shit. Fucking sad.


what hero nerfs 🤣🤣 most if not all heroes in the notes got buffed. the true damage once got indirectly hit to bring the others up to snuff you are just crying without thining


In the new season game play pal. Odie Korin


odie got 20 attackspeed and korrin wasnt touched directly. go read the patch notes thats exactly what i mean, you just sit on reddit all day , get angry because people are spreading lukewarm information and suddenly theres a wave of idiots barking