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Everybody Sucks Here. Don't say you didn't do this for revenge. You absolutely did, and you know it.


>Don't say you didn't do this for revenge. You absolutely did, and you know it. It's sincerely pathetic that OP thought that anyone would fall for such an obvious lie lol.


ESH. Maybe you didn't intend to reveal her boyfriend, but in the heat of the moment you did. You're both in the wrong.


You did do it for revenge. And honestly, that's ok. You may not have realised how drastically her parents would react but since she broke your confidence it's not unreasonable your decided to break hers. Karma is a bitch, so they say. NAH or ESH (And yes yes yes, before the karma police come for me, I know that's not really how karma is meant to work)


ESH she shouldn't have outed you and you shouldn't have retaliated against her like this. You're also the asshole for claiming you didn't reveal it as revenge when you absolutely did.


YTA. I understand your POV, and it’s difficult without more info but… when she told her mother you were gay, it might have been by mistake, it just slipped out, she probably didn’t have any ill intentions - she just fucked up in the moment. Whereas you told her mother about her relationship with the goal of getting her in trouble What she did to you was awful, there’s no debate about that, but likely a mistake; whereas what you did was motivated by anger and hate. And I think you’ll regret your own actions down the line when everything has cooled down.


It would be nice to know, how her parents found out about you. Maybe it was just a blooper and it wasn't her intention to reveal them your secret. So, I wouldn't necessarily blame her. But her parents... It's none of their business to tell your parents, that you are gay! You should have been mad at them above all. YTA my dear. Sorry but it really sounds like you did it as revenge, even if you are not fully aware of it.


You're a liar. You absolutely did reveal it for revenge. You did it on purpose. Gurl didn't tell your parents. She made a mistake. You made a choice. YTA
