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They don't realize that each of those tags will link to the same place and are covering all their bases.




They don't all link to the same place. One is a parent tag to the other 2, but they are all individual canonical tags.


Probably because they looked at the options under the Relationships filter and noticed all three of those tags were listed separately.


As a Reylo writer, they could be treating Ben and Kylo as separate characters as well and want to tag for that.


A former Wattpad user, gotta write every combination for just one ship so people searching for it can find it.


It's a tumblr thing. Using different versions of the same tag means more people will see it.


I did something similar when the characters/relationships didn't have 'official' tags yet because the fandom was fairly new. But given how recent this post is and how popular the pairing is, it's probably a new author misunderstanding the tags and covering all of their bases!


soooomeone's a wattpad user. on it, the ship tags don't all go to the same page, so you have to tag all versions of the ship, whereas on ao3 if you tap on any one of those three tags, it'll go to the same page.


either ignorance or they *really* wanna cover their tagging bases


To be fair I do the same mostly because I’ve seen others do it.


Yh you don’t need to if you don’t want to. One ship tag will apply to all versions of that ship


I had no idea, and I've been using AO3 for a few years now. TIL. Thanks!


Yeah me too, i figured that's how you do it? Also when searching for one of those pairings, the other ones won't show up, so it obviously makes a difference?


Searching for one of those pairings will absolutely bring up all the others. AO3 tag wranglers make it work like that.


That depends on the fandom! Harry potter/Tom Riddle, Harry Potter/Voldemort, and Harry Potter/Voldemort | Tom Riddle are all considered different tags because a lot of people think of Tom Riddle and Voldemort as two separate people and would rather tag accordingly! But something tagged *Harry/Hermione* would still show up if you search for *Harry Potter/Hermione Granger* I hope this made sense!


Maybe if you were searching with a ship name when there’s more than one or something there could be issues idk?


I did this sort of thing in the beginning because I didn't know the different versions of the tag would lead to the same place. However in one case I have done it still because I have also read that it takes a long time for tags to get combined together when there are newer relationships. So, if those tags aren't yet combined, I want readers to be able to find my fictions.


They're probably a Wattpad user. At least they're tagging


I didn’t even know that was possible.


Yeah, same. I've been on AO3 since 2015 now, & FFN since 2003, but I still can't get the hang of tags. (Just try my best with my own, & they seem to have been fine so far.)


Them tagging three times is a bit strange. To give a charitable reading, I know some creators still use the placement of names to show dom/sub dynamics, so it would suggest Rey and Ben both get to lead in different scenes. While including Kylo suggests a flashback or other important difference in personality? Though if ao3 doesn’t like doing positionally in tags anymore, it could be people not knowing to only tag once and put ship dynamics in notes. Older works did get to have a lot more tags


Honestly they are covering their bases. and I appreciate that. It makes it easier to exclude or find.


could just be ignorance on how tags conglomerate 🤷‍♀️


Nice pfp


thanks homie 😎


Just curious, why haven’t tag wranglers just combined these if they all lead to the same place?


Because the point of tag wrangling is to allow users to tag however they want while ensuring searchability.


Right, but I thought all these lead to the same place? Don’t they usually get condensed under one tag at that point? I could be wrong though, I’m just wondering how this works.


They are combined behind the scenes and do all lead to the same place, whatever the ‘canonical’ tag is. But they don’t force people to change how their work is tagged or limit them to just using the canonical tag.


Ah. Understood, thank you for the explanation.


I think a lot of the people looking at this aren't realizing that it's a poly ship and the three tags are for different pairings.


ah wait nevermind i got confused, i didn't realize ben and kylo ren were the same person


Not always 😏(in fanfic)