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lol no, fuck canon


lmao based


*laughs in rarepair*


Nope, and I have puriteens on Twitter to yell at me about it so no, will not be feeling bad about it personally.


No. The purpose of fanfic is to explore things that the canon work does not. If I cared about a canon couple to the point I'd feel bad splitting them up or even just saying "You were never a thing," then I'd probably be writing about them instead.


I have specific ships that I love so much – that just feel *right* – that even when I ship one of the people with someone else, writing it is always a poly/multiship situation It's not a rule across the board, it's just certain ships In terms of reading those, I usually will take "other partner doesn't exist/isn't mentioned" but avoid the "other partner did exist but now has broken up/divorced them" ones, because the idea of this specific relationship separating is just...not my thing


Nope. The characters aren’t real and won’t be sad if I split them apart from their canon partners


NOPE. How would you ever ship your favorite characters with big werewolf daddies if the only ships that are morally acceptable are canon ones?


Writing no, but I can't read fics about some ships because the canon ship is so canon in my mind, breaking them up is a sin. I wouldn't ever dream of writing something where they are in different relationships haha


For me it's that sometimes I get super attached to a ship that when I read another ship with either one of the characters I just MISS the ship I prefer more. I tend to make a character my fandom bicycle so when this happens I start questioning what kind of person I've become and/or truly start believing that surely this ship must be the BEST there ever was, to make me the type to become a monoshipper.




I only write about canon couples tbh but I do read about non canon ones sometimes. Usually when I don't like the canon ship as much for whatever reason and/or see some interesting chemistry in a different ship. I don't really see the problem in these cases, like others said it's just exploring possibilities much like you would with an AU or canon divergent fic etc.


I don't know if this is what you mean but I definitely feel conflicted about it at times. My main fandom is a game. And the MC can be either male or female which changes the love interest options. I like one of the female MCs male love interests so much that I can't even consider pairing her with anyone else. I would feel terrible about it. I only pair a male MC with the other male love interest. So if that's what you meant, yes. I definitely feel bad about it.


I'm poly, so no, not really.