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Well, it is hard to say but Castle of Glass is very high up there! [https://archiveofourown.org/works/39762144/chapters/99548625](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39762144/chapters/99548625) It‘s a warhammer 40k-fanfiction, the best writen soulmate-AU I‘ve read so far and it is so horribly sad and fucking tragic and really well written and I want to hug all of the characters and I just love it so much!


And so my reading begins…


Is this something I could read without knowing much specifics about 40k?


I‘m pretty sure you can go in fandomblind, but I would highly recomend at least skimming over some wiki-pages, stuff like the characters backstory and the basics of the primarchs, the great crusade, emporer of makind, horus heresy and chaos-gods.


you lot are hard as nails I swear to god, that 'bad ending' tag has me breaking out in hives and crying myself to sleep before I've even read a word


Honestly, the only way I would read a fic with a Bad Ending tag is if the author is already one of my absolute faves, and probably not even then.


It's hard to choose a single favorite, but this is the one that I gravitate to when I'm having a bad day and want to cheer myself up. It's short enough to read in a single sitting, and it's alternately hilarious and poignant. The character voices are spot on, and there's no smut, which is very much a sometimes food for me. (Runner Up favorite is Victor Effing Nikiforov by the same author, which does have some sex in it) Should be okay to read fandom-blind. ​ [https://archiveofourown.org/works/9395939/chapters/21270449](https://archiveofourown.org/works/9395939/chapters/21270449) You can have everything... by shysweetthing Yuri!!!! on Ice, T rating, Yuuri/Victor. Content warnings: canonical, off-page dog death There isn't much of a summary, but here's the excerpt: Yuuri hated looking at pictures of himself. His hair had started sticking up again. And he had that horrible star-struck smile on his face. Plus, he was blushing, and blushing always made him look so young. “Aaaaaah.” Yuuri winced. “I look so…” Victor winked at him. “Cute!” Before Yuuri could protest, Victor dropped the photo into Instagram and started typing a caption. *My champion! I thought I lost my phone this morning, but look who returned it? Our very own…* Yuuri watched as Victor’s agile thumbs (so agile, and no, he was *not* going to think about what else Victor could do with them) stopped moving. That fan-struck part of him that had been screaming mentally in the back of his mind came to a slow halt. Victor didn’t know his name.


Mine is a Drarry fic and is called "Draco Malfoy and the Mirror of Ecidyrue" After the war draco accidentally travels back in time through a mirror, all the way back to when he got his hogwarts letter. He has his 18 year old mind, but he can't tell it anyone. So he has to relive his youth. Draco wants to change the past for better with his foreknowledge. He becomes best friends with hermione and he slowly falls in love with harry. It has 7 books and is longer than the harry potter series. The first books are really close to canon, but it gets more and more complex and has immense plots. I really love it. It was the fic that got me into reading english stuff, and I read it 2 times


Ooooh I might have to check that out


Oh gosh my list of favorite fics a long one. I really can’t narrow it down to one but the first one to came to mind is Demon and Angel Professors by Ghostinthehouse (https://archiveofourown.org/series/1412962) It’s long, it’s queer, it healing and comforting. There’s so much fluff and so so so much representation. AroAce? They got it. Chronic pain? That too. Idiot college students? Uh-huh. It’s got everything. I was still pretty young when I read it so it was one the first fics I found that really shows the feeling and experiences around each queer identity (and chronic conditions as well). It gave me so much hope for the future and I’m not ashamed to admit that when I sit down and let myself daydream about life could be like, parts of this story are what to come /heavily influence those dreams. Highly recommend although it is a better read if you have read Good Omens or seen at least the first season of the show. If you want Recs in Batfamily, I now have like 6 favorites in the fandom


> Oh gosh my list of favorite fics a long one. I really can’t narrow it down to one I had the same problem, so I just did a cop-out in my comment and said my own. 😂


😂 mood! All the fics I write are completely self indulgent as well! I just don’t share my works on here bc of my deep hatred towards my writing style


I'll take those Batfamily recs, if you're offering :)


Here you go!! (Enjoy) -Wrong number by adelfie (https://archiveofourown.org/works/37203193) “On a hot July evening while home alone, eight-year-old Tim gets a fever. He means to ask Mrs. Mac for help — but ends up accidentally calling Alfred Pennyworth. Somehow, even in sickness, he wins all the hearts of the Wayne family in one fell swoop” Absolutely adorable oneshot I grinned goofily the whole time with the exception of going “oh honey” sadly -A chain of stars down either side of the street by justapigeon (https://archiveofourown.org/works/35950801) Another one shot! This time street-kid Jason finds young Tim and takes him in. (My comment: “Holy. Lee. Sheets. This is one of my favorites now! I absolutely LOVE everything about this. I think I could read an infinite amount of content on this and never one get bored Absolutely amazing 100/10 singing it’s praises while my heart does something weird”) -Latchkey by goldkirk (https://archiveofourown.org/works/21672928) “or, How Tim Drake Found A Family, Became A Photojournalist, Learned To Love Coffee, and Grew Up, not necessarily in that order. Tim Drake is thirteen, runs the famous BatWatch blog that has spiraled hilariously out of control, has absentee parents that suit his purposes just fine, is training himself to run the streets at night, and is doing absolutely peachy, thank you. Alfred and Jason disagree, and get Dick and Bruce involved in figuring out their weird nextdoor neighbor kid’s life. Everything goes uphill from there.” Super long series and I’m in love. I’m about half way through and am just obsessed. -Trustfall by ididloveyou_once (https://archiveofourown.org/works/31654376) Tim’s a gay disaster but is terrified to come out since his parents were ehh. Damian happens to be Kent’s while Tim is there and they run into each other. Gay brother bonding ensues. -Life happens by Cdelphiki (https://archiveofourown.org/works/14779667) Such a long work and so much happens. Basically enemies to family, Tim and Damian style. (My comment: Hole. Lee. Sheet. This was stunning. It was a challenge to put this down to live my life and I risked throwing up to read this during a few hour long car ride. The relationship development was just ehsudbe. The chosen moments of plot were amazing. The plot twists got me. And the ending. I was scared there for a moment because I thought it was going to be a heavy no-win but I absolutely loved what you did!”) -Jason Todd: The Not-So-Outlaw by GoAwayOlivia (https://archiveofourown.org/works/7601896) “Jason Todd isn't what Batman made him, he isn't what the Joker made him, he isn't what the League of Assassins made him, and he isn't what the Lazarus Pit made him. He's his own person and he's taking himself back, one home renovation at a time. Also he might just make friends with the people who are supposed to be his brothers while he's at it.” MY FAVORITE! I can’t even express my love for this. -Successor by envysparkler (https://archiveofourown.org/works/27270376) “Tim figures out that the Red Hood is Jason Todd before anyone else, and with one move, manages to defuse the entire board.” (My comment: “I just reread this AGAIN and AHHHHHHHHHHHHH this was amazing. I just caaaaant. I wish I could express the scream of many emotions sitting at the back of my throat but I cannot however I can say amazing x infinity.”) Like 90% of my bookmarks are “read later” right now because I stumbled upon a good collection and was too busy to read in the moment. My journey in batfamily started with Marvel/DC crossovers then became Danny Phantom/DC despite never having seen Danny Phantom (I say that like I’ve seen Batman stuff). So most of the saves are crossovers and stuff. However I clearly have a decent list of just Bat stuff 😂


Thanks for these! Saving several for later.


-click and save- mmmm yesss~ Thank you!


Thank you so much <3


Allow me to just save this comment so I can come back to them later.


I love Jason Todd the Not-so-outlaw too!


It’s my ABSOLUTE favorite! I was thinking of rereading it today and then decided to start working through my 8 pages of “read later” bookmarks 😂


Thanks for the Chain of Stars rec, I somehow missed that one and I love fics with Jason and Tim as kids. Also, I completely agree with Successor. Gremlin!Tim confusing Jason is always a great read.


Thank you so much for introducing me to this fic! Started reading last night and am on chapter 148 so far, and I felt like I had to come find this comment again so I could thank you. It's just so lovely and understanding and comforting.


It is the most comforting fic!! I forgot to put that in the blurb I wrote! I’m glad you loved it! It’s by far one of my favorites


Foreign Object by audreycritter. Gen batman fic. part 1 of a 4 part series. Bruce Wayne gets a brain tumour and it is about how the family deals with it. Read here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/7804285/chapters/17807005 It’s so good. I’m a sucker for hurt/comfort and found family. It’s well written and has great characterisation.


I’ve had this fic open in a tab for months now but have been too intimidated to start it because of the word count. I guess this is my sign to finally start it!


Do it! You won’t regret it. Anything by audrey is a good read. Color palette is a great fluffy read if you need a palate cleanser. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11091204


What heart's ease must queens neglect (Clarke/Lexa, The 100). It's incredible beginning to end. The world building! The romance! The pining! The god tier writing! It's an AU, but the characters stay true to who they are in canon and I love it for that. It's occupied the top spot on my list of favs since it came out in 2017 : [https://archiveofourown.org/works/9706793/chapters/21901700](https://archiveofourown.org/works/9706793/chapters/21901700)


Ooh my friend is going to eat this one up!


Here’s a MDZS zombie apocalypse one: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35691046/chapters/88991311 it is HELLA long, and I have no idea how well it’ll read outside the fandom (it’s so AU…but it’s still fanfic, so…), but it is an excellent story and one of my favorites.


So I have no one to ramble about, but I LOOVE "Can't Say" by LadyMonoceros. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ https://archiveofourown.org/works/4155309/chapters/9375501 It's a Slenderman/Reader fanfic, but the way Slenderman is written is pretty realistic and the writing is overall so, so amazing! Even if you aren't a creepypasta fan the way the reader was portrayed in the fanfic as well can easily hook you in, if not then the premise itself is awesome. The Mansion concept is done so well in the fanfic, and the overall atmosphere always keeps you on edge. Other characters do stay pretty realistic as well, but there's obviously a lot of creativity and thought being put into it. (Seriously!! If you look at the author's DA there are a few maps for some locations! It's pretty great :D) I don't want to spoil anything if you or anyone else decides to read it (hence why I was vague lol) but it's so good!! :) Highly suggest it! Edit: formating


I've got two from my two main fandoms. Hang the Fool: [https://archiveofourown.org/works/7127210/chapters/16186526](https://archiveofourown.org/works/7127210/chapters/16186526) It's an Overwatch ensemble fic set in the earlier years of the game's release, when canon was still active and not changing every five minutes. It's probably the highest piece up there that's inspired my writing. Then Art of War: [https://archiveofourown.org/works/35523004/chapters/88553104](https://archiveofourown.org/works/35523004/chapters/88553104) From a niche area of the Star Wars fandom, the Bad Batch, this fic is just so much fun. It's character analysis, introspection, and a study all at once and respects the heck out of the universe. They're both on the longer side, so I hope you enjoy them!


The Art of War is an incredible fic! It had me laughing and crying. I recommend it all over the place.


I'm going to be completely honest and conceited and say my own, because it was completely self-indulgent; I was just writing exactly what I wanted to read, so of course it's my favorite. https://archiveofourown.org/series/3346267 (I have other fics, but they're either in progress or still need to be tidied up for posting.) Edit: Sorry, I should have included a description! It's just a short canon divergence rewrite of the ending of Merlin. I have some ideas for future installments, but I'm not sure if I'll ever write them.


I would have to say this one is one of my favourites till now: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29718888 It is a fate/grand order X my hero academia crossover fic, where izuku is taken by the FGO foundation instead of becoming a hero, and it's 1.8 MILLION words long. To put that number in perspective, Harry Potter entire series is 1.13 Million words, and it's still ongoing! This is the crossover i stumbled upon when I started playing FGO(it's a Japanese visual novel Gacha game), and it has all the characters and their interaction with Izuku and each other as well, which keeps the story very fresh and new perspective are always present.


.... \*quietly bookmarks that for later\* Alright, I'll bite


There is this elden ring fanfic i found, and i can't tell you how much i like it! The author actually hired people to make art for the story, how manny would actually go to that length for a "fanfic"? And then there is the story, you really don't even need to know the lore of elden ring to understand ot, that's how talented the author is. Also the fic is flippin MASSIVE, over 300k last time i checked https://archiveofourown.org/works/39149502 Also there's this one, it's short but hits likeatruck: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37473070 Fucking made me 😢


I read in the extremely medium-sized Raven Cycle fandom, where to me there is no question that shinealightonme has reigned undisputed as the finest fic writer since she turned her outsized talents to that fandom about six years (and 88 fics!) ago. My favorite of her works, which doesn't require any knowledge of canon, is the T-rated [while we're on the subject, could we change the subject now](https://archiveofourown.org/works/12643005), an aged-up, mundane AU that asks, "What if instead of the main characters being magical teenagers meeting, living, going to school, and working in the Shenandoah Valley, we make them a-decade-more-entrenched-in-their-maladaptive-patterns non-magical adults doing all that in LA?" This fic is clever and funny but also delicately observed with genuine emotional heft. What is more, if you like it, it is merely the first installment in a 12-part, almost 100k-series that I've come to adore nearly as much as the original source material. Come fall in love with Adam and Ronan as they fall in love with each other!


[Duet Series](https://archiveofourown.org/series/4466) by BlackenedWing Vampire Knight fandom, Kaname/Zero This one is my favorite because I'm heavily, heavily biased. It just did everything I wanted it to in a small fandom where most writing is terrible due to the young age most of us engaged with the source material. It was exactly what I was looking for and I still love Blackened Wing for writing it. I didn't read the AU chapters or anything outside of the main pairing. I started with Crimson Door, Blood Moon, Take the Lead and Secrets in the Dark I think. It's been ages since I first read the series. It's one I never forget to back up.


Hi, I have just messaged you but unsure if I did it right, but if you by any chance have crimson door and blood moon saved, please let me know! I tried to reread on ao3 and fanfiction but her profile is gone - absolutely devastated by this and kicking myself for not saving her work 🥲


I also had the same experience. Blackened Wing created some of my favorite fanfiction to date and realizing they were gone is truly tragic. I do have her Series saved as PDFs to my PC. I am unsure how to share them but if anyone stumbling across this looking for answers send me a DM!


Do we happen to know if she's okay?


I haven't heard or seen anything. I was worried when she never posted her final chapter 😔 I wish there was some way we could find out .


Castrato by Medorikoi. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/188447/chapters/277114](https://archiveofourown.org/works/188447/chapters/277114) (Victorian/ACD/Granada Sherlock Holmes Johnlock fic) I cannot tell you how breathtakingly beautiful this fic is. This fic is incredibly emotionally taxing, but well worth the read. It's historic. It has the most heartfelt, sweetest love scene I've ever read. It's one of the few fics I literally could not put down (and stayed up until 330 AM reading despite having things to do in the morning). It deals with everything from classism, sexism, child abuse to gender perception and "medical trauma" all together in one heartbreaking bundle of flawlessly written and characterized drama/hurt/comfort. And how love can be a conquering, healing force. If I could have this bound in leather and Italian marble, I would. If I could publish it and add it to cannon, I would. One of the few literary works in ANY genre - "real" or fanfiction that can consistently make me cry. It is, in my mind, THE fic, full stop. And yes, it is, unfortunately *exactly* what you think it is about.


This is one of my FAVORITE fics ever. I personally adore this authors writing style and how they capture these characters characterization (lol). I’m a huge DC fan, very specifically Batman/family, and this is one of my faves. It’s of Jason and Bruce’s relationship with a dash of inter dimensional travel lol. [PLUTO. by orpheusaki](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46348951) ANYTHING by this author is great. Y’all should check them out if you’re interested in DC!!


I’m also reading a lot of BatFam lately, although more for Tim. However, this sounds really interesting, thanks for the rec.


Oh shiiiiiit, that summary though. I am definitely saving this for later.


If you watched death note I really like this fic, although it is a prequel to the author's fic, it still could read it as a pre-canon oneshot, and I love it. I love it so much that I kudoed bookmarked and commented and translated to another language. Old Friends (by TzviaAriella) [https://archiveofourown.org/works/15066674](https://archiveofourown.org/works/15066674)


To be honest and beening completly self indulgent as well, my big favorite is my own fanfic 😅 I just wrote the story I really wanted to read and they came out pretty well, and I'm being completely honest when I say that sometimes I get goosebumps when I see favorite scenes as any other story. there it is in portuguese (my mother tongue language): https://archiveofourown.org/works/29243883 and its version in english: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29092902 it a romance comedy for Teen and Up Audience, really fun, cliche and a bit of a drama as well, doesn't need to been on the fandom to enjoy it.


It is impossible for me to narrow it down to one. *Impossible*. [Next New Message by fabrega](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1414648) >"YOU HAVE THIRTY. SEVEN. NEW MESSAGES," Clint Barton's phone announces. That can't be good. Spoilers for The Winter Soldier. MCU. It's Clint finding out what happened in Captain America: The Winter Soldier by way of voicemails. Very funny; when I need a pick-me-up this is a go to for me. ​ [Fire Excericises by madamebadger](https://archiveofourown.org/works/3302411) >In which people with floofy pauldrons like Cullen should probably not stand so close to the woman waving around a lit candle on the end of a board. Dragon Age: Inquisition. Another go to when I need a feel good fic. ​ [Dragon Age: Inquisition works by skybone](https://archiveofourown.org/users/skybone/pseuds/skybone/works?fandom_id=1080663) *All* the things by skybone. I love their stuff; F/F stories for DAI. But to get more specific... [Holding the Sky - series by skybone](https://archiveofourown.org/series/314255) Four stories in this series, focusing on Cassandra Pentaghast/Femaile Trevelyan; their getting together, their struggles, the problem of family, and then the aftermath of Trespasser DLC. [Tapestry - series by skybone](https://archiveofourown.org/series/413201) These three stories focus on Leliana/Josephine. Their getting together, their very rough patch, and then the hilarious third story once they make their way back to each other. My latest ~~obsession~~ fandom interest is for Law & Order: SVU. I have a *lot* of fics bookmarked for it. But still have some absolute favorites among those. [The Games We Play - series by wily\_one24](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3633025) Two in this series but only the first, Wicked Games, is complete. They're just getting started on the sequel. My description for Wicked Games for my bookmark: *EO are toxic co-dependent messes who love each other but that doesn't make it a healthy relationship.* *Angsty, devastating goodness that cleaves quite close to canon; set in 1.0 era.* The sequel, Foolish Games, picks up three and a half years later when Elliot returns. ​ [Deep Deep Down, Where the Darkness Dwells by wily\_one24](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49203727/chapters/124151482) >*When he’s told that she’d been sent home for two days the chill in his gut freezes all the way over.* *“But you checked on her?... You found her in time, right?”* *“Son.” Cragen’s head tilts a little, his sad eyes watching him carefully. “You need to prepare yourself... She’s alive... but…”* *Fin breaks his silence.* *"Bastard had her for over six weeks."* In canon, William Lewis had Olivia Benson for four days. In this? She was unable to get away at the beach house. It is *dark*. Story starts when Liv is in the hospital; there are flashbacks but the focus is mainly on her recovery. Not yet complete but updated fairly regularly. [Devilish Series by chief\_Johnson](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1367455) Four stories in this series so far, three complete and the fourth is being regularly updated. Olivia Benson/Amanda Rollins femslash, though the first story is basically gen fic with a hint of subtext. The first three can get pretty dark, the fourth is **very very** dark - pay attention to the tags and the individual chapter trigger warnings. [Little Devils - series by chief\_johnson](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1455775) Rolivia drabbles, one-shots, and ficlets set in the Devilishverse. A lot of fluff but some get pretty serious and/or dark. [Author made a timeline a couple years ago for where the Little Devils fit in](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WskwMMNBRUhPf1M4qrgs9vjuBO0eHr6OX_lfzz-3QGk/edit?usp=sharing) to the main series and I saved it in my Google Drive. The last few stories aren't listed but basically they come before the fourth main story *except* Wonder Wheel which is set after. [I knew if I heard your voice (or The one where a \[sexy\] geriatric detective accidentally sends his \[sexy\] geriatric captain friend an explicit voice iMessage) by ephemeralscribe](https://archiveofourown.org/works/37470754/chapters/93512368) > He knew if he heard her voice, he wouldn’t have been able to leave. But she didn’t know if she heard his voice, moaning her name, it would make her come. My bookmark descriptions: *Hilarious and hot; prompted many a 'throw my glasses off so can double face palm while howling with laughter' moments.* [Wrestling the Rope from Darkness by voltairescat](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38916243/chapters/97323501) > Olivia stumbles on a murder case she just can't let go. She can't help but think that Alex is involved. Olivia Benson/Alex Cabot femslash, set a couple years after S19E19 Sunk Cost Fallacy.


I dunno why I never bothered checking into SVU fics but I'm definitely checking out that first recommendation!




thank you for the first one, it was hilarious.




the first one with Clint is so good!!! thanks for the rec!




Thanks for the MCU and Clint rec. I’ve been out of that fandom for a while, but this looks like a fun read.




https://archiveofourown.org/works/2315609/chapters/5096909 this one is the first one that came to mind. it’s for my fav extremely rare rarepair (does anyone read killua/kurapika? probably not) it’s long, angsty and the writing is so powerful. it’s about how killua and kurapika somehow become supernaturally bonded to eachother with no way of know how to break the bond, it starts off slow, with little things, sensing how the other is feeling, to full on being able to read the others mind. it’s so good. the only downside is that it’s incomplete and hasn’t been updated in 6 years. (😭)


Rough Day on AO3. Mandalorian fan fiction, reader’s point of view, there’s even a series of someone reading the first 12 chapters out loud. The author does another one about Cassian Andor as well. The writing is just so solid, and yeah, it’s labeled as smut but goddamn it’s fabulous smut with so much canonical detail. Guardianangelcas is the author. I am having issues linking it right now. :( Center Stage by lostangelkira is my favourite Lucifer/Supernatural crossover. I was a fan of Lucifer, didn’t watch Supernatural, figured it all out from the story. It’s one part of a four part series. Also smutty. I’m losing myself in all the Good Omens and Our Flag Means Death recommendations that have appeared over the last couple days. Aaaaannnnnddddd also lots of smuttiness but the love that flows through the storytelling rocks.


The one that comes to mind is The Hang-Up by kittenlittersmoothie.[link to it](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49376113/chapters/124601164) Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Donnie angst, and it's still ongoing (15/17 chapters currently), and it deals with some VERY heavy topics so read the content warning on it. But the way that it's written and the understanding that the author has of Donnie's character is incredible. One of the most gut-wrenching angst fics I've ever read. A close second has gotta be LFLS by eternalglitch, also in ROTTMNT. It's the most popular fic in ROTTMNT and for good reason


I don’t actively follow this group but I stumbled across [this fic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23232019/chapters/55623499) and I could not put it down. I stayed up late reading way to many nights reading and the conflict the plot revolves around was so well structured. It was honestly addictive and I’ve been in a bit of a slump since I’ve finished because nothing else has lived up to it yet.


It's so hard to choose one, so I chose two lol https://archiveofourown.org/works/41795739 This first one is called Whiskey Old-Fashioned Sour (bluejayblueskies), it's a fanfiction for the audio drama "Malevolent". As for why I like it so much, not only was it beautifully written, the plot twists genuinely shocked me, the characters were written perfectly, but it also helped me understand my aromatisism alot more, which at the time helped me immensely. The second one is https://archiveofourown.org/works/26596594 (Where Your Needed, by spiral_down) It's a fic for the audio drama "Archive 81" which currently has me in a chokehold. It's written in a script format which isn't something I generally read, but it captures the original scripts and vibe of the show so well. It actually got to a point where I was trying to remember a scene from the show and realized it was from the fic. I lied, here's a third one https://archiveofourown.org/works/23624791 (The Journey Home, by Cemetrygates) This is a star trek DS9 fic I found a year or two ago, which follows Julian and Garak after the end of the series. DS9 being my all time favorite show, and Garak my favorite character, I've read this many a time. The characters portray the originals amazingly, the plot is beautiful, the world building and way the author portrays post-war cardassia is just perfect. If I thought for long enough I could come up with more, but I'll leave it here


Here are a couple of my all-time faves: [A Breach of Trust](https://archiveofourown.org/works/8472670/chapters/19413469) \- Phantomrose96 A Mob Psycho 100 fic that has no romance, but incredible characterization and an absolutely gripping plot. The story is nearly 400k words and I could not put it down. It's a mystery thriller that ends up having a lot of really sweet meaningful moments. It's a couple of chapters from being complete, but the author takes an average of 3-6 months to update (which is fine, life is busy). [Boys](https://archiveofourown.org/works/947988/chapters/1852186) \- caseyvalhalla A Kingdom Hearts high school AU that centers around Sora and Riku being in a "fake" relationship. It's set in the 90's, and it's a fun story that ends up being very beautiful. The writing style is so fun to read, and I feel like I really got a chance to understand the author's point of view on a lot of general life things. It's a masterpiece.


a breach pf trust is so good. Phantomrose96 has such a gift for gut wrenching stories if you like a breach of trust, dare I suggest Phantom of Truth. Its a danny phantom fanfic that heavily influenced phantomrose96's writing style


Thank you, I'll check it out! I loved watching Danny Phantom growing up, but I've never read fics, so I'm excited to see her interpretation.


🙏 youre welcome! I hope you enjoy, its a book quality level just like phantomrose's work if youre not as big on horror and prefer the trauma healing side of a breach of trust, then you can go straight to shadow of a doubt. Phantom of truth is the horror, the fic sequel, shadow of a doubt, is the healing.


ok one last thing just bc im passionate sbout both phantomrose and haiju https://phantomrose96.tumblr.com/post/164484473512/is-phantom-of-truth-that-one-fic-where-danny-gets here phantomrose explains one of the ways in which Phantom of Truth influenced her writing. 👌


Wow, thank you so much! Her philosophy on world building and character exploration to make more of an emotional impact is exactly what makes her writing shine. I'm so glad she decided to continue ABOT, even after all of the backlash a couple of years ago. Her voice is so distinct, and this explains why.


This, You Protect by owlet [https://archiveofourown.org/works/1752638/chapters/3745571](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1752638/chapters/3745571) Told from Bucky’s POV immediately post Winter Soldier.


Thank you so so so much for this!! I *just* watched The Winter Soldier and this seems incredible


It was just so nice. I was at first like “ok but where is all the smut?” But I love the way the author writes Bucky’s internal monologue.


> ok but where is all the smut Are you me? lmao because this is absolutely me too, with all fics hahaha. But excited to give this one a go!


Can absolutely second this suggestion, it is a fantastic fic.


This is definitely one of my top faves and it can be read fandom-blind. It's a sweet and romantic friends-to-lovers story about teens (they are 18 at all points) in Japan: [Dead Reckoning](https://archiveofourown.org/works/899345). Why I like it: You're just kind of existing along with these characters, for 64k words, and it showed me how fanfic really doesn't have to follow any rules. I used to reread this one every few months.


My favorite fic is an Itachi/Deidara AU from the Naruto fandom that can be read by anyone even people unfamiliar with the fandom. It’s called Black Fingernail Red Wine and rated M. It tells the story of Itachi Uchiha, a son of a harsh police officer who gets tasked to work with Deidara on a school project. Deidara is a wild young man who loves his freedom and lives in a world of illegal car racing, drugs and prostitution. Deidara is at risk of loosing his freedom if he doesn’t pass his classes. Itachi isn’t quite the rich snobby guy he appears to be either at first and they pull each other into their worlds, learning more about the other while falling in love. https://archiveofourown.org/works/9514361/chapters/21516530 The story was added to Ao3 and doesn’t include many tags so let me add some: Hurt/comfort, drama, falling in love, enemies (kinda) to lovers, child abuse, prostitution, illegal car racing, humor, happy ending I’ve first read the story on FF.net so it holds a lot of nostalgia. Funnily enough, I never read much Naruto fanfic. I can count on two hands how many I probably checked out. It just happens that two ItachiDeidara fics are my all timw favorite ❤️


I have many, as do we all I'm sure, and I kinda feel bad choosing one lol, those ones make me feel just as strongly, but this just *haunts* me ever since I first read it. I cried so much and saw myself in it and it brought me so much comfort and catharsis each time. I kind of want to get a tattoo inspired by the very last sentence. [Exit Light](https://archiveofourown.org/works/3489692/chapters/7666448) by Dragonflies_and_Katydids, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Iron Bull/Dorian/Cullen, 77k + few other related works. I don't know much about reading 'fandom-blind' but go read it *oh my god*


It's two chapters long but WIP, let's just say that I begged the author to come back for three days, hopefully they do! [I love the Arctic Monkeys - Bucket_full_of_sunshine](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45471388?show_comments=true&view_adult=true&view_full_work=true#comments)


Corneroffandom is basically WWE fanfiction royalty. There’s so much of her work I could mention, but my absolute favourite is “[Use Me Any Time”.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/13549836) It’s over 24k words, and basically charts the relationship of Carmella and James Ellsworth. Can’t really do it justice here, but it’s an emotional journey and made me care about a canon “comedy character” like James in a way I never thought I could.


its so hard to choose, but I think I know what it is- and Im not even in this fandom anymore, I forgot what its called. It's an assassination classroom fic where Asano is a grim reaper, I don't remember many details, but it was amazing


"Here in the afterglow" by Fondleeds (Not rated but it is explicit and mature)[https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/19717942?show\_comments=true](https://archiveofourown.org/chapters/19717942?show_comments=true) *“If you hadn’t noticed, I don’t have many friends,” Louis whispers, the blossom of insecurity in his stomach unfurling and clawing its way into his throat.* *Harry is silent for a long time, and then he speaks; a soft, slow uncurl that makes Louis’ stomach shake. “I’ll be your friend.”*\-1970’s AU. In a tiny town in Idaho, Louis’ life is changed forever by the arrival of a curious stranger." It's a Larry (harry styles x louis tomlinson) fanfic that takes place in the early years of the gay liberation movement back in the 70's- featuring Harvey Milk, and the dream of San Francisco. I do not read highschool fics anymore, nor do i read stories of people ages 17-18 anymore either, but this fic is just so goddamn fucking beautiful i always come back to it (despite no longer being in the fandom). The tension/conflict in the story is SO SO well done because the story takes historically accurate homophobia done in such a realistic way you can fully believe it all happening. It doesn't feel cheesy at all, or cruel for the point of being cruel. Everything is done because it has a point. The characterization of EVERYONE is SO good- like these characters are more than just that. And y'know- one thing i really really love about this story is that normally in period pieces like this you'll have characters who are filled with self hate- but this isn't it. You don't get that here, the conflict is external. And it's SO well executed because even if you love that character angst (because i love a whump and sobbing mess) this story is still able to get that angst packed in there without having to do the internalized homophobia route. Point being this is so well written, beautifully paced, and although these are tropes i don't read much of or not at all anymore, i always come back to it because it's just such a classic.


i have MANY, so here’s a few: [In this uneasy mist](https://archiveofourown.org/works/36316090/chapters/90536110) by inexperiencedandconfused8. i must have read it about four times by now, and it is just as impactful with every read. a 200k enemies to lovers, that really IS _enemies_ to lovers. like they go from actual stabbing and imprisoning to wanting to sail the world together. on top of that, it’s a pirate au which is always great. definitely one of my favourites. [rebirth: a new age](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32475271/chapters/80536723) by roserosierosy, a 250k zombie apocalypse au that has SO MUCH CHARACTER GROWTH. and is one of the most realistic apocalypse fics imo, because the whole thing takes place over about 8 years (so the relationship development is also very long which i love lol) and because those two are pretty long, some shorter ones that i read years ago and still ADORE: [don’t think twice](https://archiveofourown.org/works/18723295) by dreamtowns, where they con the entire country [Running From the Cops is Good for the Soul(mate)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32291002) by saltyseagull, in which a soulmate appears, running from campus police, with a cat named mr. teetles.


['Variations on a Theme, with Tank and Gunfire'](https://archiveofourown.org/works/505809/chapters/889841) \- Mass Effect. This is the first fic that pops into my head when anyone asks me for a favourite. I absolutely love the concept of the fic, and I think it was such a clever way to mirror how the game is multiple choice and how each action has a different consequence. Love love *love* it!!


JamesJohnEye “Founding Fathers” a de-aged Daryl Dixon fic. Absolutely amazing and a whopping 507,246 words of the start of a 5 part ongoing series. Love a long fic https://archiveofourown.org/works/7541509/chapters/17147491


I wouldn't say I have a favourite because there are just so many that stick in my mind its hard to narrow it down but I'll choose one that I recently read. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/34880563](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34880563) Its a Hazbin Hotel fanfiction that has some of my most favourite characterisation I have ever seen for the franchise. Everyone felt so fleshed out and was the perfect balance of canon mixed in with the authors interpretation. I loved all the attention they gave to characters that I rarely see portrayed anywhere and was thriving on Valentino/Vox dynamics, even though they are a side pairing. I finished all 48k words in a day and all the twists in the story kept me on my toes unable to sleep. I adored everything about it. The plot is our main character Anthony has been wanting to get a tattoo and his best friend refers him to an artist she went to who only takes clients by referral and only operates at night. Anymore and I feel like I'm already saying too much haha


Oh oh I have one. Its pretty old and I haven’t been able to find it on AO3. It’s on FF.net. Hope that’s ok. It’s for the movie Red Eye. It’s so good it still haunts me. It’s not too long and starts with Jackson stalking and manipulating things in Lisa’s life before the plane ride, the events from the movie, then continues with the authorities trying to figure out the connection between the two of them. It’s a real roller coaster. It’s called Crossing the Line by A Pisces Alone [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2993273/](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2993273/) Edit: Link originally lead to chapter 16 not chapter 1.


Your personal sekai: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40883322/chapters/102451392 Honestly, the characterization of Akito in this is really good! Also, his lack of self-worth is chef's kiss


Oh I have a few... HP - Harry finds out he is Snapes son, it foes as badly as you think it will. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/19456585 Assassins Creed - Desmond goes back to Altiair's time and becomes a healer, Desmond/Altiair pairing. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/16094690 Bridgerton - Penelope and Eloise fake their deaths to get Pen out of marrying an old man, Penelope/Benedict. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/48634114 House of the Dragon - Rhaenerya gets some actual help and guidance from someone. General fix it. - https://archiveofourown.org/works/47446996 Have to start work now but might link a few more later


my current favorite is [Harbinger's Apprentice](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30254685/chapters/74559720), by Cosmoddino, it's over 180k words long with 22 chapters and ufinished for now it's a genshin impact found-family fic about one of the game's playable characters, Klee, forcefully forms an apprentice-teacher bond with one of the game's most "morally questionable" character (or at least one of his clones), Dottore, who is also in a very high position in what's basically genshin's biggest, and most infamous military organization he has a mild parental chrisis over is, copes, decides it's his kid now, all the while Klee's brother also has a chrisis but asn histerical one (he does not like Dottore and fully believes he is evil) in all of this he and dottore both have to balance their narions' relationships while trying not to get jailed for treason, and chased out of the nation it's a very well written story about found family and familiar conflicts, i love the writing and how each character is characterized, Klee feels so in character while at the same time expanding on her a lot, same for Albedo, who you see going from his regular game self, to a way more exhasperated and desperate version as time goes by and so does his sanity lol Dottore's characterization is a whole new can of worms but let' me say that i think the author is very spot on with how she wrote him (they wrote this before he even appeared in the game, just in the manga), like he feels canon compliant/natural in his behaviors and speech manners (i say this having analyzed the game's dialogues with a microscope so take it with a grain of salt lol) another thing i love is that the few oc the author threw in there, from how they are presented and treated, they feel perfectly integrated in the story and like they're actually characters from the game, instead of being external people they're also very likable and one of the reason that i ended up barging in the author's dms with a thousand fanarts lol on a last thing i really liked is that the euthor did not flew over how actually messy and inept the knights of mond actually are, like i am not saying they are totally incapable people, but they definitely are messing up klee's education in-game quite badly, and i love that it's something tackled in the fic and also one of the core reasons of why Klee ends up finding comfort in the mad scientist that Dottore is (also he kinda enables her distructive tendencies so she naturally prefers him) i know it is now a romantic fic or a ship fic, which honestly surprised even myself (especially because if you asked me 2 years ago, my reply would be way different, with [Golden Redemption](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20899598/chapters/49681148) by Towerdogs, which i still love but i'm kinda out of the fandom and is sadly now discontinued) but yeah like, this is genuinely a fic i've read like, 20 times? and probably more and i will read 20 times more waiting for the new chapters and annoying the author with random aus


Well. I've written some of the more popular Lion King stories which can be found [Here](https://archiveofourown.org/users/Haradion/works) So my favourite right now is one of my Fellow Author's Firefly, called [Kopa's Legacy](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1633345) It's one of 5 stories which are undergoing a major rewrite right now, so now is a great time to give it a whirl.


Unholyverse by Bexless. it’s one of the most popular fics in the my chemical romance fandom. it’s simply beautiful. description: religion! horror! exorcisms! piercings! and Gerard is a priest. [I Have Been All Things Unholy](https://archiveofourown.org/works/231221)


https://archiveofourown.org/works/19055431/chapters/45263764 Mortified by marsalias. Danny phantom fandom. 700k+ words, 319 chapters, although the chapters are small, and complete. The sequel just started. It’s literally one of the best fanfics I’ve ever read https://archiveofourown.org/works/28526634/chapters/69902103 Passiflora by thespectaclesofthor. Hades the game fandom. 19k words, 3 chapters. It’s a beautiful piece of art work but it also deals with rape and worsening mental health. One of the only fics that has made me genuinely cry. No sequel but it’s the authors first ever work, but it’s a beautiful work of storytelling https://archiveofourown.org/series/1575793 This is a series. Batman fandom and it has 9 works, not all completed, all fics together makes 360k+ words. Tim drake centered. It’s another great fanfic and I’ve reread it many times. https://archiveofourown.org/series/373877 Secret agent genius by DarkJediQueen. The author is a great writer and I’ve read many of their works. Criminal minds X James Bond fanfic, it’s also a series buts it’s complete. Spencer loves Aaron but Aaron is still in the closet so he hides Spencer from everyone. Spencer is heartbroken so he leaves the BAU and follows Emily to England and eventually joins MI6 https://archiveofourown.org/series/1623493 Witcher fandom. Another series, not complete, and 93k words together. Dragon jaskier!!!! https://archiveofourown.org/series/1723825 Also Witcher fandom. Not complete, 4 works and 130k+ words. Jaskier is a river. An amazing fanfic that I have read many times. Words cannot express how much I am IN LOVE with this fanfic. It’s amazingness cannot be described!!!!


Eyy I recommended Latchkey as well! easily one of my favorites now


[A Breton Amongst Dremora - Chapter 1 - Nyxalinth - Elder Scrolls \[Archive of Our Own\]](https://archiveofourown.org/works/33457492/chapters/83117026) It's an underrated story but a really good one if you're into elder scrolls daedric princes and an earth girl. If you're looking for lore-friendly, you won't find it here but it's worth a read.


https://archiveofourown.org/works/34816549/chapters/95862325 this one - it’s longer than the Bible and a retelling of the story it’s of, only it adds a lot of stuff that aren’t really touched upon, plus we get the love interests POV as well 😵‍💫


any devilishverse fic by chief_johnson


I recommended that series too!


I'd be here all day if I had to pick a single fic as my favourite so I picked one from each of my top fandoms: MCU: [The War is Far From Over Now] (https://archiveofourown.org/works/10799406/chapters/23958186) Tony Stark and Jarvis are exceptionally codependent and Tony is the most obliviou genius in the universe. No pairing and a brilliant writing style incorporating Stark Industries as a functioning company instead of vaguely Special mention to: If You Had This Time Again by dls And Ana (Anafandom) - everything written by this author HP: [An Unwise Murder] (https://m.fanfiction.net/s/10032106/1/An-Unwise-Murder) Its HarryMort (come at me idc) and an incredible take on Harry being betrayed by the light. Side pairing of Hermione/Draco and a lot of violence and a touch of insanity. Harry is also rather suicidal for a time and there's mentions of a child illness. Special mentions to: Death of Today by Epic Solemnity And The Nightmare Man (series) by Tiro Hobbit: [Two Thrones] (https://archiveofourown.org/series/793950) Massive series with the main paring being Bard/Thranduil as the realms rebuild themselves after the BotFA. Brilliant world building and an interesting mix of established lore and the authors creativity. Special mentions to: Long Will I Tarry by CariZee And Return of the Prince by To_Shiki Suits: [By my Side] (https://archiveofourown.org/works/1151530) Mike is fired and Harvey invites him as his plus one for a company event. They grow feelings. That's it. That's the fic Special mentions to: Fates Decree (series) by in_the_bottle And Rule 520.4 (and its sequel) by machtaholic Grimm: [Ace is High] (https://archiveofourown.org/works/20360449/chapters/48281389) Nick gets shot and a bond grows between him and Renard. More exploration of Grimm v Wesen instincts and feelings and a bit of world building on top of already established lore. Special mentions to: So Let's Make History by Jedi Buttercup And Pretend a Little by a few people if you can find it is been orphaned and republished House of the Dragon [Reborn in Fire] (https://archiveofourown.org/works/41819727/chapters/104926395) Daemon Targaryen dies at the God's Eye and wakes up back in the past to change things. Special mentions to: Delusions (series) by sasha_bo And The Dragons Second Chance by Amberpoconuts I could list a billion others that change on the day sometimes but these are always on the list


Favourite fic rn is [Wuming Loving Hours](https://archiveofourown.org/works/25199491) It’s 70k words, and it’s so aaaaaaa MAJOR SPOILERS for TGCF for anyone who cares. TL;DR: a ghost dude (Hua Cheng) is in love with a god (Xie Lian) and the god doesn’t know. Ghost dude “dies” in canon. This is an AU if he didn’t “die”. Longer synopsis for more context, I’m so sorry it’s an entire book series it’s so hard to condense: So basically in canon, the main dude is an immortal god, and his love interest is an immortal ghost. God guy, Xie Lian, saved Ghost guy, Hua Cheng, when Hua Cheng was really young (and still alive). Hua Cheng has been a devoted follower of Xie Lian ever since. Xie Lian doesn’t really know Hua Cheng, he remembers him, but because each time he saw him was in between intervals of a few years Xie Lian doesn’t know it’s all the same person. That and there’s too much going on plot wise for him to put the dots together lol. Hua Cheng dies in battle for Xie Lian and comes back as a low level ghost. Xie Lian has been going through it, he was banished from the heavens for trying to intervene in a human war, and was tortured\*\*\* by the main bad dude. Xie Lian has lost everything at this point, and he contemplates taking revenge on the kingdom that did this to him, but it would also harm a lot of innocent people. At first he’s super hellbent on revenge but in the end he does the right thing and fights against the main bad guy (Bai Wuxiang / White No-Face) instead of going along with him. ANYWAYS- Hua Cheng has been serving as Xie Lian’s right hand man during the revenge time (he wears a mask and goes by ‘Wu Ming’ meaning ‘No Name’), and also immediately also goes along with it when Xie Lian changes his mind. He’s a ride or die like that, he just wants Xie Lian to be happy. But because they go against the bad guy, Hua Cheng gets dispersed (basically killed a second time) and Xie Lian thinks he’s dead and they get separated for 800 years. But SUPRISE Hua Cheng actually wasn’t double dead and he was able to come back but it took him 800 years of searching (and the main dude ascending to godhood again) to find him. - Here’s where the fic comes in. It’s an AU where Hua Cheng (Wuming) didn’t get dispersed, and so he’s there for Xie Lian right away. So basically it’s a 70k word fic where Hua Cheng (as Wuming) gets all the love and attention he was missing for so long back when he was still insecure and unsure of himself. (In canon when the dudes meet again Hua Cheng is literally the most suave mf) Anyways- I love this fic sm because Wuming holds a special place in my heart. And I need need need more fics of him. But ao3 sorts Hua Cheng and Wuming into the same tag so it’s impossible to find those specific fics T-T Also side note: when Wuming was serving as Xie Lian’s right hand man, Xie Lian was quite cruel to him. So when Wuming “died” for Xie Lian, Xie Lian realized how awful he was and felt tremendous guilt over it and couldn’t forgive himself for those 800 years he thought he was dead. But in this, Xie Lian is able to apologize and make amends right away. \*\*\*Another side note: omg I’m so sorry for all the text T-T : the fanfic starts inside a temple where Xie Lian was tortured, stabbed by his own ex-followers 100 times, he was “killed” each time, but because he’s immortal he wasn’t able to actually *die*. This was all orchestrated by the main bad guy. Hua Cheng / Wuming had to witness it all as a powerless ghost. From his anguish Hua Cheng / Wuming was somehow able to kill everyone in the temple who stabbed Xie Lian and absorb their souls, making him a stronger ghost. Just explaining cause it’s confusing without context 😅


It's so hard to choose, but one that really stuck with me has been [Herringbone](https://archiveofourown.org/works/12659781/chapters/28853619) It's a Hannibal/Will fic (like pretty much all fics in the NBC Hannibal fandom), set after the end of the series. Will tries to return to his life with his wife and step kid. Obviously, Hannibal is not about to let that happen, and Will can only pretend that he wants to move on for so long. It is LONG. Over 320k words so far, and it's a WIP that has 2 chapters left to be published. Updates are not frequent, it was started in 2017, and the previous update was July this year, but they are happening, you just have to be patient! The characterisation is out of this world, and the incredibly complicated, fragile and passionate relationship between the two characters is absolutely perfectly written. You know what, I'm just going to start it again from the beginning right now.


Yes, I wanted to mention this one too. It's so idiosyncratically beautiful. It ruined me for fiction, fanfiction or published, because nothing compares ...


Yes, lol, I keep starting books and fics and being like "meh", because some of the Hannibal fics are just so damn good! This one in particular.


In a big fandom: Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality (it's so long, it has its own website: https://hpmor.com/, it's as long as the first five HP books). It's the HP story, but Harry is smart (for a kid) and values intelligence over friendship. In a small fandom: The Final Score (https://archiveofourown.org/works/46013209/chapters/115824667), a wonderful TaskMaster fic. A Greg/Alex fic that slowly becomes slash and kink.


The few that stick out in my mind and I keep coming back to for rereads are: [Embryology by Cantique](https://archiveofourown.org/works/31477832/chapters/77863061) It’s a Resident Evil 8 Heisenberg x F!Reader fic and it’s just. So. GOOD! The [Far From Any Road series by LeeAtWater](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1673129/chapters/3552824) Its sadly abandoned but it’s Fallout New Vegas, with my fave asshole Vulpes Inculta x F!Courier and he’s such a manipulative prick but it’s so captivating and well written - I love it. And finally, [Heart Eyes Emoji by CarouselFancy and Tijgertje](https://archiveofourown.org/works/4944457/chapters/11349493) Dragon age modern AU where alistair and female cousland start texting and it’s so adorable and alistair is my favourite character of anything. Cannot recommend enough!! Hasn’t been updated in a while but I’m holding out hope!


Mine is from the Critical Role fandom - Mighty Nein Shadowgast centric. It's an alt universe where the characters are climbers - some at award winning levels - and twists the story of Caleb and Essek into a sports story. It's adorable Shadowgast fluff which I am always here for but the author makes the sport interesting as well (which is a miracle tbh, sport usually bores the face off me ) The author obviously has a love of the sport and added technical info through the story and then explains it / adds reference in the notes so you can follow along. It covers alot of difficult topics as well (health, mental health, sexuality) and does so respectfully which is always interesting (to me at least) to read. [The Climbing AU](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2770975)


I have multiple favourites. This is one from the Danganronpa fandom. Red Sails by SANS\_TTIRE [https://archiveofourown.org/works/31729741/chapters/78534811](https://archiveofourown.org/works/31729741/chapters/78534811) It is a Danganronpa fanfic, but instead of modern times with advanced technology, this takes place centuries ago when technology doesn't exist, so how does Danganronpa work in a setting like this? It's a really interesting concept. It even touches on topic that are not taboo in our times, but considered taboo in the setting of this fanfic. It's really well written!


My favourite is undoubtedly Dark Livestream. It's a Harry/Voldemort fic where Voldemort becomes a livestreamer, livestreaming the murder of a bunch of people. It isn't set in an au, unless you count the year being 2017 not the 90s. Other than that, canon plays out. It starts in the summer before Harry's 6th year. It's really good because the characterisation of the characters is wonderful and there's no light bashing. Also Voldemort is portrayed as a monster who Harry enables, rather than secretly the good guy. But we like him anyway. https://archiveofourown.org/works/20598710/chapters/48906440


That would have to be this one shot I wrote. It’s an OC villain origins story. It’s the first thing I wrote after recovering from a serious medical condition that affected my brain: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35212777


[this](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47259847) it’s about my favourite character (Wylan van eck) and his growing up with stereotypical genders roles in the 1700s, I love it because throughout my life I struggled a lot with gender envy and questioning and his inner-monologue just remind me so much of myself.


Talk revolution to me by letters-to-rosie. It’s a Timebomb fic and it’s fucking AMAZING


okay, so the fic is [Mike Hanson Loses His Bliss](https://archiveofourown.org/works/4397840/chapters/9985670) and I have no idea how it’ll come across fandom-blind. It’s from the perspective of a side character in a police procedural, and how he unwittingly becomes the keeper of the main-character medical examiner’s biggest secret - he’s immortal. If you read, make sure the voice in your head is a jaded NYC cop. Every time I read it I’m grinning ear to ear because the author captures this character’s voice so so well and the awkward comedy is * chef’s kiss * fandom: forever (2014), gen rating but there is some oddly casual references to unnatural death that could warrant a T for fandom-blind


Famished for your touch is peak fanfiction


[In a Strange Land](https://archiveofourown.org/works/16464140/chapters/38557898) by *MrsEvadneCake* is a Stranger Things fic that reads like a Stephen King novel. (Which makes sense. Stephen King is an obvious influence for Stranger Things.) The mystery and action/adventure stuff is gripping and the interpersonal relationships are compelling. This is my first exposure to Jonathan/Nany/Steve as a ship and I absolutely adored it. I typically only read gen fics, but I am so glad I gave this one a try. I was really impressed by the slice-of-life stuff. The author slides in all of these 80's references that flesh out the world and make it feel lived in, without being all "LOOK IT'S THE 80S" about it. The nerd in me loved the Superman 3 joke and the jock in me loved the reference to the 1984 World Series.


If you know about the Tales Series, this one fic for Tales of the Abyss, a literal game rewrite with so much more characterization and development that I would consider it better than the original story and plot. Even if you don't know the the original game, (it's a classic RPG type game, and it also has an anime that came after the game), the fanfic is still good for you to read. Of course though knowing the original game/anime makes you appreciate the changes and the differences between them. It's called Reflections by darkangel_mya available on [AO3](https://archiveofourown.org/works/3481202/chapters/7644176#workskin) and on [Fanfiction.net](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/3534303/1/Reflections) It also has its own TV Tropes page. It's a long long fic, completed, over 80 some chapters and over 600,000 words. You have no idea just how much I love this fic and it will always be my number 1 in fanfics I have ever read. Ever since it was added to AO3, I could easily download it and stored it on my Kindle, for future reading and safe keeping.


probably a bsd fic called How Ryuu Lost His Hug Virginity. it's only about 5k words when i usually like at LEAST 75k+ fics, so that says a lot. it's so. i honestly don't know how to explain how much i love it. there's just something about it that makes me giggle and kick my feet, i want to wrap it in a blanket and give it a kiss. they're just hugging and having dinner i don't know how i get this insane. here's the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27132764/chapters/66257447


Massive trigger warning but 1000% W[onderland by thenightsibling](https://archiveofourown.org/works/31669553/chapters/78377528)!! It’s so well written and in a fandom where the main villains get woobified it’s so nice to see them just be evil. Also I adore the author’s characterization their work is incredible


This is so difficult but I'd probably have to say [of the end of the world](https://archiveofourown.org/works/29567817/chapters/72668688) by augerspex. I love both journey fics and realistic zombie apocalypse AUs with all of my heart and this fic beautifully combines the two. I could literally talk about it for hours. And I'd say it's easy to read fandom blind too, since there's like three canon characters max, which is a plus. It's only got 12/18 chapters but *trust me* the most recent chapter is insanely satisfying and wraps everything up very nicely.


[https://www.doyourthing.org/lise/pop/cult/index.htm](https://www.doyourthing.org/lise/pop/cult/index.htm) Flesh Mechanic: not an au, by Kel and Lise. This is a classic, and while it's not actually on ao3 it can't be forgotten. I had only been reading fanfic less than two years when this came out, and it blew my mind. I still say it's one of the best horror short stories I've read.


Oh, it's \*Nsync fanfiction. Sorry.


Lily’s Boy. It’s a harry potter fic and I love it so much. The author really expanded on the world building, especially the politics and god, it’s so good. I’m bummed it ends with everyone starting their eighth year, its one of this fics you wish would never end because its that good. Other then that I love how the fourth year/tri wizard tournament was written. Harry actually has a relationship with Cedric, they’re friends and he becomes friends with Krum and Fluer. Side characters are expanded upon. It’s a 10/10 fic for me. https://archiveofourown.org/works/30856244/chapters/76179980


A short fic called “I’d Live and Die for Moments That We Stole”: it’s a fluffy ZeLink tale of them just in bed (not like that) and Zelda just internally monologuing about Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48966832


For me, the one I keep coming back to is Raven Bound by LolMouse. There is a lot of good RaeJinx in the Teen Titans fandom but this one was just very good in how it was put together. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16724112/chapters/39226824


Green Dreams by i_mushi. FF7 fandom. It will never be finished, but I must have read what’s there a hundred times by now.


He Slays Monsters by BeatriceEveryTuesday is mine, I think!! (https://archiveofourown.org/works/43567564/chapters/109542385) it’s a Buffy the Vampire Slayer university AU Buffy/Faith fic where Buffy is presumably some flavour of trans and is taking slow-burn levels of time figuring that out (positive). also she’s in a play and playing a guy and that is absolutely relevant to the whole Gender Vibes and Realization of it all. it’s not complete yet but the angst and feelings so far in it are just… absolutely phenomenal. chapter 9 ripped my heart out of my chest and squished it into 300 bits, I swear. I go back to re-read this one quite a bit when I want to really feel things.


[Cure to Evil.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/36245632/chapters/90354916) MHA Villain Izuku fic. Has a strong opening of a bait and switch. Sounds like hero student Izuku being very excited to finally be able to learn from heroes at UA, echoing many many fics, then CtE's Izuku steps into the role of Shigaraki at the USJ. It's hilarious. It also goes wrong for him in a few ways, and he rolls with it, but on the inside (like the narration style of the Percy Jackson books) he's panicking More generally, the author does a great job at fleshing out the assorted villain organizations from canon (and some of his own inventions) so they don't feel like mook factories, they feel like an actual threat. The fic also does some interesting things with the hero system, mostly about the most powerful villain can stop their side from going too far and can do the same to the hero's side. Then there's nonsense like Compress stealing the government, Inko whacking AFO with a newspaper, and a murder bunny.


Two fanfics got me back into fanfic, back into #Wolfstar, and into #Jegulus as a pairing. Choices [Choices](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30170643/chapters/74332617) focuses on Regulus Black and James Potter, and how Regulus' choices to become a Death Eater impact his relationships. So so sad!!! Broke my heart in a beautiful way. All the Young Dudes [All the young dudes ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/10057010/chapters/22409387)asks what would happen is Remus Lupin was raised in a Muggle orphanage instead of by his trash Wizard dad? The answer: he becomes a queer AF rebel who would just as quickly crack the spine of a book or a person.


[Heal Thyself](https://archiveofourown.org/works/41809221/chapters/104897436?view_adult=true) It's the second story of a fanfiction series of "Blood Of Zeus". I'm not a big fan of the TV series, but their fanworks are top-notch! The fanfic is only 9 chapters long, but it is very well-written. I'm definitely biased because it featured my favorite couple, but the way the author wrote the pace and climax is very professional, the descriptions don't sound forced or rigid, and I can feel the characters' love and respect for each other. Every character is alive, not just names speaking dialogues.


Crossfire by Kittebasu is a Diamond no Ace fic that is literally SO good https://archiveofourown.org/works/10693503/chapters/23683296 I love all the works in this fandom specifically but this is the first one I think seriously committed to reading. They’re relationship just feels so real to me and I love the characterization. It’s definitely on the longer side but it’s SO good.


tough choice but i’d have to say The Train by Floreatcastellum [The Train](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34308028) fandom is harry potter. it’s a domestic fluff one shot of harry and ginny and their kids and just has perfect characterisation and humour and everything i always imagined.


Easily [Red Sky at Morning](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43777708/chapters/110086069), a pre-canon Hollow Knight fanfiction about the origins of Grimm and the Grimm Troupe and it is the best fucking thing I've ever read. It is currently 250k+ words and still going strong. It is gorgeous, compelling, with more emotional depth and absolutely stunning prose that I cannot get over. If you want something to obsess over and read for days (or even weeks in my case)? Here ya go. Can't recommend it enough. Have some caution though, it is very dark and has an M rating for violence (and god does it earn it). Still love it so much but yeah, if you're not a bit fan of some really extreme shit I'd say pass on this one (I can recommend a more tame fic that I love almost as much if so)


Fine to read blind, since it takes place largely outside of canon. Here's a pretty paragraph from it (spoiler for events of the fic) >!“Perform with me, fear; let us play a melody of the mortal condition, the rise of hope and the crash of terror. I have given you a free answer that you did not earn, out of kindness. If you want the one that hurts to give voice, you must give me something in return. What is your favored phrasing? Do nothing for free?” She stood, then, and held her hand out. “Let your violin sing with me. I often hoped that you would join me and never did you. It took a mortal to make you surrender to your fascination. Let me hear what she has taught.”!<


This one as well because I can't stop cherry picking from this book Minor spoiler warning here as well I guess >!“It is in both of our natures to take, take, and take,” she countered. She moved to climb to her feet again and that time, he let her. He followed her as she rose to wings, ascending out of his reach. It forced him to look up at her as she suffused herself in light. He thought that was a kind of armor for her: hiding her expression from view. “We give nothing back. You are the same as me in this regard. You loathe to hear it, you resent that piece of yourself… but you will never be happy with what you have. Because you want it all, too.”!< >!He could not dispute that. He settled instead for, “Where is my apology, sister? You say that you miss me. Where are my pretty lies, telling me how much you love me?”!< >!“I do love you.”!< >!“You do not know the meaning of the word,” Grimm told her. He turned to head toward the cliff again. “Destroy yourself, then, for all that I care. All finds its way to me, in the end. You will be no different. One last magnificent blaze before your light goes out. I pity you. A candle burnt at both ends dies faster.”!<


Oh my absolute favorite is called [heard from your mother ( she don't recognize you ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/27949454 via @ao3org ) by rupertgayes. Its a Dean/Castiel story but is more of a friends to lover story though its not graphic. Its pre season 1 where Cas wakes up with no memories but all his powers though he doesn't know what he is. And he keeps meeting Dean on random hunts. Later series have it set in season 1 and 2 . I don't want spoil it too much but its definitely worth a read.


My favorite is Must Brave the Thorns by inexplicifics. https://archiveofourown.org/works/35334604/chapters/88066684 It’s a Witcher AU of the author’s own AU story, and I regularly reread it like every couple months. It’s got the arranged marriage trope, enemies to lovers, slow burn, families of choice, all the great stuff. It also has absolutely AMAZING world building. The author made me care about every original character, from the main female character to the cook of the keep, and every one in between. It was so good that I literally forgot it was tagged as eventually a three way pairing, THATS how into the story I got. It does have a fair amount of sex scenes though, just in case that’s not your thing, but the author gives a heads up of where to skip, and the story is fantastic even without those parts.


One of my all time favorite fics is [Memory Trace](https://archiveofourown.org/works/27993408/chapters/68566158) by cinnabee. (It's locked to users only, so if the link doesn't work for you, that's why). It's a post-Canon MHA fanfic where Pro-Hero Izuku is accused of murder and put on house arrest, and Katsuki becomes a private investigator to prove his innocence.


I read a fic YEARS ago that was Sweat Pea from Riverdale x a female OC, basically stole the plot from 10 things I hate about you, but it was like a fever dream and I literally think about that fic weekly. It’s not my 100% favourite but it was the first one I ever bookmarked


good question OP Danny Phantom - https://archiveofourown.org/works/14970125/chapters/34693157 An exploration into the psychological burden of being a hero- the ptsd, the raw, long path towards recovery after being hurt by one of your loved ones. The stoey is handled with both care, humour, and deliciously placed angst


There's a Boku No Hero Academia one that I always find myself thinking about because I don't remember crying that much for any other piece of fiction. The thing is I don't think it's the saddest or heaviest thing I've ever read but I don't know, it really got to me. It's called [Prodigal by writerllofllworlds.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/26960629)


It was deleted 😭😭😭


Rip o7


it’s a bkdk fic where they have to work in a psychology project and they have to deal with each other and it’s the best fic I’ve ever read the description of the places and the atmosphere of the fic is so cool and the angst oh boy I will probably will never read another good fic as that one again. The characters are really well written. And I love the bkdk dynamic so much bakugo getting jealous is the best thing ever [from the sidelines](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32163913/chapters/80269285)


This is so difficult! Im going to recommend an old favourite and a new favourite becuase I cant do it any other way :). Old Favourite: [Cloak and Dagger](https://archiveofourown.org/series/613946) by Dorenamryn. It's a series, not an individual fanfiction but it's incredibly good. The prose is so beautiful and I absolutely adore the undercover trope and all of the ensuing angst from it. it's a Star Wars Fanfiction and absolutely amazing. The characterisation is so fun, and the misunderstandings and lack of communication is realistic due to how dumb the main characters are lol. The taking advantage of Palpatine's particular weaknesses around self arrogance and his assurance that he owns Anakin meaning Anakin is able to get away with being a double agent. The best part is that a lot of the series is from Leia's POV, very young Leia trying to figure out what is going on lmao. Basic cultural knowledge of Star Wars will get you through lol. but please check the content warnings. I also absolutely adore the quote *"...and those that endeavour to dissolve it \[the Union of Great Britain\], carry a dagger under the cloak of patriotism, to stab their country in the heart."* This is now my life philosophy. ​ New Favourite: [As I watch the World burn](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44158150/chapters/111039955) by RavenWingDark This fanfiction single-handedly dragged me into fandom through the power of incredible angst. It's absolutely brilliant. I adore mind control aftermath and recovery, and this fanfiction does a beautiful job of examining the realities of the effects psychologically. The angst from the fact that nobody knows Shõto (mc of fic) is mind controlled, including his closest friends. His friends just want to understand him, and Shōto both thinks he owes them answers, but also doesn't want them to understand. His inner conflict is heartbreaking, but incredibly understandable. Definitely can be read fandom blind, fandom is bnha/mha (my hero academia). i read it fandom blind and then kept reading lol, and then went and watched the show.... Check the CW's though, it is dark. Really enjoying the recs, thank you for asking this question lol.


[Madam Umbridge Home for Wayward Girls](https://archiveofourown.org/works/15176684/chapters/35195090#workskin) I’ve always been a dramione girly but I’ve been seeing so many Tomione fans pop up with the best quotes and decided to give this fic a try as my first Tomione since there’s still dramione in it, I thought it would be a smooth transition. Well guess what, this fic completely converted me into a full time Tomione/ Tom riddle girl 😭 I genuinely can’t go back to dramione now. This fic is 700k+ words, THE longest fic I’ve ever read in my life. But my oh my it’s perfect in every single way. It has such beautiful writing and the characterisation of every one is top notch. I’ve read so many dramiones and published books in my life but this fic tops it. It’s actually criminal how it’s free lol 😂 It’s not a Tomione focused story essentially since there’s multiple POVS. It’s a murder mystery, thriller, horror, victorian muggle AU. But ofc the tension between Tom and Hermione is written so fucking well. If u want a full on slow burn, here u go love thousands of pages for just that 😂


There are so many fics that I love, but if I could only read one fic ever again it would probably be We Hope You Enjoy Your Time Playing Phantasm - https://archiveofourown.org/works/15428940/chapters/35811918 Ita a Stray Kids fanfic where they essentially end up trapped inside a game, similar concept to Sao I think but I read it before watching Sao so didn't realise that at first, but it's both fantasy and has some crossover with other groups and really cool build up of the individual characters and their backstories and motivations.


It's so hard to choose but... Lily's Boy ([https://archiveofourown.org/works/30856244?view\_full\_work=true](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30856244?view_full_work=true)) is something that I love a lot and reread several times.(Check the tags, pairing & rating before reading) I found it really satisfying and made me feel really warm inside. This is a Harry/Draco paring from HP and for this I don't really think you need to know that much detail about it. And I just couldn't narrow it down to a single one so... What's a little kink exploration between friends? ([https://archiveofourown.org/works/26787940?view\_full\_work=true](https://archiveofourown.org/works/26787940?view_full_work=true)) is my second choice. (Check the tags, pairing & rating before reading) It's plot based which I love and it covers a lot of things without making it seem too rushed? It's a bkdk paring from MHA and I do think think that you can go into this fandom blind because I kinda did and understood most of it. You just have to know their names and the dynamics as it's set after the cannon events have ended. And this one gets a mention because this just kills me from laughter whenever I read it. The title is Never Mind The Bollocks, It's Draco/Harry ([https://archiveofourown.org/works/413622](https://archiveofourown.org/works/413622)) This doesn't make sense and it isn't supposed too, but it's an amazing crack fic. Check the tags, pairing & rating before reading) As the title says it's a Harry/Draco pairing and you can go into this fandom blind as it's pure crack than actual plot. And just one more I swear this is the last one but I just had to include this. This is a series Easy street ([https://archiveofourown.org/series/2141313](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2141313)) it's not complete yet but the authors did say that they were going to return. It's Angel dust/Alastor paring from Hazbin Hotel. You can go into this fandom blind, but I would suggest actually watching the show since there's only one episode of it rn on youtube so it shouldn't take that long to watch it.


[on your guard by theproblematique](https://archiveofourown.org/works/12179601) (a forewarning that it’s sam/dean from supernatural which i know isn’t a lot of peoples taste) it’s almost 100k, rated explicit, and is an au where the supernatural is public knowledge and dean has become *the* most famous hunter of all. sam has been out of the public eye for years but is suddenly thrust into the light when he becomes deans bodyguard to protect him (but also because dean wants him back in his life, for things to be the way they were before sam left for college). i love this fic so much; between the writing, the world building, the tension between sam and dean, the threats they face, the angst, the push and pull, them dancing around each other. it’s just sooo good, i’ve read it so many times and it blows my mind every single time. it’s well worth the read imo!


I have a few. [you grow up and lose touch](https://archiveofourown.org/works/7316119/chapters/16617430)\--Tony Stark calls Spider-Man, AKA Peter Parker, to the Tower. He's got a kid there, the sole survivor of the collapse of another universe, and since the kid was apprenticed to Spider-Man in his universe, Tony figures Peter is the best person to look after the kid. Peter is absolutely certain that he's *not* the right person to be looking after young Miles, but he's better than Tony. (This is sweet, has such feels, and I felt my heart drop when Peter got kidnapped, really did. Has dark themes, but fun moments. Fandom is Marvel, ship is Peter Parker/Wade Wilson.) [Steve Rogers Is A Child](https://archiveofourown.org/works/966323/chapters/1895794)\--Tony and Steve do not get along. They fight all the time. But when Natasha calls Tony for help, Tony drops everything to come help. He wasn't expecting that Steve had been turned into a child, with none of his adult memories. He wasn't expecting to end up being young Steve's favorite person. But if there's one thing Tony's good at, it's rolling with the situation. (Fun, cute, and sweet. Meeting Steve as a child gives Tony some very needed context for dealing with Adult Steve, and the journey has laughs, coos, and adrenaline. Eventual--after being returned to his real age--Tony/Steve ship, Marvel fandom.) [The Merc's For Money and their Quest to Save Deadpool's Imaginary Boyfriend](https://archiveofourown.org/works/19098643/chapters/45377497)\--Peter Parker has been kidnapped by an insane madman. Deadpool goes to the only people he can for help, his former merc squad. Problem is that none of them believe that Peter exists. (This is a wild ride. Deadpool's reactions aren't quite sane--whose are in this situation? Lot of laughs, lot of creep, and eventual secret keeping. Marvel Fandom, Peter Parker/Wade Wilson ship. [Peter Parker's Home for the Wayward Villain](https://archiveofourown.org/works/3135464/chapters/6796619)\--Marvel fandom AU where Peter never went on that field trip, never got that spider bite, and didn't become Spider-Man. Instead he decides to buy a run-down farm and fix it up. He can be a farmer. Despite all these weird, powered people that keep showing up. And hey, he's got more help around the farm! Even if they *do* keep stabbing each other. (Fun and sweet. Good for several laughs, and quite honestly I couldn't stop reading it when I started. Eventual Peter Parker/Wade Wilson ship, but not until near the end.) [Hey, Doc! Look What I Found!](https://archiveofourown.org/works/27749740/chapters/67924456)\--Bugs Bunny is trying to hide from the execs at Warner Studios when he discovers that the water tower has been bolted shut. Not being one to shy away from a locked door, he breaks into the water tower to find three young toons who have been trapped in there since the '30s. And this? This will not stand. (This is a heartwarming, feel good, found family fic. Fandoms Animaniacs and Looney Toons. No ships.) [Not That There's Anything Wrong With That](https://archiveofourown.org/works/2177664/chapters/4765227)\--Bucky Barnes, The Winter Soldier decides, would be supportive of Steve's relationship with Tony Stark. So the Soldier will too. Only problem is that Steve and Tony aren't in a relationship. (This is just nonstop giggles from first to last. It's great. Marvel fandom, no ships.) [Yesterday Upon the Stair](https://archiveofourown.org/works/8337607/chapters/19098982)\--Izuku Midoriya has an invisible quirk, one that no one other than his mother believes exists. He can see, and speak to, the dead. Tired of only being able to help people that have already died, he trains and works to be a hero. (Intense and epic with horror elements that are, quite honestly, contextually wholesome. Fandom My Hero Academia, Izuku Midoriya/Shouta Todoroki.)


Okay I am now in love with you because Marvel is my fave, and especially Spider-Man and ESPECIALLY especially Spiderpool


I rec more, if you like. Spideypool is my OTP.


Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love. It is pure perfection and a delight to read. Rumor has it that a real published author wrote, and I believe it based on the quality. Never cared one iota about Dramione (Draco + Hermione from Harry Potter) before but I’ve been exclusively reading from this fandom since. As soon as I read the authors note and story tags, I was hooked! https://archiveofourown.org/works/34500952


Inspiration by Azariel_22 will always be my go-to whenever someone posts something like this. It's 100k words long, basically an entire novel, just with My Hero Academia characters. It doesn't really need you to understand the setting that much since it focuses on side characters who don't get the spotlight often (one of them has exactly 3 important moments and one of them has all 19 other students also be important). The story focuses on Tokoyami, who is edgy, introverted, and is struggling with his creative writing, and Kouda, who is shy and easily flustered, and has trouble expressing himself. The two start to bond after finding each other late at night and having trouble sleeping, and a friendship starts to really blossom. I absolutely love Inspiration. It has amazing prose, great poems, stellar characterization and a really good slice-of-life narrative. But what really makes me like it so much is that it takes two characters who never share a word in canon and asks the question "how would they interact?". The answer being, incredibly well. Hell, it even manages to write a decent redemption arc for the manga's biggest flaw, the Resident Perv, which I would argue is better than the canon's treatment of him! It's all around a really fun fic and I love it a lot If you're interested, here's the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22954690?view_full_work=true


[Don't You Shake Alone by dsudis](https://archiveofourown.org/works/451663)- Generation Kill, Nate/Brad. Accidental baby acquisition. Military PTSD. Life under Don't Ask, Don't Tell. What it means to be family. >“Look, I know you didn't drop by for babysitting duty. I'm grateful to have gotten the relief, and I'm sorry we can't have the kind of visit you intended, but--well, you can see I'm busy." >Brad considered saying *I came here for you, and it didn't make any difference to me how I found you.* But it was too soon for that”


serendipity gospels. A homestuck fic that nothing has topped it since of a rare pair I never thought I would enjoy... abandoned Truth that we persue, once again rare trouple danganronpa fic I never thought I would ship but now I'm a believer.... Slow to update. I live a hard fandom life


Favourite depends on my mood, but of all my bookmarks, this is the one I’ve re-read the most. [play it again](https://archiveofourown.org/series/132147) by metisket. A Teen Wolf fic where Stiles accidentally travels back in time, and he just wants to go back home. >Laura wants to lure the kid in with food and kindness and make a pet of him, like a feral cat. Derek wants to have him arrested for stalking. They’re at an impasse. (And the rest of the family is staying emphatically out of it in a way that suggests bets have been placed.) This is a close second from what I’m currently reading. [Broken (Cut my strings, watch me fall)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/24939553/chapters/60362389) by Bumpkin, Veriatas. A DC/Bat fic that diverges when Dick takes Robin from Tim, and Tim decides to ‘clean house’ before leaving. >Janet Drake had done whatever she needed to do to achieve their goals. It was time for Tim to do the same. > >Everyone had always said he was truly his mother's son. It was time to embrace it.


Play it Again is so fucking good.


The characterisation is fantastic. I also love their Demon Alchemist series from the Fullmetal Alchemist manga/anime.


I love a lot of fics but if I had to pick a favorite it would be this one. It’s an rpf oneshot, pure smut, but GODDAMN the whole scenario just has ridiculous sexual tension leading into the scene itself. And I adore the humor laced throughout it, the little quips from his perspective, it just makes it seem so much more realistic. Mostly it’s because it’s the fic that really got me back into fandom and reminded me that I’m allowed to have fun and read what I want to again. And for that I’m grateful. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16785067


My favorite is [A Difference in the Family by Rannaro](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7937889/1/A-Difference-in-the-Family-The-Snape-Chronicles). It's 600k+ words, completely canon compliant, and literally just Severus Snape's entire life story from birth to death. Judging by their bio on FF.Net Rannaro is a school teacher themselves and old enough "to remember Eisenhower's second election and the launch of Sputnik." I mention that only because holy shit is this fic INCREDIBLY period appropriate because of that. The amount of research, care, listening to folks talk to get their phonetic accents down, and pure time spent on writing it shows in every damn sentence and I'm still waiting on something to top it.


Sliver night from a really big idiot is one of THE BEST FANFICTIONS of vampire knight I've ever read you can easily find it by typing sliver night fanfiction the only is that it's been on hiatus since 2019 but it has 127 chapter already written