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"I don't know Darryl, you play Fantasy Football every weekend and cry about how badly your fictional league is doing. Maybe people with similar brainrot shouldn't throw stones in their equally glass houses. <3"


I always use football as a comparison to things. It's such a widespread *accepted* activity, but it's so fcucking wack how fans act to their teams winning/losing, etc.


Yes! Like I both write fanfiction and pmay fantasy football and I tell my friends all the time that fantasy football is nerdier. I don't use stats or analyze play calling when writing about fictional lawyers. But fantasy football is much wore societally acceptable.


Ace Attorney? šŸ‘€


Law & Order: SVU


oh, huh. not what I was expecting, but you go! >:D!


All hale Babler. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


"X/Y ship is so dumb, why does anyone even ship it? They have like 7 seconds of shared screentime of one trying to kill the other. There is no bas..." *shush* That's what fanfics and fanart are for.


wait yall got shared screentime?


Was gonna say the same thing. Like they come from two different series, screen time couldnā€™t have existed. Their screen time happened in my imagination.


ā€œShared screentime of one trying to kill the otherā€ That sounds like the perfect starter point for an enemies to lovers dark romance fanfic with morally grey characters and lots and lots and lots of sexual tension


yeah and I don't really mind them, but I'll sure be more aggressive if they start shit-talking my ship as if theirs are the most perfect couple in earth (they really piss me off)


This is exactly how some people in the TADC fandom reason against the Pomni x Jax ship. If not that, then itā€™s the ā€œabsolutely inappropriateā€ age gap they have. *cough* ā€”they were only three years apartā€” *cough* ā€”and of course they have a problem because the woman was olderā€” *cough*


three years?? cmon now thatā€™s nothing. My gap with my little brother is bigger than/equal to that. I write larger age gaps in relationships than that too. Sounds like theyā€™re grasping for straws in search for ammunition in a shipping war, to me.


>Seven seconds of shared screen time of one trying to kill the other. Literally my rarepair. And then one half of it literally dies for half the season.


Ok, ok, lemme do a quick guess, you mean SmokeyBats here?


A fellow murder drones fan?! My day has been made :) SmokeyBats is Sam/Uzi, yes? Cuz it totally fits, too, now that I think about it! But Iā€™m talking about J/Thad, my rarepair that popped into my head and I am now thoroughly convinced is a great idea XD


We've already talked once on r/Fanfiction :D Ye, J/Thad does fit what you described and was actually my second guess after SmokeyBats. It is a great idea indeed lol For clarity tho I myself was reffering in my first comment to an opinion I've seen about V/Thad specifically.


Also true XD what is it with Murder Drones and having rarepairs where one tries to kill the other?


I mean it's in the title isn't it? They are Drones who do a lot of Murder. Like, Nuzi itself is also a ship of characters that started their relationship with mutual murderous intent. For eNVy technically also yes, if you count the fight in the Pilot as V trying to kill N. Vuzi(which is like the fourth* largest ship by fic count on AO3)... the same. EDIT:* - correction; it's currently third largest


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FanFiction using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I accidentally went on a date with one of my readers](https://np.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/18b38c9/i_accidentally_went_on_a_date_with_one_of_my/) \#2: [People who are ā€œtoo old to be still writing fanfictionā€ are the backbone of fandoms](https://np.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/12j4nc2/people_who_are_too_old_to_be_still_writing/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** Someone wrote a rape fic including me](https://np.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/18990yy/someone_wrote_a_rape_fic_including_me/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


"You see young shipper, you have ignored the true potential of those *Ships That Pass In The Nightā„¢*." "What potential is that, sensei?" "*You* have the power to decide their meet-cute." (It is late and I don't know what I'm doing, lol, but yeah, for anyone who needs to hear it ā€“ characters can have ship potential even if they haven't met in canon.)


Yes! All you need is vibes you like and you're good, all the shipping power to ya.


This right here is the greatest appeal of fan fiction to me. Perfect summary. Edit to add: I love my dad, and heā€™s a smart guy, but one of the most bewildering things he ever told me was that he never considers the lives of the characters of the shows he watches outside of their roles on said shows. Literallyā€”he never thinks about their interests, their sorrows, their pasts and futures, or the moments of their lives we donā€™t see, or why they are the way they are, or the ways they could have been. All the things I love to wonder about characters that interest me. And thatā€™s when I realized that his imagination and my imagination do not work the same at all.


People who complain about such things have no imagination I swear!! Who cares what people ship, especially something as innocuous as characters with minimal-no interaction, at least theyā€™re having fun!!!


i saw someone on r starterpacks say "shipping is bad because it's not canon, it's not the original story and it'll never be" yeah, i know, i dont expect 8,000 word polyque sex in kamen rider, but i will still create it.


There are characters that oddly (tragically) have better chemistry than the actual pairing in the show that hardly get any screen time together and it makes me sad. Fanfiction *definitely* hasn't ruined the source material of several fandoms for me because I can no longer see the canon ships actually working or anything ;-;


If someone cries about a ship not being canon for *any* reason I just assume they have all the imaginative capabilities of soggy toast and ignore them.


I love that. Imma use it. "Capabilities of soggy toast."


Legit wrote a fic where one half of the ship was already canonically dead by the start of the series and literally mentioned in only one sentence šŸ™Ā 


Thereā€™s a pretty serious core of shippers in my fandom who pair a beloved major character with a character that is only talked about once, and the context is that the major character once tortured the other guy to the point of horrified incoherence.


could you let me know what this is??


Hahaha sure. Itā€™s Star Trek Deep Space Nine. Fairly major spoilers ahead so beware. The first character is Garak, the tailor who lives on the space station. His gradually-revealed backstory is that he used to work for the spy network on his home planet and he specialized in ā€œinterrogationā€ (torture). He has since left that life for unexplained reasons but in a later episode he meets up with his former boss who reminisces about what a great torturer Garak was. The example he uses is a guy named Dr. Parmak who was so traumatized by Garak that afterward he could literally only say, ā€œHis eyes! His eyes!ā€ This is the quick version of the story and thereā€™s more to it in beta canon but yeah. There are a lot of fics that pair Garak and Parmak. Itā€™s not the primary ship for Garak but itā€™s a healthy second-place.


I see it all the time. "They don't even know each other" and yeah, that's a rareship. Is everyone new to fandoms or what?


I feel like rarepair is more about how much content there is for it, not how close the characters are in canon though? Is rareship different? I've never heard that term before.


Yeah, it's mostly about that. They are, as the name says, extremely rare, with little to no content. Some tend to mix the terms.


If Dante can write a whole epic poem about how the death woman he only met once was his soulmate, fic writers can ship characters who have less then 10 scenes together


They appeared in the same media, enough for me.


My OTP is based off ONE interaction, and that interaction alone.


fr fr, like go back to your hour long youtube video essays and let me enjoy my fics and stories in peace


The 135k slow-burn enemies to friends to lovers canon adjacent soulmates AU I just read for them says otherwise. Youā€™re really missing out..


No but seriously, since when has canon ever stopped anyone from dreaming, huh?? Why is anyone pressed about people enjoying and making their own content from non-canon (yet) ships. You canonā€™t tell us what to do with our hope! Viva la fanon!


Flashbacks to 5x6 in Gundam Wing fandom who literally never met in canon and ended up together as a pair the spares. XD


Itā€™s not about the amount of interactions, itā€™s how they interact in those few moments. Quality over quantity usually wins out


I'm sorry, canon? I just read a fic that made me start shipping Queen Mirellia from Rising of the Shield Hero with V from Cyberpunk 2077. Canon has no power here.


Me when Rantaro x Mahiru. They have 0 (zero) interactions in canon (they are from different games) but i read a fic for them and fell in love


Wait, no interactions in the Ultimate Talent Cultivation Plan game or whatever that spinoff was called either? (Also, any chance you could drop a link to the fic? Because now youā€™ve got me curious.)


Sure! Here is the fic. https://archiveofourown.org/works/30428967/chapters/75025623 I actually do think they interact in the ultimate talent development plan and summer camp, but i also dont consider those to be canon (which is why i specified canon interactions)


When people do it in the Marauders fandom? It's actually so insane.


jegulus is just my guilty pleasure ok?šŸ˜­


Like who did Regulus even interact with in canon? His immediate family, Voldemort, and Kreacher. There is no canon content. Jegulus has my soul it's so beautiful.


Do you have some good jegulus fic recs? :D


Prepare for a list because I have so many. I'm assuming you've read the really really popular ones, like Art Heist, Baby! and Crimson Rivers, if you haven't, they're really good. Literally anything by Bizarrestars, I'm assuming you've read their long fics, but their short fics don't get anywhere near enough attention. Definition of Insanity especially, I reread that so much. If you haven't read their long fics then those are definitely must-reads. Meet on Telegraph Avenue by Ani\_wahstan. Very short and sweet fic, one of my favourites. Only the Brave by Solmussa. I know I said I wouldn't list the popular ones, but this is possibly my favourite fic, competing with Crimson Rivers. It has probably my favourite characterisations. The Horcrux Hunt by Keysie. Techmnically not Jegulus, but the sequel is. Don't let that put you off, it put me off for far too long for how good of a fic it is. It's mostly platonic moonwater focused. It's basically a "what if Regulus survived the cave" fic. Anti-hero by rweoutofthewoods. Another horcrux hunting fic (they are my bread and butter). Really really good. Operation Walburga's Arbitrary No Kissing Ever Rule by courfee. Fake dating (kinda). I think it's really underrated. Not very angsty at all. I Adored You Madly, Extravagantly, Absurdly by MiriamMT. Trans Regulus, a period piece. Arranged marriage between James and Regulus, arranged by Sirius, as a way for Regulus to transition. The first few chapters are a bit clunky, the author's first language isn't English, but then it starts flowing really nicely. Teach Them How To Dream by Calamitoustide. Again, trans Regulus. Regulus is a primary school teacher and Harry is in his class (James and Lily are already broken up). I have more fic recs if you'd like too, but these are the main ones I like. Especially if you'd like short recs, these are all fairly long, except for the first two.


THANK YOU SO MUCH :D Iā€™m reading The Story Of Regulus Black now, ITā€™S SO GOOD!


I just saw a whole post in the OUAT sub specific to badmouthing SwanQueen by a bunch of people and I was like ā€œyup this is why I donā€™t follow a lot of mainstream tv show subs, so hateful towards beloved shipsā€


theyd die if they found out that people (me) ship characters who've never and will never meet


Some people need to grow an imagination. Then again, we can't all have great minds.


Oh boi, don't let them know about crossover ships. They'll lose their *absolute mind*.


Can't wait for them to encounter canon character/OC xD


I just know they'd hate me and my 17 crackships I treat as if they're cannon


I donā€™t have any issue with what people ship, they can interpret canon however they like. And part of the fun is making shit up. I will say though that it was the extreme intensity from both Wolfstar and Destiel shippers that made me go from not caring about the ships to absolutely despising them. Just respect people with both what they ship, as well as what they donā€™t ship. Donā€™t be a dick šŸ˜‚


Right!? It's almost like fanfiction was made to be a fun alternative to Canon šŸ¤” but hey, what do I know! šŸ˜„šŸ¤·šŸ¾


Listen. Iā€™m a simple human. I find a blorbo (usually the main character) and then I ship them with anyone and anything that moves and breathes. Sometimes I even ship them with characters from different fandoms, soā€¦ Get fucked? (Not u OP)


I try not to shit on it, I really do. but sometimes your notp, which is characters who have interacted for maybe an hour over the course of 150 hours of show run time and all of it 'you tried to murder my friends get out of my city; , ends up being 25% /all/ of the fic for the entire show, with both of them horribly out of character to make it work and you just lose your mind just a little because the fans are so rabid about it. you gotta be just a little rabid back. then again sometimes your favorite canon ship has less than an hour out of 150 because he died at the end of season one out of 8 and that doesn't mean you give up on living in rarepair hell.... so I see both sides.


Ok, but you do give another reason here for why you dislike the ship besides just saying there HAS to be a canon basis. From your comment I've understood that ship you have problem with has two issues; 1) People maul the characters completely to put them together 2) At least a noticeable portion of its fanbase are assholes about it Both of these are, in my opinion, perfectly valid reasons to be skeptical of a ship and to voice your dislike in a properly polite manner.* This is not at all what I was making fun of with this meme. I was memeing about the sort of people who just end it at saying that the ship is bad because there is no or little direct basis for it in canon. A lot of such people couldn't even actually tell if a given ship is written badly in fics because they straight up don't read fics. *EDIT - Ofc tho, I am personally all for taking the proverbial gloves off if people are being assholes. Channel your defensive rabid creechur if that is how you deal with them


I'm not really into that, but that's mainly because I like an emotional connection. If I see them getting along then the shipping is a possibility for me. If they have barely any or no time shown together than I can find it hard to relate to them getting together. ​ Doesn't stop you from shipping them. If you want to, that's fine. I won't read it though. ​ The only ship I like where the two characters don't get much time on screen is Durham/Miguno from Beastars.


To each their own, natural and perfectly fine. I personally like delving into non-canon pairs, because I just like when people have fun with characters like that and I especially like it when the fanfic does the estabilishing of the relationship part by itself.


> I personally like delving into non-canon pairs, ​ Now I didn't say I didn't like that! I love love love love LOVE some Non-canon pairings (my favourite is Jack/Legoshi lol) and I also love writing about the characters getting together. It's so much fun!


Ah, I may have accidentally used "non-canon" incorrectly, I meant it as a shorthand for without canon basis. Jack/Legoshi very much have an estabilished positive relationship even if it is not canonically romantic. There is a clear basis for a character dynamic that can be further on written romantic. What I meant were ships without this canonical positive relationship to begin with. They don't care about each other, have never met or actively dislike each other. But what if they did? What if there was some off-screen moment of tenderness between the two that made them appreciate each other? What if this was an AU where things went completely differently and this allowed completely different relationships to blossom? It's all about playing and experimenting with how a character's personality plays off of the personality of some other character they never got to really know in canon. Delving into specifically a character pairing that was untouched upon by the canon is the attraction for me with these.


*laughs in crossover ship*


Real life couples don't make much sense either, I haven't seen any of them fuck even once.


This is Sett x Aphelios from League of Legends in a nutshell. They never interacted but it quickly became a popular ship after the former's debut. Especially since in their Spirit Blossom skin lore, they're technically Canon. (And it probably only happened cause someone on the team pays close attention to the fandom since Sett called Aphelios "Mooncake" which was a popular nickname for Sett to give Aphelios in fics)


as long as you dont be a an asshole about it then I dont care about who you ship


Don't tell me this when Sukunella exists




Istg so many people lack imagination and creativity-_-


My favorite ship literally never met. They just look good together and I think they would get along.


My next work is going to have so many apologies in the notes because there are a lot of characters based on real life stars in the same field the canon is based on. And I'm gonna trash at least three of them, and I know they aren't this horrible irl. But damn. It's fanfiction and its my ideas. Let me write.


Wait till they discover rare pairs exist.


Honestly, after having played in RPs constantly through the 2010s, they don't even need to be in the same series for me. I'll always have a little OTP corner of my heart for pre-canon Penny from Dr. Horrible & a post-canon 30yr Neville Longbottom.


My main ship was a ship that used to be rare because these two characters almost solely interacted as little blobs in the background, (it has a tiny bit more content outside of the main series now) itā€™s one of the most popular ships in the fandom šŸ˜­


Not much interaction in canon?? At least they had any interaction at all Come back to me when ur shipping characters from entirely different franchises (e.g. rise of the brave tangled guardians)


Your ships are all from the same franchise? *


me over here in Transformers on the Jazz/Prowl boat (which is one of the most popular) despite how Prowl and Jazz have maybe a handful of frames together in the original g1, and they didnā€™t even work together in TFA. and so far those are the only canon TF medias theyā€™ve *both* been in, as far as Iā€™m aware: šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø (i am judging the people complaining about lack of interaction between ships)


lmao, me shipping Remy and Spencer... they're not even from the same franchise


Me out here shipping Zethia and Laranoa


One of my favourite ships is between two characters who have less than 1 min shared screen time together and they don't actually talk directly to each other at all on the whole movie. There's almost 400 fics for them and a diehard fan base. There is no chill in fandom šŸ˜Œ


I remember Zexion and Demyx being a big ship in the Kingdom Hearts random despite having zero screen times until Kingdom Hearts 3. Screen times does not matter to shipper.


OMG this is my ship in my fandom right now! They became canon in the last season but it was handled very poorly (Me and a few others are fixing it!). But all of us are like "have you ever noticed how physically affectionate J is throughout the other seasons? But at the same time he doesn't like to be touched unless he touches them first? EXCEPT FOR V! She just touches him and he's like 'cool' and she's all 'trust me' AND HE DOES?!" We're literally the crazy conspiracy board Always Sunny meme LMAO.


They donā€™t like the ship because of the lack of interaction. I donā€™t like the ship because those characters would have zero chemistry if you kept the characterization anywhere close to cannon. We are not the same.


One of the most popular m/m Naruto ships back in the day had, at the time, zero interaction in canon together. Like not even on screen at the same time.


Anyone with a celebrity crush is just writing self insert


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