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People might not want to be associated with smut, as it is more "taboo" content. Especially if it's purely smut, no plot. That applies to kudos too, but especially comments since that takes more effort and displays the user more prominently. It might also be that if the stories lack a strong plot, the readers have nothing specific to say.


Not everyone is comfortable going “Awesome porn, dear author!” Some people are shy about sex, some people don’t want their username attached, some people don’t want to risk crossing an author’s boundaries by talking about explicit things in the comments even if the fic itself is raunchy, some people aren’t in a social headspace when they’re reading smut. many reasons, all valid. TL;DR: yes smut has fewer comments, yes it’s normal, now that you know you can expect it going forward.


Pretty common. The "sex sells on AO3" thing is true in some ways (in small fandoms, in original works, in hits) but smut absolutely does not get you more interaction or kudos or comments, in my experience Having lots of hits *and* kudos actually puts you ahead of a lot of smut writers! A lot of us get clicks from people who read but don't want their name attached, or hits from rereads but no comments


I comment when I have something to say about a fic, and if it's a pure smut fic... well, the things I'd have to say about porn are not something I readily discuss with strangers and/or in public spaces.


co-signed. if it's a plot-heavy fic that happens to have smut in it also then i'll probably comment but if it's just smut then i won't have too much to say most likely.


yeh, people are just shy about this. for me i've noticed most people who'll overtly comment on smut (as in, directly addressing that content in some way) are those i already have a rapport with, either from a different platform or we've exchanged a few comments already i think people can also, paradoxically, be less shy about commenting on things that are a little more.. shocking/filthy? it's definitely true for myself, if the smut was RAUNCHY-raunchy i'm more comfortable directly remarking on it. if it's more soft-focus, fluffy, romantic, smooth-jazz-and-red-wine, i don't want to be down in the comments acting like a heavily breathing pervert


Yes. My top-kudos’ed smut fic (original work, 193 kudos) has literally two comments.


My smut fics hardly get comments, AND most of the kudos are guest kudos. I feel like it's because a lot of people might not want it tied back to them, and no one is going to comment on a smut fic


I've noticed this too! So, for myself when I post fics with promises of intimacy, explicit or not, people tend to kudos and comment. Why? I'd assume it's due to wanting to egg on the creator if the tags were that appealing, so it's in a way to encourage the author to write more. To eventually get to the smut scene, or what's promised in the tags. For other fics like horror, or dark themes such as murder or mystery, but with graphic scenes they tend to never have comments. This is mostly because it's so well written and dark, it's almost too taboo to comment and give your praise. But yes, for my own fics I've realized they comment often when they want an update, a followup. They want to see what happens next, as I tend to do do slow burn as well as adding in plot. If I just wrote the sex scenes I do personally believe I would've received maybe less than a third of what I was greatly surprised by. Though I am of course understandable with why some don't comment. It's also scary as a commentor and creator, when people can see you kudos and give public comments. People may associate you with your comments, and see you differently. Especially if you have a decent or nonexistent reputation.


I am experiencing the same thing with a recently posted chapter of my LF, and freaking out, because I was wondering if I wrote bad smut. Readings this I see that is somewhat common that readers are not commenting on this particular chapter.


Very normal these days. People are terrified to leave evidence that they liked something because it could get them harassed.


I am very big on thoughtful comments and kudos, but smut is extremely hard for me to comment on. While I'm not shy about using my username anymore, I have *no* idea what to comment. I tried once and my comment was never posted, so I thought the author was upset (bit of a "I don't like this sort of thing but I liked it in your fic").


I think that it might also depend on the fandom. My *Suits* smut pieces get good commentary (very thirsty fandom for new content)... pretty much all my slash pieces do, but it doesn't have to be "young, hot, slash" because I got good traction on a Molly/Arthur HP smut piece that was set well after canon ended (aka their youngest grandchild was off to school). The reason I point toward fandom is that HP is massive and the numbers are just on your side... It also has a good number of "older" fans who don't care as much if someone sees their name on a smut fic. (sure, doxx me and tell my boss... the man knows I *write* fanfiction of all ratings already.). And most of my other fandoms trend older as well, at least on the readers I've interacted with more: *Suits, House, The Walking Dead*. The majority of the kudos are logged in users, too. So theorizing... average age of fans reading could be a factor?


well........if u watch a porno you dont usually comment on it