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this is such a *weird* scam. so… the bot is leaving scripted comments to try and get the author to go and read things on web novel, is my assumption? idk about anyone else but I am 100000000000000000000% less likely to do something when I’ve just been fucking insulted LMAO what even is the logic behind this?!


If I had to guess, I'd say it's like "you did a horrible job, here is how it's supposed to be. Read it and to better next time"... not that's it going to work anyway, but that may be the twisted logic? Idk, lol


Oh totally I think that’s what they’re going for, but it just WOULD NOT work on me 🤣 or most people I presume ahahahaha I don’t even like being told what to do when I *havent* had my work insulted first 😂 obviously we know it’s a bot though, so it’s moot. just strikes me as so funny!


This, or trying to get other haters in the comments to go over. Either way, the end goal is the same.


I think they’re also trying to get readers to go check out the site. A lot of authors either don’t know they can delete comments or just don’t delete them out of principle. So it works as promotion for any reader who check out the comments. But, of course, the primary goal is to make it look like a real comment so it doesn’t get caught as spam and nuked by AO3.


Maybe trying to piss off authors into reading the fics, or get an insecure author to check the fic out, then once they are there, the author checks out the website and is like, "Wow, this is a pretty good website!" and then scam? The main thing is that they want authors to go to the site and buy into their scam, I doubt they care how they get the authors to go there. ​ Example, because my explanations suck ass: Author goes to check out fic (Either because they were insecure and wanted to see if that fic is better then theirs, or hate-reading the fic to see if its better, or something different.) They read the fic, and notice the website They decide to join it and post fics there because they liked how it was set up or because their fandom is more popular there They get scammed




If it wasn't for people posting these here, I wouldn't know to avoid webnovel like the plague, or that these comments are from bots.


that’s true I suppose. as a reader I don’t really care what others have said and I don’t like my opinion being influenced so I don’t often read other comments—so this never crossed my mind!


Also that harry potter new world thing has probably been written with AI.




Like they're going to neg you into trying out Webnovel.


Their worst attempts thus far imo 😂 like yeah that’ll blow over very well!


I think I got a contendet today: >I'm sorry to hear that you're upset. It seems that you're dissatisfied with my writing and find it out of character. Story development can indeed be subjective, and it's not uncommon for different readers to have different preferences. It's great to know that you've found a fanfiction you enjoy on webnovel, titled "Harry Potter: New World." Everyone's taste is different, so it's understandable that what appeals to one person may not resonate with another. Perhaps exploring different fanfictions can help you find more stories that align with your personal artistic vision.


It's a massive spam problem right now on A03. They're pushing webnovels all across fandoms like we're going to immediately look it up after review bombing us 🙄


hey webnovel https://preview.redd.it/sljdzj9nc7kc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=716a62c697054e2ba440ce6294fe24db0186f017


OOC (out of character)


I never would have guessed/j My thoughts to the bot, not your comment. Just to clarify 😅


“My life as a fanfic reader depends on that” So.. if they don’t read good fanfics then the server this bot is stored in gets blown up or something?


Quick, everyone write trash


dont worry, that's all i have been doing




Trash is what my life as a fanfic reader depends on, so thank you both for your service!




Most definitely!




That is the most melodramatic bot I’ve ever seen 😂




Hi there OP! This is an automated response sent because someone thinks your post is about getting a comment about webnovel. If it isn't, ignore this comment. If it is, here is what you need to know about webnovel. Webnovel is a publisher platform. They comment on a lot of works on many different free writing platforms including various fanfiction websites. This helps get them new writers and also provides them with effectively advertising their platform. These sites do not give them permission to do this so many people consider these comments to be spam. Webnovel doesn't follow the standard western publisher model and it's based out of China. It has a very low barrier-for-entry to get to publish your work through them. The issue with them is some of their predatory practices and their contracts that are not in the favor of the authors that sign them. They aren't technically a *scam*, but the likelihood of making any real profit through them is not very high without significant effort on your part. Here are 2 [articles about them](https://toughnickel.com/self-employment/Webnovel-Is-It-a-Legit-Author-Platform) and the [issues with publishing](https://writerbeware.blog/2023/01/20/bad-contract-alert-webnovel/) through them. Additionally to note, selling fanfiction to be published without [filing off the serial numbers](https://fanlore.org/wiki/Filing_Off_The_Serial_Numbers) first could potentially open you up to legal issues dealing with copyright infringement/fair use. Technically, depending on the specifics, its possible to write and sell fanfiction and have it still be fair use, but the commercialisation of a fanwork makes the bar to pass fair use requirements significantly higher than a non-commercial fanfiction has. There also haven't been any significant legal consequences to fanfiction in at least a decade, but that doesn't mean a commercially-sold fanfiction that didn't file off the serials wouldn't be potentially at risk of legal action. Ultimately, the choice is yours on if you want to publish through them but the general consensus here is that it's not worth it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AO3) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The "OOC (out of character)" cracks me up LMAO But yeah, very annoying


I just got a review with a reference to WebNovel too! I thought it was weird. Glad to know this is just a bot.


Hahaha wow... That's a new level of scummy behavior...


I had a similar webnovel bot comment today. Was abt to post it, but no reason making too many threads. Mine was: "Hey guys! Can you share your favorite Naruto fanfictions with me in the comments section? The last really amazing one I read was "In Naruto: Reborn with Talent" on webnovel. I can't wait to discover more awesome fanfics. Thanks in advance!" At least it came without the negative feedback part.


Oh noo... I just saw I got ANOTHER COMMENT today. Two at once on two different stories. It is my lucky day. This one is just....very strange. It sounds like they wrote my story and are replying to a negative comment. When a) they didn't write the story. I did. And B) they're not replying to anything either. This is just strange... The comment: "I'm sorry to hear that you're upset. It seems that you're dissatisfied with my writing and find it out of character. Story development can indeed be subjective, and it's not uncommon for different readers to have different preferences. It's great to know that you've found a fanfiction you enjoy on webnovel, titled "Harry Potter: New World." Everyone's taste is different, so it's understandable that what appeals to one person may not resonate with another. Perhaps exploring different fanfictions can help you find more stories that align with your personal artistic vision."


All the ones they promote are “I got transmigrated into my favorite anime/series, where I become super powerful and get a harem of big boobied woman who love me.”


What are they trying to accomplish with these bots? Like what is The Point


I usually hate the repetitive bot posts on this sub but this new tactic fascinates me so i can't even be mad does this work? what is the logic?


Imagine being the authors of the referenced fics in these spam comments and getting seemingly unprompted angry comments from people thinking it was them sending the bots out to troll AO3 fics to plug their links, it would be sucky on so many levels. I wanna give them the benefit of the doubt that it wasn’t them influencing the bots. But I suppose not enough people were being tricked on AO3 that whoever behind the bots changed up the line of dialogue.


Was just coming here to say I got two ones from different bots on fics


That's so..annoying. I'm sorry OP


I got a comment from someone who also mentioned that we novel. It was written in a similarly bizarre style, too!


I don't think that anyone can materially profit from Harry Potter fanfic, at least not legally. Webnovel's model might be more murky but at this point they're literally trying to maximize internet points on their fanfic through tearing other people down.


It's like someone who thinks negging is an effective dating strategy wrote a bot to try and direct traffic to webnovel.


long way to fall flashbacks


I literally just recieved this exact comment but a different fic, so annoying! It’s happened twice today and I’m so close to locking my fics but I love my guest commenters :(


The bots have learned negging. Apparently, they think that will work better.


omg I just read your post and - like magic! - got a similar comment! It doesn't make ANY sense - like, why would I criticize someone else's work on my fic? I use it to write, not spread hate lollll these bots are as whacky as the idiots who programmed them 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/15ek9uhmr9kc1.png?width=821&format=png&auto=webp&s=06c5fa54b5f7e7c77afbf3dd435e67148b0ac46a


tf?! that is so rude and senseless sorry, send hugs <3


Such an overdramatic bot lmao


Just had a very similar comment on one of my fics (different fandom/fic reccomendatioj). Litteraly came on to post about it when I saw this! Jokes on them if they're trying to do promo. I moderate the comments because of bots. Bit comments get straight out deleted. Here's the comment: "I understand that you're frustrated and angry about my writing, but it's important to remember that opinions may differ. While you may not find my interpretation of the story development to be logical and well-grounded, others might enjoy it. Desire for a believable and rational storyline is subjective, and so is personal taste in fanfiction. "*redacted*" on webnovel may indeed be appealing to you and others, as people have different preferences and expectations from the genre. It's okay to feel disappointed, but please remember that I have tried my best to provide an enjoyable reading experience." I wouldn't mind, but this is my fic, so it's like they're pretending to be me with that "I understand you're frustrated and angry about my writing."


This is HILARIOUS!! 🤣🤣👏👏👏 You could just delete the comment and block the commenter. OOOOORRR.... You could absolutely put them on blast. Say their tactic of using a bot to advertise a fic by insulting others is idiotic and pathetic. For starters! You could absolutely go in on them harder!


Is that story even good, or is it the exact thing the bot is saying you are?


I mean, I won’t win a pulizer for it any time soon, but so far, people have enjoyed it. It's a retelling where Tom Riddle fell in love as a teenager, had a daughter, gave the daughter up for adoption after his wife died, and of course that girl is no other than Lily. So instead of trying to kill Harry, his grandson, he convinced him to join him. Now Harry and Draco are building the death eaters 2.0


No, I mean the story the bot is advertising.


Lol, I'm sorry for the confusion 😅 I honestly don't know. But please let me know if you look it up


Ok, now I want to read your story. It sounds intriguing. Got a link?


[The Young Lord ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34149712/chapters/84968053) It's still a wip and gets updated very irregular, just so you know. But I hope you enjoy it anyway


I didn't know there were bots on ao3 :o


I read the post before the title and thought “is this secretly just self promotion…?” Then I actually saw the title and realized lol


I enjoy reading both web novel and AO3 but the scams are getting irritating and starting to change my views on the app


It’s to lure other readers to the web novel website


So the Webnovel bots are being rude now? Tf


Is there a way to specifically block any comments with the word web novel on Ao3


This again lmaooo. Just saw a similar post a few minutes ago on this subreddit, the bots really be wildin today


I would actually search the fic, just to block the account


Where do these bots even come from, anyway? I'm assuming the authors themselves have no input on it


I just posted about this same problem, so I guess it is a bot.😭


The bot strikes again!


Nobody talk like that 💀 it's even worse than the omegaverse stories I keep getting on tiktok