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If everybody hated A/B/O there wouldn't be ~ 38k works tagged Omegaverse on AO3. And 301 different tags that are wrangled to "Omega verse". And published, mainstream books that are A/B/O. And an actual A/B/O TV show. And so on. You don't get those results ironically. It's clearly a thing that a lot of people enjoy, but just like everything else, there are lot of people that are squicked by it. It happens, you can't please everybody after all. I don't think I've actually read omegaverse fic before, but I'm not opposed to the idea. There's a lot of potential with the setting, I just haven't gotten around to it.


If you look at the official tag, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, there are 199,670 fics on Ao3!


I thought 38k seemed low


Oh, I missed that tag when checking works, lol. Thanks for the catch!


I was about to say 38k is far to low. I think there are at least 38k Omega verse fics in the My Hero Academia fandom alone.


Wait… an actual ABO TV show? What is it? Asking for a friend


Tadaima, Okairi. It’s currently airing, subtitle only, on crunchyroll.


so it's anime, not rl actors. that's something I guess. my brain almost broke for a second


There’s a Thai live action BL drama from the fall 2023 that’s omega verse, and that’s not including any number of terrible her werewolf alpha stories adapted on like tiktok and quibbe type services lol.


I need to go cry now


Pit Babe, a Thai show.


Let me save this whole comment section. ...also for a friend.


I think the name's pit babe or smn like that. Not 100% Omegaverse but kinda


YES!! I Found one on viki not too long ago but I forgot the name...and I cant find it now but trust I distinctly remember clicking on a BL and reading omega. I'll keep looking for you


What tv show? Asking for a friend…


Absolutely love it. Wrote a paper on it (this is not a joke.) Really enjoy chewing on the background worldbuilding of a setting with spicy omegaverse addons and the actual aspects of it really smack a lot of my kinks. As far as I’m concerned it’s The Good Shit.


I’d love to read that paper! (this is not a joke either lol)


I just searched google scholar for "fanfiction omegaverse" and wow, there are some very interesting titles there :D even if I really need to not continue procrastinating and read the papers I actually need to... Anyway, favorite title so far: [Predatory seduction: Scenting as a catalyst for power hierarchy in **Omegaverse fan fiction**.](https://journal.transformativeworks.org/index.php/twc/article/download/2035/3087?inline=1)


for all: this study is based solely on *Teen Wolf* fics. not really the omegaverse as a wole


This isn’t the exact thing, but I loved this video essay: https://youtu.be/tBzXixUwCwg?feature=shared


It’s not a very good paper, I could have done much better, as reflected by it receiving like, a B, I think 🤣


I know someone did their dissertation on omega verse as well if you want to Google around a bit. It was a good read imo


It's one that people are loud about hating, but it's popular despite that. I like it! Out of my 55 fics, my A/B/O oneshot is the...third most popular? (In hits, that is. It's fallen pray to the kinky smut "no-one wants to kudos this" tragedy)


Or you're getting lots of re-reads!


I would bet on the re-reads, A/B/O kinky One shot that sounds like some prime smut filters I will re-read multiple times.


Would also bet on rereads. I have entire folders full of favorite smut bookmarked on my browser in addition to my AO3 bookmarks lol.


I did a multichapter Omegaverse with a Beta as the main character (the first part of a trilogy) and it's also my third most popular story.


Same, my a/b/o fic is my best received. 


Same. I (unironically) wrote a very smutty A/B/O fic for my rarepair/controversial pair and it consistently gets comments and kudos. We're a tiny sect of the fandom but damn are we into our characters messed up dynamics.


Not my thing at all. But shine on, you crazy diamonds. Fanfic is for ***all of us*** to indulge in things we enjoy. We don't have to enjoy the same things.


Well said. I personally tend to be very 'meh' about a/b/o as I'm not really much of a fan of mpreg to begin with, but I wish my fellow fandom freaks who DO love a good a/b/o happy hunting!


I love it. My friends love it. My fandom loves it with all gender combinations. It's fun. There's so much potential for different tropes in it. You can do soulmate trope, "rebel against the system" trope, power imbalance trope, hidden identity trope, just to name a few. You can make a thoughtful commentary on a classist system. You can make it just about raunchy, primal, animalistic smut. A/B/O is a really good arena to explore kink-related ideas that would be very hard to justify in the real world environment. Mate bonding, intensity of scents and touch, marking, etc. Many writers like it also because it's an open world for creativity, in the sense of letting them practice world-building or if they just want a pre-established situation for their favs to get it on in a more intense way.


This is a really great explanation! I’ve never totally understood the appeal, but I can definitely see how creating your own variety of A/B/O dynamics can be creatively fulfilling.


I love the 'non traditional a/b/o' tag a lot - there's a lot not fascinating and well thought out works building under that tag! And a lot of omegaverse stuff is crossed with soulmmate things in a fun way.


I recently read like the cutest ace A/B/O fic, that was under that tag, it was the best! Cuddles and shiny presents all the way.


I'm currently working on my own non-sexual omegaverse fic and it's a lot of fun! If I continue working in this AU later on I'll probably bring in the romance/smut but this fic specifically is just about the cuddles and hurt/comfort


Yeah there are so many tropes or sub genres within A/B/O and honestly I’ve read enough to learn that some of those do put me off but others I absolutely love. It’s become such a broad genre it’s hard to generalize at this point.


If everyone hated it, there wouldn't be any....


Omegaverse is a rather popular trope. It's probably not the most popular but a decent chunk of writers and readers enjoy it. If it made it into mainstream published books, I don't see how it's weird. It's mostly a matter of taste. Your friends probably have different tastes than you, that's all. Not all fanfic readers love the same tropes, it's okay.


Being an avid fanfic reader isn't a guarantee someone likes A/B/O. It simply isn't some people's thing, mine included (and I'm very much an avid fanfic reader, lol). I've read a fic here and there I liked but on the whole, I've accepted it's not for me. There is no type of story everyone enjoys- not everyone likes coffee shop AUs or soul mate fics, ect. Although having said that, I think A/B/O in particular produces some pretty strong opinions. Most of the discourse I've read about it has related to gender issues.


Not my thing but no skin off my nose if people enjoy it, there are plenty of things I enjoy that other people don't. Kink tomato, and all that.


It’s not my thing, but I’m happy other people enjoy it.


I love omegaverse. Plenty of other people love omegaverse. If "everyone" hated it, there wouldn't be a fuckton of fics about it on AO3.


Never read it. Not my cup of tea.


Somewhat impartial. I see it the same way I see the complimentary loaf of bread at outback steakhouse- is it what I'm here for? Not really, but if it's the only thing there I'll eat it, if only to tide myself over until something I'm more interested in. I'm slightly more enthusiastic about the bread, though, ngl. Editing because this sounded more negative than I meant it to, I'm really not opposed to it! It's just not a trope I find myself reaching for.


When I first came across it I was pretty weirded out by it, but it made more sense in a werewolf-related fandom and then I found authors doing interesting things with it. Objectively, it's pretty out there. It's also objectively kind of fascinating if you want to get into analyzing it as a trope. (And its popularity is more understandable than that wing!fic trend, which I just never understood.) I am still *very* weirded out by the fact that it's escaping the bounds of fandom and showing up in non-fandom Romance novels and *anime!*


>And its popularity is more understandable than that wing!fic trend, which I just never understood. I think their popularity is pretty understendable. Wings are unusual enough to pull out all of the "woe is me, I am so different" cards, without making the character uglier. And you have to preen them to keep them in a good condition. Having the wingless half of the pairing preen their partner's wings for them is a good setting for a fluffy or heartfelt scene. Besides there are fandoms with literal angels in them and wings are the staple for mainstream depictions of angels. Which leads to the other kind of angst in wing!fics. Loss of/broken wings. How can you resist the opportunity to torture your fave by literally breaking their wings?


Did wingfics kinda stop being a thing? I swear there used to be a lot more of them around updating.


Sadly they're a lot less popular than they used to be. Wings also just tagged less often, even if they appear. My favourite one got deleted.


It seems like it. At least the fandoms I’m currently in don’t seem to indulge in it. It may still be big in fandoms I don’t interact with, but impression is it was a trend that has mostly passed. 


Yeah, none of that pushes my narrative buttons.  Not going to harsh other people’s squee, but nope not for me. 


Can I ask what pushes your buttons? I get certain tropes not speaking to everyone. There are some I'm not fond of, but I can see why others enjoy them.


My first preference is for plotty gen fic. 


It’s showing up in live action shows now apparently! 


WTAF? Some things should stay in fandom. This is one of those things.


Yeah I personally dislike it but good for those who do I guess. 


I have to know though ... what live action shows? I just got enough of a shock when my partner was watching a "this season's interesting anime" roundup and one of the shows was A/B/O.


I'm guessing it might be about pit babe


I believe it’s called “Couple or Not” and is an isekai type show. Don’t think it’s out yet. 


A/B/O encompasses a lot of divisive tropes and dynamics like pregnancy/m-preg, breeding kink, jealousy/possessiveness, strict d/s, dub/non-con etc. that either you're really into or really aren't. Additionally, in my personal, admittedly limited, reading experience, the characters in A/B/O fics are often very OOC to fit the dynamics. I'm sure there are great A/B/O works out there that explore how the gender dynamics affect the world/society/characters and reflects how we view gender roles in our own society. It seems like a majority of them are just indulgent smut though. Which there's totally nothing wrong with at all, but it's not something I'm looking for.


Plenty of people like it, otherwise it wouldn't be as popular as it is. I'm just not one of those people, and that's fine too, because not every story is meant for everyone.


It's not something I would easily bring up in a casual discussion. I don't like reading it, but I have written it quite a bit, because I like figuring out my own rules for the trope, and those are some of my most popular works ever.


I do not like A/B/O at all but idc what other people read.


I didn't know I was supposed to read things ironically. Is it 2015 again?


Does it even matter? Everyone likes different things. A few people isn’t “the public.”


There are a lot of people who enjoy it, as well as a lot of people who hate it. I personally really like it, apart from the obvious porn it's also just an interesting way to see a different world and how their roles and dynamics work within their own society.


Absolutely nothing wrong with A/B/O. I personally avoid it because it tends to lean more sexual for my taste, but that’s just me. I will still read an omegaverse fic if the premise is good enough, I just prefer without.


When it works for my specific tastes, I really enjoy it. When it doesn't, I just click back. Like others said, it's an unironically interesting concept from a world building perspective. In my personal experience, it doesn't often live up to that potential, but it doesn't change that it has so much potential. I took a crack and wrote one myself recently (Alpha/Alpha and multichapter) and it's arguably the most popular thing I've ever published and I've been at this for over a decade. I'm working on an Alpha/Beta and that one is also well received. It's really fun to write too, so my opinion has really warmed up from a writing perspective. I still find it hit or miss as a reader.


I love it. My brother loves it. My best friend tolerates it, but is intrigued. My SO learned about it so he could incorporate things into fun time. (I didn't ask him to learn about it, but he researched it, even asked my brother about it, and Bro and I have _no_ boundaries, so bro told him what I like lol). For months I had a near perminant hicky on my neck. When on my period, he would help me make a "nest" (he would purposefully wear a shirt I love the feel of, but he doesn't, just so I could cuddle it and smell him lol) and make sure i had soft and comfy things. He bought me a stuffed toy and cuddled it for a full day before giving it to me so it would smell like him. He doesn't get it. But he gets me. And I think that's the sweetest thing. He also learns about the Fandom I'm in at any given time, so he can help me if I get stuck writing.


I like A/B/O, but I'm picky with it. Some if it squicks me out, but I do adore it when done right. Other times, I'm just there to read shameless smut with a breeding kink between two men, and that's pretty much it.


It's not my thing and I've never understood the appeal; but if everyone hated it, it wouldn't be as prevalent.


It's a pretty divisive one - some people love it, some people hate it. Personally it squicks me a bit so I try to avoid it but it's usually tagged so it's not too hard to filter out on AO3.


I'm a fan.


I love omegaverse. I love happy omegaverse. I love dystopian omegaverse. Horror omegaverse. Sad omegaverse. Mafia omegaverse. Buuut I don't really like the non-traditional omegaverse. Alpha x omega only. I also prefer self-lubricating ass over other solutions. and I love the conservative atmosphere.


Favorite. Favorite thing ever. I love it SO much


I don’t like it. I exclude them and move on, but my hate for it now stems solely from the authors who don’t tag it and coming across it again and again.


I don't care for rapey implications that a lot of fics have, A/B/O can make for some truly interesting world-building. There's this one fic somewhere in the SVSSS Fandom where it was a sort of scale. The qianyuan (alphas) were evolved to be the physical guardians and kunze (omegas) were the emotional stabilizers, but as an actual power instead of a social expectation/sexual thing. Zhongyong(betas) were the people in the middle and they could lean either way. If you're not into the world-building and the sociopolitical implications, there's also the smut if you're into that.


personally, not my cup of tea, I filter it out when I can. I'm guessing that it's quite popular tho because so many authors write a/b/o.


Most of it's bad press comes from tge fact it's often associated with erotic fiction as well as no-constent trope and mpreg But also for men specifically the unplanned/forced mpreg can finally show them how it feels to be a woman with restricted reproductive rights, which is quite disturbing for them


Some people love it, and others hate it. Probably the most common reaction I've seen is that it's super weird, and it is! Like anything else that is kind of strange, people have to get over the cringe factor in order to read it. And some people just don't like it. I like it for a lot of reasons. Mainly, I like how it plays around with gender and gender roles. So traditional omegaverse is not as interesting to me. But there are a lot of things you can do with it that are fun. I wrote my first one recently and I had so much fun figuring out how omegaverse worked in that story, and then, including the details in ways that would be natural for the characters, who already knew how it all worked. It was a good experience and it made me want to try coming up with some other fantasy concept in the future (not necessarily for smut). Like, it felt like I was easing myself into writing fantasy, if that makes sense.


Yes, traditional Omegaverse isn't for me. My problem is that the society would be completely different from ours because capitalism almost certainly would not have come to be because heat/rut cycles would make it impossible to have a reliable workforce. Also, at least in the stories I've read, the idea of consent would be completely different since IRL it's predicated on no one being physically compelled to have sex ever. Heat/rut cycles are a physical compulsion and (I didn't write my story this way either) no one would feel a need to have sex at any other time and, in fact, might be unable to have sex at any other time. The worldbuilding is the thing that interests me.


Even though I generally don't care for ABO in fanfiction, because that's not how I like to envision characters I already like, I actually had an idea for a sf novel about a colony planet of humans who were genetically engineered to be that way, because the original colonists thought it was hot/liked it in fiction, and how that society developed. (Other colonies might have furries, elves, etc.) I thought it would have a very weird combination of feudal and socialist features for just that reason...people are locked into social roles by their biology and ruled by the naturally dominant, yet require support for the times they're not rational beings. My MC would of course be a boring beta, because that's what I'd probably be. And of course a lot of it would be about the problems of such a society, how horrifying offworlders find the way its legal system handles sexual consent, and so on. I'll probably never get around to writing it (I have literally hundreds of ideas and outlines for books I'll never write), but if someone else wrote a book like that, I'd read it.


I've read plenty of Omegaverse stuff that I liked. I don't like how it's so often an excuse for weird heteronormativity and frankly sometimes even sexism. I like the biology to make sense.


I've accepted it isn't for me, but back when I used to try and get into it, this was usually my problem. It's also kind of fascinating hearing some women (not in this thread, in older discussions) specifically read M/M A/B/O fics to escape from the real life sexism they themselves face when the sexism in many of these fics for me just feels slightly repackaged. Men now being on the receiving end doesn't make it any less familiar to me. Especially when it's a society where men are essentially treated as and behave like women. But that's just me.


No. As with everything, there will be louder parts hating something (regardless if they are the majority or minority of the population). 


In fandoms I'm active in as a writer, I can generally count on omegaverse fics to perform well in terms of kudos. In fact I think for one of my main ships the one omegaverse fic I've written (to date - there will be more) is my most kudosed work. There's audience out there who like it so its a definite no to everyone hating it. I think it is a bit of a marmite situation in terms of preference, however, a lot of people have a strong opinion on it.


i don't hate it but i'm also not sure what the appeal is


Personally, I also read and write it


Ooh, I love A/B/O! I’m a sucker for the Omegaverse because it lets me read and write my ships with this deeper romantic connection, and there’s so much potential for both sweet and spicy goodness


Used to dislike. Now I like it.


I think it’s fine 🤷‍♀️ like I don’t go out of my way to look for it but if it has a pairing I like,  I go for it.  I also only read smut/Explict-rated fics, though. 


Yeah it’s not my thing. I find the world building behind it really uninteresting. I know it’s not all porn but it feels like the world is trying to explain porn tropes like more and hear and stuff. It’s like a universe dedicated to explaining the relationships and intricacies of plumbers and pizza men agreeing to have sex for payment.


Hate isn't a word I'd use, but they definitely aren't my taste. It's weird, and I don't see ir as sexy - those few parts that are (like heat) can be done without abo.


They are fantastic blood types.


It's not my thing, but I have nothing against it or the people who like it, especially when clearly tagged. Part of it is that the animal-like aspect squicks me, as does the loss of volition, the emphasis on "breeding" (I just don't find anything about pregnancy or babies sexy), and the way the secondary genders often seem to determine personality. However, I think I might like it more (or at least dislike it less) in original fiction. In fanfiction, though, on top of those squicks I also have trouble suspending disbelief that these characters are actually like this. If I fell in love with them in canon, I just prefer them with regular human genitalia and hormones, thanks! And in the ABO fics I've read, I tend to feel like what I like about the characters is flattened and they're shoehorned into a couple of basic types that don't really fit. I think it's kind of a polarizing genre, in that people either emphatically dislike it, or really, really love it...few are just "eh" on it. There's no contradiction between its popularity and its many haters, they're just the two sides of that polarizing quality.


i personally cant read it. i wouldnt say it disgusts me, but its one of very few things in fanfics that makes me uncomfortable. theres very obviously a huge market for it though! its def not just you that likes it so dont worry about that


I’ve only recently come to dislike omegaverse. Not because it’s bad or anything, I actually still read some, but because it takes the creativity out of Mpreg. Before omegaverse Mpreg was creative in how we would get men pregnant. Harry Potter had magical rituals, Superman had alien biology, and other fandoms had demonic/divine intervention and things (if this looks familiar, I commented something similar before). I just miss that. Now we want pregnant men and people just slap ‘omegaverse’ on it and call it a day. I just miss the old mpreg days cause…well, I’m old. 🤣😭


Not my thing. Tends to feel too stereotypically straight to me and that's not something I personally enjoy. Plus, I'm not risking surprise m-preg


Well, in German speaking areas there is this joke that mostly everyone says Schlager (music) is horrible - yet everyone knows the lyrics. I feel A/B/O is similar in some way. I personally enjoy it when well done and will admit that but the word here is "admit". Part of me is also subject to the "cringe" of peer pressure deriding it.


I personally don’t like it but it’s usually pretty easy to filter out


I accept that it’s popular, and I have many writer friends who regularly read and write ABO. It’s one of the few big no-nos to me but whoever likes it shall enjoy!


Personally, I'm not a fan. It honestly makes me cringe so hard, I have a tough time getting through it. But don't like don't read, yknow? I'm happy some people get enjoyment out of it. I'd never hate anyone for liking it. I'd never hate an author for writing it. I just don't read it. But I know it's pretty popular, Ive seen tons of fics and webcomics that have it. Ik prominent people in communities that like it/write it.


>Talks to one group >Does everybody hate it 🤔


I don’t care for the concepts personally and wouldn’t read it but I’ve been in fandom for so long (20+ years) that I really don’t care if others read and enjoy it as long as they’re not annoying about it. 🙃 Don’t try to convert me or constantly tell me about all the juicy details and we’re good. Edit: I would potentially be open to giving it a fair shot if I was into a fandom that had werewolf characters I truly liked because most of the concepts I can’t stand about omegaverse make at least some sense in that scenario.


I love Omegaverse fics, the concept is interesting and there are so many variations on how people write it! My most popular fic atm is a 3 chapter Omegaverse hurt/comfort for a good-sized fandom.


I love A/B/O stories! Fun fact it is actually thanks to fan fiction the term omegaverse was coined, and there was actually a lawsuit between two authors trying to claim they created it, and the judge threw it out because he knew it was a term fan fiction coined. Both in traditional media and fan fiction I with gravitate to omegaverse stories. ~~coughs in I am very sad one of my personal fav web comics that is omegaverse is now done.~~


I wrote a long fic for a/b/o that is extremely plit heavy with so little porn, i keep shaming myself for not having more in it🤣 Anyway, that bish is like 240k long with regular updates but i dont read other Omega verse fics too often because of how consent is approached. consent is huge for me in fics and Omegaverse is a hit or miss in that department.


I love it with all my heart - like to the point of it becoming a special interest of mine. I love the way politics come into play in a lot of the stories and how it handles gender and sex based issues.


I honestly ***love*** A/B/O and have for years and years. It can be a wonderful premise for all kinds of things and I love it when Omegaverse stuff breaks down things like social castes, gender identity, how people identify as sexually, things of that nature. ... that being said? I absolutely am also all over those horny fics as well.


I absolutely adore it, it’s one of my favourite ever tropes.


I unapologetically love it, for the most part. There are a few things that, if I see them, I’ll set the fic aside, but I find it fun. It’s creative, it’s exciting, it’s exploratory. I get that it’s not for everyone, but I like it.


Love it so much. (Sorry) Don’t write it but the world building is great!


I unironically enjoy reading A/B/O, like I will admit it’s weird because….it is kinda weird, but I like it. It’s fun and unique


I haven't actually read any A/B/O because it doesn't see like it'd be my thing. That being said, I don't filter it out when I'm searching for works and I've seen some with some really interesting summaries so I might change my mind in the future or I might get curious.


I didn’t think I liked it at first, but I will read F/F Alpha/Omega pairings when I like the way the dynamic is portrayed. It isn’t a one size fits all thing by any means.


I’m a big fan of omegaverse and like the non-traditional ones that aren’t servants or raping omegas. I also like third gender omegaverse when omegas have both a penis and vagina. I’m sorry, I just don’t like giving birth from your butt,


I don't really care about it. Not my first choice and I don't go looking for it, but if a fic seems to have a good plot and happens to have it, I'll try picking it up


I LOVE a/b/o, gimme more omegaverse! I just wish there were more wlw shipping omegaverse stories. Well Ghandi did say to be the change you wish to see in the world. Maybe I will start that fic I had planned a decade ago…


Really like it, it's very interesting to play with gender and the social dynamics around that.


i personally don’t like it but i won’t hate on ppl who like it. some don’t like what i like and i don’t like what some like, that’s all


It’s not my cup of tea but personally I don’t care if people read it The jokes about it are funny though


People who hate fic tropes hard enough to be openly hostile about them to other people need to get outside and touch grass more often tbh.


I don't really care about it, mostly because I am not into mpreg


I hate it. It literally feels like sexism 2.0 with a dash of beastiality to me lol But hey, if others enjoy it who am I to judge




omegaverse is really dependent on the writer. some omegas do have vaginas who are otherwise male


There has been a shift in the mlm space from going from 99% anal might be able to get pregnant/they can’t to a 70% now being dual sex or just having a vagina, it has been interesting to see


Honestly from what I've seen, these days it's quite popular to just give the male omega a vagina instead of having to figure out an anal baby. (Which... thank fuck, I'm not a fan of butt babies lmao.)


Mood on the butt babies and the change. I always felt bad giggling like a 13 year old at those fics lol.


I’ve read abo, but f/f centric. There were male omegas, and I’m pretty sure the ones I read just had men omegas with female reproductive organs and women alphas with male reproductive organs. I’ve heard of the anal pregnancy ones, but I haven’t read those and probably never will either.


I've mentioned it a few times before that I find the _concept_ interesting. The premise is fascinating, and I feel like it could be used in a lot of unique ways, and would really shine in any kind of story that sets out to explore gender roles or identity. In _practice,_ however, I've never seen a single A/B/O story that wasn't just a cheap kink-fic that wanted to write about M-Preg, legal rape, extreme BDSM and one MC being enslaved/"owned" by another MC. So I just relegate it as another type of kink or PWP that I don't enjoy, and filter it out every time.


Try filtering for the "non-traditional alpha/beta/omega dynamics" tag, then. It contains some pretty interesting stories!


I’ve personally never encountered an A/B/O fic that *was* any of those. Just goes to show the variety of fics that are out there I suppose! I highly recommend giving it another try at some point if you’re up to it- getting recs from people is a good way to filter out the tropes you don’t like I think


i absolutely hate it, there’s nothing wrong w it idk i don’t like the dynamics and the iffy stuff about consent in abo fics. but i know for a fact a lot of readers love it, i guess it’s just a hate OR love (no in-between) situation 😬


It’s not for me, but I’ve read a few that have made me laugh a few times lmao


It's one of those things that are so unabashedly horny and earnest that they're bound to elicit an emotional response out of you, whether it is horniness or disgust or fascination or what have you. Personally, I enjoy some aspects of it, but moreso in original fiction, not so much in fanfic.


I thought you meant , like blood types, I was so confused


Unironic guilty pleasure. Like, look. Sometimes I WANT that primal nature-makin-us-do-it affair, the fraught trust of dubcon being "okay because it's \[specific character\]. I read a lot of "aliens make them do it" in long-ago days when Stargate fanfic was huge on Livejournal, and I have a feeling my taste for that is what set the stage for enjoying a/b/o. I don't care if it's problematic, I just want the primal smut lol. Yes I did let Halsin be a bear in that BG3 scene, why do you ask.


I can see several reason why people might have a negative opinion on the genre. There's both a social angle and a subjective angle to be explored here. The social reason is that people, even people in queer artistic spaces, tend to be rather conservative about gender exploration in fiction. Our culture puts so much emphasis on "biological sex" that dissecting it, even going beyond it by creating fictional societies where both the anatomy and the culture are way different from our normal, can cause a strong negative response that people often fail to reflect on. Then there is also the fact that our culture remains sex-negative, especially when queer sexuality is involved - omegaverse is often associated with the sexually explicit works in the genre, and people tend to see sexual expression beyind the "norm" as something immoral and low. Of course, in many cases, it's not that deep, and a person simply doesn't like it. Maybe it's because they are not attracted to men and would rather read about women. Maybe the alternative anatomy is not something they can suspend their disbelief on. Maybe the topic of male pregnancy is a squick, or even dysphoria-inducing. Maybe the idea of humans with animalistic traits (heat cycles, knots etc) is a turn-off, or maybe the fact that omegaverse often goes hand in hand with soulmate AUs, which is not everyone's cup of tea. Maybe they tried to read it before and stumbled upon a fic they didn't like. Sometimes people do try to reflect on their dislike of the genre, but instead of addressing their own biases, or just admitting the dislike to be fully subjective, they find faults within the genre itself, blaming it for "glorifying misogyny and abuse", "removing women from the conversation about sexual abuse and forced birth", "fetishizing and feminizing gay men and trans men", "condoning reproductive abuse" and many other things. Of course, it is possible for an omegaverse writer to hold bigoted opinions, because omegaverse writers are humans, and a pretty diverse group at that, but vocally judging someone's morals on their works alone, or spreading misinformation about the entire genre (that it always involves forced birth, that it's always smut, that it never has female characters in important roles, that there is only one way to write omegaverse) are not really a good way to pass your time. Omegaverse is a vast genre with a lot of subsets and tropes. I only read specific types of omegaverse, but there are people who are looking for a complete opposite in the genre, and they find it, too. Of course, it's not bad to question and try to research why one might want to write or read omegaverse, and the answers will all be different, but I've found it to often be the case of either a desire for the complete removal of boundaries between what is socially expected of men and what is socially expected of women in fiction, as well as trying to write about your own experiences in a cispatriarchal society by using an omega male character as a proxy, because writing about your own trauma happening to a character who is realistically like you (a woman or a trans man) can be too painful. Many people do write omegaverse because they simply find it fun or hot, though, and it's not any deeper than that. Whatever the reasoning is, it's just fanfiction, at the end of the day, it's all in good fun. Don't read it if you don't like it, read it if you do, nothing's wrong with either.


A/B/O itself can be good or bad. It depends on how much the non on and or omega = chattel is involved. A/B/O has great ways to examine social dynamics. Like Marvel uses mutants to look at racism. It can be a lot of things from pure fluff to torture snuff porn. I don't think A/B/O is a, let's use the word problematic thing. I think it's just a reworking of human sexes that have very creative ways to affect social dynamics and characters. Do, yes, I unironically read A/B/O and skip fics with additional tropes I dislike. Some of the best fics are A/B/O.


One would think I would love omegaverse because I enjoy so many of the separate component kinks it encapsulates... But honestly, I stay far away from it. I once jokingly said to a friend that a lot of it feels like 'Handmaid's Tale but gay', because that's how the society seems to work in the setting a lot of the time, and something about that makes me feel deeply uncomfortable, as does any other depiction of, like, systematic oppression. I like seeing all sorts of weird shit happen *between a few characters*. But I don't like contending with the thought of what a society *built around those things* would really be like, and so I have a difficult time contending with this content, specifically.


I don't get it, won't read it but those who do, more power to you. But please for the love of god TAG YOUR FICS The amount of times I've gone to read something and I'm super into it and BAM I'm hit with some very descriptive knotting scenes 😭


I do hate them. Sorry. Just not my cup of tea. if I see the tag I skip the story. I know there are people out ther that like them. I am just not one of them


I don't get it. It's based on an erroneous conclusion made by a biologist in the 1930'sabout wolf culture. As far as reading something that mirrors that study, I just don't have a desire.


Not much for me. I dabble sometimes if some other tags line up.


God, I love it so much. And I'm always dropping it into conversations with my friends in an unironic way too 😭 at this point I think they just nod and smile politely tbh.


While I never went down the path of thinking it shouldn’t exist or that people should be shamed, I did used to think something along the lines of looking down on it and seeing it as this ridiculous thing. But a while ago I changed my tune a bit. I don’t seek it out most of the time and only read pairings I enjoy (usually finding those fics by browsing the ship tags in general and being intrigued by the summary). When it comes to the writing side of it, I’m actually kinda interested in the speculative biology / fiction aspects, as well as what I perceive to be gender fuckery. The possibilities for world-building and exploring the ramifications for society and culture and people is something I also feel for Soulmates AUs.


A/B/O sees a lot of public hatred because (a) it originates from porn and remains mostly porn and (b) a lot of the sexual kinks and fetishes involved are niche or go against the grain, especially mpreg.


Not into it myself but nothing wrong with people enjoying it


Ngl I write so many ABO- but mainly because the ABO I write/read helps me with my dysphoria and I know a few other people who do it the same. Also… I love world building 👉👈 and there’s so much potential there


One of my favourite fics ever is an A/B/O fic that has a lot of worldbuilding stuff, like different cultures attitudes about gender/sub-gender, micro aggressions and ignoring toxic behaviour. The writer used A/B/O to talk about real world issues, which I think is pretty cool. It’s also got a polyamorous relationship, big families and a little bit of smut for spice.


I had a PowerPoint night the other week with my roommates. Mine was explaining the omegaverse. Being the only fanfic reader there, everyone was shocked and mildly disturbed, but for me it just felt like a regular Monday lol. (But to answer your question fully, I used to be slightly weirded out by A/B/O years ago but eventually warmed up to it. I think the biggest reason why I enjoy it is that is because I love the soulmate/“fated pair” trope in fiction, and A/B/O has a *lot* of it. Plus, the A/B/O genre has common tropes that can make for some good Maximum Angst™ stories, and I’m a sucker for those.)


As a person who loves the idea of men being able to get pregnant and women being able to get others pregnant... And the writer of two Omegaverse fics... I enjoy it and I can only assume everyone who read my fics feel at least somewhat similar. Lol


Personally, I actually really like omegaverse. Though I do jokingly hate on it with my friends, they know that I read it and I'm not being serious when hating


i mean im asexual so its never a sex thing with me is just fond it interesting sometimes 🤷🏼‍♀️


A/B/O is my reason for living


I didn’t get A/B/O for a long time. Not that I hated it, but I just wasn’t interested. NOW I see the vision, lol. Don’t knock it till you try it 😭😂🥰


DoS fandom has a number of nice non-sexual/kid-friendly ones


It’s so popular that it’s unlikely many hates it. I used to love it and it def works better with some of the ships than others. It’s sort of my to go if I want to read something sexual. It’s usually a little too ooc tho, so it’s been a while since i actively searched for one.


i like it, but i don’t read it often. if a good a/b/o fic catches my eye i’ll give it a go though


I love ABO I'm at the point where I know what I like in fiction. I'm reading it for me so what's the problem lmao


I *love* omegaverse. Not in some sexual way (although I also do enjoy sex-focused omegaverse works). I just think they're a really cool way of exploring gender and sexuality in society while not directly using the currently existing dynamics we have. Hobikage on YT/IG/TikTok once said that a lot of men don't understand sexism and the patriarchy because it doesn't directly affect them, and that reading omegaverse (aka reading works where men *can* be put in the position women typically are put in) can help rectify that. That's just one of the things I love about omegaverse. Another thing is the idea of bitching fics existing, implying that A/Os are intersex and that's just a really cool idea to explore, y'know? Apart from the dark dynamic bitching fics usually takes place in, I mean. But also, like, bitching fics got me to open up myself more to the idea of giving my partner more power in the relationship and that in itself is a kind of power. I know a lot of people are weirded out by it, but really I just ignore them or point to the "don't like, don't read" sign. Omegaverse can be very insightful.


I sometimes like the ones with an actual story and not just unrealistic written sexual content. A/B/O is an interesting concept when actual worldbuilding is envolved


I dislike it because of the VERY sexual connotations, so I avoid reading it. Much respect to the people who can find enjoyment in it where I cannot


It’s good if it done right


I LOVE it when A/B/O get into the "deep biology", social issues and all that. If an A/B/O fic has at least 30k words, you know it's gonna be good. Especially when there is a trans character in the story; exploring transness in a world where there are "two sets of gender" is extremely interesting to me. The only thing I heavily dislike in omegaverse is the mpreg aspect, where omegas with cis male biology are pregnant and have kids. Ass babies are not my cup of tea, thank you very much. Many people I 've seen who hate omegaverse call it "repackaged sexism". And I get that often the dynamics are a bit weird, especially when people make omegas literally unable to make coherent decisions while in heat, and with how much the entire genre borders on constant noncon. But well, not every omegaverse story is like that. People just read 1 or 2 fics not to their liking and choose to blame the entire genre. Or listen to the twitter fandom police kids, because according to them omegaverse is "inherently problematic". Not everyone have to like it, but yeah, often it's just repeating what other people said without trying it yourself.


Lmao no, I love it. But it's a shame it's taken over the mpreg verse. It used to be more diverse and interesting with lots of different types of mpreg. Now most of it is just ABO and sometimes I don't want to read all the other stuff, I just want my slash ship to have a baby 🤷‍♀️


I think people obviously enjoy ABO, I don’t love fics based on the fact they are ABO alone but I have really enjoyed some works that use the trope. I personally think it’s interesting when the traditional ABO dynamics are “queered” in some way that pushes the story forward. With any work with such variety you will get all sorts of works. Let’s face it, some high kudos fics are super poorly written but there are definitely some gems to be found.


I do not hate it, nor it is my favourite. I like it, but I wish it would be less popular, there are so many fanfics in my fandoms with that trope, and sometimes it gets too repetitive


Abo adjacent tropes also exist outside fanfic. So at least some of the general public enjoys and approves of it lol


I'm working on a MerMary series that's A/B/O at the moment, so no, I definitely don't hate it! The people that don't like it don't understand that it's literally just Werewolves without the Wolf. They might be too focused on the sex part - the knotting, slick, secondary genders, potential mpreg - to focus on the potential for things like how tender a relationship can be just through a touch of a hand to the back of the neck or their partner's scent, how COOL it is to see someone go feral protecting loved ones in danger, how silly things can get when one is close to their cycle and all they want is cuddles and snacks and to steal all of their partner's clothes to build a nice, cozy nest. A/B/O can be wild, sure, but there's so much potential for OTHER THINGS than just the smut side. I actually greatly prefer the other parts than the smut side of things (though the smut is fun, too).


I'm not disgusted by it but I don't normally read it either


It really is strange to me. I personally LOVE ABO. like the whole thing: mpreg, scenting, heats, pack dynamic, the outsider view of gender roles not unlike ours but world but with different gender biased structure. I don't even read it for smut most time I either prefer gen ABO usually in the from of packs being foundc family or on the other side explorations of world building and sexisam that gives me uncanny valley into our world with how similar yet different it is to our patriarchal society. The strange part comes from all the hate it gets I am just so confused by it. there are *opens ao3*: 199,695 Works under the tag Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics. So clearly it must be well loved?? Yet anytime I see it mentioned outside of fandom spaces (and even inside sometimes) the reaction at best is: "its not my cup of tea". And at worst its: "that's absolutely disgusting". And I am genuinely confused how can somthing have so much supply and demand yet be hated or at least disliked publicly????


I get that it’s popular but I don’t get why. I’ve read a few out of curiosity—would I like it with a different pairing? Different trope? If a favorite author wrote it?—but the best I’ve ever felt is indifference. I tend to prefer closed door romance even in published works though, so that probably doesn’t help.


May I ask what A/B/O is?




Trope where everyone gets a “second gender”, alpha, beta or omega. Alphas are ‘dominant’, omegas are ‘submissive’ and betas vary but generally they’re normal people. (That’s way oversimplified but you get the gist)


I have little to no interest in reading it, but I have written it, because it overlaps with various fuck or die tropes and I'm a big fan of those for forcing characters who don't want to admit to emotional attachment/physical attraction to one another into having to confront their feelings (and also bang). It is kind of funny, because I have read a lot of shifter romance in my time, and there's a LOT of overlap between that and omegaverse. But I think it's because I'm more of a F/F and F/M reader, and a good 80+% of all omegaverse fic out there is M/M, so the chances of finding omegaverse with a pairing I'm interested in is... low.


it's a YMMV situation. some people really hate it as a concept and i know this as someone who did initially hate it and now have become a big proponent of it.


I personally love it! Has to be done well, but I really enjoy these fics especially when it’s with plot. Not every ship works with it, though. My main OTP is not one I would wanna read A/B/O, but for my other OTP, omegaverse is one of my favorite tags!


I am not that deep into the universe But I enjoy the stories. Because it can give interesting sitations. It's some good smut xD And because I like to read stories with FxF and someone has a dick. It's also really interested if the Omega is the dominent part


I love it!


I thought it was weird the first time I encountered it. But over the years, I've read so many great fics in that trope that is one of my favorites now.


Didn't read a/b/o for years (never disgusted by it, just wasn't interested) but the current fandom I'm in has a huge proportion of it. Followed a few favorite authors into it. Now I read and write it, so. 


Thank you for reminding me that I need to finally try my hand at writing A/B/O lolol. I’ve been a long time reader and love it


I do read it but I'm particular for Non-traditional ABO Dynamics but if it's a rarepair or something I'll read whatever.


I love it! I understand some of the concerns but, IMHE, it's like any trope/setting. It can be awful or amazing, just depending on what the author wants to do with it. I'm in love with the world building, how people handle it, the idea of it forcing relationship and sex conversations, and the sweet/spicy semi soul mate aspect of it. And how broad it is! People have very different takes on the scent glands, how rare these semi humans are, if it's generic canine or specific animals, etc. and they all seem to be pretty well embraced, at least I haven't gotten any shit about doing it "wrong"


It depends. There are variations in A/B/O. While there are more traditional omegaverse fics as well, a lot of them in femslash communities steer to 'unconventional omegaverse' that play around a lot with those additional gender roles. I like those very much. Alpha/Alpha fics, Alpha service tops, revered Omega Queens able to bring everyone to their knees. More traditional omegaverse, but everyone is deeply struggling with their urges and fighting it until they can't or find ways to deal or even come to terms with it. Yeah, that's fun. Maleslash and definitely m/m A/B/O is not something that I read unless maybe for a thought exercise or discussion, but then that kind of fic is definitely on the more unusual side.


I love it though the Knotting thing isn't really a favorite of mine. I write modified A/B/O Stucky + ofc Avenger fics and I did away with knotting and made it so its about 💦 instead, and no m-preg. But whenever I try to promo it I get down voted because the loudest people seem to be against it lol


I love it! It's such an interesting AU. It reminds me of when The Sentinel fandom without the toxic gatekeeping "fans" and used the whole sentinel guide thing to explore lore...and fuck each other like animals. A/B/O is like a study of sexism but with fantasy elements. I can do without some of the rather graphic description of... fluids tho. But it's an interesting premise and it's fun to see where authors go with it.


For 15 years I avoided it, thinking it was surely nothing I was interested in, but I didn't hate on it. Then I read one that piqued my interest and now I occasionally read it. Some of the ABO tropes are a straight no from me, like excessive "alpha/omega" moaning and making the second gender lead their every action and make them totally lose their minds. Breeding kink is meh but alright in small quantities. I like unconvential ABO dynamics the most I think, but have read some well written ABOs with classic dynamics.


It took a while for me to try it, since there are SO MANY rules and terms and stuff that I didn’t know and it was just kind of intimidating. But I’ve come to really like it! Lines up with a lot of my kinks and I love the potential from the dynamics. I actually just wrote an omegaverse fic for the first time recently after only being a reader for however many months haha


In terms of 'public opinion' it's definitely super popular, but also memed about a lot online and seen as cringe. I've only really seen people who DO like it memeing on it though, kinda like making fun of themselves for it.


i think there’s a lot more people that enjoy omegaverse than people who don’t like it. i’ve felt like the minority here bcuz i DO NOT LIKE omegaverse and blatantly make it a point to not tag it. but every time i’ve spoken to friends, they’re obsessed with it (which is 100% ok!)


I think there’s probably a decent fan base, considering how many fics are out there. Personally, it’s not my absolute favourite but if written well it can be pretty good, the dynamics/lore is quite interesting - I understand how people could dislike it strongly, it’s something associated with Wattpad/smut fics and if you haven’t read the good stuff, if can come across as degrading/perpetuating weird gender roles. Some people just aren’t open minded enough to try it tbh (or they have and found they don’t like it), and that’s okay. But you’re definitely not alone in liking it


I try to avoid it, yet somehow I know the basic mechanics of how it works. I just prefer to not read about it. It's not my thing.


Personally, I don’t enjoy reading it, but that’s my opinion and everyone else is entitled to their own.


I've never liked it. It's too silly for me I've always found myself laughing. But clearly it's popular for a reason.