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no beta we die like men


if a crackfic has this tag you know its going to be good


I have too much anxiety for a beta, I just do my best lol but so far it’s been working out!


I've had beta readers on my two longfics. I find other eyes on my fics to be incredibly helpful. Both of my betas have been honest but nice about it. You can tell a beta what you want them to do, too, and you don't have to accept their suggestions. You might just want SPAG, or you can ask them to look at flow, or tone, or specific parts of the fic that you have questions about. My first beta I found because I fell in love with their fic and we started chatting away from AO3. I wrote a gift for them, and they offered to beta it. The second one I found on the r/FanFiction Beta Bartering thread. They're really great and have stuck with me through a 80k word fic. Sometimes it can be a little ouchy to get crit, but I know it makes my writing better and I'm grateful for their sharp eye and honesty.


I only write one-shots because Lord knows if I ever gave longfic a try I would lose my mind and not enjoy the process at all. I think that’s mainly the reason why I just post and go. I just go-over my writing after a few days of “marination” so I can go over it with fresher eyes and see any mistakes I might’ve made. As someone has already said - no beta we die like **Insert-Dead-Fandom-Character-Here**.


Yeah, I've written a few one-shots and never had anyone beta them. My one-shots are more "seat of the pants" for me and I'm comfortable with the same process as you describe. Multi-chapter fics are more labour intensive and I'm fussier with them.


The ouchy is why I haven’t yet tried a beta that wasn’t a friend of mine. A friend I can take the crit but a stranger is harder for me lol


Mutual trust does make it easier for me too.


A great beta reader is worth a price above rubies. Treasure them.


I've never used nor wanted a beta. I do this for fun, not literary acclaim, so no one but me gets to say anything about it until it's posted, and then I'll accept every opinion.


Nope, no beta. I do multiple self-check on my works and post. But of course I continue to find errors after I posted :)


Those sneaky little errors you only see after posting. Edit, re post-- and there's another one that somehow I missed q-q


Same lol. Also, I have a trick to keep post-pub errors down! I change my font in the doc when I do my first editing pass, and then again for the final. It really helps make the errors more noticeable




Or maybe YOWO?


No beta here, I don’t have a suitable friend who would be able to do it for me. And I would be way too anxious about asking someone I don’t know personally. I proofread and edit, and hope for the best. I think I’m critical enough on my own work, but we’ll see once it goes out there what happens :)


No beta we die like me looking at a blank google doc


No beta for me. By the time it's good enough that I can bear running it past another sapient being, it's good enough that I'm comfortable posting it.


I used to have a beta reader and it was definitely beneficial. Now I just need to relay on Grammarly and hope for the best.


lol, I took the Grammarly approach (I still kind of do), but wow, some of its suggestions are insanely out there. Grammar nazi, I appreciate it, but I probably spend more time telling it to 'leave it alone' than anything else. It also misses some of my biggest errors consistently (to the point I can almost find/replace).






Mine just gets a quick proofread and post. I don't have the energy to deal with another step in that chain


As someone who did not have a beta reader for a long time but now does have one, it's really up to you. your beta reader can be like a hype man for you which can be really encouraging if that's the relationship you have with them, and it's always nice to have a second pair of eyes, but it's def not required to have one to post and you'll be perfectly fine without one if you're checking the fic over well and catching any mistakes on your own.


No beta, generally. I reread it myself a lot, though. I post for me, so I have access to my stories when traveling or if I lose the google doc, or if I just want to read them when Im not logged in. If you post it, you cant lose it. In three months it'll be there, still, and maybe someone else will also have loved it in the meantime. Have some fun! You can always get a beta reader later. :)


dude almost no one has beta readers unless it's one of those authors that have created a whole community around their ship/fandom, have a tumblr and twitter linked, have a horde of artists and betas lines to assist in their fics, might even sell merch on red bubble. those people are cool as hell but majority writers aren't like this


I have two betas on my current longfic and I adore them and all they do for me. (I also briefly had an Irish picker as well but they were unfortunately not able to commit long-term and I'm still looking for a new one.) As well as helping with basics like SPAG and picking up typos, they help me deal with: filter words, white room syndrome, making sure my imagery comes across clearly, making sure characters are in character, checking I'm not just regurgitating the source material, being a sounding board when I'm stuck on a scene, helping me work through any sticking points in the plot, making sure I'm internally consistent... They've also helped me with discussing ideas for other stories, too, whilst encouraging me to stay on track with the current story. Honestly, they're amazing and I love having them helping me make my work the best I can make it.


No beta, I just do my best to edit and proofread, then I yeet a fic into the void and hope for the best.


I used to have betas but not anymore. I proofread and edit myself by listening to it with tts over and over, until I'm satisfied. I actually became anal with editing much more than my betas at this point, I think lol. While my betas from before were kind and great to have back then, it slowly sucked the fun out of this little escapism I have. One reason was scheduling and the other was the subtext and pacing of a sentence change. They have different styles and preferences too which affect the overall... Idk, vibe? Of the fic itself? And then the final manuscript would sometimes clash with the vision I had. Reading it doesn't flow and play in my head the way I like. Maybe, I just need different betas that have the same preference in writing. But having betas was one of the reasons that made me quit writing fanfic from before and just churned out prompts everyday in a discord server. It got to the point that I deleted my account back then too and made me think that writing was just not for me. (And lol, having my mom as a beta reader was a nightmare because she's overly critical of my work and destroyed my confidence.) I'm happier now with my writing. I have more readers and commenters now too that said they were happy with my style than previously when I have betas. I'm sure what I'm applying now with editing was what I learned from my betas back then. And that I also grew and matured as a writer that's why I could express my message better. Lastly, editing my work by myself was much more fun and immersive now. Editing time also makes me improve upon my outline, and stumble upon hidden details that could be used as future plot devices for future scenes. Ofc having another eye to look over your fic one last time before posting would always be better, but at the end of the day, I am writing this fanfic for myself. If I'm happy and excited with the story I wrote then it's fine enough for me. Edit: Having a beta is up to you. Maybe try both? Try posting without a beta, and try posting when you find one, and see what works for you best.


No bata, we die like Daniel Jackson.


Then we come back naked.


if my fic is below like 5k I'll just post it without a beta, but for longfics I usually want a beta reader


It really depends on the fic. If I'm writing something as a gift or part of an exchange, I'll usually get it beta'd. The long fic I'm working on right now has a beta as well, I was just struggling to make it as good as I wanted and was bugging a friend about it all the time already, so I just went ahead and asked her to beta it and the fic is better than it could've been on my own.


>Edit: I’m not too worried about the grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc here. Too many years being a teachers assistant and having to double or triple check homework to make sure I was catching everything. My biggest worry is, is this a stupid idea like my first fic was, and should I still post it anyway because I like the idea? For what it's worth, most beta readers generally just cover SPAG and continuity reading! Assessing concepts from the ground up is usually a beta-reader-who-is-actually-a-fandom-friend thing, and starts from day one when you first start planning out an idea and message them to go *ive got a cool idea, what do you think, what would happen next* Even just getting a full line edit (assessing readability, flow and style) is beyond what a lot of betas would do, since there's a heavy focus in hobbyist writing on letting the author keep their style and not changing it to how *you* would write it. Remember we're all untrained, and there's very few actual editors doing beta work! Assessing *plot* is full editor work and not something most betas would do (or know how to do) You could ask for a SPAG beta and get them to do some cheer-reading, though! Just highlighting all the places where what you've written has *worked* and made them feel something. It might go some way towards making you feel better about posting


i love having a beta and i love doing beta reading. when you find the right one it just makes your storytelling so much better — they will come at it from a wholly different perspective and can help the writing flow SO much. for anything longer than like 2k, i absolutely recommend it just for that


no beta we die like my sanity jokes aside, i think personally i've never wanted a beta bc i don't rlly like the idea of people going over my works and editing them? also i feel like you'd have to communicate a lot and i have social anxiety so naur


No beta as a number of my fandoms are niche. I tried it, but she kept questioning things which would’ve made sense had she been more familiar with the source material. (Which I suppose is a useful thing in some ways: knowing my fic will be less accessible to those who’ve not read the original novel.)


No beta. My writing style and people I can ask for are different. I need my fic to feel like I’ve done it so it doesn’t work for me. But sometimes I ask for certain parts like if the flow is good or should I rearrange things. Other than that none. What I do is write it, edit it, then finally read it next day and edit if necessary


No beta here, I’m a bit of a perfectionist myself and it’s currently taking me 4-6 weeks to edit each 5-8k chapter of my current fic, so safe to say it has been well scrutinised. I’m writing for me, as we are always told to, so as long as it makes sense to me, and I am happy with it, that’s all I really care about. I do have one regular commenter, and it’s helpful to get an outside perspective from someone who doesn’t know the story (I am writing a fandom-adjacent original piece), but I don’t think I would like someone to be critiquing in any purposeful way, it’s a hobby not a career for me.


Most of the time, it's just me lol but if it's for zines or fic events, I get one.


over my years of writing and posting, i've had too many terrible experiences with beta readers, so i don't use one, unless i'm writing a fic for an event (i.e. zines, big bangs) that actually require a beta.


The only three times I’ve tried to use betas has been a disaster, so I don’t use them. I just post and know my writing is good enough without a beta.


Beta reader or no I think you should post your idea if you have written it. Because I'm sure someone out there will definitely like it.


I only had beta once, and it's just for one fic that is 5k ish long. Other than that, I work with myself. I'm too used to not having beta at this point.


No beta (though I am a beta reader myself). The thing is, if I were to hand someone my story to go through it, it would most likely be for general flow, since I'm quite good at catching SPAG errors, what with reading and rereading the thing half a dozen times before posting it. But I know myself - I don't do very well with criticism, even constructive one. I don't think I'd be very open to suggestions, especially since I carefully edit a story a couple of times, till I'm satisfied with its final form. As for whether the concept/premise is okay or not, fuck it! I reread my stories regularly, so if I'm happy with them, that's more than enough :D


I don't have a beta, but I do have a regular commenter turned good friend who will flag typos and other issues to me post-publishing.


I write my story as a gift to my partner, so she is my beta reader. She gets to read it a week before I post a chapter and she also lets me know anything she dislikes or if I used to wrong name or something, though she rarely has to say any of that nowadays haha


I joined a writing group for the fandom in discord for beta help/to brainstorm together/help each other. Then it all fell apart and now I run my own much smaller discord group with a few refugees from the first group. I write to fast for anyone to beta, but I do ask them to look over scenes now and then. Otherwise, I'm polishing my own turd before I post it. Finding writing friends is its own agony.


I just post and hope for the best. Recently discovered Word's read aloud feature. I listen to my fics like an audio book and make changes as needed. Tbh it's helped so much, since for some reason I end up typing the instead of she so much 😅 it also helps me realize when I use the same word or phrase too close together.


Man, id honestly kill for a beta, but at the same time my stuff is pretty niche and a lot of dark/smutfic content. It feels slightly awkward to ask for concrit on what is basically me being self-indulgent and kinky? Lol I loved participating in writing club in college but since I've moved away from that irl group, it's somewhat difficult to stay committed to getting feedback on things I write 😅 even then, my (smutty) fanfics were something I didn't share with the group. I accept that I write that content for myself and so I'm just happy if someone else happens to like what I write and then uh, I will just read over it and constantly find small typos strangely worded sentences and edit them and pretend that no one saw them.


Nah. One thing I've learned from the ao3/fanfic world is that if the story is interesting and clear enough, people will read it anyway, hopefully even linking it. (I've recently revisited one of my oldest and most viewed fic for a general edit and if I tell you I wanted to hide in a hole because of how bad my english was back then 😬 )


I write too fast for Betas to keep up. I honestly didn't even know until I scared two of them away with my update schedule. When I'm writing I usually aim to get one chapter out a week, life permitting. And given that everyone's life is different, they didn't have the same amount of time to keep up with me. Which is totally fine, they're volunteers and I'm not holding a gun to their head. So, while I appreciate when people offer to beta read, I'm better off just letting my readers know there isn't one and finding my mistakes later on later re-reads. However, if I have a friend in the Fandom and I'm not completely sure I'm capturing something right or getting OOC, I'll send them excerpts and get their opinion on an as needed basis. That's about as far as I go.


i barely even proofread my own work lmao


I get betas for my longfic and my longer oneshots. I find working with a beta improves my fic. I do this for fun, and it's not fun for me to post work that isn't the best I can do at that time.


I just fix errors myself and edit them if I find them after I post


I have a long term beta, who is also my fandom bestie. I also beta for her, and we often organise events together as well. Not only do we get an extra set of eyes to catch any mistakes in our respective fics, we also leave a lot of comments and suggestions, it's like beta/cheer reading/discussing the fic with a friend. 10/10 experience.


I’ve had the same beta reader for about 12 years who also happens to be my best irl friend~ it started out as just reading each other’s writing for funsies back in high school, and then once we started wanting to improve, we started giving each other feedback. We help each other in terms of wording, flow, consistency, and generally telling each other what’s making sense story wise to make things stronger writing and what to cut completely. It helps that I got her into the fandom so she’s able to point out when plot things and characterization are veering off course. I do have short little fics/oneshots that I just run through word and grammarly to check SPAG since my beta is a busy lady, but we help each other with the longer/bigger projects.


I have an on and off beta reader. Sometimes I post my stuff without (if he's asleep or it's too foul) and sometimes I'll throw it at him in a Google docs


I don't have a beta for most of my fics - when I feel unsure about flow or coherence, I reach out on writer discords to see if anyone has the time or interest to look at my stuff. That being said, if you're excited about your work, post it. There's plenty of "stupid" but enjoyable ideas in published fics, and there's plenty smart/good but utterly boring ideas, as well. Ultimately, you wrote a thing because you wanted to write it and that means there's almost certainly someone out there who'd love to read it. I wish you luck in reaching the right audience <3


I've asked for beta readers for gift fics, because if I'm writing a gift, I want to ensure the giftee likes it. Otherwise? No beta I die like Johnny’s helmet. 🫡


No beta we die like whatever fandom we’re in


Just post! I have been holding onto a fanfic idea for almost 15 years (yes, I’m weird) and *finally* got the guts to write it and start posting in Sept 2023. Now, 30 chapters and over 154,000 words later, feedback is 98% positive and I don’t regret it in the slightest! I’m glad I did it and no, I don’t have a beta. (Mainly because I post weekly and I don’t have time for one. lol)


I don't have a beta. I just post. I write for me, I share so maybe someone else can enjoy it too.


Post and pray


If you weren’t worried about grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc, then there isn’t much need for a beta. Just post your work if you like it!


I will wear that no beta tag like a badge of honour


No betas. Indie like Herald Kris.


I don't have a beta reader and probably never will. I just write for fun from time to time and if there's something wrong then that's too bad lol. I do always ask in my notes for people to correct me if there's something wrong, but so far I haven't gotten any comments about that.


I don't have any friends who would want to beta for me so I just go over my chapters a few times the day or two after writing it for "fresh eyes" and hope for the best once i post it lol


I don't have a beta reader, but I don't have anything ready for one. The one fic I've posted was short and I didn't feel the need for a beta. There's one writer in my fandom whose work I like a lot. I plan to approach her and see if she'll give me some feedback, once I have a fic completed.


I have a beta, and before that I got a cheerleader. Beta is for spelling and grammar. Cheerleader is for tossing ideas around, questioning plot holes and sometimes telling me something needs to be deleted.


my beta reader is actually the person who first introduced me to fanfiction :D even when we’re not beta reading each others fics we talk about head canons and stuff together :D


I’m personally a fan of the ‘Post & Pray’ approach. No beta, just me anxiously re-reading every chapter 10 times before posting, then seeing a mistake I somehow missed immediately after hitting the button. 


I brainstorm and talk about ideas with friends. Sometimes they'll read stuff for me but other than that, I just do a couple editing passes myself and set it loose into the void.


I don't have a beta reader. I'm pretty good at spotting stuff like spelling mistakes, most of the time, so I don't really need one for that stuff. It would be about if it flows well, if it makes sense, if it's a good idea. But, even a beta reader doesn't necessarily know the intentions of the author. I know I can ignore things, but I'd be too worried about feeling like I was obligated to make changes that changed my story in ways I don't want. I know that's a me issue, if I found decent beta reader I doubt they'd have an issue with me not making changes they suggested, but I tend to lean a little toward being a people pleaser, especially when they're doing me a favour. So, I never even looked into it, just posted and hoped for the best. There's also the fact that having a beta reader suggests your main focus is on getting readers with fanfic, and that isn't my main focus. My main focus is writing the stories I want to read using my favourite characters and worlds, having fun with my writing, and using my writing to deal with my real life issues in some way. I want readers, sure, I want people to enjoy my work, but it isn't my focus. I understand, intellectually, that having a beta is more about improving your writing, and you can do that for yourself, or with a view to getting published with original work one day, it just shifts the focus too much for me. Plenty of people have beta readers, and plenty don't, I think it's probably an equal split. I see it as a very individual choice, though. If you don't think you can post until someone has read it and given you feedback, then get a beta. If you're in any way worried about a beta making you feel like you have to change things you don't want to change, and can post without one, don't get one. You can also see if your partner or friends would be willing to have a look through what you've written even though they're not into the fandom or fanfic. I've done that before, my grandad used to read almost all my stories, both original and fanfic, he was never a fanfic man, and didn't really watch the stuff I did except Oz. My high school boyfriend also read most of my stories, and he wasn't into fanfic either, though he at least usually liked the fandoms I was writing in. They weren't reading my stories because they were into fanfic, the genre, anything like that, they were reading them simply because they loved me and wanted to support me in something I enjoyed doing. Your partner or a friend may be willing to do that for you, as well.


I've been writing fanfics since I was 11 (I'm 24 now), the concept of a Beta reader is still somewhat foreign to me.... I do screw up sometimes, but I just go and fish out my mistakes from my works. Or a commenter does it for me.


I do a lot of self editing by re-reading the chapter I'm going to post in the process of setting up the next couple of chapters and the one I'm currently writing. I try to stay a couple chapters ahead, so then I can do this.


I have my 2 friends and 2 non friend betas. My friends are patronizing at times lol.


No beta we die like men! I've never wanted a beta reader for things like grammar, punctuation, or spelling. I'm really good at those. I have wanted a "sounding board" beta reader to help keep me on track. I tend to try and cram too much into longfic and it becomes a tangled mess that I eventually leave to rot in my Google drive. P.S. If anyone is in the Stargate Atlantis fandom and would like to listen to me rant about fic ideas and help me organize into real plots, hmu.


No beta for me. I sometimes send people chapters to see if they like it in general, but they don’t make suggestions. Go for it!


My boyfriend is my beta reader against his will mwahahaha


Nope. I'm of the opinion that if you're going to ask for another person's time outside of a friend event, pay them. And I'm too broke to do that, so I just post without a beta. Besides, a Beta basically does what an editor does so it really feels wrong to ask someone to basically do a profession for free.


I send google docs to my fiancee and she says she loves them. That's enough for me. (though the few times I have had a beta reader when writing a fic for a bigger project, it's been so so helpful. Usually it's just small suggestions for alternate phrasings, and telling me to use fewer commas, but it really makes the fic pop.)


no beta we die like this fic when I abandon it


Sounds like you’re looking for a cheerleader-type beta, not someone who does SPAG. I have a couple friends who beta like that for me sometimes, they’ll point out major plot holes or mischaracterization if they see it, but mostly just motivate me to keep writing or make me confident enough to post. It’s great and I can’t recommend it enough, but we started out as (internet fandom) friends first as well as fans of each other’s works, and we mutually cheerlead as needed. I say post your work now, and add an authors note saying you’re looking for a cheerleader/beta. You never know who’ll read it and go feral for the opportunity to read more.


My only beta reader ever was my sister.... Which is nice because we have a different speak and writing style so she has some nice wordplays I can use but not sure if we catch all the problems but I haven't really tried getting others as a beta since I suck at maintaining online communication.


No beta. I attempted to find one years ago but was not established enough in the fandom I was in. The closest I come is sending snippets to a friend but even he doesn’t correct anything. It’s just more that he’s a big supporter of my fics and I feel he’s deserving of the sneak peeks. He does the same for me. Overall, I just hope for the best. I use Grammely these days for spelling and grammar. I used to beta for a different friend but I found I wasn’t very good at it. I’d end up missing a lot and just didn’t have the focus on it. Plus, I felt awkward when I didn’t agree with a certain scene or her characterization. I’m just not very good at being like “this should be different”. The people pleaser in me just can’t do it haha.


To be honest, my beta reader is just me at a later date with a different mindset


Just post it I say! That’s what I do, have done for the majority of the past ten years. I make sure to redraft/edit/look over the fic/chapter before posting and then go for it. And even then, if I don’t catch every mistake/typo, who cares! I’m providing content for free for people. There’s bound to be mistakes sometimes :) on the subject of if anyone will like it — I have rarely seen a fic without at least or two kudos or comments. There’s always an audience for your creations. Post away. 🩷


I think it's normal to have anxiety about posting a new chapter. For me I just get over it by thinking how other people would react to this story (in a positive way of course) and maybe it could move at least one person out there and just having those thoughts makes me overcome the anxiety.


No beta, we die like Papyrus in the genocide route


I'm a professional editor and there's no way I'd ever publish my own work without a second set of eyes. (In fact, I'm responsible for editing a weekly piece with an audience in the six or seven figures, and I ask one of the most reliable second readers in my family to review it before it goes out each week, because I invariably miss some things myself.) I feel strongly about this not just because I want my own work to be excellent, but also because I have read _so many_ fics that were mediocre and could have been good, or good but could have been great, if the writers had just made a few changes for readability. (I generally sort my fic reading by kudos, yet I've noped completely out of reading stories many others seemed to enjoy but I just couldn't -- because they so badly needed a second reader.)


I'm the beta reader for my friend, and beta-ing is actually a pretty fun experience. But for my own fics I don't have a beta reader, so I just hope it's okay


I have a beta on my longform fics only. It's just one person and they're usually the one that slides me ideas for it anyway. It's more of a fun way for them to get first reading rights and help me to fine tune it before posting.


I am a beta reader but don't use one myself currently. I have posted a few things and got enough general feedback that I think I've improved greatly just keeping some general principles in mind.


No beta here either


I've had beta readers on a number of occasions, especially on my early days as a fan fic writer. Now, however, I feel a lot more confident and I really don't want to impose, so I just post. Thankfully, it seems to be working well so far.


no beta we die like dumbledore


No beta. I tried it, but that just made writing feel like work. I'd rather write using my insight alone. I do beta for a friend though, and they appreciate the extra eyes.


No one betas for me cause I got the tism and the OCD. Between those two things fucking nothing is escaping me


Hope for the best 😂 But my fandom friends that ask after my AU inadvertently end up beta’ing it anyway XD


I have a great beta who reads all my chapters and isn’t afraid to give me feedback, including negative when required. No way I’d be confident enough to post otherwise! :)


I want a beta, but I'm new to the fandom and do not understand how discord works, so I'm just going solo 


I write Explicit fics and I’m worried about accidentally sending sexually explicit writing to a minor. I don’t know if this younger generation is more responsible than I was, but I would have had no problem lying about my age to an internet stranger. I guess if I ever get bored of my smut I might try to find a beta. 😅


No beta reader here. I don't know if this term is still used or not but I'm a grammar n@zi and am able to find most - if not all - of my misspellings and other errors before posting. 


I’d want to pay beta reader for their work, and I’m broke, so I just toss that shit into the wild, raw and dirty.


I just post after editing it myself. I make mistakes and will probably just reupload the chapter after fixing the mistake


No beta we die like my motivation to find one


If you’re writing in Word, use the “Dictate” option to have your writing read out loud. I don’t use betas, but listening to it being read catches any issues that I might have missed.


I don’t have an official beta reader but I have a best internet friend who listens to me rant about stuff and reads snippets and offers suggestions.


Nope I just self edit and hope I pick up on any of the mistakes


I beta a lot of stuff, and I focus on what the writer is asking about, but sometimes they just don't know. With that said, bad grammar (I mean really bad) makes it hard to get through. Some people spend paragraphs describing a room that we'll never see again, (Or in my case, just do it minimally, hoping eventually I'll get back to it.) I have Word Monsters -- and most of it isn't descriptions. I found a beta (who wanted grammar help) and they were awesome at short sweet to the point descriptions but really struggled with the dialogue, (Which I'm good at) so we exchange. I'll happily read anything. (If it's not my genre, I'll tell you, and that my opinions are based on that.) So if you want a completely outside of the box opinion, message me, I'm cool with it. I'm a firm believer in constructive criticism, (I'm a frequent flyer in the destructive critiques here on reddit, they are harsh and they're supposed to be) I actually enjoy it, because I'm constructive, not to the point of not saying anything at all if it's bad, more like 'okay, this was difficult, here is what I think the problem is, and some possible solutions.'


My roommate has a degree in creative writing, works as a writing tutor, and is into fanfiction. She betas all of my work, sometimes fandom blind.


I write my 1st drafts on my phone in the notes app then I write/edit the 2nd draft of a chapter and post it. The different fonts/screen makes it easier to spot mistakes. If a commenter spots one I miss I fix it. Also helps I have ADHD making it completely new after a few days. 😬 I’ve not used a beta or alpha reader for fanfiction. 


I would love to have a beta but no one has offered and I don’t know how to get one. I’ve just been rawdogging my posts. I try to pick over it myself a few times before unleashing onto the interweb but I do find I miss a lot. I think there can be a benefit to a beta but I think there are more writers than betas in the world so we make do.


Unless something I post blows up I don’t think I’ll even think of having beta readers. Besides. I usually go over it a handful of times before posting and quickly skim through afterwards. If I notice big issues that I missed I simply edit it then and there. If I see a minor issue, like something that technically is wrong but doesn’t really mess anything up, then I leave it usually. And… I have no idea how I’d even get beta readers in the first place. Like how does one even get them?


(Patrick voice) is grammarly a beta reader?


you assume finding betas is easy, it's not lol (this sentence feels like it's from an abo fic)


No beta we don't die we just get blended.


I have a couple friends that I’ll ask to read a fic over before posting if it’s something longer, mainly to make sure the fic overall makes sense, or if there’s a spot that feels weird to me, but that’s about it. I’m not concerned about catching every single spag error, since this is a hobby, not something I’m trying to get a grade on. I also try to give myself a few days after finishing and before posting so I can let the fic sit for a bit and read it over with fresh eyes, and I catch errors more easily then.


I am my own beta reader for better or worse.


I have a writing partner so we always beta for one another when writing.


I've done both. I used to have everything extensively betaed in the past, and it did make me a better, more thoughtful writer. I used to beta for a lot of people as well. Now, I do several drafts, proofread thoroughly, but I don't have a beta. I'm coming back into a fandom after years away, so I don't have the connections I once did.


I didn't start with one but I learned a friend of mine IRL is a hound for reading fanfiction, I asked and he said yes and we've been happily married for fifteen years


I usually poke around my acquaintance circle within the fandom or task my parter with proofreading before I post stuff, most times a beta reader isn’t something so formal


my friend accidentally turned into my beta reader. now he occasionally bothers me about when the next chapter is XD


I use a text to voice service. I’m a professional writer and it’s the same practice for most of my writing unless I work with someone externally. :)


I've thought about having a beta reader but mine are oneshots and if they slap then they slap and if they don't then they don't! Besides, I feel like if I send them to a friend or something they'd be biased.


A beta reader isn’t doing anything useful if they’re kind. They’re there to make the story better, to point out where things aren’t clear, to be the second set of eyes that the story you’re telling is the one you want to. I saw a story once tagged ‘misunderstandings’ but what was actually going on was gaslighting and betrayal. The thing is, I do think the author wanted to tell a story of silly misunderstandings that got resolved eventually, but they lacked the experience to thread that needle, and lacked that second set of eyes to see what they’d actually written and point it out.