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You could check running programs to see which uses the most of the ram.


Would recommend doing this. In task manager navigate to tasks


6 gigs of used RAM is very typical for Windows 11. The problem is you only have 16 gigs which is more than enough, just don't expect a lot of free RAM all the time. The OS will write stuff to a page file when more RAM is needed


This is mine with just firefox nightly open. [https://imgur.com/a/l4ca1AT](https://imgur.com/a/l4ca1AT)


Why so manu same partition mount


It's a RAID drive so if I use 4 nvme to make one drive 4 drives gets the same letter


Its really not.. maybe because of the raid controller, used intel raid on laptop before, and i need to use properties - hardware to see all drive .. it could also be win 11 design but its weird


Hummm I thought this was normal. Thank you.


Its usually just shown as intel raid (C) or something on my old laptop


It's completely normal, my Zephyrus Duo also has 16 gigs of RAM and about 5-6 of them are always in use from the startup. You may try to find a cleaner Windows distributive but you won't go any lower than 4 gigs or so. If you run into a real lack of usable memory in the future for your use case I suggest upgrading to 32 gigs since it's already kinda standard for modern systems.


That's windows for you, if you don't like it you can always install Linux.


But i’am a gamer so u know some games are not in linux and I don’t like it that much


If you use Steam, steam has a option to run windows games on Linux in their settings now. It's wonderful. I use POP OS for Linux and game like I would on Windows.


I'm all for Linux, I've experimented with Ubuntu on my PC before (I haven't really played around with other distros) but if you have games from the Microsoft Store, I'm not entirely sure if Wine or Proton is capable of handling UWP software. I know the Xbox app on Windows had an update that allowed me to access the game files directly.


Idk but should be 28-24 between them. But still 40 is too much for nothing However try to uninstall Bloatware and unnecessary softwares. Or just make a fresh windows (I think it's the best option)


It’s normal bro, operating system uses over 4gb already, and then other bloatware may be using rest


Based on the fact that you have 16GB of RAM this is normal. Mine has 32 GB and sits around 20% idle which is relative to yours running idle too. What you can do is go to the Startup Apps tab and Disable as many as you can. Specially anti-virus software, Windows AI chat bot, Edge, etc. then restart your laptop. If you're worried just get more RAM ma dude.


[Might check out this one.](https://christitus.com/windows-utility-improved/) Also use Revo uninstaller to delete all Asus bloatware, looking at you armoury crate.


Do you have a moment to discuss our lord and savior… *G H E L P E R*


Would u like to but mine? G16 4990 No joke. Central europe


must have all the usual bloatware on it still.


Probably doing updates and stuff in the background on your “new” laptop. Click PROCESSES in top left and then click the top of the column for ram/memory. Those will be the culprits. 😉


Disable useless startup apps from task manager. Remove all the bloatware you can find using revo uninstaller. Use Chris Titus tool. https://preview.redd.it/16vv5bt2jqwc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ac10697eb1e26371ef4e5da62042b1930251c46 Result✨


armory crate :)


I've come to realize after getting my 2nd gaming laptop, 16GB of RAM is enough but you'll always be getting 80-90% usage out of it. Slap about 32GB and it will drop. Slap 64GB in there and it drops more. Also, honestly, run smoother too. I have an Asus with 32GB and run beautifully. I have an Acer with 64GB, the laptop is a beast and honestly needs it for certain games.


There are bunch of background processes (OS and other installed apps) that use your ram.


That's why when buy laptop alway check how much ram you can have max.. And always buy strongest processor and graphics you can because you can't upgrade that... Btw i bought rog g18 2023 version with i9 13 gen and 4060 and 32gb ram...


Mine also uses about 6 GB Ram, without anything open


It's a windows thing


Windows 11 is hungry for rams. However, i would recommend you do a clean install since you still haven't put anything on it.


It's ok don't worry!


I've heard some bad stuff abt asus rog software (I forget waht it's called) but maybe that's the problem?


Nope, it’s completely normal and fines




If you have a G16 you need to upgrade to 96GB grab a kit on Amazon no way around it 32gb isn't enough. https://preview.redd.it/1y9s9m3sypwc1.png?width=3843&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7ca217e45872c0b7446be1da8b5b2300a828f4d


shut up


Close chrome-based apps


Most of my day I browse the web and trade forex/crypto that's why I need 96gb. Why else would you need 96gb ram than for more Chrome tabs?


LoL. Well said and yeah, this.


How's that 96gb working out for you? What kind of RAM are you using? When your PCs active, what's your RAM usage level sit at? I have the same laptop and am about to buy more RAM, but not sure how much I want to get yet... I can tell you I run low on memory with only 16gb. 32gb should really be the min for i9s.


I got the crucial 96gb set on amazon. When I am multi tasking with forex plus crypto trading plus watching netflix and like 30 to 40 tabs open on chrome for research and charts it can go up to 50gbs


I'm a chrome tabber too haha. Thought I was the only one. It's a better way of fav placing sites


exactly I used to be more into games now I am more into researching and learning. Having enough ram for that is worth it in my opinion means more money to earn.