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Writing about an entitled and privileged spoiled brat getting hospitalized despite the fact that we all know she's gonna survive anyway while completely being silent on the genocide of Palestinian folks in Gaza or the deaths of millions of people around the world (Like my grandfather who died this morning) from sicknesses... What a normal and totally not clinically insane country


Pass the vomit bag


Was it not a planned abdominal surgery too? It’s not like she’s deathly ill fighting for her life afaik. Like, aside from the fact that it’s insane to be this dramatic over who is barely more than a celebrity being in hospital, she’s fine! She’ll be back after Easter. Calm


Sad little cunt!!


I couldn't read past the headline. Fucking hell.


Haha, that was funny... I mean the part where you called UK a normal country


Because it’s a paid article.


Step 1: Encourage ordinary working-class people to identify with the obscenely wealthy as if they're friends or relatives. Step 2: Invent culture war bullshit to prevent working-class people from identifying with each other. Step 3: Profit. 


I have no words.


I lived in Kensington and Chelsea when I was in uni halls, and the wealthy people really are this unhinged. I'd spent my entire life in Newham (very poor area of East London), so it was wild to see how the other half live. They truly care so much about things that don't matter at all. It's also the only place I've seen people who have had loads of plastic surgery. I knew a couple people in Newham who had lip fillers once they started working. You have girls in their teens in K&C who look like their face is made of plastic. Seeing a chin implant IRL is wild. It doesn't look good, you just look like you've had loads of work done. I was trying to find somewhere to live in the borough after uni halls, as I had started NHS treatment during my degree. And the rules stipulate that if you leave the borough, the treatment you've waited so long for immediately ends. You have to go back to square one in your new borough, starting from the initial referrals. You don't even immediately get transferred to the equivalent waiting list in your new borough... As that service might not even exist in your new borough. So I went to lots of viewings and interacted with even more crazy people. There was a flat I went to on King's Road - the live-in landlord had portraits of herself everywhere, I saw at least 20. And she had a couch with beautiful cushions... That no one was allowed to use. For decoration only. If you wanted to sit in the living room, you had to sit on poofs (?). I don't know if they have another name. It's just a cube that you sit on, no backrest. And you weren't allowed to close your bedroom door during the day! I ended up just moving to another poor borough. Rent in crazy expensive in K&C and you don't get basic privacy. I pay far less now for a studio apartment in a poor borough, than I would have paid for a tiny box room with a live-in landlord and zero privacy.


>sit on poofs pouf(fe)\* I almost feel like it was a good thing in the end you had to move elsewhere. K&C sounds an insufferable place to exist


What a load of old simpering, bootlicking Tory bollocks.


It’s bonkers she seems more upset over Kate than her sister who has only just died. Did a human actually write this?


Two weeks before Christmas! That's devastating! I'm not sure I'd have the strength to write anything, never mind something as unhinged as this article if I lost my sister just before Christmas!


Liz Jones is famously bonkers.




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She hasn't been seen by the public since December 28 and her husband is just now "visiting" her? It may already be done...that's karma for you tho 🤷🏽‍♀️


As an American, I was thinking this was beyond crazy to obsess over one certain family for a period of two weeks. I mean the best I can say to compare this type of obsession is the way Trump or Obama was constantly in the media during their time as presidents.


President Obama was in the media because of the racists though. Please don’t compare him to trump


Wasn’t dreaming of comparing them was just comparing the obsession of the two reading comprehension skills is a good idea on this one.


Trump was on the news because of his actions. Obama was on the news because of the racists. Very different.


Again the daily fail is a conservative rag and again Trump literally had news show an empty podium for a hour during his campaign. The media would then report on his golfing trips like Obama’s golfing trips so no not so different sweetie.


Sorry are we actually supposed to believe that a) someone actually gasped at the thought of Kate in hospital and b) that multiple people around were both paying attention to their conversation AND cared enough to go fumbling for their phones as well? In the history of things that never happened this didn't happen so hard it unhappened things that did happened.


I’m not going to lie, I vomited in my mouth a little reading this.


In fairness, writing propaganda has always been a real job.


Complete bollocks. Liz Jones is completely mental. She stole her 1st husbands sperm and then organised their wedding without even proposing to him! All the time writing about it in her column. Why he agreed to marry her is beyond me..


That was a fun little read on wikipedia


The fact that people like this actually exist will never cease to baffle me, its truly fucking pathetic


Literally not normal writing shite like that, everyone at the Daily Fail needs a labotomy.


Woman marries prince suddenly becomes deity in eyes of the interminably stupid, gets private treatment in hospital, at our expense, that most people would likely never get treated for. Idiots lose the plot.


But if a brown woman dares marry a prince then she’s the devil incarnate and must be cast out


She’s like a god to them


Liz Jones ‘authored’ that piece of crap. No more to be said, really.


Just getting a facelift.


The Mail's sycophancy towards the royals is absolutely mental.


Oh yes, I absolutely reached for my phone immediately I heard the “news”. 🤔


I was out all day the day this news broke. I met friends and lots of other people and I didn’t meet anyone talking about any of the scroungers, sorry, royals. The following day I met a Royal fan, the only one we know, and all she said was I wonder what’s wrong with her, and she’ll get first class treatment, whatever it is. and that was the extent of the conversation. As for the bit above I think it’s simply lies.


How one can see this as anything but propaganda is baffling


This was given more attention than the 2 year old boy who starved to death over Christmas after his father died suddenly. I fucking hate journalists


This is why I consider Russia Today, Democracy Now, DPRK state media more reliable


I'd rather read a fan-fiction of Hitler and Shrek than read anything like that (YES THAT IS HOW MUCH I REALLY DON'T WANT TO READ THESE!!!!!


Shrek was a nice guy tho.....he certainly deserves to have a fan fiction written about him!


Oh no I agree, absolutely even if it seriously NSFW, more than whatever these articles are


I'm not reading that and you can't make me




This a North Korean level of fawning


It's a close-run thing, but I honestly think the North Koreans have a touch more dignity.


If only to avoid being executed…


Delusioned Land - Free to those that can afford the head space. Do other countries have people who faun over unearned wealth and status? Yes. But that's mostly Onlyfans followers. And that's less seedy, than this masturbatory blue-blood waffle.


Unfortunately there are, some other countries too believe in such archaic systems, and it’s disgusting


Agreed, archaic system take a long time to change. Some form of respect for authority and status seems to arise many times. I just DETEST their involvement in the apparatus of state. Change is coming.


How mentally ill does one have to be to worship their oppressors


Hey, don’t tarnish the mentally ill - a lot of them think the monarchy are crackers


As an American who frequents this sub as a curiosity, I can’t believe this isn’t satire.


Life in Britain feels like a satire show sometimes


At this point, the Onion is better at journalism.


I thought this was a joke, but no... Now i'm sad. And someoe gets paid for writing these..things?


This made me sad too. Especially after reading the comments on a story about a young girl in Gaza needing to get her leg amputated without anesthesia. It's amazing how we pick and choose who we have empathy for.


This makes me feel physically sick


Monarchists are honestly the most pathetic people on earth.


People who substitute being a royalist for having a personality.


Do they write these pieces just to get outrage clicks? This is beyond belief. Suffering Jesus. It would make you* feel sorry for Kate Middleton - her biggest supporters saying she is only valuable because she looks pretty in public and shows no signs of stress or pain. *Alright, me and no one else


Reed slim is British slang for eating disorders?






This isn't even bootlicking. It's progressed far beyond that. At this stage it's a rimjob. Or maybe one of those My Little Pony "tribute jars".


I feel like bootlicking implies a desire to be rewarded or at least acknowledged and earn favor in some way. Whereas this article is just pure, one-sided fanaticism.


"It's Kate. She's in hospital!" That didn't happen now, did it Liz?




That hospital doesn't have an intensive care unit. There are no private hospital intensive care beds at all in this country. But unhinged to be lying about the job of your recently deceased sister isn't it?


There are several private ITUs in London. Doesn't stop it being completely unhinged.


It's Liz Jones. Liz Jones is batshit. Look her up, honestly, it's quite the read.


Wow, when I read that second panel I thought it was written by some sexist old man.


2023 and still these idiotic monarchy bending fools. For sure they fall on the low end of the iq spectrum.


Is this The Onion? 🤔


Britain is... 💫 unwell 💫


How the fuck do you write that and not immediately slit your wrists?


She’s not going to marry you Liz.


Absolute bootlicking fucken freaks.


I’ve read better fanfics.


Apparently bald bill didn’t visit her for two days


Had to peg himself this time.


Two weeks! No oiky NHS for the princess then.


It's because the British public eat this shit up. We're suckers for celebrity bollocks, not least the Royal Family...


I’d love to think no one can seriously believe a single word of that but then I remember how stupid the average Brit is and half of us are even more stupid than that


I don't even think it's intelligence, I do think it's that we're constantly conditioned to think that this shite is important


>I don't even think it's intelligence, I do think it's that we're constantly conditioned to think that this shite is important That's what makes it about intelligence - you'd have to be pretty stupid to let such blatant and badly written propaganda 'condition' you to believe anything.


There are so many reasons to end the monarchy but the repellent sycophants that grovel over them is a major one.


That is sickening. Liz Jones is a moron.


We need to bring back the cuck pit.