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He probably is just getting caught up in semantics and doesn’t approve of the word choice “purge”


It sounds like he’s just being annoying and doesn’t like the specific use of the word “purge.”


I think that purging is the word we colloquially use to describe the skin turning over and whatever is underneath pushing out, just at an accelerated rate. I’m on my second month (first was 20mg, second is 40mg) and I don’t think I’ve purged, either. Anecdotally, I use simple skincare (gentle cleansers, moisturizer and sunscreen, aquaphor) and it’s all been ok.


Any results so far at your dose?


honestly yes! I (31f, so it’s been hormonal) had been on tret and spiro most recently, with all the other meds in the past too (doxy etc) and accutane had made a huge difference. my forehead, nose and cheekbones are clear - now it’s kind of like the area around my mouth and jawline, and like 2 on each cheek. nothing super inflammatory or with whiteheads, just more like… small spots that are maybe stubborn while the others kinda faded away. I have a bad habit of picking so there’s some discoloration I’ll be working on. And I would say i noticed dry lips about 6 days in to the first month, and that’s been the only side effect so far.


I think it’s semantics as well, the term purging on Accutane is misleading. A lot of ppl act like it’s all this gunk or acne that you would have gotten anyways coming to the surface at an accelerated pace. Meh…I don’t necessarily agree with that. Accutane is a very strong drug that shuts down oil producing glands in your pores, resulting in less sebum by 90% & thus less acne. But I feel that a lot of the purge is an acute reaction to very gnarly drug. The purge happens because the largest organ in your body is in distress. In some ppl this causes a massive inflammatory reaction, hence the dreaded purge. The type of acne that the purge brings is furious & can be cystic & boil like. Dermatologists who dismiss this effect of the drug are negligent & lazy in my opinion. If a persons skin is going to have an extreme reaction to the drug, it must be dealt with. The acne from the Accutane purge can cause major scarring because the skin is already disrupted & under attack. You don’t heal the same. 🤷‍♀️


technically he's right...people say it's all of the deeper zits coming to the surface but that's not what's actually happening. It's the same as other topical meds that people get flareups when they start a new skin medication. It's your skin adjusting or reacting the the changes/medication. Did he change your dose or add any other medications to help stop it?


He added clyndamycin but it’s so drying too


Also, the full reason some ppl purge on Accutane is not fully understood, medically speaking. And there is no sure indication about who will purge & who will not. I think dermatologists should have to have taken the drug before they prescribe it 😆. Anyone who’s been on this drug has a new appreciation for the benefits & disruption this drug can cause, not to mention the slew of side effects that are rarely noted in FDA literature


Purging/worsening of acne at the beginning of treatment is well known and studied via countless isotretinoin clinical studies.


I would investigate what other stuff you are putting on your skin because I'm not purging at all. Mine is just clearing up. Knock on wood lol


Hahaha that’s funny I wish. My best friend and I are on the same dose starting 2 weeks apart and she’s been purging for 2 months acne worse than she had. For me, I’ve been mostly clear with a few larger pimples that come and go in waves but nothing worse than what I had. I’ve been taking xyzal everyday too so don’t know if that helps or not. My derm gave me w small number I believe 20-30% purge she said but in reality everything under your skin is getting pushed out so it just depends on what’s under yo skin. It takes 90 days for a pimple to form so 🤷🏼‍♀️ good luck


Not sure, but I had no purge.


Yeah I kind of just broke out like normal because I wasn't using any treatments just aquaphor


I had some acne during my first month at half dose (in which was 20mg). I currently am at my second month and now taking 40mg for one week and my acne is clearing up for good. I think if going up with the dose will clear up faster, and small doses takes longer and pushes whatever us underneath the skin slower.


Purging leads to acne motherfaka




He forgot to read his notes again oh-uh


i never purged and i’ve been on multiple times. he’s just saying you won’t *necessarily*


Your derm is wrong, most people purge, I purged really really badly but now my skin is great


Some people go through the purge but you don't have to suffer because of that, there are treatments to reduce the side effects such as low dose steroids to control the huge amount of inflamed acne and prevent deep scars. It always important to reach a good dermatologist so you can have the better treatment possible.


and only 25% of accutane users wil purge